My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 918 Air rescue!

The afterglow of the setting sun reflected the sparkling sea in red.

In an area of ​​​​the Bering Strait, there are some aircraft wreckage floating on the sea.

A huge Gulfstream G650 fell to pieces immediately after contact with the sea.

The largest piece of debris seemed to be the size of a car door.

If a flesh and blood body fell from such a height, the consequences can be imagined.

On the deck of a Russian fishing boat carrying out fishing operations.

Luo Yanning and four apprentices, plus Luo Li and Shen Jingyi, as well as four crew members.

There were 11 people in total, no one was missing, and only three crew members and the captain suffered minor injuries to varying degrees.

For the rest of their lives after the disaster, everyone's mood was hard to calm down for a long time.

I was thinking about living a good life in the future.

Do something you’ve wanted to do before but never had the time to do.

Or try a new life.

This air crash was an unprecedented disaster for everyone.

But everyone miraculously survived, and it was inevitable that there would be infinite emotions in their hearts.

At this moment, everyone's trust and respect for Luo Yanning has reached a new level!

From now on, the lives of myself and others will be given by the master!

What else can’t be trusted by the master?

If the master hadn't shown off his power this time and rescued himself and others.

A few of them were probably smashed into pieces by now.

"Hi...are you...from Earth?"

Captain Broski stepped forward to say hello to Luo Yanning with some guilt.

He and the crew had just seen it.

It was Luo Yanning who flew around and rescued everyone on the deck.

Seeing someone flying in real life was a big shock to Brodsky and a group of crew members!

It’s about to overturn their worldview!

Luo Yanning looked at Broski, smiled gently and said: "Hello good friend, don't be nervous, we are all from Earth.

We are from China. As you can see, we just encountered a plane crash. Fortunately, your ship was nearby and helped us a lot. "

The [System Level Language Proficiency] that Luo Yanning obtained before included Russian language. Although he has integrated this skill, he still remembers the foreign languages ​​he has learned and has not forgotten them.

"Oh my God, you...are you really from Earth? We all saw just now that you can fly in the air! This is unbelievable!" Broski heard that Luo Yanning could speak Russian, and the tone and attitude of his words He was also very easy-going, and his heart suddenly dropped into his stomach.

It would be a big trouble if they encountered a group of aliens who couldn't understand each other. They had just seen Luo Yanning's strength with their own eyes. Even if everyone came together, they would still be no match for him.

After hearing Luo Yanning's words, a group of crew members became much less wary, but they were still somewhat wary of Luo Yanning.

Luo Yanning looked at Broski and asked in as gentle a tone as possible: "Sir, are you the captain of this ship?"

Broski said truthfully: "Yes, sir, I am the person in charge of this ship. However, I am not the owner of the ship. I am just a wage earner working for others."

"So, can you contact the owner of the ship? I want to rent your ship and take us back to the shore. As you can see, we still have injured people who need treatment here."

Although he has mastered the ability to fly, Luo Yanning does not want to be too ostentatious unless necessary.

If he didn't care about the impact of his actions, he could have used his flying skills to bring everyone back to the shore, but he still chose to rent a boat and get ashore in a more normal way.

"Sir, please wait a moment! I'm going to call the boss for instructions!" After saying that, Brodsky took out his mobile phone from his pocket and made a call, and then gave the other party a brief explanation of the situation in Russian.

After making the call, Brodsky put the phone back into his pocket, looked at Luo Yanning and said: "Hello sir, I told my boss what happened to you.

The boss said that if you survived this kind of disaster, you are all favored by God. Let me send you back to the shore for free. Deno, let’s start the return voyage! "

Brodsky turned to say something to a crew member standing next to him. After the other person agreed, he went directly to the cockpit to change course and prepare to return to the shore.

Luo Yanning smiled and said: "Thank you friend, and thank you for your enthusiastic boss. I don't know your name yet."

