My science and technology museum

Chapter 351 Heading to Proxima Centauri

"I really didn't expect there to be such a special thing in the galaxy, but it helped a lot this time."

Sunday, January 20, 2047.

Big cold.

Earth Star.

Binjiang City.

Longhu High-tech Park.

In the manufacturing workshop where a large number of intelligent industrial robots gathered, Xu Lei played with a blue coin, his eyes full of surprise and curiosity.

This blue coin is the Galaxy Coin.

In appearance, it is slightly larger than the traditional coins on Earth.

Especially the blue appearance adds a lot of mystery.

According to the technical information in the Science and Technology Museum, Xu Lei almost integrated all the tens of thousands of Galaxy coins obtained from the Pioneer Empire battleship into the special materials for making the curvature spacecraft.

After detailed inspection.

All properties of the material after being fused with Galaxy Coin have been greatly improved.

It is definitely not a substance that humans can create.

This made him very curious about the crystal core, the raw material for making Galaxy coins.

If you can have enough crystal cores, then human beings can still build a powerful fleet based on their current technological level.

It can only be said that the value of currency that can be circulated in the galaxy is definitely not that simple.

Unfortunately, I only got tens of thousands of Galaxy Coins.

Otherwise, the overall performance of the light-speed spacecraft created will be much superior, and it may be able to achieve faster-than-light flight.

Another thing that needs to be mentioned is that this curvature light speed spacecraft will be equipped with two sets of engines. In addition to the curvature space engine that can achieve extended space, shrinking the space in front of the vehicle and expanding the space behind to form a curvature bubble, it also needs a powerful engine to provide energy.

In this regard, the antimatter engine without working fluid is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Although humans have not yet mastered the antimatter engine, and their remaining influence is not enough to purchase related technological exhibits in the science and technology museum.

But fortunately there is another advantage.

After all, the battleship that crashed in the Herald Empire had six antimatter engines on it.

It's enough no matter what.

According to his idea, he planned to dismantle an application on the light speed spacecraft.

In any case, he now has a lot of knowledge stored in his mind, and with the ability to overclock, there will be no problem in installing the anti-matter engine of the light speed spacecraft.

What's more, Xingtong's help was needed in this matter.

Speaking of which, after coming out of the Science and Technology Museum that day, Xu Lei found that his brain seemed to be more developed.

It becomes even more sensitive when entering the overclocking state.

According to this change, as he masters more and more technological exhibits in the science and technology museum, his brain development is likely to reach 100%.

It will not be impossible to get rid of the body completely by then.

Xu Lei played with the remaining Galaxy Coin in his hand for a while and then put it away.

The reason why he deliberately left one behind was because he felt that it would have other uses, and it might have a special effect when traveling to Proxima Centauri. After all, in addition to its own value, the Galaxy Coin was also a status symbol.

Prove that the civilization you come from has been registered with the Galactic Civilization Administration.

How can other alien civilizations be put off?

Don't dare to do evil things.

It can be said that Xu Lei was very well prepared in order to successfully complete this mission.

And just a second after Xu Lei put away the Galaxy Coin, he saw Xingtong walking out of the manufacturing workshop.

He stood half a meter away from Xu Lei.

He took the initiative to report on the manufacturing status of the curvature light speed spacecraft: "Report to the boss that the materials required for the spacecraft have been prepared and construction can begin."

"I understand, let's officially start tomorrow." Xu Lei nodded to express his understanding.

After making this arrangement, Xu Lei subconsciously turned around and admired the scenery outside through the window in the corridor: "It's New Year soon. I believe this year will be more lively than ever."

At this time of year, the weather in Binjiang City has become very cold.

Standing in the park building and looking outside, you can see that the originally dense plants are also covered with a layer of white.

Very shocking.

It seems to bring a strong visual impact.

If ordinary humans on the moon and Mars were to stay here right now, they would probably feel extremely cold. Even if they were injected with genetic optimization fluid, they would have a hard time resisting.

The main location of Binjiang City is extremely cold in winter.

However, these temperatures and environments have no impact on Xu Lei and all members of the Space Force.

After all, mechanical life forms are not afraid.

As for what Xu Lei said, there is nothing wrong with it.

Although human civilization is still facing the threat of the Pioneer Empire fleet, it has achieved a huge victory in the hearts of ordinary people.

Naturally, we should celebrate it extraordinarily.

Of course, neither Xu Lei nor the alliance thinks this is a bad thing.

Humanity has experienced too many things from the crisis on Pluto to the interstellar battle with the Pioneer Empire. Now we finally see hope and believe that the disaster is far away from the solar system. It is indeed not easy to be happy from the bottom of our hearts. thing.

It should allow everyone to have fun on the occasion of the New Year.

To this end, the Alliance and Future Technology have also taken the lead in holding many activities.

