My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 334: 10-character cut, field-level cut!


With the high-pitched cry of the flying mantis, several shadow clones suddenly changed.

The avatar and the main body, the sickle flashing with a sharp cold light, came together to kill the Lizard King!

The sword light in the sky is so gorgeous, but the murderous intent hidden in it made Lu Cheng frown.

"Lizard King, see you!"

Holding his breath, the Lizard King closed his eyes, and the two stalked blades crossed his chest, suddenly creating a beautiful arc of a full moon.

The three clones were torn to pieces in an instant, but a sickle slashed behind the Lizard King.


The Lizard King cried out in pain, turned around and flew out a leaf dart, but it was blocked by the sickle with a bang.

"Did the feint make Jianqi fail..." Lu Cheng murmured.

"Next, it's the main event."

Lin Yuan restrained her smile and said very seriously: "Flying mantis, lightning flashes!"

In the air, the Flying Mantis streaked like a bolt of lightning, and even the Lizard King couldn't keep up with its figure.

A chilling murderous aura burst out from behind, and the Lizard King subconsciously flashed sideways, the sickle rubbed its side and fell into the air, spattering blue sparks on the ground.

But the stormy offensive showed no signs of stopping.

Taking advantage of air dominance, the Flying Mantis is even faster!

The two scythes swung toward the Lizard King once again, and this time, a piercing white light burst out from the blade.

Xing Feng on the sidelines couldn't help holding his breath.


Cross scissors, this is the inheritance of the Jitian Taoist, and it has reached the field level!

Use flashes of lightning and shadow clones to catch the enemy off guard and make it impossible to defend.

The advantage of the two-knife flow is to maximize the power of the cross shears.

Once hit the key point, there will even be a fatal situation!

The corner of Lin Yuan's mouth couldn't help showing a smile.

The previous ones were all false tricks.

The inheritance of the Jitian Taoist Museum, how would you deal with this cross-cutting trick?

Fierce sword light bloomed in the field.

There was a harsh collision, this time, the scythe ripped apart the defense of the Lizard King, leaving a deep bloodstain on its arm.

Using a flash of electric light to pull the distance away, the Lizard King gasped for breath, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from its forehead.

And the Flying Mantis was suspended in the air, quietly watching the Lizard King, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"If that's the case, I don't seem to be able to hand over the inheritance to you."

Lin Yuan deliberately sighed.


Before Lu Cheng spoke, the Lizard King rushed towards the Flying Mantis with blood-red eyes, and a powerful fighting spirit erupted from his body again.

Even if it is covered with bruises and wounds, it must not sit idly by and watch its master be despised!

Xing Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration.

No matter what, the nature of this lizard king is unique!

Lu Cheng naturally knew that Lin Yuan was deliberately provoking him.

But at the same time, Lu Cheng also saw Lin Yuan's true purpose.

Is it taught in battle...

Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "We should be serious, Lizard King."


A dazzling white light bloomed on the body of the Lizard King.

The infiltrating wound also gradually began to heal, with its sharp spear-shaped tail and raised blade.

The Lizard King in Mega form, his momentum suddenly soared, and his speed even increased again!

"It's our turn." Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed and he shouted, "Lizard King, shadow clone!"

The Lizard King's mastery of shadow clones is no less than that of the flying mantis.

Even, in terms of quantity, it is even better!

Xing Feng on the sidelines was slightly startled.

Wait, this familiar starting style...

His next move, isn't it?

"Lizard King, there's a flash of lightning!" Lu Cheng shouted loudly.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but smile.

Unexpectedly, this kid actually learned it after reading it once.

It's not in vain that I deliberately let the Flying Mantis slow down!

"There's no need to pretend." Lin Yuan smiled, "Flying mantis, a flash of lightning!"

Hearing Lin Yuan's command, the frequency of the flying mantis's wings actually increased again.

With a look in his eyes, the flying mantis turned into a flash of lightning, and the sound of hunting and hunting was heard in the stadium.

The avatar of the sky was instantly torn apart by the knife light, but a figure was already close to the flying mantis.

"Lizard King!" Lu Cheng shouted, "Cross scissors!"

Shadow clone, the Lizard King Association.

With a flash of lightning, the Lizard King will too.

Not to mention the cross scissors, this is a move that the Lizard King would have understood!


The cross scissors of the two elves collided.

Xing Feng's eyes were already full of horror.

This Lizard King actually learned the cross scissors move during the battle?

Even in terms of speed, it is no less than Lin Yuan's flying mantis!

The swords were sonorous, and the silhouettes of the two elves passed through the afterimages one after another in the field.

This is a battle of speed and speed,

It was the collision of the sickle and the blade!

To be honest, after the Lizard King understood the cross scissors, Lu Cheng was already qualified to be a teacher.

But Rao was Lin Yuan, so she couldn't help feeling excited at the moment.

She wanted to see how Lu Cheng's current strength has reached!

"Flying Mantis!" Lin Yuan said loudly, "Put away the distance and use Qi Gathering!"

With a bang, the Flying Mantis repelled the Lizard King and flew back into the air, with its momentum rising continuously.

At the same time, its sickle seemed to be dyed with a layer of blood red, with an unparalleled deterrent power.

The cross-cut scissors at the domain level, with the blessing of Qi Gathering, have reached an extremely terrifying level.

"Lightning flashes!"

With a snap, the speed of sound of the flying mantis exploded in the air, and the two scythes seemed to tear apart the space and slashed at the Lizard King!

Time seemed to slow down.

The cross scissors that I just realized will not have the slightest advantage against the flying mantis.

But the Lizard King also has his own domain moves!

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed, and he shouted, "Iai Slash!"

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

The movements of the Lizard King seemed extremely slow.

But it is like a thunder in a rainy night!

The cold light flashed.

Xing Feng only felt a dazzling white light flashing before his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he only heard a thud.

With tragic wounds, the two elves fell to the ground at the same time.

Xing Feng couldn't help swallowing.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the result of both perishing!

Is this Lizard King's Iai Slash actually able to compete with the Cross Shear?

Lin Yuan's eyes narrowed.

That move just now, Juhe Zhan... is very strong!

It has even reached the level of the field.

And this lizard king has an amazing understanding of swordsmanship.

Maybe, this Lizard King can really comprehend multiple domain moves at the same time!

Letting out a breath, Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Congratulations, you passed the Gym examination of the Extreme Heaven Gym!"

Just as Lu Cheng wanted to say thank you, he couldn't help but be taken aback.


"Isn't it just the assessment of 'Exemption from all Biography'?"

Xing Feng explained, "There are two ways to issue badges in dojo-like"

"One is a traditional gym battle, and the other is to become a disciple of the gym. You can also get badges with the approval of the gym owner."

Lu Cheng was slightly startled: "That means... I got the badge?"

Lin Yuan nodded and said with a smile, "Congratulations, you have obtained the badge of the Jitian Taoist Hall!"

Although they both perished together, the Lizard King had already been recognized by Lin Yuan just by comprehending the cross scissors.

Not to mention, the Lizard King has mastered that domain-level Iai Slash!

The badge of the Jitian Taoist Hall is two small bamboo swords crossed together, symbolizing the "two swords" of the flying mantis.

Lu Cheng took the badge and couldn't help grinning. "Thank you, teacher!"

"It's alright." Lin Yuan smiled, "By the way, if you are free, you can stay at the Jitian Taoist for a while."

"Regarding the Lizard King's cross-cut scissors, I can help you consolidate it."

"I believe that after a period of time, its Iai Slash and Cross Scissors can reach the level of the field!"

Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you teacher!"



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