My science and technology museum

Chapter 370 Star Ring Heavy Industry

"Nana, who are you waiting for? You can actually pick me up in person."

Second level civilization.

Green star.

In the most luxurious green city, a girl in a green dress looked puzzled and asked the girl in a floral dress next to her very puzzledly.

His hands were tightly holding each other's arms, showing a very close relationship.

And this girl in a floral dress is none other than Linna, the daughter of the chairman of Xinghuan Heavy Industries.

Linna had previously successfully cooperated with Xu Lei in Thousand Stars City, and had witnessed Xu Lei submissively obeying Codizhi, so she was very curious about Xu Lei's experience and wanted to know more information.

However, because she wanted to return to Green Star to use technology to start building a spaceship, she had to miss Xu Lei temporarily.

Later, the solar system civilization was successfully registered.

She also has one more channel to understand Xu Lei.

However, after entering the information treasure trove of the Galaxy Civilization Administration and reading all the instructions about the civilization of the solar system, she became obsessed with the food culture and language system. If there were no space channels for inter-galactic communication like star gates, she would probably He has already traveled to the solar system.

Originally, she thought that her contact with Xu Lei would end there.

I felt somewhat regretful in my heart.

But he never expected that because of the Battle of Blue Scale Star, Xu Lei's name would not only reappear in front of him, but would even become a hot topic among galactic civilizations.

Especially when she learned that Xu Lei was coming to Green Star to buy a warship, she stayed up almost all night.

I was very excited.

In this case, you must come to greet them in person to show the sincerity of their Star Ring Heavy Industry.

After all, judging from what Xu Lei revealed, this will be a huge order.

At this time, Lina couldn't help but reveal a helpless smile as she listened to the friend next to her. She paused for a few seconds before replying: "Okay, this is a task specially assigned by my father. Wait until you see each other." Just know it.”

What she said was correct.

Nowadays, looking at the civilization of the entire galaxy, everyone can see that Setan attaches great importance to Xu Lei. Under such circumstances, how can the secondary civilization forces in the Orion spiral arm not fawn over him.

What's more, Green Star already relies on the support of Setan Star.

So after Linna's father learned the news, he specifically asked his daughter to entertain Xu Lei and facilitate the deal as perfectly as possible.

After listening to Linna's answer, Bei Shan didn't ask too many questions. Instead, she looked like she was waiting for something to be eaten: "Well, I want to see who is so charming and can make our Green City... The number one beauty in the world is so obsessed with her.”

Linna knew the character of her good friend very well, so she didn't say anything more later.

He just showed a slightly doting look of helplessness.

After all, Bei Shan has a high-level background in the military, and she and she grew up together. Although they are not biological sisters, they are almost the same.

To a certain extent, the background of Bei Shan's family also played a big role in Star Ring Heavy Industries being able to reach the size it is today and compete with Chenxing Group.

After all, Chenxing Group also has a military background.

Because of this, the two sides were unable to make a move and could only make technical decisions.

But there is no doubt that Halo Heavy Industries has a clear advantage after acquiring the light speed curvature spacecraft manufacturing technology.

If Chenxing Group does not take countermeasures, once the light speed curvature spacecraft of Starlink Heavy Industry is launched into the Orion spiral arm market, it will definitely have a greater impact on their market share until they completely occupy the entire market.

It is conceivable that Chenxing Group will never see this happening.

That's why Linna's father attaches so much importance to Xu Lei.

I hope I can get into the arms of Setan.

Of course, Linna didn't think too deeply about this matter. In her opinion, she only went to the Star Gate specifically in the name of a friend.

that's all.

I waited for about ten minutes.

Linna, whose eyes were always fixed on the exit passage, finally saw Xu Lei's figure.

Regardless of the reactions of the people around him, he directly chose to shout loudly: "Mr. Xu, please go this way."

Xu Lei didn't know that Linna would pick him up at the Star Gate. Originally, he wanted to go directly to the headquarters of Halo Heavy Industry, so when he suddenly heard someone calling his name, he subconsciously turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound. .

