My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 263: Predict future

"Sichuan University has suffered from the loss of the venue." Chen Dayong said with a grim expression, "With such a narrow terrain, it is impossible to take advantage of the elf's size!"

"Furthermore, the mist interferes with the trainer's judgment." Deng Ruyun said with a frown, "But Modu University obviously has conducted corresponding training."

A dense fog covered the entire field.

Amid the white mist where the five fingers could not be seen, Ning Qian'er's clear eyes actually glowed with a faint blue light.

"Predict the future." Ning Qian'er said softly.

For Ning Qian'er, the user who foresees the future is not Shanaido, but herself!

In her vision, she saw the image of the future.

Luo Qing directed Boss Cordola to use metallic sounds to determine his position, which also slowed Gengar's movements.

The next moment, the purgatory of the fiery beast directly trapped Genggui, and immediately put it into a desperate situation.

At the end of the video, Ning Qian'er's already fair skin became even paler. She shook her body, but fortunately, Lu Ning supported her in time.

"It doesn't matter, right?" Lu Ning asked worriedly.

Ning Qian'er shook her head weakly, and said with a chuckle, "Shanaido, magic shines!"

In an instant, a dazzling white light illuminated the entire venue!

Boss Cordola couldn't help but look away, and even the clanging metallic sound turned into a roar.

The entire venue instantly regained its light, and Geng Ghost got into the rock pillar in time, avoiding the howling flames.


The rock pillar burst instantly.

But the flames gathered by Shanaido's superpowers fell from the sky like a sharp sword, burning every elves of Shuchuan University!

When the vision was disturbed, none of the elves of Sichuan University were spared!

Even the body of the flaming beast ignited a strange white flame, causing it to roar in pain.

Ding Lei was extremely shocked: "This is the biggest hit in the league so far!"

Under the light, Boscodora only felt darkness in front of her eyes, waving her metal claws furiously.

But Geng Ghost floated in front of its eyes, and it was a shadow ball against his face.


The black energy exploded on Boscodora's face, and the explosion with astonishing power immediately caused the audience to exclaim.

At the same time, the golden light flashed, and the long-awaited Bi Diao directly used the Divine Bird Impact to take away the Blazing Beast.

And Lu Ning's Mrs. Hua Jie, like a dignified and elegant lady, just took root in the back of the field, while enjoying the battle of the elves with a parasol.

It wasn't until Long Longyan rolled towards her like an iron man, that she lazily stretched out a vine and tensed with a "pop".

Tie the grass knot!

Longlongyan fell directly to the ground, and the wind speed dog stepped on Longlongyan and stared at the remaining elves in the field like a king.


The wind speed dog let out a low growl, and the figure hurried out, the speed was even faster than Jin Cang's and Diao's!

On the rocky field with strange rocks, the wind speed dog jumped from side to side with a vigorous posture, and directly tore into the formation of Sichuan University, and the quenched fangs bit on the extremely hard steel helmet of Boscodora.

Bosco Dora was in pain and waved out the steel tail, but when he saw the side of the wind speed dog, he avoided directly.


The indestructible steel tail directly smashed the ground into a cobweb-like crack!

"Shanaido." Ning Qian'er's pale face showed a determined look, "Magic shines!"

Under Shanaido's once again full-screen killing, the elves of Shuchuan University were finally unable to resist and declared their defeat.

Although Luo Qing seized the opportunity and let Boscodora defeat Gengar with the metal claws, he was unable to recover.


With a big victory, Modu University proved their unparalleled suppressive power in the team competition!

With the end of this game, the forum once again set off a discussion about the strength of Modu University.

And almost everyone began to pay attention to that little-known little girl—

Ning Qianer.

It was this little girl who commanded the overall situation in the team competition and seriously injured her opponent several times.

Even Modu University is even forming new tactics around this girl.

Where exactly is this Ning Qian'er sacred?

This question is like a huge question mark, hovering in the hearts of everyone.

"Who is this Ning Qian'er? I can't find any information about her on the Internet!"

"The daughter of the Moduning family, who else do you think there is?"

"I urge you to be cautious in your words and deeds, or you may see a moustache standing by your bed tonight when you open your eyes."

"What a joke, can it still kill me?"

"Is everyone like this now? There are no people when we chat?"

"404 Warning!"

Lu Cheng put down his phone with a strange expression.

To be honest, in the team competition of Modu University, he noticed something was wrong.

This is not right, not from the inside, but from the outside.

When Geng Gui entered the enemy line, Ning Qian'er had no reason to disarm the mist field.

However, just when Boscodora was about to counterattack, her Shanaido couldn't help providing assistance to Gengar, and inflicted heavy damage on the opponent.

This can no longer be explained by intuition, or by luck.

Lu Cheng pondered.

He has already seen Li Yixing's waveguide power, which also means that there are other supernatural powers in this world.

And this Ning Qian'er obviously also has one of these abilities!

"This will be troublesome." Lu Cheng murmured,

"I don't know if the nine-tailed superpower can withstand this Shanaido..."

That night, the tactics room.

After the replay of the match between Modu University and Shuchuan University, everyone's faces were grim.

The excellent performance of Modu University means that they will face a Modu University with a different and even stronger play style.

If it was a personal battle with bayonet, it would be fine. After all, the personal strength of this year's Jiangnan University players is quite outstanding.

The key is that the team competition of Modu University is too oppressive.

Even if he leads the individual competition, if he can't solve Shanaido of Modu University, it is very likely that he will be beaten into the 5:1 situation like today, or even shave his head, and be turned over in one fell swoop.

The tactical room was silent.

"I know what you are thinking." Chen Dayong said solemnly, "But compared to this, tomorrow's game is more important!"

"If you don't even respect your opponents, it's your own choice to stop in the quarter-finals!"

After hearing Chen Dayong's words, everyone became a little bit more active.

"In the case of Jinling Normal University, let's use the same tactics used to fight the Demon City Jiaotong University."

Zhuge Hui suggested, "After all, their personal strength is not strong, so it can also put pressure on them."

"Yeah, let Brother Cheng be the first to play, maybe it's a Luo Yun said with a smile.

"No." Unexpectedly, Chen Dayong looked around the crowd and said solemnly, "For tomorrow's individual competition, Lu Cheng will not play."

"What?" Everyone said in unison.

"I think you are relying too much on Lu Cheng." Chen Dayong sneered, "Is this a one-man game? Or are you just here to get a place?"

Lu Cheng coughed a little awkwardly.

Although he was complimenting him, the depressing atmosphere made him not very happy.

"Also, Gao Chi and Deng Ruyun will not play either." Chen Dayong snorted coldly, "Those who didn't play in the last individual battle will be the first to play tomorrow!"

Deng Jiawen was taken aback.

Looking at Chen Dayong, Deng Jiawen stammered, "Me?"

Chen Dayong nodded and said, "Come on, I have great expectations for you."

"And you, squad leader." I saw Chen Dayong looking at Zhuge Hui and said, "I hope you will participate in this game not as an assistant teacher, but as a player."

Zhuge Hui was stunned for a moment, and immediately, an excited look appeared in his eyes.

"Definitely the mission!" Zhuge Hui shouted loudly.



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