My Pokémon Player

Chapter 258 You can't control it, let me do it

After Noz calmed down, Ryan told him how to deal with the players coming tomorrow.

"Visitors from the God Realm have very quick thinking and may do some things that we cannot understand. Then you can pretend you didn't see it."

"Also, although they come from the God Realm, you don't need to be polite to them. Just treat them as ordinary Warcraft users."

Notz was a little hesitant when he heard this. This was a visitor from the God Realm. How could he treat him casually?

Upon seeing this, Ryan moved out the alpaca directly: "This is also the will of the Creator God. He knows the temperament of those visitors from the God Realm. If you are too gentle to them, they will become lawless and act more unscrupulously, so you must be gentle to them." They need to be restrained.”

Noz nodded clearly. He could understand what Ryan meant. In the final analysis, those visitors from the God Realm were just sent by the God of Creation to help Ryan.

If I respect them too much, it will affect Ryan's leadership of them.

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Notz is very smart. After listening to Ryan's explanation, he knew what kind of attitude he should use towards the players.

"Very good, they will come to the castle tomorrow. Don't forget to remove the people in the castle. Visitors from the God Realm are of great importance. Except for the people I trust most, I can't let anyone else know about it for the time being. In case of being Those magic sticks from Poseidon Temple have noticed something that will bring unnecessary trouble to the territory. "

Ryan warned with a serious expression.

"Follow your orders! I swear by the honor of knighthood and my family's bloodline that I will never reveal this matter to anyone else!"

Notz was very moved when he heard Ryan say that he was the person he trusted most.

He didn't expect that he, a newcomer, would gain Ryan's heartfelt trust.

There is an old saying among earth's flower growers: "A scholar will die for his confidant." At this time, Noz had this mentality. He secretly made up his mind that even if he sacrificed his life, he could not betray Ryan's trust.

"You don't actually need to swear. Since I told you this, it means that I have confidence in you."

Ryan said with a smile, once again boosting Noz's favorability.

With these two sentences, and the fact that Noz also learned that Ryan is the God of Creation, he will definitely be loyal to Ryan in the future.

Even if Lane asked him to switch to someone else like Baron Bach, he would not betray Lane.

"By the way, how is the recovery of Big Steel Snake?"

Ryan asked Noz.

The big steel snake was seriously injured before, although Ryan basically cured its injuries with good medicine and Gardevoir's [Healing Wave].

However, two consecutive uses of black crystals caused the Big Steel Snake's body to be completely depleted. Even eating a large number of Poké Cubes could not make up for such a huge deficit.

Not only has the current Big Steel Snake's lifespan been greatly reduced, but it will also be difficult to improve its strength in the future. It would be good to maintain its current strength.

The big steel snake also knows this. It feels that it is a waste. Not only did it fail to protect Baron Bach, but now it has even lost the ability to avenge Baron Bach. This makes it inevitably have the idea of ​​​​giving up on itself and not cooperate with Ryan. treat.

When Ryan saw this, he didn't say much. Instead, he asked Noz to persuade the Big Steel Snake. He believed that Noz was the most suitable person to persuade the Big Steel Snake.

As expected, it didn't take much effort for Noz to make the big steel snake regain his confidence and be willing to work with him to avenge Baron Bach.

Seeing that the effect was so good, Ryan asked Notz to take the big steel snake with him and go to Rose Town together.

"Thanks to the potions and Poké cubes you gave me, after these days of rest, the Big Steel Snake has regained its original strength."

Noz replied with a grateful face.

"How is its mentality? It won't be as pessimistic as before, right?"

Ryan continued to ask.

"Its mentality is pretty good. Although it knows that it is almost impossible to improve its strength, it still does not slack off. As soon as it recovers from the injury, it actively engages in training, but the results are minimal."

Noz sighed and said.

"It's good that your mentality is not broken. As for your physical deficit, there will always be opportunities to make up for it in the future, so don't be discouraged."

Ryan also felt sorry for the Big Steel Snake, but he really had no good solution now and could only hope for the future lottery.

When Noz heard this, he thought that Ryan was comforting the big steel snake, but then he thought about it, Ryan was an angel favored by the God of Creation, and maybe there would really be a way to make up for the shortfall.

"Okay, I will definitely tell the big steel snake not to give up easily!"

Noz said to Ryan excitedly.

"Well, the big steel snake will be left to you from now on. I hope you can treat it well."

"As you command!"