There was barely any hesitation.

If it were someone else shouting, maybe he wouldn't have responded so quickly.

The main language used by Linna is Chinese.

There is no need to describe how I feel when I can hear the language of my hometown on an alien civilization planet tens of thousands of light years away from the solar system.

As his eyes moved, two beautiful figures suddenly came into view.

Today, Linna wore a floral dress. Although she didn't comb her hair specially, she looked like a noble princess with her appearance and the exquisite necklace around her neck.

Especially the antennae on the forehead add a bit of cuteness.

Although her status is not as noble as that of Blue Scale Star Princess Lan Jun, she is in line with Xu Lei's aesthetics as a human being.

As for the girl next to Linna.

His appearance was pretty good, but he was automatically ignored because he didn't recognize him.

"Miss Linna, I didn't expect you to speak our language so well. Also, please come and pick me up in person." Xu Lei walked up to Linna and paused, smiling and praising her Mandarin.

The favorability is greatly increased.

Although the tone is not too standard, it is really good for an alien.

"Mr. Xu Lei is out of town."

"You provided us with light speed spacecraft manufacturing technology and successfully helped the group gain an advantage in the market."

"At the same time, he is also a VIP customer of Xinghuan Heavy Industry."

"I will definitely come to greet you."

"And this is what my father specifically told me to do."

Faced with Xu Lei's praise, Linna felt a little happy for some reason, and quickly explained aloud, listing several reasons.

Speaking of her learning the language of solar system civilization, it was because the Galaxy Civilization Administration updated the civilization information. After learning about it, she unexpectedly fell in love with it.

Unexpectedly, speaking out in this situation would actually increase Xu Lei's favor.

It was an unexpected surprise.

While the two of them were talking, Bei Shan's eyes were always on Xu Lei, as if she wanted to find out what was special about Xu Lei that allowed her best friend Linna to come here to greet him.

You know, this is something that has never happened before.

"What civilization do you come from? You don't look like anything special. Why are you so attracted to my bestie?"

Bei Shan, who was always outspoken, looked at Xu Lei carefully and immediately asked, her face full of doubts.

But before Xu Lei could respond, Linna was startled and quickly stopped her: "Beishan, don't talk nonsense."

I was afraid that this would make Xu Lei unhappy.

But Xu Lei didn't think it was anything. Thinking about the relationship between the other party and Linna, he smiled and introduced himself: "You can call me Xu Lei. I come from a remote civilization called the Solar System." It was very simple and convenient.

Xu Lei.

Solar system civilization.

Bei Shan heard the sound and muttered two messages to herself, and for some reason it always felt familiar.

I probably thought about it for a few seconds.

Only then did he suddenly remember Xu Lei's identity.

At this moment, his pupils seemed to be dilated a lot, and his face was filled with surprise.

"You are the Xu Lei who wiped out the entire sea dragon lice group on the Blue Scale Star and also single-handedly killed the leader of the Queen. Do you belong to the range of mechanical life?" He confirmed to Xu Lei with a somewhat disbelieving tone, a bit like a fan meeting on the Earth Star. His performance as an idol.

But I have to say that it is normal for Bei Shan to have such a big reaction.

First of all, Xu Lei was born in a first-level civilization.

However, it was possible to develop biological agents targeting the gene chain of sea dragon louse in a short period of time.

Plus kill the queen boss alone.

These achievements cannot even be achieved by the top warriors of Setan.

The huge gap in identity and strength is often a favorite topic of intelligent and civilized individuals.

Otherwise, even with the influence of the Galaxy Civilization Administration, the popularity of Xu Lei and the solar system would not have been so high during this period.

no doubt.

Bei Shan must have learned about Xu Lei from various channels, and even had a certain amount of admiration, so she was so excited at this time.

He is completely different from the cold and aloof person he was just now.

