My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 458: sea, starlight, campfire

In the next two hours, Lu Cheng saw the red-eyed megalodon shark hunting roaring whales again.

The bright red blood stained the sea surface red. Just as the Megalodon was about to have a delicious meal, out of the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of an extremely ferocious red Tyrannosaurus carp dragon.

The giant tooth shark was so frightened that his face turned blue, thinking that the carp dragon was going to **** food from it, and slid back to the sea.

The roaring whale, covered in bruises and bruises, shivered against the sea.

"It's alright, let's go." Lu Cheng smiled, "I don't have shark fin and whale meat in my recipe."

"Woo!" The Howler Whale nodded, spewing water jets from its nostrils, and jumped into the deep sea.

"The sea, it's really interesting."

Looking at the distant roaring whale, Lu Cheng felt a little emotional.

In this world where humans and elves live together, there is still 71% of the ocean area.

It is hard to imagine what kind of powerful elves inhabit the bottomless abyss.

King Feng once told Lu Cheng that they were only respected as divine beasts because they were powerful.

And if ordinary elves also reach the strength of divine beasts, they can also be revered as gods.

In the depths of the sea, is there a stinging jellyfish stronger than Kyogre, or a spiny ammonite stronger than Lugia?

Lu Cheng was slightly lost, but he couldn't help laughing because of his own thoughts.

"Even if there is, it has disappeared in the super ancient times, just like those two giant Gengar and Hu Di."

"I shudder to think that there might really be giant sting jellyfish in the ocean."

The sea breeze in the afternoon seemed a little tired, making people drowsy.

Although it was October, the whale sea was still very calm, and the long cry of the roaring whale king was heard from time to time.

However, just by hearing the sound, he could not see the body of the Howler Whale King.

Suddenly, a moon-shaped sheltered island appeared in front of Lu Cheng's eyes.

Several tyrannical carp dragons are in that safe haven, circling a wonderful dragon dance, with water columns forming tornadoes surrounding them.

"Burning Carp Dragon Island, the carp kings will cruise here, multiply and even evolve."

Lu Cheng looked at the introduction on the phone and read out a voice,

"However, there is a tyrannical carp dragon temporarily living on this island, so let's look elsewhere."

As the red tyrannical carp dragon drove by, the group of wild tyrannical carp dragons couldn't help but get restless and stopped the collective dragon dance.

At a distance, the wild carp dragon lowered its head, as if surrendering to the king.

"They seem to take you as their leader." Lu Cheng touched the head of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon and smiled.

"Roar." Tyrannosaurus raised its head disdainfully, like a parade, and swam in front of the wild Tyrannosaurus.

The group of wild tyrannosaurs almost buried their heads in the sea.

It wasn't until Lu Cheng and the red carp dragon left that they looked at Lu Cheng's back in awe and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Later, Lu Cheng saw a group of dumb beasts occupying it, and there was a small island on the reef where the dumb king saluted him.

"Does it belong to a small island in the country of China?" Thinking of the salutation from King Duo Duo just now, Lu Cheng couldn't help smiling, "Sending Du Duo Wang to guard it is a card!"

The sunset sank in the west, and the sunset glow burned the sky beyond the horizon to fiery red.

The beautiful red light scattered all over the sea, and the far end seemed to boil, and the huge sunset slowly sank into the sea.

As the sunset and the sea kissed, a black shadow was enough to cover the sky and the sun, the gigantic roaring whale king suddenly jumped out of the sea and fell from the center of the red sun.

The thousands of feet of waves that were set off formed a water column, and thousands of carp kings took off together with the water column.

The tail fin slapped the sea, and the roaring whale returned to the ocean with a bang.

The huge waves that were set off, thunderous, swaying ripples, as if to destroy everything.

Boom! !

There was a huge roar, until the ten thousand feet of waves fell into the sea, and the ears were still buzzing.

Lu Cheng felt something, and couldn't help but let out a long exclamation.

Even the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon stared blankly at this scene, not knowing what to think.

"Can you win it?" Lu Cheng smiled and patted the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon's head.

"Roar!" Tyrannosaurus shook his head and nodded vigorously, as if a flame was burning in his eyes.

If you can't win now, it doesn't mean you can't win in the future!

"Remember it just now, using the trick of the water tail." Lu Cheng said, "With your body size, you can also achieve this level!"

The tyrannical carp dragon was stunned for a moment, and suddenly slapped the water surface with force.

The big wave that was set off came oncoming, causing Lu Cheng's complexion to change.

The red light flickered, and the nine tails protected Lu Cheng with supernatural powers, and glanced at the tyrannical carp dragon dissatisfied.

Bao Lilong was stunned by the big waves, turned his head to look at Lu Cheng and Jiuwei with a little embarrassment, and smiled naively.

"Okay, the sun has set, let's find a small island to live there too."

Looking at the gradually darkening sea, Lu Cheng summoned a fossilized pterosaur and said, "Look around, it's best not to have dangerous elves, it would be better if there are humans to settle in."

"Jie O!" The fossilized pterosaur nodded, fluttered its wings, and after circling a few times, led the tyrannical carp dragon to a verdant island.

Lu Cheng had read the complete works of Lord Bei's "Survival on a Deserted Island", and was very longing for this kind of camping.

If you can find any wild fruit on the island, you can have a picnic.

