My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 496: I'm going to hit 10!

"Professional Trainer Alliance... It should be here, right?"

What appeared in front of Lu Cheng was a large building with a Poké Ball logo similar to the Battle Dome.

With a circular dome design, you can see the facilities such as the battle factory behind it, and there are also a spirit center and a hotel next to it.

"I never imagined that there would be such a large building complex on the road to champions."

This championship road composed of rolling hills was originally just a protected area for wild elves.

However, because the wild elves inhabiting it are quite powerful, it has become a training place for trainers over time.

The Alliance also established the Professional Trainer Alliance on the road to the championship.

Trainers who pass assessments or complete tasks can gain quite a lot of resources, which is why trainers regard the road of champions as a holy place.

While Lu Cheng was contemplating, several trainers in uniform passed by Lu Cheng.

"I remember that the day when the career assessment is open is today, right?"

"If you want to defeat ten master-level elves in a row, even if the king comes, there is a possibility of overturning!"

"But I heard that Zhang Xiaoqian, the champion of the Central China Division, and fighting master Gao Chi have all come to participate in this assessment."

"This time, maybe someone will be able to pass the customs!"

Gao Chi also came to the competition?

Lu Cheng was slightly startled, and then he reacted immediately.

The rewarded Qihequan cheats have a fatal attraction for these fighters.

In addition to the tricks, the winner can also apply for a certain resource reward from the Professional Trainer Alliance.

It is also possible to obtain valuable and invaluable items such as life jewels and flame jewels.

Professional Trainer Alliance, Battle Arena.

Around the circular arena, there were a large number of trainers eager to try, and there were also many spectators in the stands on both sides.

On the panel of judges were Yuan Fan, the king of ordinary divisions, Xue Songping, president of the Professional Trainer Alliance, and Han Kang, the 7th Asia-Pacific League champion.

Although he did not participate in the Tianwang assessment, some people said that the Asia-Pacific champion already has the strength of a Tianwang.

There was a lot of people in the battle arena. The three judges looked at each other. Xue Songping nodded and said, "The assessment begins!"

In the master-level assessment, trainers and elves need to challenge ten master-level elves in a row, and the last elves are said to be infinitely close to the level of the king.

From the point of view of difficulty, continuous battles will cause a lot of burden to the spirits and minds.

Once there is some slack, even Lucario may lose.

But it is precisely because of this that Lu Cheng wants to help Lucario make a breakthrough by constantly approaching the limit.

"The first challenger, Gangfeng Dojo, Wang Dongyue!"

Lu Cheng also heard about Gangfeng Dojo.

It is also a fighting genre, Gang Fengliu is mainly based on the study of boxing style and fluctuations, and is very good at infuriating bomb moves.

And Wang Dongyue's elf is a mosquito-repellent incense warrior with combined attributes of water and fighting.

"This mosquito-repellent incense warrior is well-bred." Han Kang nodded.

"The mosquito-repellent incense warrior also has long-range means such as the freezing beam." Xue Songping said lightly, "If you are lucky, it should not be a problem to pass the three levels."

Yuan Fan, who was dozing off, was a little surprised to hear this.

A master mosquito-repellent incense warrior, can you only pass three levels if you are lucky?

It seems that I still underestimated the difficulty of this career assessment.

As expected by Xue Songping, the mosquito-repellent incense warriors defeated Long Longyan and Longhaired Dog in succession, but in the fourth game, the mosquito-repellent incense warriors were exhausted.

And the elf it faced was a full-fledged electric shock beast, resisting the next deadly thunderbolt punch, but lost the game helplessly.

"Wang Dongyue, the assessment results, three tests!"

Wang Dongyue left the arena in frustration, but there were discussions in the audience.

"Actually, the first challenger was able to pass three levels. It seems that this session is very interesting!"

"The next assessor is already on stage!"

The second assessor was also a master-level trainer, but he only reached the fourth level, and he lost the game with hatred.

Lu Cheng watched from the sidelines, thinking silently in his heart.

It seems that the elves that go into battle will not be commanded by a trainer, and their attributes and types are also random.

If you can make good use of changing moves, or you can win with one hit, it is not impossible to win ten games in a row.

While Lu Cheng was thinking about it, an exclamation suddenly sounded from the audience.

"The champion of the Central and South Division, Zhang Xiaoqian is here!"

"His flaming chicken has acceleration characteristics, maybe it can really pass ten levels in a row!"

In the spotlight, Zhang Xiaoqian, the champion of Central South, strode onto the battlefield.