Compared to Xu Lei who expressed his feelings, Xing Tong stood silently behind him without saying a word, just like a knight who unswervingly protects the princess.

In the end, Xu Lei maintained this posture for nearly two minutes before taking steps towards the elevator.

The next day.

Xu Lei came to the spacecraft manufacturing workshop very early.

As promised, the research and development and manufacturing of the curvature light speed spacecraft officially started.

Since top scientists related to Li Chengzhe, Wu Chuping and others could not come to Earth Star, Xu Lei and Xingtong were responsible for the entire project.

A large number of intelligent industrial robots are involved in manufacturing.

Because Xu Lei happened to have a certain number of Galaxy coins in his hand, the problem of spacecraft materials was perfectly solved.

Coupled with the detailed manufacturing technology in his mind, it is not difficult to complete the main frame of the light speed spacecraft in a short time, not to mention that as long as he goes there by himself, he can also abolish the circulatory system that helps carbon-based life forms survive.

This will make manufacturing more convenient and efficient.

Which part is the most difficult to build a curvature lightspeed spacecraft?

That's undoubtedly the engine.

Especially the curvature space engine that ensures that the spacecraft can move at the speed of light and distort space to create curvature bubbles.

As for the antimatter engine, it only needs certain modifications.

In order to complete the warp speed of light spacecraft as soon as possible, Xu Lei was personally responsible for all engine-related issues, and overclocking was enabled throughout the process.

It is also worth mentioning that when the Spring Festival came, Xu Lei temporarily put down his work and chose to temporarily return to the Lunar Taiyin City to accompany Chen Shihe and his relatives and friends.

The main thing is to wait until he leaves and I don’t know when he can come back safely.

We are destined not to see each other for a long time.

Although as human life span increases, the waiting in between is nothing, but it is always good to spend more time with your family when you have time.

What's more, building a curvature spacecraft doesn't all depend on the time during the Spring Festival holiday.

Also, because humans have already achieved the integration of the alliance, even foreigners in the past regard the Spring Festival as the most important holiday of the alliance.

The entire solar system is immersed in an atmosphere of joy and joy.

Of course the good times are always short-lived.

As the Spring Festival passes and the Lantern Festival arrives, various places are also engaged in intense and orderly production.

In addition to plans to build a second, larger shipyard in Mars orbit, the solar system defense belt has also resumed construction, and Lei Zhan continues to be responsible for this project, while Li Chengzhe and other top future technology scientists are responsible for building the alliance's top ten fleets of burden.

The number of warships must be increased to hundreds within thirty years.

It can be said that the task is onerous.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

Eggs should never be put in the same basket.

Human civilization cannot rely entirely on Xu Lei. After all, who can guarantee that miracles will continue to happen.

No matter what, humans must prepare for a head-on battle with the Pioneer Empire fleet.

Even if the solar system is destined to be destroyed.

The great human civilization will never surrender and admit defeat.

Death does not belong to humans.

All in all, Xu Lei's planning went smoothly, and there were no unexpected incidents in the process. The originally expected three-year manufacturing time was finally completed in two years.

Xu Lei personally named it the Golden Crow.

The birth of the Golden Crow not only marks that human civilization has the ability to fly at the speed of light, but also means that Xu Lei is about to set off for Proxima Centauri.


"It's really beautiful. It's not in vain that we put so much effort into it."

At this moment, in the Golden Crow manufacturing workshop, Xu Lei looked at the blue spaceship in front of him, painted in red. He sighed from the bottom of his heart and at the same time, he was in an extremely excited mood.

Because he has been waiting for this moment for two years.

That is to say, he has now become a mechanical life form and cannot feel the beating of his heart or the boiling of his blood.

Otherwise it will definitely be more difficult to control your emotions than it is now.

It may be that the material of the spacecraft uses crystal nuclei, which causes the hull to appear light blue, which is a perfect replica of the technology exhibits in the science and technology museum.

The degree of completion surprised even Xu Lei himself.

However, in order to truly determine the situation of this curvature light speed ship, we need to experience it in person.

But in any case, it is worth two years to build a spacecraft.

And just when Xu Lei was completely immersed in the fully streamlined hull of the spacecraft, he saw Xingtong walking over.

Briefly report on the inspection status of the spacecraft.


"This is the inspection report of the spacecraft. The data of each component is within the required range."

"The Golden Crow can take off."

Xu Lei undoubtedly had absolute trust in Xingtong, so he did not reach out to receive the document. He just nodded and murmured: "Then let's start preparing for the departure process of the Golden Crow."

He is well aware of the current threats to human civilization.

The movement of the Pioneer Empire fleet is unknown and may reach the solar system at any time.

In this case, it is naturally better to complete the civilization registration as soon as possible, so Xu Lei does not want to waste too much time.