During the conversation, Ryan and Notz had arrived at the castle.

"Is Hermann in the castle?"

"No, he is carrying out your order to build a new pasture."

"Go and call him here, and tell him I'll be waiting for him in the study room of the castle."

Ryan got off his horse and turned to Noz.


Notz bowed and left, and Ryan came to the study room of the castle.

He looked at the bookshelf and found that most of them were books about flowers and plants, and there were only a few books that interested him.

"Lancaster really likes to play with flowers and plants, so he is really the right person to let him manage the garden in Firefly Town."

Ryan put the books in his hands back on the bookshelf. He was not interested in flowers and plants. If the flower therapy rings didn't like flowers, he wouldn't let Lancaster build a new garden.

"Dong dong~"

Just as Ryan was thinking about whether to take these books back to Lancaster, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.


Ryan sat back in his chair.

When Herman came in and saw Ryan, he immediately saluted him:

"Greetings to the lord!"

Ryan raised his eyebrows when he heard Herman calling himself lord.

It seems that the other party has understood the situation and has acquiesced that Rose Town is controlled by Ryan.

"No need to be polite, please sit down."

Ryan waved his hand and said.

"Thank you, Lord."

Herman sat carefully on the chair, with his upper body straight and his head slightly lowered. He did not dare to look directly at Ryan and lowered his posture as much as possible.

He has figured it out in the past few days. Since Lancaster himself voluntarily gave up the ownership of the territory, there is no need for him to be loyal to the Lancaster family.

For so many years, Herman has been doing his best and devoting himself to the development of Rose Town. He has nothing to say to the Lancaster family, and he has a clear conscience.

If Lancaster insists on not surrendering, he will choose to accompany Lancaster until the end, whether out of loyalty to the lord or to safeguard his own honor.

But Lancaster surrendered without hesitation, and now he is happily playing with flowers and plants in Firefly Town, so he is still loyal.

After putting aside his loyalty to Lancaster, Herman had to think about himself and his family.

He is a noble. Although he only has a knighthood in name only, he is still considered a noble. The title can be passed down in the family.

No one in the family wanted him to lose his noble title, and Herman himself didn't want to become a commoner.

So he could only choose to be loyal to Ryan, hoping that Ryan would accept him.

But not everyone wants Ryan. Herman is not as talented as White. He doesn't even have Pokémon to conquer, but only has the ability to manage the territory.

In order to gain Ryan's attention, Herman worked hard these days to quickly restore Rose Town to its pre-war state.

He asked himself that what he was doing these days was pretty good, but in the end it still had to depend on what Ryan wanted.

Therefore, Herman is very nervous now. He knows very well that Ryan's next words will determine his future destiny.

"You have done well these days, and I am very satisfied. You will be the clerk of Rose Town for the time being."

Ryan said calmly.

Hearing this, Herman first breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt a burst of ecstasy.

He knew that he had been recognized by Ryan, and that he could keep his title. It was worth it that he had been working on the affairs of the territory without sleep and food these past few days, and he didn't even dare to sleep more.

"Thank you for your trust. I will definitely manage Rose Town according to your ideas, and strive to build Rose Town into a town like Firefly Town where humans and Pokémon coexist harmoniously as soon as possible!"

Hermann loudly expressed his loyalty.

"Oh? It seems you know a lot about me and Yinghuo Town."

Ryan said with interest.

"I also learned about your great ideal from Knight Commander Noz. Although I have never tamed Pokémon, I often come into contact with them and I like these cute little guys very much."

"Therefore, I fully agree with your concept and I will do my best to help you realize this ideal!"

Herman said solemnly.

Ryan looked at Herman's serious look and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

He wouldn't believe a word Herman said, and he also said he liked Pokémon. But if he really liked Pokémon, he wouldn't let them be abused.

Don't say that he didn't know about it. Lancaster hardly participated in the management of the territory. Most of the territorial affairs were handled by Herman. It was strange that he didn't know about it.

The reason why he is saying this now is just to please Ryan.

However, Ryan did not expose him. Rose Town still needs Herman to manage it for the time being. Apart from other aspects, this guy is still good at managing the territory, otherwise Rose Town would not have recovered so quickly.

He didn't want to take action against Herman until Ryan had no more suitable candidate.

And Herman is a smart man. Since he knows that Ryan likes Pokémon, he will definitely show his love for Pokémon in the future.

As long as Ryan is in charge of Rose Town, Herman must treat Pokémon honestly and kindly.