"Just call me Bro. As you know, the full names of our country of Ross are relatively long. If I tell you the full name, you may not remember it."

After a few simple exchanges, Brodsky felt that Luo Yanning was not a bad person, and his tone of voice became much more relaxed.

"Everyone, I see that you are not in a good condition. How about you go to the cabin and take a rest first? Eat something and drink some wine. It may be helpful to your current situation."

Luo Yanning smiled and said: "Thank you Bro, you are such a warm-hearted and good person. By the way, can you lend me your mobile phone?"

In the process of rescuing everyone just now, Luo Yanning was flying around, and the mobile phone in his pocket was no longer known where it flew. Others were like him, and everyone's mobile phone was lost.

"Of course! You can use it as you like." Broski said, taking out a Huawei phone with a chrysanthemum logo from his pocket, unlocking it, and handed it to Luo Yanning.

Luo Yanning reached out to take the phone, smiled and praised: "Thank you Bro, Huawei phone is very good."

Opening the dialing interface, Luo Yanning pressed Marx's personal phone number and dialed it.

beep beep beep beep beep…

The call didn't go through, and Marx was on the phone.

Luo Yinning tried several times, but failed to get through, and kept reminding the other party that the call was in progress.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang in the sky!

The direction of the loud noise was probably one or two kilometers diagonally behind the fishing boat!

Everyone's eyes were all looking towards the direction where the loud noise came from.

"No! It's probably that Max's plane also suffered a bird strike!"

Luo Yanning suddenly thought of the strange bird that crashed into the cabin of her Gulfstream G650.

Others may not know the origin of this strange bird, but Luo Yanning does.

That strange bird is definitely not a creature on earth. It is most likely like the Devouring Wolf, coming from a space crack somewhere!

If there is a space crack like the Dead Zone, it is impossible for only one strange bird to appear, there should be others.

There are no other targets to attack at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, so the Gulfstream G650 that Marx and his crew are riding on will be particularly conspicuous and easily noticed.


There was no time to think too much, and there was no time to think about shocking the world. Luo Yanning took off again, flying towards the direction where the explosion came from.

Hoo ho ho, ho ho ho--!

With the strong wind howling in his ears, Luo Yanning quickly rushed up to an altitude of more than 10,000 meters.


A small passenger plane broken into two pieces was falling downwards.

Several large birds that Luo Yanning had seen before were circling around the falling wreckage of the plane, making high-pitched calls from time to time.

Suddenly, a strange bird screamed when it saw Luo Yanning, flapped its wings, and flew towards him quickly!

The strange bird was very fast, flying hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye and arriving in front of Luo Yanning.

"Beast! Seeking death!"

Luo Yanning's eyes lit up when she saw the group of "culprits" who caused her and Max to encounter a plane crash, and two blazing heat visions shot out!


Although the body of the strange bird is strong, it is not strong enough to withstand heat vision. The entire head is instantly penetrated by heat vision and melts!


Several other strange birds that were circling around the wreckage of the plane saw their companions being killed. Instead of scattering, they aroused their ferocity and at the same time besieged Luo Yanning.

Sizzling, sizzling, sizzling, sizzling, sizzling!

Luo Yanning's eyes sprayed with heat vision and he turned around in the air. The five strange birds that surrounded him were killed instantly and fell straight down!

After taking care of a few strange birds, Luo Yanning swooped down and accelerated downward again.

In just a few seconds, the wreckage of the plane had fallen another two to three thousand meters.

Soon, Luo Yanning caught up with the back half of the falling plane, and with a whoosh, suddenly accelerated into it again.


The moment Luo Yanning entered the rear cabin of the plane, she heard someone shouting to her.

Looking along the direction of the sound, Luo Yanning saw Max looking at him with a look of joy.

Without saying a word, Luo Yanning accelerated again and rushed dozens of meters to Marx's side with a bang.

"Help me! Help me! Please, please! I am willing to give you everything I have!"