Building a spaceship is a necessary prerequisite.

We can only wait patiently for two years, but now that the curvature of light speed spacecraft has been completed, there is no need to stay on Earth.

Everyone has their own mission.

He is no exception.

The sooner we reach Setan and complete the registration of solar system civilization, the sooner mankind can settle down forever.

No longer afraid of the threat of extraterrestrial civilization.

Buy yourself enough time to develop and become stronger.

But after all, we don’t know how long this extraterrestrial trip will take, and whether we can return to the solar system smoothly and safely, so it is still necessary to say goodbye to our relatives and friends before leaving.

But ordinary people outside are destined to be unable to know the news for the time being.

"It's the boss."

Xingtong knew very well what Xu Lei was thinking, so he would naturally not have any objections to it and would immediately implement it.

Until Xing Tong's figure disappeared from sight, Xu Lei came to the apron upstairs and took a special aircraft to the moon.

Chen Shihe already knew what Xu Lei was going to do, and Xu Lei did not hide this.

So when Chen Shihe saw Xu Lei coming over suddenly, he immediately realized something, and his face became visibly lost and worried.

And those who still behave like this are Xu Lei's parents.

When Xu Lei's parents entered the biological dormancy cabin, they were not affected by the death matter of the Pioneer Empire because they were taken to the Shenzhou. However, due to the unstable situation of the entire human race at that time, Xu Lei did not wake up his parents' dormancy. cabin.

Just temporarily relocate it to the company's lunar headquarters.

However, in the past two years, the Scientific Research Department has studied the lives of the pioneers and successfully extracted a substance from their bodies, allowing the genetically optimized liquid to develop into the second generation.

Although ordinary humans cannot be completely immune to the dead substances on the planet after injection, it can greatly increase the life span of the human body, and the effect is several times that of the first generation genetic optimization solution.

Unfortunately, due to the limited number of pioneer lives in the Scientific Research Department, not many second-generation genetic optimization solutions were produced.

It is not yet available for promotion to the outside world.

However, this allows the company's scientists and other veteran figures to extend their lifespan and continue to contribute to the development of science and the company.

With this special thing, Xu Lei's parents naturally don't need to continue sleeping.

So after being awakened, he was directly injected with the second generation of genetic optimization fluid, so that the whole person looked as if he was dozens of years younger.

Although they don't want their sons to take risks.

Travel alone to the distant star Proxima Centauri.

However, there are no eggs left after the nest is overturned.

If the solar system becomes bleak, even those who can escape will become wanderers.

This is not the life Xu Lei wants.

As the saying goes, with great ability comes great responsibility, Xu Lei believes that this is what he must do.

What's more, which man doesn't have the ideal of the stars and the sea in his heart? Being able to come into contact with more and more dazzling civilizations in the galaxy is completely worth it even if he is in danger.

Xu Lei's parents also understood their son's character, so they did not dissuade him.

Just leave the last time together to Xu Lei and Chen Shihe.

"When are you leaving?" Chen Shihe leaned on Xu Lei's chest and asked softly for the specific departure time.

Xu Lei replied: "Probably just these few days."

"No matter how long it takes, I will wait for your return with my uncle and aunt." Wen Sheng and Chen Shihe had already burst into tears, but they still said these words firmly.

Xu Lei hugged the other party tightly in his arms, and then made arrangements for the follow-up matters: "Don't worry, I will complete the task in the shortest possible time, and then come back to see you safely."

"Don't forget that I am very strong now."

"And after I leave, I will give you Xingtong's highest authority."

"With Xingtong here, she can ensure your safety even if I don't come back on time."

For Xu Lei, he would never abandon the solar system and escape alone in the face of danger, but he could not watch his loved ones die.

So he had a backup plan.

After he leaves the solar system and goes to the Proxima Galaxy, Xingtong will continue to build a second larger curvature light speed ship. If he fails to return on time and the solar system defense line is destroyed by the Pioneer Empire fleet, then Chen Shihe, his parents and others can take it. The spaceship escapes.

Although this approach is more selfish, it is also the only option after trying your best.

According to what he obtained from the Pioneer Empire battleship information database, the Pioneer Empire has not yet mastered the warp-light speed spacecraft technology, so as long as the warp-light speed spacecraft can be successfully boarded, there is no need to worry about safety.

It stands to reason that speaking to this point, continuing to be reluctant will only increase the reluctance.

If you leave early, you might be able to come back sooner.

This is Xu Lei's idea.

But just when he thought about this clearly and was about to formally say goodbye to Chen Shihe, he saw Chen Shihe suddenly let go of him.

And his eyes are extremely firm.

After a slight hesitation for a few seconds, he said in a deep voice: "There is one more thing I want to tell you. I plan to give you a child. This is also what my uncle and aunt want."

child? !

