My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 940 Goodbye!

Others also looked nervously at the paper ball in Du Enya's hand.

After Luo Yanning's simple science popularization, everyone has a general understanding of the plane of the Ape Planet.

Everyone knows that going to the Planet of the Apes is a very rare opportunity to quickly improve your strength!

Even Mulvey and Marx decided to leave the company's affairs to others temporarily and participated in the lottery.

If they can win the lottery, they will follow Luo Yanning to the Planet of the Apes to experience. If they don't win, they will have to wait until the next opportunity to go again.

According to Luo Yanning's analysis, the Planet of the Apes is just the beginning, and it is very likely that other different planes will appear in the future.

Of course, all this is Luo Yanning's analysis based on the actual situation. As for whether there will be other plane passages, it will be verified by time.

"It's an attack! Great! Great! I got it!"

After Du Enya unfolded the paper ball in her hand and saw the result of the lottery, she immediately beamed with joy and couldn't hide her excitement. She jumped up happily, directly exposing her girlish nature.

Although Du Enya is the senior sister of a group of people, she has just turned 20 this year, and she is still a beautiful girl in her prime.

Gao Yaling said with a smile: "Congratulations, senior sister! This time I follow the master to the Planet of the Apes and I will definitely become stronger. If I don't win, remember to bring me some specialties when I come back. !”

"Senior Sister is so lucky! I hope I can have the same luck as Senior Sister!"

"Congratulations, senior sister!"


Although there are only 4 places, if you win one, you will lose one. From a certain perspective, everyone is actually a competitor.

However, when Du Enya got the "attack" lottery, everyone's blessings to her were sincere, and the feelings between the seniors and brothers were quite sincere.

Luo Yanning looked at Du Enya and said with a smile: "You're lucky, Xiao Du. We don't have much time left for us. Take the time to say goodbye to your family and tell your brother. If you have any difficulties, just call Luo Ying. Luo Ying will Help him settle everything."

"Thank you, master! Thank you!" Du Enya's eyes turned red after hearing Luo Yanning's words, and she was so moved.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the minds of Du Enya and her brother Du Enze, Luo Yanning's status is closer than that of their parents, and even than their grandfather who raised them since childhood.

Over the years, Luo Yanning has taken care of her siblings too much. The life they have today is also the result of Luo Yanning's care.

If it weren't for Luo Yanning's care, Du Enya might still be working as a waiter in that small restaurant right now, working non-stop for a month and only earning 2,000 yuan.

After becoming an employee of the scenic spot and apprenticed to Luo Yanning, Du Enya's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. She earns hundreds of thousands a month, and sometimes even breaks a million!

Now in one month, I almost earn money that I could never earn in my life before. While my living conditions have been greatly improved, I have also gained the respect of people around me.

As Luo Yanning's first disciple and the senior sister of many juniors and juniors, Du Enya also gained the respect of a group of juniors and juniors, the surrounding villagers, and even the township and county leaders.

The money, identity, and status that Du Enya now possesses are all closely related to Luo Yanning.

It can be said that without Luo Yanning, she would not be as prosperous as she is now.

Du Enya's inner gratitude towards Luo Yanning was like an endless river.

Luo Yanning reached out and touched Du Enya's head, and said with a smile: "Silly girl, why are you thanking me? Who made me your master?"

"Hmm..." Du Enya looked at Luo Yanning with tearful eyes, and two blushes crept up on her pretty face.

Not only was Du Enya not disgusted with Luo Yanning's "killing by touching the head", she even enjoyed it. His palms felt as if they were electrified, and there was a tingling sensation where his fingers touched her.

"Time is running out. Go and say goodbye to your brother. Zhao Ruitui will be next."

After Luo Yanning sent Du Enya to call her brother, she looked at Zhao Rui and motioned for her to come forward and draw lots.

"Oh! Okay! The sky is full of spirits and the earth is full of spirits. Empress Bixia Yuanjun will appear soon. Please help me draw it! Please!"

Zhao Rui bowed three times in the direction of the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area, then walked to Luo Yanning, stretched out her hand tremblingly, and after several selections, she finally picked a paper ball that she liked more.

Everyone's eyes suddenly focused on the paper ball in Zhao Rui's hand, and they were all curious about the result of her lottery.

