My practice narration is weird

Chapter 22: Fame is greater than strength

"Are you sure you want to take this mission?"

The person in charge of the task looked at Ye Wuyou through the window, and then looked at the token in his hand.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"There is someone taking this task now. There are three people missing and one is missing. They are from the fifth group of Class B... Oh, they should be called the fifth group of Class C now."

Ye Wuyou: "?"

Of course he knew that someone had taken over the task, and there was just one person missing.

The mission level is not high, so it is not too difficult, and the reward is what he needs. It starts immediately, which perfectly meets his standards.

Seeing Ye Wuyou's confused eyes, the manager didn't say anything more. He just said, "I think you don't understand anything." and returned the token registration to him.

"Go ahead, they are waiting in the third room on the right."

Xu Fang, who was originally from the fifth group of Class B and was now downgraded to the fifth group of Class C, was pacing back and forth in the small room, looking very irritable.

There were two people sitting next to them. One of them had a gray complexion and a quiet breath. At this moment, he closed his eyes to rest.

The other person was a woman. Lin Qingqing was wearing a black shirt. She was holding her face with one hand and looking at the pacing giant man with a slightly irritated expression.

Finally, after the burly Xu Fang walked away a hundred times, Lin Qingqing finally couldn't stand it anymore, stood up, pointed at the other party and said angrily.

"Xu Fang, can you please be quiet? If you don't do anything, you will cause trouble. It makes me upset."

The accused giant seemed to have found his opponent at this moment, sneered, crossed his arms and said.

"Am I causing trouble? I was just trying to think of a way. I've been taking on tasks for a whole day, but no one is willing to come. Now our reputation has deteriorated to this point!"

"Do I miss you?"

Lin Qingqing scolded angrily, "You can still think of something with your pig head. Freeing up your brain is the greatest help to us, and you still have a reputation? Do you have a reputation?"

"Why do I have no reputation? Who didn't know the name of my Angry King Xu Fang a month ago!" Xu Fang immediately retorted.

However, Lin Qingqing seemed to have found the opponent's weakness, and immediately pointed at the opponent with her hands on her hips and laughed and sarcastically said.

"Wow hahahaha, you are a person whose fame is greater than your strength. What kind of fame do you have? It's true that you don't have one, but it is greater than your strength!"

"you you you……"

The burly man's face turned red with anger at the woman's words. His second-level cultivation couldn't help but radiate, and he looked extremely angry.

Lin Qingqing puffed up her chest and looked unwilling to be outdone.

The gray-faced man opened his eyes from his closed eyes, looked at the two of them, and sighed, as if he had long been used to it.

Their C-level fifth group... has not been doing well during this time.

You must know that a month ago, they were still the newly promoted Group B of the fifth group. Following that genius girl who looked like a monster, they repeatedly performed miraculous feats.

Unfortunately, sometimes we do too much and make many mistakes.

A black bear demon who pretended to be seriously injured at level 4 but was actually level 5 was pretended to be captured. In the end, an accident like this happened in the Tianlao.

And their reputation is extremely bad.

Although both the warden and everyone said that they were not to blame for this matter, those dead colleagues and seriously injured partners were a needle in the hearts of many people.

Without Lu Caiwei... they were no longer considered to be the fifth group of the B-level, but were downgraded to the C-level.

Who doesn’t have a few companions and friends? They were now in this situation, and they had actually expected it.

A knock on the door briefly interrupted the tense atmosphere in the room.

In an instant, the three of them turned their heads and looked at each other at the same time.

"Excuse me, this is Group C, Level 5. Have you taken over the task of capturing the fox demon?"

Ye Wuyou looked at the room with a slightly confused expression.

He didn't know why, but these three people gave him the feeling that they were already fighting to the death before even going on a mission.

Combined with the strangeness in the words of the colleague who took over the mission just now, Ye Wuyou had a vague feeling that something was not right with this team.

Seeing the three people looking at him but no one speaking, Ye Wuyou thought for a while and said "Goodbye" neatly.