When Xu Lei heard Chen Shihe's words, he was startled at first but quickly came to his senses.


Waiting is the most painful existence.

Especially this kind of waiting without knowing the result.

For Chen Shihe and his parents, it would undoubtedly be a lot better psychologically if they could have a new life accompanying them.

It sounds like he does owe his parents a lot in this regard.

Thanks to his parents being so open-minded, he has never been forced to do this before.

However, it is worth mentioning that although Xu Lei has now become a mechanical life form due to physical problems, when he was with Chen Shihe, he had no plans to cultivate the next generation for the time being. While taking effective measures, Xu Lei also stored his own genes.

At that time, I also considered that my physical fitness was declining, so I did this.

After all, he has even mastered gene cloning technology, and it can only be so simple to store genes.

Now Chen Shihe wants to use the stored genes to give birth to a new life, which is a very feasible method. Although Xu Lei is not ready to be a father yet, thinking about the future life of Chen Shihe and his parents, he finally nodded and agreed.

"As long as you are willing and ready, then I will support you."


Originally, Chen Shihe was really afraid that Xu Lei would disagree.

So after hearing the exact answer, he hugged Xu Lei in excitement.

Immediately after handling these matters, Xu Lei stopped hesitating too much, said a few words of comfort to his parents and returned to Earth Star.

Three days later.

When everything is ready.

Xu Lei also entered the control room of the Golden Crow curvature of light spacecraft.

On the entire spaceship, apart from Xu Lei, there were only a few energy weapons and a few Qiankun-3 micro-nuclear fusion devices, which were equivalent to bringing backup power sources for themselves.

Just in case of emergencies.

Mainly because after fusing the living gold, Xu Lei's body was fully improved, but at the same time, his energy consumption was also greater.

In this case, we must prepare a few more nuclear fusion devices.

It can only be said that the tiny Qiankun-3 nuclear fusion device built by Xu Lei still provides limited energy, and it also requires reaction materials.

If you replace it with an antimatter energy device to provide energy for your body, you will basically never need to replace it again.

The device itself can collect ions in space to react and release energy.

It's the kind that won't be exhausted.

As for the farewell event, only the representatives of the alliance members, Lei Zhan, Zhang Jingtong and people from the company paid attention through remote live broadcast. Ordinary people outside did not know what happened.

But maybe it was a brand new experience, but Xu Lei didn't show any sadness.

As the hatch on the Golden Crow's light-speed curvature spacecraft began to slowly open, Xu Lei also decisively started the spacecraft.


"The company and Dixing leave it to you."

Finally, he and Xingtong issued instructions through remote communication, and the Golden Crow slowly took off under the powerful power.

After completely leaving the building, he disappeared from everyone's sight almost in the blink of an eye.

Xingtong, who was always standing upstairs, looked up at the long-disappeared spaceship. After a long time, he looked back and whispered secretly: "Don't worry, boss, I will protect everything you have."

at the same time.

The representatives of the alliance councilors who were in Lunar Lunar City and Mars City couldn't help but feel a little sad when they saw this scene.

I don’t know whether Xu Lei’s trip is good or bad.

Of course, the parents who are most worried must still be Chen Shihe and Xu Lei.

But on the other hand, Xu Lei's trip to Proxima Centauri is also a stimulus to the alliance. After losing its backbone, it must focus more on the solar system defense belt and a larger fleet.

In the future, this will be an important force to resist the fleet of the Herald Empire.

In short, a two-pronged approach is necessary.

As for Xu Lei, after the Golden Crow left the Earth and entered space in a very short period of time, the antimatter engine and the curvature space engine began to perform their functions, causing the spacecraft to continue to accelerate.

It was not until the space where the spacecraft was located was restricted relative to the spacecraft that Xu Lei understood that the Golden Crow had entered the light speed state.

Perhaps Xu Lei's body is very strong now, so he didn't feel much change while staying in the spacecraft.

However, at a distance of about four light years, it is really hard to believe that the Golden Crow can arrive in just a few or dozens of hours after entering the speed of light state or even super-light speed.

I am afraid that even for human civilization ten years ago, it was impossible to believe that one day humans would be able to fly at the speed of light.

In addition, Xu Lei is also quite lucky.

Because from the time the Golden Crow accelerated until it officially entered the speed of light state, there were no sudden problems with the spacecraft.

This shows that this curvature spacecraft has basically reached the level of collection in the Science and Technology Museum.

Of course, accomplishing this mainly depends on the tens of thousands of Galaxy coins.

that's all.

As space moves rapidly, Xu Lei is getting closer and closer to the Proxima Galaxy, but whether he can successfully find the location of the star gate is still a difficult problem.

This should take Xu Lei a lot of time to find.

Fortunately, as a mechanical life form, he is not afraid of landing on a completely unfamiliar planet.

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