Zhao Rui carefully opened the paper ball. When he saw the word "Shou" on the paper ball, his mouth dropped and he almost cried.

"Whoa, whoa, where did all my luck go! I lost all my luck when it was supposed to be useful! I will never trust Empress Bixia Yuanjun again!"

Zhao Rui muttered a few words in a low voice. Although she was disappointed with the result of the draw, she respected the result and was willing to admit defeat.

"Ahem, Senior Sister Zhao, don't be discouraged. Didn't the master say that if there are other planetary planes like this in the future, we will give priority to taking people who have never been there. If you don't get it this time, go directly next time!"

"Ahem, luck is something that is inherently unpredictable, so Senior Sister Zhao doesn't need to worry too much about it."

Everyone saw that Zhao Rui was not in a good mood, and everyone helped to persuade her. With everyone's persuasion, her mood improved a lot.

Next, Shi Mingsheng, Mulvey and Gao Yaling Marx drew lots in turn.

Shi Mingsheng drew "defense", Gao Yaling drew "offense", and Mu Wei and Marx also drew "defense".

In the final draw, Luo Li and Shen Jingyi became the biggest winners. The remaining two draws were "attack", and they were directly promoted!

Regarding such a lottery result, Luo Yanning was a little bit dumbfounded. It could only be that Luo Li and Shen Jingyi were so lucky!

Luo Yanning deliberately arranged for them to draw lots in the end, but it was actually a bit unfair to them.

If the person who drew lots in front was very lucky and directly drew away the four "attack" lots, the two of them would be completely reduced to the atmosphere group and would not even have a chance to draw lots.

The current result may be a little compensation from God for the two of them!

After the lottery results were confirmed, Luo Yanning called together the people who had not won the lottery and made some work arrangements.

Nowadays, the number of dead zones on the earth is still growing, and there are still a lot of them.

If this cooperation with the United States goes well, more countries will seek cooperation with our team in the future.

For those who stay, the workload in the future will not be small. They can also improve themselves quickly by honing their skills in actual combat for a long time.

"I still say the same thing, safety first, don't put yourself at risk! Fight if you can, and run if you can't. Don't be brave!"

"I will only go to the Planet of the Apes for about a year this time. Things that I can't handle on my own will be dealt with when I come back."


Luo Yanning taught the disciples earnestly for more than an hour, explaining everything he could think of to them.

At the same time, he also gave everyone a set of Chromium alloy combat uniforms, which was regarded as a small gift before leaving.

"Xiao Zhao, I have a more difficult task for you."

After explaining everyone, Luo Yanning looked at Zhao Rui, with incomparable trust and affirmation for this apprentice in his eyes.

"Well, tell me, master!"

Although Zhao Rui did not get the "attack" lottery, she would not complain at all against Luo Yanning. She could only blame her own bad luck.

"I have a package here. I need you to return home first and hand it over to Mr. Luo Yingluo. The contents inside are very important and there must be no mistakes."

As Luo Yanning spoke, she magically took out a mahogany box the size of a mobile phone box from her pocket and handed it to Zhao Rui.

Inside the box is Luo Yanning's "Na Jie", which also contains the "Tianxin Dan Bottle" and "Tian Yang Dan Bottle", as well as 108 grass and tree spirits that Luo Yanning bought with all his current savings.

A small ring is worth trillions. Even if you give it ten trillion, Luo Yanning may not be able to sell it!

In the near future, money will be worse than waste paper. Only strength and potions that can enhance strength are priceless treasures!

This time entering the Ape Planet plane, Luo Yanning could only choose three skills or items, including Tianxin Pill, Tianyang Pill and Najie.

He has already taken Tianyang Dan and the Spirit of Plants and Trees. These things have no meaning to him anymore, and there is no need to take them to the Planet of the Apes.

To bring it, you also need to choose the three skills that will enhance your strength the most. After completing the task, you can also upgrade these three skills to kill two birds with one stone.

As for the skills to choose, Luo Yanning already has a preliminary plan.

First of all, ‘flying ability’ is a must-select, you must select it!

This skill can ignore the terrain and move quickly. It also has an absolute advantage over the air and the ground.