But someone is quick.


The door is closed.

Lin Qingqing had regained her mood at this moment. She stood in front of Ye Wuyou, leaning against the door quietly with a smile.

"That's right, this colleague, this is the fifth group of Class C."

Lin Qingqing thought she had the friendliest tone, and at the same time showed off her most proud figure, staring at Ye Wuyou and smiling.

"I am Lin Qingqing, a second-level formation mage. I wonder who you are..."

Her eyes moved slightly downward, focusing on Ye Wuyou's waist.

There, a [D] token hangs alone.

There was a cold snort from behind, but it came from the burly man.

"Huh, D level... first level."

Ye Wuyou didn't pay attention, but directly reported his current cultivation level.

"Ye Wuyou, D-level jailer, first level, not a doctor."

Sure enough, as soon as the words came out, Ye Wuyou felt that the smile of the woman in front of him became a little stiffer.

But soon, the stiffness disappeared together with the smile, and Lin Qingqing's expression became much normal, she said.

"It's okay. If you're not a doctor, you're not a doctor. With just a few of us handling this task, we won't be injured at all."

At the same time, Lin Qingqing turned around and looked at the two companions.

Ye Wuyou knew that this was due to his low level and fear of holding back the team.

But he didn't think these three were very strong.

Compared with Lu Caiwei alone, I always feel that there is something heaven and earth.

[Boring, too boring, just a few second-level kids who can't even see the shadow of the remains of the avenue, and dare to look down on you]

[You came up with a plan to kill all three of them during the mission, and then kill them to rob the treasure, creating the illusion of a tragic sacrifice to complete the mission, so that you can reap a lot of rewards]

I'm not practicing the magic way!

After Lin Qingqing and the others exchanged glances, they looked at Ye Wuyou and said seriously.

"Ye...colleague, we are willing to accept this mission with you, but since we are a team, although the mission is not of high grade, it is still dangerous. There are a few rules that we need to discuss with you in advance."

"First, since you are a [D] level, you may have never been on a mission before, and you have never come into contact with demons, so you must listen to our command and cannot act arbitrarily."

"Second, if there are differences of opinion during the mission, I will take the lead. If you insist on your own opinion, you can leave the team on your own and the team will no longer be responsible for you. This applies to everyone."

Lin Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Ye Wuyou did not look strange. After a slight hesitation, she continued.

"Third, if there are other spoils during the mission, they will not be divided equally, but will be the personal gains of the seizure."

After saying this, Lin Qingqing felt guilty and thought about it and added.

"But if there are extra gains, you can also pick some."

"No, just divide it among yourselves." Ye Wuyou interrupted.

He came here just for the jade soul flower that can nourish the soul, and to see what this so-called mission is like.

As the other party said, it was his first time to go on a mission, and he didn't expect to gain much.

As for the command right?

Who wants the command right for no reason? It's thankless.


I'll listen to you. If there is danger, the narrator will bark. If there is really danger and disagreement, it would be safer to leave the team on my own.

Spoils of war?

Whoever gets it will definitely get it.

Lin Qingqing wanted to say something at this moment.

Are you sure?

Her face was a little incredible, but then she smiled and didn't persuade him anymore.

The three of them are all in the second realm, and the other party is only a cultivator in the first realm. Even if there is something to gain on the way, what can the other party get if it is not shared equally?

In other words, sharing the spoils and gains equally is what a team does.

Lin Qingqing and the others didn't think of taking the gains alone at first. They were indeed short of people, because there were less than four people on the mission, so they couldn't nominate this mission.

But he did not expect that the person who came would be Ye Wuyou, a Class D jailer of the first realm.

The gap in strength realms brings relatively unequal rules and regulations.

But this is fair.

Hahahaha, it's fake, it's all fake, there is no Spring and Autumn Cicada, and there is no Eternal Life Gu, it's fake, it's all fake! Chen Pingan!!! I can't tell the difference!!! ...

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