At this moment, Lu Cheng felt that someone patted him on the shoulder, and when he looked back, it was Gao Chi's paralyzed face.

"Why didn't you tell me when you came?"

"It was only after I participated in the competition that I found out that you also signed up."

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "What, are you confident?"

Gao Chi was silent for a moment, then shook his head seriously: "Winning ten games in a row is unlikely for me, but I also want to test my limit in this way."

During the conversation with Gao Chi, Lu Cheng learned that Gao Chi's Huoban Meow has evolved into a flaming roaring tiger, and has shown a fighting talent no less than strange.

In this competition, Gao Chi has the same purpose as Lu Cheng, and is also here to train the elves.

When the two of them were talking, Zhang Xiaoqian on the field had already broken through the fifth hurdle.

"To pass the sixth level so easily..."

"He still has a trump card for Mega evolution, maybe he can really challenge it successfully!"

"This... This acceleration characteristic has been stacked to the extreme!"

Lu Cheng and Gao Chi looked at the court at the same time.

He stomped on the ground violently, the flaming chicken soared into the sky, and the flames at the wrists burst out with a dazzling white light like a jet machine.

The flame chicken whose acceleration characteristics have reached the extreme, the flame on his body has turned towards white flame, and the high temperature even distorts the space.

The heat wave surged, and this accelerated flame kick directly hit the rogue panda, kicking it out of the field.

One-shot kill!

"Zhang Xiaoqian, pass the seventh level!"

Although the cheers came one after another, Zhang Xiaoqian's face was not good-looking.

At the jury's seat, Han Kang narrowed his eyes and said, "This flaming chicken should have reached its limit, right?"

"Although the acceleration characteristic maximizes the speed of the flame chicken, it also causes a great load on its body."

Yuan Fan pondered: "The next level should be Zhang Xiaoqian's limit."

In the eighth level, the flaming chicken faced a sturdy, fierce-looking water arrow turtle.

Although Zhang Xiaoqian let the flame chicken undergo Mega evolution, he was eventually hit by a water cannon and lost his fighting ability.

Zhang Xiaoqian took back the flaming chicken and sighed silently.

"Zhang Xiaoqian, the assessment results, seven levels!"

The referee's whistle sounded, and the audience fell silent in unison.

Even the champion of the Central China Division has only passed seven levels, and he has not even seen the boss at the bottom of the level.

What a perverted and difficult assessment this is!

In the arena, the atmosphere was a little depressed for a while.

Yuan Fan pondered for a moment, then discussed with Xue Songping, chairman of the alliance, "Director, are you sure it is this kind of difficulty?"

Even Yuan Fan is not completely sure that he can defeat ten master-level elves in a row with one elf.

He really couldn't imagine any trainer present who could pass the assessment.

Xue Songping nodded and said, "Actually, this test is just to test the strength of the trainer."

"If you can pass five or more levels, you can be called an elite among master trainers."

"And above seven levels, this trainer can enjoy the resource rewards of the alliance."

"As for the ten stages..." Xue Songping smiled.

"Maybe you really have to let the King of Heaven come to pass?"

In the audience, Gao Chi frowned and asked Lu Cheng, "How sure are you that you can pass the assessment?"

Lu Cheng shrugged.

Gao Chi nodded: "Indeed... It's too difficult, but it shouldn't be a problem for you to pass the seventh level."

Lu Cheng laughed, realizing that Gao Chi had misunderstood what he meant.

However, it is also true that Lu Cheng is only 90% sure of such a difficult assessment.

But if you let the nine tails go, it shouldn't be a problem to solve it within ten minutes...

"The next examiner, Gao Chi!"

Hearing his name on the radio, Gao Chi took a deep breath: "I wish me luck."

Lu Cheng nodded: "Come on!"

Seeing Gao Chi appear on the stage, the auditorium that had been silent for a long time burst into cheers again.

"The number one Pokémon in the universe, Flaming Roaring Tiger, charge me!"

Gao Chi's flaming roaring tiger is quite popular among fans.

And the intimidation characteristic shows the arrogance and might of the flaming roaring tiger to the extreme.

But looking at this fat and strong flaming roaring tiger, Lu Cheng couldn't help sighing.

The cute kitten back then evolved into a "brother tiger", and he didn't know whether to be happy or sad for Gao Chi.

At the same time, the voice of the special commentator of the alliance sounded: "Gao Chi's flaming roaring tiger uses bodybuilding moves!"