Secondly, you also need to choose the ‘Unstoppable Bamboo’ skill. Your strength will be instantly increased tenfold, and your life will be safer.

As for the last one... Luo Yanning has been wavering between the two skills of 'Object Control' and 'Heat Vision', and has not yet decided which one to choose.

These two skills are Luo Yanning's two most powerful offensive skills at present!

In terms of lethality and sudden explosive power, the thermal sight is superior, but the disadvantage is that it cannot last long.

In terms of durability and both offense and defense, the art of controlling objects is even better.

Luo Yanning can currently perfectly control 6 Crow alloy flying knives through the art of object control. They are full of lethality and also have strong defensive properties.

Theoretically, as his proficiency increases, he can control more flying knives, 7, 10, or even 20 or 30 are possible!

‘Object Control’ is also better than ‘Heat Vision’ in terms of growth potential, and the future is promising.

So Luo Yanning is very confused now, not knowing which one to choose.

It would be nice if you could combine a few more skills, but according to the rules, you can only choose three, and you can't have more than one.

"Okay master! Don't worry, as long as you still have breath, I will deliver it safely to Mr. Luo!"

Zhao Rui did not ask Luo Yanning what was in the box. After carefully taking the box, he happily accepted Luo Yanning's commission.

In fact, Luo Yanning was not very worried that the box would be snatched by someone or some force.

Although Zhao Rui's strength is not outstanding among his brothers, among ordinary people, he is definitely super invincible.

It was safer for Zhao Rui to escort Na Jie back to China than to hire a team of top mercenaries from Baishui Security Company.

Furthermore, only Luo Yanning and Luo Ying can freely access the contents of Najie.

Even if someone robs it, they can't get the contents inside.

For people other than Luo Yanning and Luo Ying, the Na Ring is just a relatively exquisite ring.

Offending Luo Yanning with such a useless ring is definitely not a very cost-effective thing.

Even if someone or a certain force is really so crazy that they don't hesitate to offend Luo Yanning to snatch the ring, and succeed, it doesn't matter much.

When Luo Yanning comes back from the Planet of the Apes, he can definitely snatch it back!

"If necessary, I can go back with Junior Sister Zhao."

"I can too!"

"Add me one."

Shi Mingsheng, Mu Wei and Marx did not win the lottery, so they volunteered to go with Zhao Rui.

Luo Yanning smiled and said, "No, just do what you are supposed to do. Xiao Zhao alone is enough. If there are too many people, it will be easier for others to pay attention."

"Okay then, master, whatever you say will be yours."

"Okay, senior sister Zhao, have a nice journey. Leave early and come back early. We will wait for you in Rocky City."

Seeing that Luo Yanning had made up his mind, everyone said nothing more.

After arranging everything, Luo Yanning called Li Ruijia, Lin Suqing and Shui Miaomiao respectively and said goodbye.

Later, he called his mother and sister and lied that he was going to perform a special mission and that he could not use mobile phones and other devices during the period.

His mother and sister have always supported all of Luo Yanning's decisions, but they only told him to pay attention to safety and go back early.

Luo Yanning made the last call to Zhang Qian. Among all non-relatives, Zhang Qian was the one Luo Yanning cared about the most.

"Going away for so long? Your daughter won't even recognize you when you come back."

"You must pay attention to your own safety. I know you are very powerful, but you can't be too proud."


The phone call with Zhang Qian lasted for more than an hour. Most of the time, Zhang Qian was talking on the other end, and Luo Yanning just listened to her words.

After saying goodbye to everyone I care about, the sky in the east has turned white, and the first ray of sunshine in the morning shines on the rooftop of the building.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Luo Yanning hugged Zhao Rui on her left side and Lilia on her right side, and flew towards the outside of Rocky City at low altitude.

In 43 minutes, Luo Yanning arrived at the edge of Rocky City and met Special Forces Chief MacArthur stationed here.

Luo Yanning handed Zhao Rui and Lilia to MacArthur and asked him to arrange a vehicle to take them away.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! I will keep my promise and pay you as soon as possible!"

Lilia waved vigorously to Luo Yanning, and before leaving, she took one last look at the city where she almost lost her life.

From now on, she will most likely not come to Loki again.

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