My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 306: The ignorant are doomed

Looking at Darkrai with a face, Lu Cheng silently supported his forehead.

Is the flash of electricity strong?

It is indeed very strong. If used in conjunction with the Lizard King's Iai Slash, it would even be one of Lu Cheng's ultimate moves.

But the problem is, Darkrai is obviously good at special attack!


Thinking back to the scene just now, Darkrai's flash of lightning seemed to be different from the normal one.

"Can you use it again?" Lu Cheng frowned, "It's just the way of attacking with shadows."

Darkrai nodded.

The next moment, it suddenly appeared behind the skill target, and its sharp claws crossed a cold light.

Looking at the numbers displayed on the screen, Lu Cheng fell into contemplation.

Although the power value is still worrying, there is still something worth digging into.

First of all, Darkrai, like Gengar, has the innate ability to burrow into the shadows.

This also made its lightning flash, and it was even more difficult to guard against than the Lizard King.

Secondly, Lu Cheng knew that Darkrai could comprehend the "surprising blow" technique.

If Darkrai entered the shadow first, using the high mobility of the unexpected blow, almost no elves could avoid its attack!

Even, this trick can be combined with shadow clones to the point of being unpredictable!

There was a sneer at the corner of Lu Cheng's mouth.

The ignorant are doomed!

"This move is quite good." Lu Cheng said with satisfaction.

"Next time, you and the Lizard King will do lightning training together!"

In addition to flashes of lightning, Lu Cheng's Darkrai also mastered immobilization, hypnotism, and strange winds.

Among them, immobilization and hypnotism are similar to control skills, and as for the strange wind, it is an airflow formed by using ghost energy.

However, since he was just born, Darkrai is not very skilled in using these moves.

As the Nightmare God's housekeeping skills, Darkrai's hypnotism was even blown away by the Nine Tails.

"I've never practiced this before..."

Darkrai poked his fingers and said weakly, "Wherever I went before, people there naturally fell asleep."

That's because Darkrai, who has lived for 10,000 years, has used hypnotism to the point where it can be freely retracted.

Lu Cheng shook his head and said helplessly, "Didn't you hypnotize me when you were in the spiritual world?"

"That big-mouthed baby was created by you based on my memory?"

Darkrai glanced at Lu Cheng cautiously, and said, "In general, dreams are the projection of subconsciousness and desire."

"I don't have the ability to control dreams yet, I can only change it a little according to the other party's nightmare..."

The projection of desire?

Thinking of the gentle and lovely senior sister in the dream, Lu Cheng's old face flushed and he coughed:

"Then your parents have reached the level of manipulating dreams?"

Darkrai nodded excitedly and said, "At that time, the red moon you saw was my father's masterpiece."

"And also, those ghosts like zombie siege are all what my father saw from the movie!"

Lu Cheng couldn't help but feel ashamed.

What movie did that old monster watch?

"I have another question."

Lu Cheng pondered, "If I was really killed by a ghost in a dream, what would happen to my body?"

"At light, he will become a vegetative person." Darkrai said solemnly, "At worst, he will die on the spot!"

Lu Cheng frowned.

This involves the blow of the spiritual dimension.

If someone uses Darkrai to commit a crime, it can even achieve a real perfect crime!

"Have you seen Inception?"

Darkrai said excitedly, "My father told me that as long as he wanted, he could easily achieve multiple dreams!"

"And those elves who fall into a dream will easily lose their ability to fight."

Darkrai said proudly, "The more complicated the dream, the less chance of escaping the nightmare!"

"The reason why you can get out of the nightmare is because I am not strong enough..."

Darkrai glanced at Lu Cheng and muttered softly.

Lu Cheng was lost in thought.

This ability to control dreams and even use nightmares to kill enemies should be Darkrai's nightmare characteristics.

And that old monster that has lived for ten thousand years has developed this feature to the extreme.

Although it is not very practical in elves battles, if it is used directly on trainers, it is a real dimensionality reduction blow!

If Darkrai can master this ability...

Lu Cheng's expression gradually became strange.

Why did you develop more and more in the direction of "killing trainers" instead of "killing elves"?


Lu Cheng coughed dryly, "You first train your hypnotism with Nine Tails."

"Wait until you are proficient in hypnotism, and then consider transforming your dreams!"

Darkrai floated into the air happily.

For it, there is nothing more pleasant than entering someone else's dream!

When its strength is complete, you can go and see the master's little secret!

Ku Ku Ku —

Lu Cheng summed up Darkrai's training direction.

First, use the flash of electric light to train Darkrai's speed, so as to realize the surprise attack as soon as possible.

Second, combine it with hypnotism and try to discover Darkrai's nightmare characteristics.

There's nothing to say about the surprise attack, the instant prison shadow killing formation is over.

As for the Nightmare feature, although Lu Cheng had a very bold idea, he still had to consider it practically.

"Reforming dreams..."

Lu Cheng touched his chin, and muttered to himself, "I remember that Dream Eclipse and Cresselia are also related to dreams."

"For the time being, the God of Beautiful Dreams will leave it alone, but Ning Qian'er has raised a Mengmeng eclipse."

"When the gym is on tour, let's go to Tiansheng gymnasium..."

Just like that, Lu Cheng stayed in the school's training room for another week.

In this week, Darkrai's lightning flash has made great progress.

Looking at this Assassin floating behind him, full of evil spirits, Lu Cheng couldn't help sighing.

How do you feel that your talent tree looks crooked?

The Lizard King is obviously a special attacker, but Lu Cheng is also good at swordsmanship.

A brittle elf like the Variety Monster became a team meat shield at Lu Cheng's place.

As for Darkrai, he is about to develop in the direction of the Lord of Shadow Streams.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng was not only indifferent, but even placed an order for a "substitute" CD.

Darkrai can comprehend shadow avatars by himself.

But before that, Lu Cheng decided to use the "substitute" move first to complete Darkrai's Instant Prison Shadow Killing Array.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lu Cheng's mouth.

If you are allowed to do it all over again...

Not right!

It is the invisible blade, the most deadly!

On weekends, while the training room was empty, Lu Cheng arrived at Yixin Gym early in the morning.

Gao Minglang, who opened the door for Lu Cheng, yawned and said, "Stinky boy, next time I come again, I have to charge you!"

At this moment, a head wearing a straw hat emerged from behind Gao Minglang.

"Master, long time no see!"



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