My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 442: Yveltal's recovery

Surrounded by jagged rocks, surrounded by minerals lit up.

In front of the group of ferocious stone statues, there was a lake that was as pitch-black as ink.

It turns on and off, pulsing as if it has life, and the ripples spread out in circles and circles along the center of the lake.

In the center of the lake is a black cocoon that exudes a sinister aura, like a heart.

In the center of the cocoon, slowly, the one scarlet eye opened.

Outside the mine, Su Yu shivered involuntarily, and said in a trembling voice, "I seem to have... sensed the spirit of that elf."

The expressions of Cui Qilian and Li Yunfei changed.

A substantial black mist is spreading from the direction of the mine.

Any vegetation that comes into contact with the black mist will wither in an instant, annihilating into a lifeless stone statue.

Lu Cheng gritted his teeth and shouted at Li Yunfei, "Senior, you have to pass on this news first!"

Li Yunfei came back to his senses, threw the Pokeball, and the gorgeous statue was like a jet fighter soaring into the sky.

Li Yunfei smiled bitterly, "I hope it's still too late..."

"Bidiao's limit speed is Mach 2, and the fastest round trip takes 40 minutes." Su Yu said coldly,

"Right now, what we need to consider is whether to continue the survey or wait for reinforcements."

"We three heavenly kings, can't we last for forty minutes?" Cui Qilian snorted coldly.

"Even if it is a divine beast, it has only just recovered!"

"Two seniors." Lu Cheng suddenly said, showing a miserable smile.

"It seems that we don't have time to think so much anymore."

Between the voices, the black mist seemed to sense Lu Cheng and the others, like a beast that found its prey, it quickly spread towards Lu Cheng and the others.

Li Yunfei's expression changed, and he shouted, "Sit on my tropical dragon first!"

The red light flickered, and the tropical dragon carried the four people and the miners into the sky, barely avoiding the pervasive black fog.

However, the tropical dragon let out a wailing.

Half of its wings have been eroded by the black mist, turning it into a dull gray!

"Take the survivors out first, and leave it to us here!"

The red light flickered, and Hu Di's superpower enveloped Su Yu, instantly making her hang in the air.

Cui Qilian also threw the cross-shaped bat and used the cross-shaped bat to fly.

Li Yunfei sent an armored bird again to let the injured tropical dragon carry the miners away first.

And Lu Cheng smiled bitterly under the flight of the fossil pterosaur.

It looks like this... Yveltal really lives here!

"It's coming!" Li Yunfei shouted.

Under the fluctuation of Hu Di's super power, a monstrous black air wave filled the mine cave.

It directly bounced back the fluctuations of Hu Di, forming a dark aura, annihilating all the forests it touched!


The Imperial City, the Spirit Association.

The fairy king, Alansha, seemed to feel something, looked in the direction of Changbai Mountain, and suddenly got up.

Jiang Ziqian was closing his eyes and resting, his heart throbbing likewise, he summoned three evil dragons and fluttered his wings.

In the sky, a rapidly passing eagle fell from the sky almost exhausted.

And when I saw the statues of the heavenly kings, my heart was awe-inspiring.

In the air, Jiang Ziqian gave an order in a deep voice: "Please all the kings who are sitting in the association, rush to Changbai Mountain for reinforcements."


"I'm going to go to Northern Europe."

In front of Jiang Ziqian's eyes, there seemed to be a scene where the three evil dragons were seriously injured back then, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

The Nordic world tree, Xerneas!

I hope... it's still too late!

Three evil dragons fluttered their wings, and the terrifying coercion caused the entire sky to hang down.

The wind and rain were about to come, and Alansha sat on the blue bird on the Qixi Festival, her eyes dazzling.

"Let's go, let's go to Changbai Mountain!"


The gloomy death energy kept gathering, turning everything it touched into a stone statue.

At the same time, in the dark pool of water deep in the cave.

The black cocoon that symbolizes destruction is beating like a heart.

The entire Changbai Mountains is surging at this moment.

A dark cloud covered the heads of Lu Cheng and the others in an instant.

With such a deterrent power, even the Heavenly King-level Su Yu's face was ashen.

The terrifying black mist swept in again, and this time, even Hu Di in mid-air was not spared!


Hu Di, swallowed by the black mist, suddenly let out a painful howl, and his body was gradually covered with fine lines of petrified spider silk!

Su Yu watched helplessly as the Heavenly King-level Hu Di turned into stone in the mist, and her throat rolled up and down.

This is no longer a disaster that the three heavenly kings can solve.

Cowardice, fear, horror... All the negative emotions flooded into Su Yu's heart at this moment.

Grinning her teeth tightly, Su Yu shouted, "Senior Li, take Lu Cheng to retreat first!"

But Li Yunfei had already revealed a wry smile: "Look around here."

Su Yu looked at the sky, the pitch-black mist had already formed a large bowl covering the dome of the forest.

Everything within sight was gradually annihilated by the black mist and turned into stone statues.

Even the Alidos that Cui Qilian was hanging on the branch was swallowed up by the black fog in an instant, and there was no sound.

"Escape means there's no way to escape."

Cui Qilian took a deep breath, summoned Gengar, and cautiously looked at the source of the black mist.

"Only by dragging that guy can we have a chance to survive!"


When the black mist devoured Hu Di, the cocoon of destruction throbbed like a heart.

Every time it beat, a large amount of black mist gushed out.

And when Cui Qilian's Alidos was also swallowed up, a gloomy deathly aura surged up in the pool.

The dark cocoon suddenly opened its scarlet eyes.

The black wings that cover the sky stretch out.

Like the coming of night and death.

The huge bird with a body length of more than 30 meters fluttered its wings and flew out of the cave.

A loud scream that made all creatures cry blood!

This terrifying sound wave formed an air wave and rushed out of the cave.

At the first moment of the cry, Su Yu sent a magic wall puppet to release the reflection wall.

But at the moment of contact, the reflection wall shattered,

Sharp screams echoed from all directions!

Lu Cheng covered his head in pain, but a thin light curtain covered them.

"My natural bird has the ability to transfer mentally."

Li Yunfei smiled wryly as he looked at the natural bird that had accepted all the sound waves, almost going crazy,

"But it won't last long!"

"How long will it take for reinforcements from the association to arrive?"

"Judging from the speed of the eagle, we must support at least ten minutes!"

"That thing... is it really an elves!?"

Cui Qilian pointed at the **** bird that fluttered, his fingers trembling,

Under the gathering black clouds, a big bird spread its wings that covered the sky and the sun.

The outer side of its wings is dark, but the inner side is red like blood The dark lines extend on its wings like blood vessels.

The tail is also open, and the five gigantic claws at the edge are like the giant hand of God.

This pitch-black bird, just like the capital letter "Y", flew above the black cloud and uttered a scream like weeping blood.

"This, is this Yveltal?" Li Yunfei said in a trembling voice.

"It seems that our luck is not very good..."

"Gengar, go around and see if there is any possibility of going out!"

Geng Ghost floated around, came back with a gloomy head, and shook his head shiveringly.

The expressions of Lu Cheng and the others suddenly changed.

A billowing black mist surged out from Yveltal's wings.

In the face of this legendary **** of death, almost no one can have the idea of ​​resistance.

The pitch-black mist formed an unbreakable dark aura that enveloped Lu Cheng and the others.

Yveltal opened those scarlet eyes.

With the whole body spread out, the black and red patterns on the wings seemed to come alive.

The terrifying wave of evil surges out!



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