My science and technology museum

Chapter 342 Heading towards the Earth Star at full speed

As the main weapon of the battleship, the neutral particle cannon is far more powerful than the rail gun, but it also has a drawback.

That is the issue of transmission frequency.

Under normal circumstances, after the neutral particle cannon completes its first launch, it takes a certain amount of time to recharge before it can launch the next launch. Misty was obviously so angry that he forgot about it for a while.

But you must know that a slight difference can make a huge difference.

The environment they are currently in is not safe. On the contrary, they are facing attacks from several warships. Even if the main weapon is delayed for a while, it may change the entire battle situation.

After all, judging from the activation of the battleship's defense system, the enemy cannot be underestimated.

If I had known it would be such an embarrassing situation, I shouldn't have used the main weapon when attacking the Shenzhou just now.

The effect can be achieved simply by relying on secondary weapons.

It's just that now that things have happened, it's useless to dwell on it.

We must find a way to survive this wave of attacks as soon as possible.

In response to this, Misty had to suppress the anger in his heart and asked coldly: "How long is the cooldown time of the neutral particle cannon?"

"Report to the Bishop."

"About one minute and thirty seconds left."

The ordinary pioneer, who used all four arms to operate the battleship, did not dare to hesitate when faced with this question, and quickly opened his mouth and gave an accurate answer.

Everyone knows that the boss is very unhappy right now.

If you hit the gun at this time, you will basically have no chance of returning to the Pioneer Empire alive.

But thinking about this, I can't help but feel a little sympathy for Uzi.

Because judging from the current situation, it is obvious that the intelligence information given by Uzi is wrong.

And it was his mistakes that caused the current predicament.

With the character of Bishop Mesti, he would definitely not let this matter go by easily.

When Misty heard his subordinate's answer, a coldness suddenly shot out from the eyes under the huge spindle-shaped crown, and then he forced it back, and ordered with a hint of helplessness: "When using the secondary weapon to counterattack, you must be completely I destroy them and let them understand who is the real master of this star system."

"It's the Bishop."

The ordinary pioneers who received the order to be responsible for the operation dared to hesitate. They immediately activated all the rail guns on the battleship and launched an attack on Lei Zhan, Zhang Jingtong and the others.

Battleships can be used as ace equipment in interstellar wars.

But there are also weaknesses.

That is the defense system of the battleship itself.

The battleship built by the Pioneer Empire is about two thousand meters long, and it still belongs to the category of medium-sized battleships.

Therefore, it does not have energy shield on its own.

It can only rely on a defense system composed of close-in defense guns and other weapons to deal with attacks like a small warship. In a way, it seems embarrassing.


This defense system cannot be underestimated.

Under normal circumstances, it can easily intercept enemy attacks.

Unless encountering a large warship.

But no matter what, the battleship's defense system has its limits.

If this limit is exceeded, then I'm sorry.

The attack will act directly on the hull.

At that time, it will be necessary to rely on the resistance of the warship's own materials and the efficiency of repairing the spacecraft and personnel.

Lei Zhan, Zhang Jingtong and the others launched attacks at the same time.

In addition to seven heavy rail guns, it also includes a large number of space torpedoes, as well as attacker flying devices carrying hydrogen bombs.

When so many attacks hit the Pioneer Empire battleship from different directions, its own defense system simply cannot intercept them all, and it is normal for fish to slip through the net.

Then Misty felt the shaking coming from inside the battleship.

It's obviously been attacked.

Let’s talk about the battleship’s counterattack against heavy cruisers such as the Ark Azul.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the battleship uses a neutral particle cannon as its main weapon, then Lei Zhan, Zhang Jingtong and the others will 100% follow in the footsteps of the Shenzhou.

There was no chance of escape.

In addition, their battleships are almost fully loaded with crews, and it is unknown how many core members of the Alliance Space Force will die.

The key is to lose the Alliance fleet, and humans will no longer be able to compete with extraterrestrial civilizations.

The final result can be imagined.

But it happened that the direction of the Shenzhou incident changed.

The Shenzhou wasted its own opportunity to attack with the neutral particle cannon and successfully gave other warships a chance to survive. After all, it was not very difficult to withstand the attack of the rail gun alone.

Besides, no one knows railguns better than them.

At most, it will only cause some minor damage to the battleship, which is basically harmless.

On the contrary, Misty's painting style is completely different.



"The battleship is under attack!"

"The hull has been damaged, please repair it as soon as possible..."


