My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 338: Hideyoshi's gender is Hideyoshi

"Dragon's Tooth?" Lu Cheng was a little confused.

"That's right." Guo Zhang nodded, "According to your request, Dragon's Teeth is the most suitable material."

Indeed, the dragon's teeth are indestructible and extremely sharp...

But this price is also quite unfriendly!

There is no dragon tooth for sale on the market at all, and even if the elves die, it is impossible for the trainer to sell the dragon tooth.

The only auction record in the world is the tusk of a wild red-faced dragon, which is of relatively poor quality.

Even so, it also sold for tens of millions of dollars!

You must know that not all the fangs of dragon elves can be called "dragon fangs".

The dragon's teeth, which can cut iron like mud, must at least be a master-level elf, or even a king-level.

And the dragon-type elves of the heavenly king level...

Lu Cheng shivered.

If he wanted to fight Jiang Ziqian's three-headed dragon, he would have given it for nothing.

Guo Zhang said embarrassedly, "You don't have to be so demanding. There is no master-level Dragon's Tooth, but an elite-level one will do."

"Otherwise... would you try it with the fangs of the tyrannical carp dragon?"

Where did the tyrannical carp dragon come from with its dragon teeth!

Although there is a dragon in the name, they belong to the flight department!

Waved his hand, Lu Cheng said helplessly: "Forget it, I'll find a way myself."

But Guo Zhang's suggestion also gave Lu Cheng a direction.

If you can really get a high-quality dragon tooth, it will definitely bring a leap in the strength of the Lizard King.

Perhaps, I have to fight Jiang Xun's idea of ​​fighting a dragon with two axes...

While Lu Cheng was thinking about it, Guo Zhang's expression became serious.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that Wang Yingjie's case has come to an end."

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

He almost forgot the name, but the memories of Suijun and Emperor Yan flooded back like a tide.

"Because the attitude is good and the confession is true, the preliminary judgment is 20 years."

Guo Zhang said solemnly, "And recently, we have made a major breakthrough in the fight against the Galaxy Group."

After the Yandi incident, the Galaxy Group was swept away by the Association's thunderous tactics and disappeared for a long time.

In an ordinary poaching case, the association arrested Sophia, who had been absconding for a long time, thus involving the large base behind her.

The battle between the two sides was quite fierce, but with Jiang Ziqian's final decision, the situation gradually tilted.

And the power of the Galaxy Group has also been almost removed, leaving only the remnants from all over the country who are still stubbornly resisting.

"It won't be long before this heart problem will be resolved." Guo Zhang's brows stretched slightly,

"Why are you not very happy?"

Lu Cheng sighed.

To be honest, even without the Galaxy Group, there will still be Team Rocket and Team Plasma.

As long as there are elves and trainer classes, contradictions and confrontations will never end.

But this is no longer something Lu Cheng should consider.

Patting Lu Cheng's shoulder, Guo Zhang said with relief, "You won't let you deal with these things."

"You have already made a great contribution to Emperor Yan's affairs, and you will be responsible for leading the newcomers!"

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

Looking at Guo Zhang's winking expression, Lu Cheng's expression suddenly became strange.

He seemed to understand what Guo Zhang's so-called "surprise" was all about.

This is the prerogative of an officer!

Bringing a little secret...Bah, mention (tiao) and bring (jiao) a newcomer!

Lu Cheng also came here back then, but it turned out that Lu Cheng and Liu Shengnan were on the same level before waiting for a year.

A clerk in the Armed Forces Department, how come he is also a department-level cadre!

Going up is the position of Grandpa Lu Cheng at the beginning, going up is the current Guo Zhang, going up...

Lu Cheng hurriedly coughed and said solemnly, "Follow the organization's arrangements!"

Staying in the organization to brush up on his presence, and relying on his previous qualifications, Lu Cheng still has the confidence to get Leo Lu's elf egg.

It's just that when Lu Cheng saw the newcomer he was carrying, he seemed a little dazed.

"This is... a newcomer?"

Under the tight-fitting hot pants is a pair of black pantyhose, a white shirt, and a handsome face. No matter how you look at it, she looks like a JK girl who will appear on campus.

If it wasn't for the trainee medal of the Armed Forces pinned to her flat chest, Lu Cheng really couldn't associate her with the scarred Guo Zhang.

"He is the champion of this year's U20 competition in Jiangsu Province, and he is good at electrical spirits." Guo Zhang said with his arms around him, "The strength is quite impressive."

Lu Cheng stared at the girl's cheek, and said with a strange expression, "Have I seen you before..."

Her face suddenly flushed, she nodded and said in a soft voice: "Yes, yes! I cheered for you in the high school league!"

Lu Cheng immediately realized that the person in front of him was the young lady with two ponytails in the college league.

"I have short hair, I didn't recognize it for a while." Lu Cheng coughed dryly, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I, my name is Liu Wanfu." The girl lowered her head and said in a voice that was completely different from Cheering's momentum.

"Your mission is to investigate the electrical field near Xiaoshan." Guo Zhang frowned, "The recent thunderstorm was abnormal, and many helicopters were affected. It's better for you to drive there."

The newcomer's task is not to appease the estrus Tsack Dragon, which made Lu Cheng heave a sigh of relief.

But doing missions with his fans still made Lu Cheng feel weird.

Lu Cheng had already obtained his driver's license, so he drove Wuling Hongguang from the Armed Forces Department on a mission, and chatted with Liu Wanfu in the back seat:

"Wanfu, what elf did you use?"

Liu Wanfu quickly replied, "A Raichu, and a Thunder Zebra!"

Lu Cheng nodded.

At the level of a freshman, this kind of strength is quite rare.

As for the task of investigating the site, it is quite simple, as long as Raichu and the Thunder Zebra absorb the electric field left by the Thunder Beast.

"If there is any danger, just go straight." Lu Cheng said casually.

At the beginning, Lu Cheng still remembers the scene of Xie Yuan and Liu Shengnan protecting him on the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Liu Wanfu nodded Driving towards the outskirts of Jiangcheng, the sky became more and more gloomy.

In the dark sky, there was a dull sound of thunder.

Lu Cheng held the steering wheel, frowned and muttered, "It's going to rain."


"Boss, who will take the new intern?"

Liu Shengnan walked in from outside the house, looked around, and said curiously.

"Let Lu Cheng take it."

Liu Shengnan snorted and said, "There won't be a problem, right?"

"Two big men, what could go wrong?"

Guo Zhang waved his hand and frowned, "Have you found out Li Zhen's whereabouts?"

In front of Guo Zhang is the information about Li Zhen, the leader of the galaxy group.

In the ID photo, there is a hideous birthmark on his left face, which is very conspicuous.

"Infer his movements from the eyes of the sky..." Liu Shengnan said with a frown, "I should use the Flying Dragon to escape through Xiaoshan's route."

Looking at the gloomy sky outside the window, Guo Zhang murmured, "Where will he escape to in such thunderstorm weather?"

"Wait!" Guo Zhang stood up abruptly, "Which route do you think he will use?"


"Hurry up and call Lu Cheng!"

Liu Shengnan's expression also became serious.

The busy tone on the other end of the phone rang, causing the two of them to be silent at the same time.

The next moment, an earth-shattering sound of thunder exploded over Jiangcheng.



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