Xu Lei obviously did not expect that his identity would bring about such a big reaction from the other party, so much so that he himself was briefly stunned. He did not expect that his fame would already spread throughout the galaxy just a few years after he came out of the solar system.

Even the stars on Earth can't achieve this level of fire.

But strictly speaking, after the Seitan City Council integrated the ten living golds, he has actually broken away from the category of mechanical life.

It's more like a special kind of metallic life.

The built-in railgun that is fused to the left arm and the changes in the energy device in the heart are the best proof.

Mainly, this information is not recorded on Setan.

It cannot be confirmed.

Perhaps when he truly condenses his eternal body, it will become a new way of life.

Of course, at this time, he would definitely not argue with Bei Shan. When asked, he nodded and admitted: "If I am right, I should be the Xu Lei you are talking about."

"I actually saw Xu Lei alive."

"It's incredible."

Confirming that her judgment was not wrong, Bei Shan still couldn't hide the surging emotions in her heart, and even took the initiative to grab Xu Lei's hand.

He didn't pay any attention to the green star people around him who looked at him due to the movement.

But Bei Shan may be a social cow and doesn't pay attention to other people's eyes at all, but Lina can't. Seeing that her best friend is still entangled, she has to forcefully pull her away: "Bei Shan, can you Control it first, this is outside."

After using his own body to isolate Bei Shan and Xu Lei, he said apologetically: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Xu. I'll take you to the headquarters of Starring Heavy Industry first."

"Yeah, that's fine."

Xu Lei cherished words like gold, nodded and uttered three words.

The main purpose of his visit to Green Planet this time was to purchase a battleship, and he really didn't want to waste too much time.

So there's no saying no to that.

Linna finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Xu Lei's answer, and then led the way, and they took a special transportation to Star Ring Heavy Industry.


On the way, Xu Lei also saw the horror of Bei Shan again.

It’s simply a forced search for topics.

It was like breaking the casserole and asking the question to the end, and learned Xu Lei's reason for coming to Green Star.

It’s like a hundred thousand whys.

This made Xu Lei have to wonder how these two completely different personalities became best friends.

And the relationship seems to be very good.

Of course, Xu Lei did not passively answer the other party's inquiries.

Considering that in addition to purchasing a battleship this time, he also needed to solve a small matter on his trip to the Green Star to clear the way for humans in the solar system to enter the big stage in the future, he specifically asked Bei Shan about the situation of Young Master Codi of the Chenxing Group.

"I remember that in addition to Halo Heavy Industry, there is also a Chenxing Group on your planet. I wonder what their situation is like?"

Almost as soon as Xu Lei mentioned Chenxing Group, Linna's face changed immediately.

After all, she was very aware of the grudges between Xu Lei and Ko Di.

But after a slight hesitation, she finally chose to keep silent.

As for Bei Shan, who has a social personality, she didn't know that Xu Lei had had conflicts with Co Di. When she heard these words, she thought Xu Lei was going to buy a battleship from the Chenxing Group, so she started talking non-stop.

"I suggest you never go to their group to buy battleships."

"In terms of quality, Starlink Heavy Industry is the best."

"What's more, we, Linna, the most beautiful woman in the Green City, will accompany you."

"In addition, the reputation of the successor of Chenxing Group is very bad in Green Star. If he did not rely on Chenxing Group to dominate, I am afraid he would have died countless times."

"You should never do business with this kind of person."

"But I heard that he kept a very low profile during this period and was rarely seen out."

From Bei Shan's words, she found out dissatisfied that the young master of the Chenxing Group did not have much image.

Even if he is killed, it will not affect the communication between the solar system and the Green Galaxy. On the contrary, he might even feel good about him.

It's just that the other party is the son of Chenxing Group after all, and according to Bei Shan's information, he has been staying at the headquarters during this period. I'm afraid it won't be too easy to deal with him.

After all, he came alone.

If the Chenxing Group uses battleships or planet-level weapons to deal with him, the situation may reach a stalemate.

