My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 326: Self-propelled air conditioner icicle

Lu Cheng didn't realize that after he left, rumors of "mysterious beautiful girls" spread in Jiangnan University.

This rumor has intensified. Along with "Lu Cheng's younger sister", there are more strange remarks such as "idol trainer", "debut for brother" and so on.

Of course, Lu Cheng had no idea about all this.

The purpose of his trip to Jiangnan University was to ask Professor Liu Bosheng to see if he could find an opportunity to revive Regais.

As for Liu Bosheng's character, Lu Cheng is quite trustworthy.

Jiangnan University Research Institute.

Fang Weiyue was holding the fairy Ibrahimovic to trim flowers and plants in the courtyard. When she saw the person coming, she immediately said in amazement, "Lu Cheng?"

"Is the doctor there? I have something to look for."

Fang Weiyue looked Lu Cheng up and down, smiled and said, "He has been talking about you for a long time, saying that you haven't come to him for so long!"

"I'm not practicing everywhere." Lu Cheng sighed.

"I only got two badges so far. I don't know if I can catch up with the national competition in August."

"Take your time." Fang Weiyue said with a smile, "After all, those who have participated in national competitions within two years of their debut are all outstanding."

"Let's go, the doctor should have finished his research."

Walking into the research room, Lu Cheng saw that Liu Bosheng was still in that fiery appearance, and scolded:

"I sprinkled energy cubes on the paper, and the data of the dumb beast is better than yours!"

Several white coats looked like they were submissive.

When Liu Bosheng looked at Lu Cheng, he suddenly showed a bright smile.

"Yo, what wind brought you here!"

Lu Cheng said softly, "Doctor, I have something very important to ask for your help this time."

"Is that so..."

Liu Bosheng nodded and said sternly, "Everyone else should go back first!"

Listening to Lu Cheng's story, Liu Bosheng's face suddenly showed an incomparably wonderful look.

He swallowed and stammered, "You mean, you caught a Regais in the ice cave?"

"Do you also know this kind of spirit?"

Lu Cheng said curiously, "I thought this kind of divine beast should be very rare."

"It's not uncommon."

Liu Bosheng pondered, "In the illustrated book, it actually includes this kind of icicle-shaped elves."

"But it was discovered by a foreign scientific expedition team in Antarctica, and it was not captured. According to the transliteration, it was called Regais."

"There is even a Regais in China, and it was captured by you."

Liu Bosheng's expression became strange, and he said carefully: "This is quite... quite rare!"

Lu Cheng coughed dryly and said, "Doctor, my situation is a bit special, you can see it for yourself."

He took out the advanced ball, the red light flashed, and an air-conditioning made the temperature of the entire institute drop below freezing.

Liu Bosheng shivered, but his eyes showed extremely high enthusiasm for scientific research.

"This is the legendary ice pillar?"

Lu Cheng nodded.

"I caught it in an ice cave, a building similar to a palace."

Lu Cheng explained, "After the battle with me, it fell into a deep sleep, and until now there is no sign of waking up."

Liu Bosheng put on his glasses and looked around Regais carefully, tsk tsk tsk in amazement.

"Okay, you can take it back."

In just a few minutes after Regais appeared, the research room was covered with a thin layer of frost.

This is equivalent to Regais with a self-propelled air conditioner, which made Lu Cheng feel a sense of happiness.

In summer, you can save electricity bills again!

"Its structure is quite simple." Liu Bosheng frowned.

"But with the cold air that comes with it, even the flame of a fire elves won't melt it at all."

Lu Cheng nodded.

In the battle in the ice cave, even if the Nine-tails used the sacred fire, the damage to Regais was quite limited.

If the flames were to be used to forcibly awaken Regais, the strength of the Nine-Tails alone would not be enough.

"By the way, Doctor, I also found this in the ice cave."

Lu Cheng took out the icicle slate and handed it to Liu Bosheng.

In the ice cave, it was this icicle slab that awakened Regais.

But after the Lizard King took out the slate, the icicle slate seemed to dissipate its energy, and the icy blue became a little dull.

Maybe there are other secrets hidden on this slate.

Liu Bosheng let out a light hum, took the slate, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"wait for me!"

With that said, Liu Bosheng put the powder of the icicle slate in front of the microscope, and after fiddling for a long time, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Did you find anything?"

"The ice energy on this slate was originally quite full." Liu Bosheng pushed his glasses and said,

"However, now the energy in this slate is running out."

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

Could it be that it was because it provided Regais with energy?

"You can think of this slate as a large power bank."

Liu Bosheng sighed, "And the capacity of this power bank is really astonishing, more than ten times larger than ordinary non-melting ice."

Lu Cheng's eyes lit up.

"Then can I use the unmelted ice to provide energy to this icicle slate, and then wake up Regais?"

"That's a good idea."

Liu Bosheng touched his chin and said, "But unmelted ice in high years is quite rare, even on the black market, it's worthless."

Lu Cheng smiled.

In his storage space, there are also a lot of ice stones and unmelted ice.

In case it's not enough, he can also speak to the head of the ice cave, Gou.

No matter how bad it is, he can ask Han Qing for it!

"I still have a piece of non-melting ice here." Lu Cheng handed it to Liu Bosheng and said, "Doctor, try to study it first, if it's not enough, then mention it to me!"

Liu Bosheng carefully looked at the non-melting ice.

"My dear, the years without melting ice are not low!"

"Doctor, I'll leave this to you."

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "If you can really wake up I believe this year's 'Naughty Thunderball Award', you will definitely not be able to run!"

A hint of surprise flashed in Liu Bosheng's eyes.

"You mean, you want to announce the Regais thing?"

Lu Cheng nodded and pondered: "I originally planned, if possible, to let Regais appear in the national competition."

"Instead of hiding it, it's better to publish it now in the scientific research community, so that Regais can be labeled as me personally."

"In this way, no matter where the elf hunter is, they will never choose to shoot an elf with an exclusive label."

Liu Bosheng nodded and said with a smile: "Indeed, if Regais can really be awakened, when it comes to the trainer of the Ice God Pillar, I will only think of you first."

"Put the slate and non-melting ice with me first. As for Regais, you should put it away first. Before that, you must not worry about being targeted!"

"Do not worry!"

Lu Cheng smiled, but his eyes were awe-inspiring.

With his current strength, he definitely has the level of a gym owner.

And if there is really a elf hunter who doesn't have long eyes to stare at him, then you have to measure your own strength first!


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