The moment the female assistant sitting next to Max saw Luo Yanning, she begged with a hopeful look on her face.

"I will try my best to save as many people as I can."

After Luo Yanning finished speaking, she snapped open the seat belt on Max and took him away from his seat. Then he tore off the seat belt of the female assistant and rescued her along the way.

After rescuing the two people, Luo Yanning quickly found the location of the cockpit. He saw that all the crew members inside were stuck to the bulkhead above the plane, all with varying degrees of injuries.

With her previous rescue experience, Luo Yanning was now quite familiar with rescuing people, and she quickly rescued the crew members trapped in the cab.

Except for Marx, his assistant and four crew members, all other members are missing. Their lives and deaths are unknown, but everyone knows that they must be in danger.

Luo Yanning flew in the air at high speed for three minutes and found no other survivors.

According to Marx, in addition to him and his female assistant, there were 6 accompanying staff members and 5 crew members on the plane he was on.

Now, there are only 6 people left, and nearly half of them are missing.


Luo Yanning tried his best to search and rescue, but could not find anyone else. He slowly landed, and finally landed on the fishing boat that was waiting for him to come back from rescue.

The sailors and staff on the fishing boat were all excited when they saw Luo Yanning displaying his flying ability again!

Just now, they witnessed the whole process of Luo Yanning rescuing people, and saw him flying freely in the sky thousands of meters high.

Seeing such a scene in real life is naturally more shocking than in movies and TV series. Everyone now regards Luo Yanning as a real-life superhero!

Including the six Marx people who were just rescued, Luo Yanning has saved more than a dozen people and more than a dozen lives today!

Without him, the chance of surviving this plane crash would be infinitely close to zero!

"Why does the man I just rescued look so familiar?"

"He does look familiar, but I can't remember where I saw him for a while."

"Oh God! No way, no way, why do I feel like this man looks so much like Max from SpaceX, the richest man in the world!"

"If you say that, it's true. Isn't it just that they look alike, but they're in the same face?"

"He, he, he is Marx himself! I'll bet a bottle of rum that he is definitely Marx. Does anyone want to bet with me?"

After a group of crew members were shocked, they instantly turned their conversation and attention to Marx, and someone quickly recognized him.

"Master! Please accept my disciple's bow! From now on, my life belongs to you!"

Marx was also a man of temperament. As he spoke, he immediately knelt down on the deck with a bang. This call of master and this bow made him completely fall in love with his master!

Just now in the wreckage of the plane, Marx was even ready to die. He knew that his luck was not that bad, and the chance of surviving the crash was infinitely close to zero.

Until Luo Yanning appeared, it was like a ray of dawn shone into his world, making him regain his confidence in life.

He knew that his master would definitely take him out!

You can continue to stay in the world and enjoy the prosperity of the world!

Seeing Max kneel down and bow down to Luo Yanning, every one of the crew members was shocked again!

"Oh my god, he is Marx! The richest man in the world is so polite to a young man!"

"Is it weird? Not at all, I think it's normal. Who doesn't want a super powerful master like that one!"

"Sure enough, reality is more magical than fiction! Superheroes actually exist in the world!"

Luo Yanning was dumbfounded by Marx's worship.

He just bowed to himself during the apprenticeship ceremony before!

Nowadays, he even knows how to kowtow without a teacher, which is worthy of praise!

"Get up, Max. Today is not the right time to talk about this. I will take you to the cabin to join the other brothers."

Luo Yanning warned him calmly, and then led Marx and others towards the cabin.

"Junior brother!"


"Senior sister! Senior brother! Are you all okay? I feel relieved to see everyone here!"

As soon as Marx entered the door and saw several senior brothers and sisters, he felt relieved and hurriedly said hello to everyone.

This time everyone took a plane to the United States to do something for him.

If something unexpected happened while doing errands, he would blame himself and feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Although today we encountered an unprecedented disaster.

But with the master around, everything was miraculously averted. (End of chapter)

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