This can be seen from the fact that he is busy building new pastures for the Meli Sheep and Kentero, and severely punishing Director Lance, so Ryan is not worried that he will abuse the Pokémon.

"I'm very happy that you can think so, but I only value practical actions. I also understand everything you have done before, so I can not pursue it. I only hope that you can truly do what you just said! "

Ryan said meaningfully.

Hearing Ryan's tapping, Herman's heart trembled, and a lot of cold sweat broke out from his back.

He said to Ryan with fear:

"Please rest assured, I promise to do what I say, and I can swear it on my family's honor!"

Ryan shook his head: "You don't have to swear, you just have to know it in your heart. Let's not talk about it for now. I called you because I have something to tell you. Tomorrow I will send a batch of good seeds of Warcraft users, and ordinary Warcraft The difference is that they don’t like to fight and kill, but prefer to build and farm.”

"You need to guide them to build Rose Town, but don't interfere too much with their behavior."

"In addition, if you encounter any problems when managing the territory, you can contact them. Maybe they will help you."

Herman heard this and was filled with questions. Are there any Warcraft users who don't like fighting in this world?

What does it mean to like farming? You won't really let the Warcraft user farm the land, right? Isn’t this overkill!

Although Herman had many doubts in his heart, he still agreed. Anyway, Ryan must have his reasons for doing this, and he just had to follow it.

Seeing Herman nodding in agreement without any hesitation, Ryan was very satisfied.

Yes, talking to smart people saves trouble.

"Your main task in the future is to copy the newly added buildings and facilities in Firefly Town to Rose Town as quickly as possible, such as the mission center, Pokémon Center and bank."

"I know you are unfamiliar with these facilities. You can go to Firefly Town to see it for yourself this afternoon. I will ask Knight Captain Notz to find someone to send it to you."

"After reading it, set up the mission station for me first. I will see the mission station tomorrow."

Ryan then ordered.

"Tomorrow? This."

Herman was troubled by how it was possible to build a new facility in one night.

"I didn't ask you to build a new house, so just find an unused building and use it first."

Ryan explained that the mission station was just a formality, and the important thing was the daily tasks issued.

"I understand, please don't worry, the mission station will be completed tomorrow!"

Herman said with confidence that there are still many vacant houses in Rose Town, which should be able to meet the needs of the mission.

"Other than that, your usual."

Ryan told Herman a few more words, asking him to clarify how to treat players, and then talked about the future development direction of Rose Town.

In Ryan's plan, Rose Town is to develop into a logistics base, so life-style players will come to Rose Town.

Compared with Yinghuo Town and Tiethorn Town, which are close to Liuying Forest, Qiangwei Town has unique geographical conditions.

There are no large forests around the town. The terrain is flat and the soil is fertile. Coupled with sufficient rainfall, it is very suitable for growing food.

It is a pity that the former Baron Lancaster followed the advice of Guanhai City and used a large amount of land to grow roses, wasting such excellent conditions.

Now that Rose Town is in Ryan's hands, he will naturally stop planting these useless flowers and plants. Once the last batch of roses are sold to Guanhai City, he will use all the land to grow food and fruit, and Rose Town will Build it into the granary of your territory.

Of course, in addition to food, Rose Town also has a foundation in animal husbandry. Ryan plans to continue cultivating Meli sheep and Kentero, and see if he can introduce some new Pokémon, such as braided sheep and mount lambs, to further develop Animal husbandry.

In this way, Qiangwei Town, which has two major industries: planting and animal husbandry, is enough to become the logistics base of the territory.

But there is one thing that Ryan has to consider. The geographical location brings not only advantages to Rose Town, but also hidden dangers.

Rose Town is almost impossible to defend, and other territories can easily reach the gate of Rose Town, just like Baron Bach before.

Fortunately, several surrounding towns that could threaten Rose Town were occupied by Ryan, leaving only Feiyu Town in the north.

The current Feiyu Town will naturally not take action against Qiangwei Town, but once Silver Leaf Town occupies Feiyu Town, Qiangwei Town will not be safe.

Rose Town is the future logistics base of the territory, and there must be no mistakes. Feiyu Town, as the natural barrier of Rose Town, must be in Ryan's hands so that he can feel at ease.

Thinking of this, Ryan mentally apologized to Eve, his future apprentice.

The water in Feiyu Town is very deep. You can’t control it, so let me do it~ (End of Chapter)

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