My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 332: pay a New Year call! Senior sister comes to the door

In the research room, Liu Bosheng said solemnly, "You should write the report on the discovery of Regais yourself."

"If this kind of fairy in myth is confirmed, it will be of great help to you."

Lu Cheng said gratefully, "Thank you, Professor Liu!"

Liu Bosheng said with a smile, "I should thank you for adding another professor to our research institute!"

Once Regais's paper is successfully published, let alone a senior researcher, Lu Cheng will even have the opportunity to obtain the title of professor in one step.

Hearing the Tao has precedents. Although he is young, Lu Cheng's achievements in academia are absolutely worthy of the title of professor.

Thinking of the title of "Professor Lu", Lu Cheng couldn't help grinning.

What is the blooming of both literary and stylistic?

Before leaving, Liu Bosheng reminded: "By the way, there is one more thing!"

"The flame seems to be able to forcibly awaken Regais." Liu Bosheng said solemnly,

"But it's not enough to rely on your nine tails, at least it must be at the level of the fire king."

"If you can ask Tu Tianwang, maybe you can ask his flame bird to help."

Lu Cheng pondered: "I'll try my best."


Liu Bosheng groped for his pockets, took out a red envelope from his white coat and handed it to Lu Cheng, smiled and said:

"Happy New Year."


Three days later, a scientific research paper signed by Lu Cheng was published in "Science of the Spirits".

In the paper, the existence of the legendary elf, Regais, is confirmed with detailed data and examples.

The details of this paper even made one have to wonder if Lu Cheng really caught a Regais.

However, scientists from all over the world spoke highly of this paper.

So much so that when it comes to ancient ruins and eternal elves, Lu Cheng's paper is always cited.

Some experts even said that the discovery of this scientific research achievement is expected to compete for the gold award of this year's scientific research summit.

For a time, Lu Cheng became the unparalleled celebrity in the scientific research world.

However, Lu Cheng refused all interviews and continued to concentrate on the training of elves.

After all, his job is still a trainer.

The title of professor is nothing more than to pave the way for the appearance of Regais in the future.

At this moment, Lu Cheng, who was promoted to professor, is quietly enjoying the Spring Festival time.

"Brother, Happy New Year!"

Ding Chong, who had not seen him for a long time, applied for a full scholarship and sent his entire family to the Magic City.

In the New Year's greeting video, Ding Yi, who loves to cry, is also very handsome.

She grinned, showing her teeth that were being replaced, and couldn't help blushing.

Classmates, school team members, and colleagues from the Armed Forces Department also sent their blessings to Lu Cheng.

To Lu Cheng's surprise, he actually received a blessing from Hu Sheng.

Hu Sheng: Happy New Year (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻, see you in the national competition this year if you have the courage!

Lu Cheng shook his head with a smile. At this moment, the phone vibrated.

It's a message from my senpai.

Senior Sister: This year...whose house do you go to?


At the beginning of the lights, a family of three was staying in the living room.

Lu's mother continued to criticize as usual, while Lu's father yawned, his eyes lit up and said:

"Chengcheng, where did you buy this scarf?"

Lu Cheng wore a red scarf around his neck.

And Lu Cheng hugged Jiuwei, feeling warm all over, and said lazily, "You can't buy it outside!"

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Dad Lu was about to get up.

"Wait!" Lu Cheng yelled, "I'll open the door!"

The second old man looked at Lu Cheng suspiciously.

Lu Cheng opened the door and breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, but he felt a sense of emptiness in his heart.

"What's the matter?" Tang Le asked in confusion, "Is it so unhappy to see me?"

"There's no such thing." Lu Cheng let out a haha.

"Come in and sit down!"

"No, no, no."

Tang Le touched the big-billed gull beside him, and said with a smile, "I'll drop by to pay a New Year's greeting, and I'll go to the countryside soon."

"Happy New Year, world champion!"

"I accept your auspicious words." Lu Cheng smiled.

Looking at Tang Le's back, Lu Cheng couldn't help sighing.

Just as he was about to turn to leave, he felt someone tap him on the back.


Maville withdrew her little hand and tilted her head.

Looking at the figure behind Mawell, Lu Cheng couldn't help breathing.

"Why, are you so unhappy seeing me?" Senior Sister smiled.

