My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 51 The Effect of Life Purification

After finding the Nirvana Society, Su Xin finally found the real target, and there was no need to continue investigating in the Golden Shield Society.

Of course, he cannot easily let go of the murderers of the Golden Shield Society who participated in the operation.

But this doesn't require him to do it himself.

Now, two people involved in the operation, He Zhengqi and Fang Keyi, have been killed one after another. The other people involved in the operation must feel that someone is silencing them, or at least feel that the matter has been exposed. They will definitely take action, and once they take action, there will be flaws.

At the same time, the police will also investigate the cause of death of the two people and discover that they are related to the attack.

In short, with this breakthrough, the attack will soon be investigated.

Su Xin just needs to wait for the results.

He threw away all the small items he had just put into his pocket, took off his white gloves and stuffed them back into his pocket.

A teleport left the Golden Shield Society.

arrive home.

Su Xin experienced another death and resurrection.

Perhaps because there are no other negative states, only the body is slightly tired, the 'tired' state can only be lifted after resurrection, causing Su Xin's physical and energy to return to perfection again, just like waking up after eating, drinking, and sleeping soundly. , full of strength and extremely energetic.

"If this continues, will I be able to get rid of eating, drinking, and sleeping forever?"

"And aging is also a negative state, right?"

"Then I will never grow old?"

"Damn it! Isn't this an immortal?!"

The more he thought about it, the more shocked Su Xin was about the power of [Unyielding Dead].

According to the current effect of [Unyielding Dead]'s ability, in addition to allowing him to be resurrected infinitely, it can also randomly remove negative states.

The key is that he dies every hour, which means that he will remove a negative status every hour.

Since even fatigue is considered a negative state.

Then aging, injury, illness, etc. are definitely negative states.

No matter what illness or injury he suffered, he would be resurrected twenty-four times a day, and his abnormal status would be released twenty-four times randomly. No abnormal status would be left.

This means that he will be immortal, infinitely resurrected, invulnerable to all poisons, and will never suffer from injuries.

While shocked and delighted, Su Xin thought of a very important question:

"Does restraint count as an abnormal state?"

"If it counts, even if one day I am caught by a certain force and my hands are tied, making it impossible to teleport, then after my death and resurrection, won't the restraint state be automatically lifted?"

"In this way, even this only risk is no longer a problem for me?"

Think of this.

Su Xin eagerly began to try.

After all, the few superpowers he now possesses are enough to guarantee his immortality and he can escape from any difficulties. The only thing he worries about is being tied up.

If it is confirmed that the binding cannot pose a threat to him, then he will truly be invincible in the world.

It's easy to try.

Su Xin took out a rope and tied his hands together into a tight knot.

The time slowly came to half past three.

As the countdown ended, Su Xin suddenly closed his eyes and his hands dropped weakly.

next moment.

Su Xin's eyes suddenly opened again.

The moment he raised his hands, he knew the result - the restraints were not released.


Su Xin sighed lightly.

Although he was a little disappointed, the effect of [Unyielding Dead] was enough to surprise him.

"It seems that the special effect of life purification should only be limited to one's own abnormal state, and the rope is a foreign object and is not within the scope of purification."

"So, the only thing I need to guard against now is having my hands tied. Other things like poisoning, coma, etc., and even if there is a mind control ability in this world, I can ignore it."

The research on superpowers has come to an end.

Su Xin began to search for Nirvana Society on the Internet.

However, he searched for more than half an hour and could not find any information about this organization.

This confirmed his thoughts.

The Nirvana Society is a highly hidden and powerful organization. It may only be spread by word of mouth among certain groups, but all information on various media channels such as the Internet has been completely blocked.

If you rely on yourself alone, even if you have the ability to live forever, it is almost impossible to come into contact with such a mysterious and powerful organization.

It has to go through the upper class.

Or corporate power.

In short, his vision is too narrow now. He has enjoyed a comfortable and prosperous life for more than ten years and has never been exposed to the other side of the world.


He needs to enter another world.

a few hours ago.

After Fang Mengzhu left Sunshine Community, he drove all the way back to Dihao View Garden in Beicheng District.

Several things that happened that night had a huge impact on her. Just now, she had the urge to die together with Su Xin.

But now that I think about it, I was still too impulsive. If I died like this, it would be a huge blow to my mother.

"My father is dead, but my mother is still here. I have to live well with my mother. I will never give up on life so easily in the future."

Fang Mengzhu warned himself firmly in his heart.

Her car slowly arrived at the gate of Imperial Garden and stopped smoothly in front of the electronic gate.

And this time.

Fang Mengzhu suddenly noticed that the sky not far ahead was red, and there were a lot of noisy sounds coming from faintly.


Fang Mengzhu's expression changed, and she had a bad feeling in her heart. After the electronic gate opened, she stepped on the accelerator and drove in. After a while, she arrived in front of her villa.

I saw huge flames burning in the villa, and several security guards were busy trying to put out the fire.

Fang Mengzhu felt a chill in his heart.

A feeling of despair emerged in my heart.

My father had just passed away, and if my mother died too, then her life would really be meaningless.

She rushed out of the car with a panic look on her face, as if she didn't see the flames all over the sky, and was about to rush towards the gate. The security captain who had noticed her red sports car on the side quickly came up to meet her, and shouted loudly:

"Miss Fang, please park the car over there. The fire truck and ambulance are coming soon. Your mother has been rescued by us, over there."


Fang Mengzhu calmed down a little, and quickly ran to the other side where the security captain was pointing, and sure enough he found his mother who was being cared for by a security guard.


When she saw her mother's condition clearly, her heart, which had been relaxed, became tense again.

Han Danfeng's body was covered with twisted burn scars, her hair was bald, and her appearance was completely different. Some places were even shiny like barbecue and dripping with some kind of mucus. She was no longer as elegant and beautiful as she once was.


Fang Mengzhu's body paralyzed, and he knelt down beside his mother, crying. He wanted to touch it but didn't dare to touch it, so he could only helplessly call out in a low voice, but Han Danfeng kept his eyes tightly closed without any reaction.

When the ambulance arrived, the doctor on board the vehicle gave emergency treatment and then announced the bad news——

Han Danfeng is dead.

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