"It's just a low-level civilization, how dare you act so wantonly!" At this moment, in the core control cabin of the battleship, Misty felt the ship body shaking from time to time and the system broadcast ringing in his ears. It can be said that his anger level has reached its peak: "Immediately Check the damage to the warship and send maintenance ships and frigates for support."

"It's the Bishop."

"The battleship's port side -1 engine power is damaged."

"Eight close-in defense guns were damaged."

"Reporting to the Bishop, the neutral particle cannon is ready. Do you want to launch it?"

Misti, who was immersed in the damage to the battleship, suddenly felt energetic after hearing such a report, and seemed to feel much better.

Without any hesitation in the next second, he immediately ordered: "What are you waiting for? Destroy all these low-level civilization warships."


"Target locked successfully, neutral particle cannon is ready to launch..."

Ordinary pioneers responsible for operating weapon systems immediately lock the target after receiving instructions from their superiors.

Just when he was about to press the launch button, there was another shaking inside the battleship, and at the same time, a new system announcement sounded in the core control cabin.

"The main weapon is damaged and cannot be fired!"

"The main weapon is damaged and cannot be fired!"

"The weapon is damaged and the neutral particle cannon cannot be used?" When Misty heard this, he was startled for a moment, and then he reacted. A nearly roaring voice suddenly sounded in the space: "You guys How do you operate a battleship to actually damage the main weapon? Why don’t you think of a solution quickly?”

"The maintenance ship has arrived at the damaged location." The ordinary pioneer next to the operation console said weakly.

At this moment, Misty no longer knew how to describe her mood.

It can only be said to be extremely unlucky.

It seems that ever since he entered this star system, he has never encountered anything that went his way.

It is obvious that the neutral particle cannon can easily destroy the enemy warships, but the main weapon was damaged just when it was about to be fired. By the time it was repaired, the day lily would be cold.

After all, losing the firepower of the main weapon will greatly weaken the performance of the battleship.

Now facing so many small interstellar battleships, it's really hard to predict what the final result will be.

If Misti was very confident about his galaxy invasion at first, now he is beginning to feel worried.

If he really fell into the hands of such an unknown low-level civilization that had no records, he, Misti, would definitely become the biggest joke in the history of the Pioneer Empire.

This is a shame he must not bear as a member of the royal family.

However, he only brought one battleship this time, and there is currently no way to find support.

We can only hope that the remaining defense systems and weapon systems of the battleship can last a little longer. When the maintenance personnel repair the neutral particle cannon, the main weapon, they will still have the possibility of making a comeback.

Will the key enemy give them this time?

The answer is obviously no.

But as these thoughts quickly flashed through his mind, a name appeared in Misty's mind again.



If Uzi hadn't provided wrong information, his pride as a pioneer empire would not be in this situation.

Someone must shoulder this responsibility.

With his thoughts stuck here, Misty immediately locked his sights on Uzi: "I almost forgot about you, and do you know your guilt for putting the empire's warships and soldiers in such a dangerous situation?"

While Misti said these words, he also deliberately activated his spiritual power.

It is with the help of the fusiform crown's innate suppression of ordinary pioneers that it brings a certain amount of mental deterrence and torture to the opponent.

And because this kind of mental intimidation torture is extremely painful for ordinary pioneers, no one dares to resist. As a result, the royal family still controls the entire civilization after the pioneer empire has existed for countless years.

Originally, Uzi was still operating something, but after feeling the mental pressure exerted by Misty on him, he immediately let out a scream and fell to the ground, struggling in pain.

Judging from the violently trembling translucent wings behind it, it shows that this feeling is indeed unpleasant.

Uzi is very aware of his current situation.

With Mesti's ruthlessness and current mood, he would most likely be tortured to death here, and the other pioneers around him would not show any mercy to him.

But since he had expected this to happen, how could he be unprepared?

He had been operating the battleship just now, and his purpose was just for now.

So at the critical moment, he endured the pain that occurred all over his body and quickly replied: "Wait a moment, Lord Bishop, the information I gave is not wrong. There are no living organisms on the living planets in this star system."

"The data detected by the battleship is the best proof."

"Right now, these are just poor people who were lucky enough to survive in space. They pose no threat to us at all."

That's right.

Uzi never thought he was wrong.

He strongly believed that with the effect of the transformed asteroid, the civilization on that living planet would have no way to resist it.

So just now he used the function of the battleship to try to scan the blue life planet in this star system, and the facts proved that his judgment was correct.

By scanning.

Not only did he discover that the elemental substances exclusive to the Pioneer Empire had covered the entire world.

And no carbon-based life forms were detected.