The cold was strong, she was wearing a pure white sweater and a furry hat, but her coat was a bright red waistcoat, which was cute and added a festive atmosphere.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but feel a warm feeling in his heart.

With a dry cough, Lu Cheng stammered, "Come in, come in!"

"Excuse me……"

Senpai also took a deep breath.

Lu Cheng swallowed, but when he turned his head, he couldn't help being startled.

Dad Lu and Mom Lu, standing behind him, opened their mouths in shock.

Mu Wen was slightly startled, then showed a gentle smile: "Auntie, how are you uncle..."

"It's still called Auntie..." Lu Ma said with a smile.

She still wanted to talk, but was pulled aside by Dad Lu.

Dad Lu gestured to Mom Lu with his eyes—

Implicit and restrained, showing the family style of our Laolu family!

Mother Lu nodded cautiously.

Lu Cheng said embarrassedly, "They're just like this, don't see outsiders, you're just like your own..."

A burst of crimson quietly climbed up Mu Wen's snow-white neck.


Mu Wen nodded slightly and sat on the sofa with a dignified and elegant posture.

And Maville rushed towards Nine-Tails excitedly, stroking Nine-Tails' warm tail.

The second old man who came back from the discussion looked even more excited than Lu Cheng.

"Then what, it's going to be dinner soon, you two will chat first!"

As the second old man slipped to the kitchen, he whispered:

"It doesn't seem like this is the one who came back last time!"

"What's the matter with him, show off your cooking skills well, don't tell your daughter-in-law to run away!"

In the living room, the ambiguous atmosphere gradually heated up.

Mu Wen lowered her head and said, "My mother said, let you come to the gym in the second year of junior high school."

"With your strength, you can already challenge the gymnasium."

The young Lu Cheng has not yet realized the special meaning of the second day of the new year.

He just nodded.

"dinner's ready!"

The duck-billed fire beast looked at the future hostess curiously, and his eyes narrowed with joy.

And the elves rushed to the table excitedly,

Even Regais was released by Lu Cheng and put a few pieces of non-melting ice in his rice bowl.

"This is..." A trace of surprise flashed in Mu Wen's beautiful eyes.

Lu Cheng made a "shush" gesture and said with a smile: "This year's national competition, maybe you will see it."

"By the way, Chengcheng, the swimming pool in the backyard has been repaired, and you also let the tyrannical carp dragon come out."

The two came to the pool in the backyard, a red light flashed, and a huge red carp dragon appeared in front of them.

"The first time I saw it, it was just a golden carp king."

Mu Wen stroked the tyrannical carp dragon and murmured, "I didn't expect it to be so big in a blink of an eye."

And the Tyrannosaurus also lowered its head, signaling the two to stand up.

"Can you do that?" Mu Wen's eyes lit up and she looked at Lu Cheng expectantly.

"Of course." Lu Cheng smiled, "This is more exciting than a roller coaster."

Holding Lu Cheng's hand, Mu Wen lightly stood on the Typhoon Carp Dragon, and at this moment, Typhoon Carp Dragon slowly raised his upper body.

Mu Wen exclaimed, lost her balance, and fell forward and Lu Cheng had already supported her slender waist, and quietly extended her thumb to the tyrannical carp dragon.

Nice, bro!

The tyrannical carp dragon roared in satisfaction.

The breath was close to Chi Chi, and there was an incredible sense of touch in his hand, and the faint fragrance made Lu Cheng feel a little dazed.

"We... just hug like this?"

Mu Wen said softly in a voice as thin as mosquitoes.

"I'm not afraid that you will fall."


It was the lights of thousands of homes. Amidst the sound of firecrackers during the Spring Festival, clusters of dazzling sparks rose in the air.

The beautiful fireworks were printed in Mu Wen's pupils, and she couldn't help but murmur, "So beautiful..."

Lu Cheng hurriedly gestured to the Lizard King and Jiuwei below.

The Lizard King shook his head helplessly, took off the leaves, and blew a melodious grass flute.

And the nine tails opened their mouths, and a brilliant white flame burst into the air with dazzling brilliance.

"It's New Year's Eve." Mu Wen murmured.

"Yeah... It's New Year's Eve." Lu Cheng smiled.



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