Thinking quickly, Xu Lei finally decided to settle the matter of purchasing the battleship first, so that even if there was a conflict with the Chenxing Group, he could escape with the power of the battleship.

When he successfully condenses the eternal body and the civilization of the solar system is supported by Setan, there will be no need to worry about them anymore.

But Xu Lei didn't notice that although Linna didn't participate in the whole conversation, her face was full of worry, as if she was afraid that Xu Lei would go to Chenxing Group to settle accounts with Codi, because she knew it was entirely possible.

It's not that she doesn't believe in Xu Lei's strength.

Mainly using the power of one person to deal with an inter-galactic group whose business is spread all over the Orion spiral arm.

It's really unsettling.

So when they were about to arrive at the headquarters of Starring Heavy Industry, Linna finally couldn't bear her emotions, and suddenly turned around and reminded her seriously: "Mr. Xu Lei, Chenxing Group is very powerful on Setan. Even our Star Ring would not dare to completely break up with such a powerful person. No matter what you want to do, I hope you will consider it carefully."

In fact, when Xu Lei saw the magnificent building belonging to Star Circle Heavy Industry, he was thinking about how many battleships to buy.

I didn't think about Kodi.

Suddenly hearing Linna say such a long sentence, she was also surprised.

But after reacting, he still felt comfortable, knowing that the other party was indeed worried about his safety from the bottom of his heart.

Then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he comforted in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I won't put myself in danger. Now you'd better take me to see the battleship first."

"Oh, okay." Lina passively agreed.

She did originally think that Xu Lei might want to deal with Ku Di, so she specifically asked about Chenxing Group.

But now when I look at it, I feel like I’m overthinking it.

But having said that, she couldn't change what she really wanted to do, so when the transportation stopped in front of the headquarters of Star Ring Heavy Industry, Linna took Xu Lei and Beishan to the VIP reception room.


Let’s talk about Chenxing Group.

As the biggest competitor of Star Ring Heavy Industry, especially when it is currently at a disadvantage, it will definitely monitor the trends of Star Ring Heavy Industry strictly.

Things like Lina and Bethan going to the Star Gate to personally greet clients cannot be concealed.

Of course, Xu Lei had no intention of hiding his tracks.

As the relevant news was passed to Chenxing Group, Kodi was also informed as quickly as possible.


"According to the latest news, Xu Lei has come to Green Planet and is currently at the headquarters of Star Ring Heavy Industry."

"Do we need to go to other planets to hide for a while?"

Chenxing Group Headquarters.

In the luxurious office on the top floor, a middle-aged male Green Star man was reporting to Codi who was sitting on the chair. His entire expression could be summed up in two words.


As a member of the Chenxing Group, he carried out Kodi's order to contact the Black Wolf Team to attack Xu Lei on the Blue Scale Star.

Now Xu Lei is not only safe and sound, but also showing great strength. He came to the Green Star at this critical moment, and it is impossible not to think about it.

So his point of view is to leave Green Star first.

However, Kodi disagrees with this.

Hearing this, he immediately said disapprovingly: "At best, he is just suspicious. He doesn't dare to do anything to me without conclusive evidence. After all, even if he can kill the Queen's leader alone, our Chenxing Group is not a vegetarian."

The words just fell.

Soon Kodi seemed to have thought of something again, thinking in a low voice like he was thinking to himself.

"You doubt me, right?"

"Choosing to leave at this time will only increase the other party's suspicion, so we should take the initiative to come to him."

Having said this, he immediately made a decision, and then ordered the subordinate: "Contact me to Starlink Heavy Industries and tell them that we want to visit."

To be honest, this subordinate really didn't want to get too close to Xu Lei. He really didn't feel safe that way. However, due to Kodi's order, he had no choice but to obey: "Young master, I will handle this matter right away." He nodded in response. Turn around and leave immediately.

It wasn't until Kodi himself was the only one left in the room that he heard him murmuring in a cold voice: "So what if we wipe out the Zerg. In the end, it's just a backward small civilization. I will have a way to deal with you sooner or later."

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