What does this mean?

Apparently the civilization on the planet has long been extinct.

At the moment, only a handful of people managed to survive by hiding in space when the catastrophe occurred.

Nothing to worry about at all.

After all, without the support of civilization and relying solely on a small number of individuals, resources will soon be exhausted and the combat capability will be lost.

Unfortunately he made a mistake.

That means Mars and the Moon were not scanned.

Mainly based on some of the information he stole from the Earth Star, humans do not have the ability to immigrate to the stars at all, so naturally they have not considered this aspect.

In fact, his judgment was not wrong.

Because if human beings had not had Xu Lei and future technology, the entire civilization would have ceased to exist.

Where would things like today be?

However, both the Lunar City on the moon and the Mars City on Mars are in completely independent spaces. There are eggshell-style defense devices made of special materials outside the city.

I really don't know what the results of the battleship scan will be.

Misty was so furious that he had already planned to kill Uzi.

I want to deal with the other party directly.

Anyway, for the members of the royal family, this is basically just a thought, not to mention that this Uzi has also caused public outrage.

But after listening to what Uzi said, he couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

I always feel like things are not that simple.

After a slight hesitation, he finally temporarily stopped the mental oppression of Uzi: "I hope you're not lying to me." After saying such harsh words, he immediately walked towards the location where Uzi was just now.


As Misty moved his eyes to the screen in front of him, he was immediately attracted by the data on it.

Ordinary pioneers may lie.

But the data is real.

Judging from the data on the screen in front of them, the interior of the only living planet in the star system they were on was filled with elemental materials synthesized by the Pioneer Empire.

Except for their pioneers, this special substance is extremely deadly to other carbon-based life forms.

It only takes a small amount to easily wipe out a civilization.

The engineers in the Pioneer Empire developed this special elemental substance precisely in order to invade other galaxies faster and plunder resources.

It can be said that he made great contributions to the pioneer empire.

Now that this kind of material is flooding the entire planet, it proves that there is no civilization on it.

So what is currently attacking them can only be the remaining fire of civilization in this galaxy.

Figure this out.

Metis' mood suddenly improved a lot.

But having said that, there is still one troublesome thing at the moment.

The enemy's attack is still continuing, and if the main weapon is damaged, it is very likely that the battleship will suffer greater damage.

It will be very difficult to repair it at that time.

The key is also a waste of time.

Just when Misty temporarily put aside his murderous intention towards Uzi and was a little worried about the situation at this moment, he saw that Uzi had stood up from the ground at some point, and walked over and said softly: "Your Majesty, our battleship is now Although it has now lost its most powerful main weapon, the neutral particle cannon, it still has an absolute advantage in speed."

Perhaps his interest was aroused by Uzi's words, Misty subconsciously asked: "What do you mean?"

"This is very simple. As long as we speed up to the living planet, the enemy's warships cannot catch up, and it is also a forbidden place for them."

"We will then have enough time to repair the warship."

"Victory will still belong to us."

As Uzi finished speaking, Misty's eyes suddenly became brighter and brighter.

I have to say that this is indeed a good method.

For a planet filled with the elemental materials of the pioneer empire, these civilization fires that survived by chance did not dare to set foot on it, as long as they were given enough recovery time.

Packing up a few small warships can only be so easy.

After thinking for a while, Misti made a decision immediately and immediately ordered: "The battleship speeds up and sails towards the blue planet."

"It's the Bishop."

Originally, everyone was worried about the situation they were facing, but now that they finally had a response plan, they still hesitated. Even if they followed the instructions and increased the engine power on both sides of the warship, the warship's flight speed suddenly accelerated a lot.

As for Uzi, he was slightly relieved when he saw this.

He put forward this suggestion to resolve the crisis situation. Although he would not earn any credit, at least his life would be saved.

Previously, Misty planned to destroy these small warships first.

After all, he also has this strength.

Therefore, the battleship is basically in a parked state and does not move much.

Therefore, only the heavy rail gun, the main weapon of Lei Zhan and Zhang Jingtong's heavy hammer cruiser, can attack the battleship. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't even be able to see the tail lights of other battleships.

But when the Pioneer Empire's battleship accelerated, it quickly escaped from the attack range.

At this flying speed, it won't be long before it enters the Earth's atmosphere and has a head-on conflict with the nearly one billion mechanical life forms living there.

However, this operation really caught Lei Zhan and the others off guard.

