My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 229: Sky Eye Rotom, the Holy Fire is delivered!

This abandoned building is not far from the Eastern Battle Tower.

Walk there, about thirty minutes.

Using a high-powered telescope at a high place, you can clearly see the various scenes along the torch relay.

The torch relay is a big event for the people of the whole country, so the Ministry of Transportation of the Magic City has carried out traffic control on the torch relay early.

There are a total of seven streets, starting from the Magic Capital International Arena and ending at the Eastern Battle Tower.

The members of the Armed Forces have been placed along the streets, and they have mixed into the flow of ordinary citizens in plain clothes. -

"Can't we block every street?" Lu Cheng frowned, "Even if the other party's actions are predicted in advance, the risk to ordinary citizens is too great."

"Can not."

Guo Zhang said coldly, "We only intercepted the information yesterday through the polygonal beast. The members of the Galaxy Group must have already infiltrated the crowd."

"If the streets are blocked now, they will be forced to carry out suicide attacks!"

"Then how do we investigate the personnel of the Galaxy Group?" Xie Yuan asked.

At this moment, a researcher in a white coat with thick glass cover glasses came out.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Dr. Gao Cong from the Scientific Research Department."

"He is currently the youngest academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is also a core technical talent of our scientific research department."

Gao Cong held the glasses that were at least 1,000 degrees thick and as thick as glass covers and said, "The power of science and technology is great!"

"Everyone, please see, this is the current association's 'Sky Eye Rotom' system."

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by Gao Cong's laser pointer.

I saw a large Tolom LCD screen projected from the end of the pen, and the picture on the screen was the top view of Seven Streets.

And as the angle of view gets closer, the faces of every passerby are clear.

Even when the camera was automatically aimed at a strong man, the man's personal information suddenly popped up on the left side of the screen.

The eyes of everyone suddenly widened.

In the personal information list, in addition to the man's clear ID photo, there are all his personal information from childhood to adulthood.

Including being imprisoned for robbery, and committing crimes after being released from prison.

Immediately, the information automatically began to be compared with the "Sky Eye" system across the country, and it was found that this man had also appeared in the Galaxy Group operation in Yunnan.

In the picture of the camera, the man kept looking left and right, and suddenly, a poisonous powder moth suddenly stopped on his shoulder.

The man was about to drive him away, but his body kept twitching, and the members of the Armed Forces who were ambushing him quietly dragged him into the alley...

Looking at this scene, the expressions of the people present suddenly became strange.

"This 'Sky Eye Trom' is currently only in the testing stage, and this is the first time it has been officially put into use." Gao Cong said solemnly, "Please rest assured, I will do my best to ask my superiors not to put the It's used in civilian ways."

There was a burst of embarrassed laughter at the scene.

"Okay, don't be bitter." Guo Zhang said, "Why are you so afraid? This is a kind of protection for your wives and children!"

Indeed, under the "Sky Eye" system, the members of the Galaxy Cluster are almost invisible.

So the focus is only on checking the hood and the remote alleys that cannot be covered by the eyes of the sky.

Lu Cheng took a deep breath.

In any case, this is also quite a daunting task!

At this moment, a red figure suddenly flashed across Lu Cheng's mind.

After the assignment was over, he found Guo Zhang.

"Flaming bird?" A hint of surprise flashed across Guo Zhang's face.

"That's right." Lu Cheng nodded and said, "It appeared over the hall at the end of the opening ceremony, and the temperature at that time had obviously risen."

"Are you sure it's not the Fierce Arrow Eagle?" Guo Zhang frowned.

"My nine tails are particularly sensitive to fire energy. At that time, the energy in the sky was exactly the same as that of Tu Ming's flame bird."

Guo Zhang pondered, turned to Gao Cong and said, "Dr. Gao, can you call up the picture from the sky at that time?"

Gao Cong tried it and shook his head in frustration.

Guo Zhang originally didn't believe that two flaming birds would appear at the same time, but Lu Cheng's words made him take it seriously.

"I will contact Mr. Tu Ming." Guo Zhang said solemnly, "Although this is not within the purview of the Ministry of Armed Forces, I will use the identity of the association to apply to him for assistance."