When I landed on the island, what I saw was a short bush, with a few Bobo living in it.

On the high ground near the beach, outside the bushes, Lu Cheng found a base for setting up tents.

"There should be no one living around here, it looks like a wild elf island." Lu Cheng touched his chin, "stay for one night and leave, so don't disturb them."

"Bite the land shark fiercely, Lizard King, go and chop some firewood and come back!"

"Fossil pterosaur, look around and report to me if there is any change."

"Lucario, go and see if there are any wild fruit around here, you'd better pick some."

"Ugh." Nine tails yawned, lying on the dry rock, looking at the surging waves.

When the red eyes were flowing, it turned around and glanced at Lu Cheng, who was busy setting up a tent, and couldn't help but smile.

"Kiuwei, use the fire." Lu Cheng wiped his sweat, "Raise this firewood!"

Nine-tailed lazily walked to the fire and blew lightly, and the firelight ignited the entire bush.

The few elves looked at each other in dismay, and the nine tails turned their heads to the side with a black face.

"I can only trouble you two to go again." Lu Cheng snorted.

"By the way, Darkrai, let's see how the Seaside Tyrannosaurus has achieved!"

"Are you sure it can catch fish?"

Darkrai was a little skeptical, "If you want me to say, it's better to let the icicles freeze the sea surface. It's convenient for us to pick it up directly!"

"Reggie!" Reggie's yellow beads lit up, agreeing.

"Hunting is a racial talent anyway!" Lu Cheng said while holding his forehead, "Besides, I only need ordinary fish, I don't need elves!"

Between the words, Lucario came back with a large bag of tree fruits and fell in front of Lu Cheng.


Looking at the trees falling all over the ground, several elves and Lu Cheng, a drop of cold sweat dripped from their foreheads at the same time.

"You emptied the island!?" Lu Cheng swallowed.

"Luca!" Lucario made a "little" gesture.

I obviously picked a little bit!

"Alright, that's enough for you to eat a tree fruit feast." Lu Cheng nodded.

The Lizard King and the fierce bite land shark came back with firewood, and the stones were built into a fire.

"Please, little fire dragon, light the bonfire with flames."

The glittering little fire dragon nodded vigorously and came to the bonfire with a serious expression.

With whirring, the bonfire burst into flames, and several elves suddenly exclaimed.

Little Huolong was so happy to pat his little paws, while Jiuwei pinned his head arrogantly and didn't make a sound.

At this moment, a huge black shadow slowly moved over.

Tyrannosaurus hung his head in frustration, but Darkrai was carrying a few big live fish.

On the other side, the Ancient Moon Bird, which was transformed into an ever-changing monster, was also holding a barracuda in its mouth.

"It's alright." Lu Cheng smiled and touched the frustrated Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, "When I finish cooking, let's have dinner!"

In the wild, it is quite difficult for a trainer to ensure food for more than ten elves.

This is also the reason why a general trainer only carries six elves.

But Regais doesn't need to eat, Darkrai is a spirit body, and only needs to absorb energy.

The remaining few elves, except for the tyrannical carp dragon, don't have much appetite.

With the golden energy cube that Lu Cheng brought out this trip, it was more than enough.

Orange-yellow flames danced in the bonfire, and the wood made a crackling sound.

Above the bonfire, a small boiler was purring a creamy white fish soup.

Lu Cheng grilled the fish on the bonfire, and sprinkled pepper and cumin while grilling.

The elves looked greedy and followed suit.

The Lizard King took the dragon tooth and put it on the fruit and roasted it on the bonfire. The taste was well received by all the elves.

"Wow!" Lie Bite Lu Shark used two sickles, strewn with fruit.

The little fire dragon poked its tail toward the fire, and the flames suddenly jumped high, which startled the little fire dragon, and then snickered.

"Playing with fire is not a good boy." Lu Cheng laughed while grilling the fish.

"Okay, let's have dinner!"

A few fish are really not enough to divide by a few elves. In the end, we can only decide who will belong to it.

The Lizard King got the first grilled fish with a flash of lightning.

The fossilized pterosaur moved at high speed and bit the second grilled fish.

As for the third item, it belongs to Lu Cheng. It has a unique flavor when combined with fish soup and instant noodles.

After tea and food, Lie Bite Lu Shark was training with the Lizard King for two consecutive and Lu Cheng hugged the warm hair of the nine tails, nestled in the tent, and didn't even bother to move a step.

The night is already deep, and the sky is full of stars and the sea is scattered.

In the sparkling waves.

A tyrannical carp dragon let out a deep growl.

On the other side of the blue rock, nine tails were bathed in starlight, looking out at the sea, thoughtfully.

The Lizard King lay on the top of the verdant bushes, plucked leaves, and played a long grass flute.

"This little tune is very charming." Darkrai commented, yawned and said, "Even I'm sleepy listening to it."

"It's okay, go to sleep." Lu Cheng smiled slightly, "Tomorrow is a brand new day!"

Darkrai yawned again, and finally flew back to the Poke Ball.

And in the throbbing bonfire, the wood crackled softly.

The little fire dragon was already asleep, lying beside the bonfire, rubbing his eyes and breathing softly.

Lu Cheng poked the little fire dragon's cheek, and was immediately slapped away by its small claws.

Looking at the starry sky, Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.



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