My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 475: Lu Cheng is crazy!

After the duel with Yiyu Xinping, Lu Cheng participated in three more competitions one after another.

Against Shinyinyu, Ryota Saruhibi's Iron Claw Lobster, won.

Against Kaeda-ryu, Suga Izumi's Great Sword Demon, won.

Against Treasure-in Willow Spear, Treasure-in Kasuke's Knight Snail, win!

As long as Lu Cheng participated in the competition, there was almost no suspense. In the end, even the neon audience was convinced by Lu Cheng and spontaneously cheered for Lu Cheng.

After the incident, the Twitter celebrity Treasure House Kasuke also posted a post online, attracting many onlookers.

Treasure House Kosuke: Take a photo with Lushen! (Picture) Lushen is really a gentle boy (*/ω\*)

In the comment area below, a large number of fans came here.

Ruthless water sticker Rotom: @Did the nine tails win the championship today, please explain.

Canadian Ma Ma Eel King: Shocked, Lushen did such a thing abroad!

Deep Sea Minas: Indicates that Lubao has no masculinity and is shivering!

Did Nine Tails win today: ?

One-ball Superman: Lu Sang lives like a fake No. 23333


As Lu Cheng's call for winning the championship intensified, many neon local swordsmen also stood up.

The joint statement, to the effect, means that any international friends are welcome to participate in the sword test conference, but if you want to win the championship, you will have to work hard.

The implication is probably that the remaining players will unite to snipe Lu Cheng.

But as long as you don't use any tricks, Lu Cheng said, it's just a few more whetstones.

With the improvement of the strength of the strong bite land shark, the mastery of sandstorms has become more and more skilled.

At the same time, melee moves such as dragon claw, dragon **** dive, and split have become more and more like two swords.

As long as he doesn't run into a Heavenly King-level player, Lie Bite Lu Shark has the power to fight.

In the round of 16, Lu Cheng happened to have a bye, so he decided to go watch the real inheritance of the second sword style and what kind of play it was.

Lu Cheng had seen Miyamoto Musashi's Flying Mantis. Her Flying Mantis Cross Shear was amazing and could also defend when attacking.

However, in terms of the second knife style, Lu Cheng decided to develop all the aggressiveness of Biting Lu Shark.

After all, Liebiting Lu Shark has the characteristics of rough scales.

As for the Lizard King's Ihe Slash, Lu Cheng has not encountered a good player who uses Ihe Slash for the time being.

If you let the Lizard King go up, unless it's a Heavenly King-level Sword Saint, it's hard for anyone else to match.

While pondering, Lu Cheng came to the battlefield and widened his eyes in surprise.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the scene of the decisive battle between Ertian First Class and Yanliu!" The commentator's voice sounded,

"The ancestors of the two schools had a world-shattering battle on Yanliu Island in the past. I don't know what kind of battle will be brought to you today!"

The two players on the sidelines, the descendants of Yan Liu, are girls with black hair like waterfalls and a cold face, with a cold temperament like a sword in every gesture.

And Ertian's first-class descendant is a mature woman with neat short red hair and a proud figure, as ingenious as a epee without a sharp edge.

These very familiar two people made Lu Cheng sigh deeply.

It is said that there will be people in the world who look exactly like me, so it would be a coincidence.

Compared with the two disciples of Lu Cheng, these two descendants of the Sword Saint are exactly the same!

The two elves facing each other, Giant Claw Mantis and Bi Diao, played the same way as Lu Cheng remembered.

In the end, after holding back the eagle's Yan back, the giant pincer mantis hit the cross shears, ending the battle directly.

This scene with a strong visual sense made Lu Cheng look strange and slowly left the battlefield.

The quarterfinals.

The player Lu Cheng faced off was Beichen Banye, who was unanimously optimistic about the "Beichen Yidao Liu" before the game.

The successor of the "Yi Dao Style", the elves who are good at using are the Scorpio King and the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus.

Whether it's a guillotine or a corner drill, as long as it's a match he appears in, it's a one-hit kill.

This also made his popularity extremely high, and he was regarded as the best candidate for sniping Lu Cheng.

In addition to this match, the quarter-finals also included a match against the invited guest, Kyudo Koizumi.

As well as Nitian's first-class Mai Miyamoto, and the duel with fellow Nido-style player Kenjiro Ito.

With the increasing attention, the quarter-finals officially kicked off.