According to the battle plan formulated by Xu Lei, they must destroy the warships of extraterrestrial civilization with all their strength after the Shenzhou was attacked. Seeing that they had gained the upper hand and caused damage to the warships of extraterrestrial civilization, they suddenly found that the enemy had disappeared.

What's going on?

"Captain, what should we do now?"


In the core control cabin, as the captain, Lei Zhan was speechless while listening to his subordinates' questions.

The firing speed of the tungsten alloy shells of the key heavy rail gun is limited. Taking the current situation as an example, it cannot catch up with the medium-sized warships of extraterrestrial civilizations.

After all, it is equipped with an antimatter engine.

But looking at the other party's flight path, it is obvious that it is heading towards the Earth Star. If various attacks are carried out on the Earth Star by then, it will cause considerable losses to human civilization.

Key points include Mars and the Moon along the way.

If the enemy discovers the human civilization existing on these two planets, it will be a huge disaster.

Even firing a railgun would be unbearable for the planetary city.

Because the people living there are ordinary humans, carbon-based life forms are very fragile. Even if they are injected with genetic optimization fluid, they cannot become as powerful as mechanical life forms.

Lei Zhan thought that he was not very good at commanding operations like this.

Now that Xu Lei is not online, he can only ask other battleship captains for their opinions.

The first person he connected to was Zhang Jingtong.

"Uncle Zhang, do you have any good suggestions for this situation?" The moment Zhang Jingtong appeared on the screen, Lei Zhan went straight to the point and asked the core of the problem.

Since Zhang Jingtong is much older than Lei Zhan, Lei Zhan always calls him Uncle Zhang.

Invisibly, the relationship has also become much closer.

Zhang Jingtong previously made very good suggestions on the arrangement of battleships, which shows that he still has great talent in this area, so Lei Zhan wanted to get some ideas from him.

And just as the connection between the two of them started, the captains of other battleships also joined in.

Unfortunately, what he waited for was Zhang Jingtong shaking his head.

"no way."

"We can't catch up with the opponent at all, so we can't stop and intercept them."

Although Zhang Jingtong is unwilling to tell everyone this cruel fact and undermine everyone's self-confidence, the reality is like this.

The performance advantage on a battleship cannot be compensated by any strategy.

In any case, the extraterrestrial civilization's warships have already broken out of their encirclement, so whether the other party wants to attack the moon or Mars, they can only watch.

To describe it in one word, it is beyond reach.

There is simply no way to stop it with the planetary defense systems in orbit around Mars and the Moon.

no doubt.

As Zhang Jingtong finished speaking, everyone suddenly became silent.

But just when hope was about to be destroyed, a familiar figure suddenly appeared on the screen.

"You all performed very well. Don't worry, victory will still belong to us humans." On the Tiankun, which was some distance away from Lei Zhan and the others, Xu Lei in the core control room praised the battle just now.

After he, Xingtong and other crew members on the Shenzhou arrived safely at the Tiankun, they immediately checked the battle after the destruction of the Shenzhou and saw Lei Zhan, Zhang Jingtong and the others causing damage to extraterrestrial civilization warships while ensuring their own safety. , and forces the opponent to accelerate out of the attack range, which can be said to be quite unexpected.

It simply exceeded his expectations.

So this compliment is a must.

But right now, everyone is worried about the safety of Planet City, and is really not in the mood to accept this honor, so they have to take the initiative to ask: "Congressman Xu, the battleships of extraterrestrial civilizations have already rushed to the Earth, and everyone's situation is not optimistic now. "

Of course Xu Lei knew this.

But he didn't appear too nervous.

Because according to his analysis, extraterrestrial civilizations used Pluto to transform the environment of the Earth star. Now they are so anxious that they can only go to the Earth star.

As long as the Moon and Mars remain silent, they will not be discovered.

And when extraterrestrial civilizations really arrive on Earth, they will be doomed. You must know that the mechanical life forms living on Earth will not find the opportunity to participate in the war.

This wave of extraterrestrial civilization is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

In order to reassure everyone, Xu Lei stopped trying to hold back and said immediately: "I have already notified the moon and Mars to temporarily shut down the planetary defense systems, and the entire planetary city remains silent."

"As for our next task, that is to catch turtles in an urn for extraterrestrial civilizations."

After hearing Xu Lei's arrangement, everyone's emotions were instantly aroused again. Thinking of what will happen by then, they immediately felt impatient.

In the following time, he did not take into account the damage caused by the battleship's response to the attack of extraterrestrial civilization. He returned to the Earth Star as quickly as possible, preparing to trap the extraterrestrial civilization on the Earth Star as Xu Lei said. .

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