The bodybuilding moves are different from the acceleration of the flame chicken. Not only will they not cause a load to the elves, but instead, they can enhance the elves' muscle strength and defense.

The Flaming Roaring Tiger received two heavy punches from the Fiery Monkey one after another, used bodybuilding twice in a row, and then roared loudly.

"Flaming Roaring Tiger, use the DD golden hook arm!"

The DD golden hook arm, once regarded as an exclusive move, was swung by the flaming roaring tiger with amazing power.

With his arms burning with flames, he punched hard, knocking out the hot monkey on the spot!


With the roar of the flaming roaring tiger, the atmosphere on the field was instantly ignited.

At the jury's seat, Han Kang nodded frequently: "The strength of this flaming roaring tiger is not inferior to that of that flaming chicken."

"The intimidation characteristic has a great effect on a player who is good at physical moves." Yuan Fan said with a smile, "This player may even set the record for this game!"

In just ten minutes, the flaming roaring tiger fought a series of victories, directly breaking through the seventh level, and came to the place where the flaming chicken fell.

And the elf guarding the gate is still the grinning water arrow turtle.

However, the flaming roaring tiger weakened the special attack of the water arrow turtle with its loud roar, and used the flash charge with all its strength to directly knock down the water arrow turtle!

"The ninth level! Just pass two more levels to win!"

"Fuck... Look, what kind of elf is that!"

The rumbling sound of stepping on the ground sounded.

Appearing in front of Gao Chi's eyes was a stick-tailed scale armored dragon with scales all over its body, known as a quasi-god!

Despair filled the arena.

At the jury's seat, even Han Kang couldn't help but complain: "Chairman, are you not planning to let the players clear the game at all?"

Xue Songping smiled awkwardly: "Where is it, it's just that the rewards for customs clearance are too luxurious, and they should be reserved for really powerful trainers."

Yuan Fan asked curiously, "Apart from Qi He Quan, is there any other reward?"

Xue Songping nodded: "As long as you can pass the assessment, to a reasonable extent, the alliance will meet any requirements of the passers, including Mega Stones."

Han Kang licked his lips: "Is there a quasi-god elf egg?"

"Of course, this is why we are so concerned about this assessment."

Yuan Fan complained in his heart, if it wasn't for the inability to smear my face, I, the dignified king, would be ready to challenge!

On the field, the flaming roaring tiger lost to the stick-tailed scale armored dragon, and Gao Chi stopped at the ninth level.

"The next challenger." Xue Songping pointed into the microphone and cleared his throat, "Lu Cheng!"

"Wait, Lu... Lu Cheng?"

Xue Songping murmured as if he had seen a ghost.

Isn't this a national championship?

Why did he even come to participate in the assessment!

The audience suddenly became extremely noisy.

"Lu Cheng, is that the national champion Lu Cheng?"

"No way, it's really the Road God!"

Amid all the attention, Lu Cheng walked slowly to the battlefield.

At the same time, the whole venue was boiling.

"I said why the person next to me looks so familiar, it turns out that he is really the champion of the road!"

"How can Champion Lu have the strength of a quasi-celestial king... Maybe, UU reading Tianwang?"

"Xiao Lucheng, kill me!"

Yuan Fan's expression turned strange.

In the presence, he was the only one who knew that Lu Cheng had become the king of heaven.

Hiding Lu Cheng's identity as a heavenly king is also to provide Lu Cheng with a layer of protection.

In name, Lu Cheng is only a master-level trainer at the moment, and he can completely participate in the alliance assessment.

But... does this Heavenly King want a face!

For the sake of resource rewards, you can even do such a thing!

Why did he do everything I wanted to do!

Han Kang looked at Yuan Fan with questioning eyes and said, "This champion is very strong?"

Yuan Fan was roaring like a stinger, and nodded laboriously.

They are already heavenly kings, do you think they can be strong?

However, Lu Cheng's Lucario should not have reached the Heavenly King level.

Perhaps, he wanted to train Lucario in this way?

On the field, Lu Cheng took out the Poke Ball.

Under the flickering red light, the sharp-eyed Lucario had his braids fluttering, and the surging power of the waveguide turned into a substantial blue light surrounding its side.

Boom, boom!

And the elf in the first match, a super-power king full of fat, walked onto the field with dull steps.

Lu Cheng touched Lucario's head and smiled, "Can you fight?"

Lucario's eyes were awe-inspiring, he banged his fists with a thud, and raised his head proudly.


I want to hit ten!



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