If the Galaxy Group can really master the flame bird, only the Fire Element Heavenly King Tu Ming can fight it.

However, when two flaming birds collide, what kind of earth-shattering scene will it be?

Guo Zhang couldn't help shivering.

He would rather believe that Lu Cheng was just wrong.

"Okay, I will handle this matter." Guo Zhang patted Lu Cheng's shoulder and said sternly,

"This time the task is quite arduous, but don't worry, the association will definitely not treat you badly!"


The people along the way are quite enthusiastic.

In the face of the grand occasion of the torch relay, there were even a lot of people running with them.

A straight bear wearing a colorful flag rushed into the guardrail set up by the traffic police.

Just when they were in a hurry to drive the straight bear out, the mutation protruded.

Seeing a hooded man take out a Poké Ball from his arms, the two members of the Armed Forces looked at each other at the same time.


Like a cheetah, the two members stepped forward and threw the hooded man to the ground.

With a heart-wrenching scream, the hooded man's arm was screwed directly behind his back.

A Poké Ball rolled down.

"Don't move, Armed Forces!"

But at this moment, there was a piercing scream from the crowd.


I saw a pool of colorful stinky mud was dragging the ankle of an urban beauty.

Her face had turned pale, and the strong stench made her nauseous.

But the dirty silt had crawled up her thighs!


Fortunately, a swimming ring ferret used a water gun to disperse the stinky mud in time. The man was quick-witted and pulled Liren out of the quagmire.

She was soaked all over, her face was pale and she said, "Well, what's going on?"

Before anyone could answer her, the surrounding crowd suddenly screamed.

One after another white light appeared in the crowd. Seeing that their whereabouts were exposed, the men in hoods took out Pokeballs one after another.

The crowd scattered one after another and ran towards both ends in a panic.

Even the guardrail in the center of the road was swept away by the flow of people, and people suddenly ran to the empty street.

The torch relay was interrupted!

The torchbearer turned his head blankly, obviously this scene was not within his cognizance.

At this moment, a screaming big-mouthed bat opened its **** mouth and rushed towards his face.

The torchbearer was also an athlete, so he avoided it subconsciously.

And the big-mouthed bat directly fanned its wings to the flaming torch.

A strong wind came, and the flames fell slightly.

After that, there was another "swoosh" sound that suddenly jumped up!

However, the big-mouthed bat's wings were directly ignited, and the burning became more intense, causing the big-mouthed bat to scream in pain.

"Why didn't you wait until the Eastern Battle Tower to shoot!"

From the earphones, the collector's roar came, "Which idiot moved first!"

"It should be impossible to hide."

Just now, Wang Yingjie looked through the magnifying glass and watched as no less than ten members were defeated one by one by the Armed Forces.

If you don't act again, you will be wiped out before you reach the Eastern Battle Tower!

"Are we going to take action now?" Sophia turned to Wang Yingjie and blinked her bright eyes.

"Wait." Wang Yingjie raised the telescope.

In that man's plan, the members of the Galaxy Group who were shooting now were supposed to die.

The purpose is to catch out those elite members of the Armed Forces, and Wang Yingjie and others are responsible for containing and even destroying them.

Of course, the most crucial task is to draw out the divine beast hidden in the dark. UU reading

Emperor Yan!

The collector was already furious, and he shouted: "I don't care what you think, I'm going to see that charming lion now!"

A chirping sound resounded through the sky!

Sophia raised her head unconsciously, in her beautiful big eyes, a beautiful big bird made of flames flew from the far side, leaving a scarlet trail in the air.

"That's right, that's it, baby, burn those idiots down!" the collector screamed in a maddened voice on the walkie-talkie.

And that flaming bird has also flown to the heights of the street, slowly spreading its orange wings.

A terrifying flame vortex is brewing on its wings.

This flaming bird actually obeys the collector!

Sophia's eyes widened in surprise.

But Wang Yingjie still didn't move.

When it comes to battles between divine beasts, they are no longer allowed to intervene.

They have other tasks to do!

However, at this moment, a violent cough came from the earphones.

"I exposed." Watanabe said weakly.


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