Beichen Banye is a middle-aged uncle with a beard, dressed in a simple black kendo uniform, showing his chest muscles and looking solemn.

"It's an honor to have a showdown with you, Your Excellency Lu Cheng." Beichen Banye nodded slightly.

Lu Cheng was a little surprised.

After all, there are all swordsmen who want to denounce him right now, so it is rare to see such a polite opponent.

"Others may not see it, but I know that you have a deep understanding of kendo." Beichen Banye looked at Lu Cheng deeply.

"On you, I feel the temperament of those ancient sword saints."

Lu Cheng was slightly surprised.

And Beichen Banye closed his eyes and rested, quietly waiting for the referee's whistle.

At the moment when the whistle sounded, Beichen Banye suddenly opened his eyes, his aura was like an unsheathed blade.

"Come on, Commander Cleaver!"

His whole body was forged from steel, and his body was covered with blades that reflected cold light. Commander Slash raised the sharp blade in his hand, and his sharp eyes were fixed on Lu Shark.

This awe-inspiring aura made Lu Cheng's scalp numb, and said in a low voice, "Be careful of its guillotine."

Liebite Lu Shark nodded with a serious expression.

"Mr. Banye, he is the strongest generation of Beichen Yidao Liu in the past two decades. It is said that the Guillotine has reached the level of perfection!"

"But the guillotine has a very low hit rate, and who would be foolish enough to meet your blade."

"As long as the speed is fast enough, you can avoid the guillotine!"

Having said that, the atmosphere on the field was still very solemn.

It can be seen from the expressions of the two players that their nerves are already tense for the next round of the game.

Lu Cheng let out a deep breath.

Even the audience on the sidelines was silent.

Everyone knows that the next move Beichen Banye will release is the guillotine.

But even so, no one has the confidence to avoid it.

Once hit, it will kill!

"Before you, I faced Beichen Yidaoliu 73 times." Beichen Banye stared at Lu Cheng deeply, "They all knew that I was going to release the guillotine, but none of them avoided it."

"Do you know why?"

"I only know that I won't be the next one." Lu Cheng smiled slightly.

Beichen Banye frowned and said in a low voice, "Commander Chop, Guillotine!"

Above the venue, an overwhelming momentum suddenly filled the air.

Due to the oppressive characteristics of Commander Slash, the entire field seemed to have hundreds of times of gravity, forcing Lie Bite Land Shark to lower his head involuntarily.

Even though Liebite Lu Shark burst out with an angry roar, his eyes were blood red, but his calf was still trembling.

"The sense of oppression of the commander of slashing is comparable to that of the legendary beasts." Beichen Banye murmured, "With human elves, you may never be able to imagine the majesty of gods."

In the middle of the conversation, Commander Chopping took step by step towards Lie Bite Lu Shark, the blade of his toes touched the ground, and there was a rustling sound.

Every time it took a step closer to biting the land shark, the breathing of the audience slowed down.

When Commander Chopping came to the trembling Lie Bite Lu Shark, the matte blade was raised like a guillotine.

The entire venue is dead silent!

"The sense of can make the elves lose their fighting spirit, and there is no way to avoid it!"

"So, this is the secret of Yidao Liu's winning streak..."

"It's over." Beichen Banye muttered to himself.

The cold light falls!

A click!

Amidst all the exclamations, there was no splash of blood.

There was only a severed belt, slowly falling.

Beichen Banye's eyes widened.

"A breath belt." Lu Cheng smiled slowly.

"You don't really think that Commander's sense of oppression is comparable to that of a divine beast?"

Liebite Lu Shark carried Commander's blade with his sickle, and stood up slowly from the ground, with a playful smile on his face.

And the sharp dragon claws had penetrated into Commander Chop's body, stirring constantly, and a metallic sound of clack clack sounded.

Sharp rock pillars rose from the ground and directly inserted into Commander's body, causing it to fall off the field like a kite with a broken string.

On the silent venue of Yaque, there was a sound of swallowing saliva.

"Just... what happened?"

"Didn't the guillotine hit! Why did Lie Bite Lu Shark stand at the end?"

"Yes... it's the breath belt!"

The referee twitched his lips and waved the flag abruptly: "Player Lu Cheng wins!"

This momentary reversal of the battle situation made everyone unable to believe their eyes!

"Damn it, I've turned off the live broadcast, can this win?"

"Next time, next time!"

"Road God, I'm afraid I'm not really going to come back with the title of Sword Saint!"

: . :

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