My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 260: Water Tail and Flying Leaf Storm

Just when all the colleges and universities started to study this team that made it to the top sixteen, Lu Cheng and his party had already arrived at Wangfujing, the famous imperial capital.

As a reward for defeating Shanghai Jiaotong University, Chen Dayong has already said that he will pay for all the consumption today.

After all, there are high-intensity competitions almost every day, and the combination of work and rest is also very important!

"Buy some appetizers first." Chen Dayong said with a smile, "Let's go to Quanjude later!"

The night is falling, but the neighborhood with the plaques is still brightly lit, the smell is fragrant, and the cries are endless.

"Spicy and dull animal tail, not spicy without money!

"Iron plate octopus barrel whiskers! Three pieces for a bunch, three pieces for ten dollars!"

"Grilled Lada, freshly grilled Lada, Radha that has just suffered from heat stroke!"

Lu Cheng's face darkened.

As expected of the well-known elf snack street, it really sells elf ingredients as its selling point!

I saw that Luo Yun had already come to a booth, and the braided mutton on the barbecue was shiny and sizzling.

"Boss, put more cumin and green onion!" Luo Yun wiped the corners of his mouth and said.

Xiong Lingyao took Deng Ruyun to buy candied haws.

And Gao Chi was standing in front of a booth with Jiang Zhuo, with dignified expressions on their faces.

"Do you want to eat?" Jiang Zhuo said.

"If you dare to eat it, I will eat it." Gao Chi said.

"Okay." Jiang Zhuo nodded cautiously, "Boss, two strings of fried iron armor pupae!"


The two of them chewed expressionlessly, and suddenly their expressions changed.

"How does it taste?" Lu Cheng swallowed and asked.

"Chicken taste." Gao Chi extended his thumb and said, "Crackling!"

Lu Cheng felt that the snack streets all over the country were nothing more than this kind of tricks, but he saw Zhuge Hui walking over with a bowl of strong-smelling snacks.

"Suck it—"

The faces of everyone suddenly turned blue.

"Soybean juice." Zhuge Hui pushed his glasses and said kindly, "Want to try it?"


After strolling around Wangfujing, everyone came to the famous Quanjude.

It wasn't until the trolley came up and the little soldier wearing a chef's hat started to slice his skin, Lu Cheng asked the young lady next to him in a low voice, "Is this really a green onion duck?"

"Yes." Miss Sister smiled, "Don't worry, it's all farmed!"

Breeding and eating elves is legal all over the world. After all, the competitiveness of ordinary animals is too low compared to elves.

In addition to roasted duck with green onions, there are also fried noodles with cucumber shreds, as well as special pastries such as donkey rolling.

I have to say, eating roast duck while watching the skin of the judao soldier is really a pleasing thing to the eyes.

After having a full meal, the group returned to the Xiebao Hotel and began to prepare for the next game.

There is still about a week before the quarterfinals.

The losing team can no longer stay at the Shy Bao Hotel, and as the team continues to advance, the team that still stays in will enjoy more luxurious treatment and services.

As far as the top eight teams are concerned, they can enjoy the professional training facilities in the back mountain, and there is no need to worry about affecting other teams.

And the top four teams can even directly stay in the presidential suite on the top floor, with a bird's-eye view of the Banshan Manor.

Lu Cheng took the carp dragon to the back mountain as usual, and asked the hotel manager to bring buckets of energy cubes.

Looking at the heroic force that was busy carrying energy cubes, Lu Cheng couldn't help sighing.

When the game is over, how will the food expenses of the Tyrannosaurus be adjusted?

A few million is not enough for this kid to eat in a few months!

Of course, Lu Cheng can also choose to increase the concentration of the energy block and use quality instead of quantity.

But all of this also needs to be carefully pondered after the competition is over.


The popularity of the competition has been fermenting. After the Group B competition officially ended, the final list of the top 16 was also released.

Jinling Normal University created the best results in the history of the school, and successfully entered the top sixteen under the leadership of Tang Le.

Jianghan University also advanced without any surprise, becoming one of the most promising teams in this league.

And Jinling University defeated Jiangnan Normal University with a slight advantage.

In that game, the fangtooth land shark, which evolved in a desperate situation, almost lifted the entire team to the top sixteen, but unfortunately, it finally fell under the overconfident rogue alligator.

Whether these sixteen teams are strong or weak has become a "Nikkei post" on the Elf forum, with various rankings and analyses emerging one after another.

Unlike the noisy outside world, the various top sixteen teams were very calm, all preparing for the quarterfinals.

In the past few days, Lu Cheng has been training the new moves of the Lizard King and Tyrannosaurus.


Walking along the end of the stream, there is a lake that is as clear as blue, so wide that it can accommodate the entire body of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon.

I saw the Tyrannosaurus carp dragon swimming freely in the lake water, with huge waves splashing from its tail fins.

And the Lizard King stood on the tree trunk, training Ye Blade's moves.

Through the yellow pouch on the back, the Lizard King can condense a large number of flying leaves. As long as the energy is sufficient, there is even a prototype of the flying leaf storm.

What Lu Cheng asked the Lizard King to do was to gather the largest number of flying leaves as possible, and then launch them at the same time.

For the Lizard King, who is good at melee moves, this is a big test.

But Lu Cheng was still full of confidence in the Lizard King.

After all, how can a swordsman not have unlimited sword control?

Lu Cheng used the principle of infinite sword control to train the Lizard King's "Flying Leaf Storm" move!

Utilize the energy in the back pocket to condense a large number of flying leaves, and then... launch it in one go!

"Lizard King, use Flying Leaf Storm!" Lu Cheng said loudly.


I saw the Lizard King leap into the air, the crystal energy gathered on its arm, and dozens of sharp blades appeared in front of him!


The sound of breaking wind rang out, and the flying leaves fell to the tyrannical carp dragon in the lake like a shower, only to hear a roar.

"Tyrannosaurus, defend with the water tail!"

The huge tail fin directly raised waves several meters high, like a small tsunami, directly swallowing the crystal flying leaves.

But there are still several afterimages piercing out of the water one by one, like a flying sword with a handle hitting the red tyrannical carp dragon in the center of the lake!

Seeing that Ye Ren was about to land on the body of the tyrannical carp dragon, Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed and he shouted: "The tyrannical carp dragon, the water splashes!"

Lu Cheng's tyrannical carp dragon has mastered the water splash to the point of is almost instinctive, the tyrannical carp dragon leaps several meters high, dodging a lot of flying with gorgeous and shocking movements. leaf.

And the remaining leaves fell on the steel-like scales of the tyrannical carp dragon, and the sparks flew, but they did not leave any marks at all.

The tyrannical carp dragon, who fell into the water again, was so excited that he shouted to the sky.

Finally turned over to be the master!

Finally, I don't have to be bullied by the Lizard King!

Looking at the extremely excited Violent Carp Dragon, Lu Cheng laughed dumbly.

After all, he has mastered a new move, which makes this kid proud!

And the Lizard King's eyes narrowed, and a sneer appeared on his mouth.

It was you who made the carp dragon float away,

Or am I, the Lizard King, unable to hold a sword?


Picking up the bone sword, the Lizard King jumped up, and with a flash of electric light, he almost walked on the waves!


The tyrannical carp dragon fled wildly in the lake, splashing thousands of waves.

(The following picture is mosaic because it is too brutal)



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