My science and technology museum

Chapter 389 Humanity’s First Battleship

"I felt that it was not simple when we were constructing the Titan shipyard. Now, my judgment is indeed correct. It is really unimaginable to complete the complete production of a medium-sized battleship in just a few months. .”

"The gap between us and the dean is still as big as clouds and mud!"


Fortress shipyard.

In the inner space, Li Chengzhe looked at the battleship in front of him, which was more than two thousand meters long. Both his eyes and words showed excitement.

I am extremely impressed by the efficiency of this shipyard.

When he first asked Xu Lei to take charge of the construction project of the Titan Shipyard, although he was surprised by the plan proposed by Xu Lei, it was far from the shock of the real thing. In the past few months, with the full guarantee of various materials and resources, this plan This shipyard finally showed strong production efficiency.

In addition to far exceeding expectations, it also brought surprises to everyone.

At this rate, it won't take more than a few years for humans to have a fleet composed entirely of battleships.

And it is truly self-produced and sold by the solar system.

In particular, Xu Lei led them to design an exclusive battleship for the solar system and successfully overcome various complex technologies.

Judging from its appearance alone, it has already crushed the battleships of the Pioneer Empire.

at the same time.

Several other scientists involved in the project, after listening to Li Chengzhe's words, were also deeply impressed and expressed their praise for the shipyard and their expectations for the battleship in front of them.

"Vice President Li is right. I'm afraid President Xu's scientific and technological knowledge has already exceeded the current level of civilization. Naturally, we can't compare with it."

"If you can learn a little bit of knowledge from Dean Xu, it will be useful for life."

"Who would have thought that the shipyard that Dean Xu mentioned was so powerful. It completed the production of a medium-sized battleship in a short period of time. I don't even dare to think about what kind of performance it will have in the future."

"The key is that Dean Xu has obtained enough crystal cores, otherwise even if the shipyard is completed, it will not be able to produce battleships."

"Let us wait and see what level it is at!"

As everyone said, a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice, and warships cannot be produced without any kind of material.

Even if it has the most advanced battleship production line of the third-level civilization.

Fortunately, Xu Lei had the foresight. When he came back from Green Planet, he exchanged all the remaining Galaxy coins in his account with Halo Heavy Industries for crystal cores. It is no exaggeration to say that with the number of these crystal cores, it would be enough to produce dozens of battleships. No problem at all.

At least for a short time, I no longer have to worry about the crystal core.

Anyway, when the solar system becomes a second-level civilization and then receives support from Setan, it will be possible to receive a portion of the crystal core every year.

Xu Lei listened to everyone's words and was very pleased. At the same time, he did not want to delay and waste time anymore, so he took the initiative and said: "The Titan is ready. Let's all board the ship together and test its overall performance." .”

Titan was named after Xu Lei for mankind's first battleship.

As for the origin of the name, it is simple, because it was produced in the Titan shipyard.

When new battleships are manufactured in the future, each fleet can name them themselves, and everyone has no objections to this.

According to the evaluation of the Science and Technology Museum, this medium-sized battleship from the mysterious source star has the strongest overall performance in the entire universe. Now that it is finally completed, it must be tested in practice.

The two battleships that happened to be acquired from the Pioneer Empire Fleet had conducted two space exercises after being assigned to the Alliance Fleet. They were very familiar with their data and could form a comparison group with the Titan.

Which one is strong and which one is weak at that time can be known by looking at the data.

As the saying goes, it is clear whether a mule or a horse is led out and about.

However, judging from past experience, the Science and Technology Museum’s evaluation of each technology exhibit is very fair.

In addition, this source star is relatively familiar, so there will basically be no problems. At least Xu Lei is very confident in the Titan.

Although Li Chengzhe and other scientists involved in the project do not need to drive battleships to protect the interests of civilization from outside aggression like the Space Force, no one will refuse to experience the charm of a medium-sized battleship.

What's more, this battleship was built by everyone's own hands.

Therefore, after hearing what Xu Lei said, everyone immediately stopped the discussion and headed directly towards the boarding port led by Li Chengzhe.


The Titan is more than two thousand meters long, and is larger than the Pioneer battleship in appearance.

This makes the core control cabin of the battleship more spacious.

Even though Li Chengzhe and others participated in the production, they were still very excited after following Xu Lei to the command cabin, and their eyes never stayed in one position for more than three seconds.

It's like a child seeing a big toy.

Longings are fulfilled.

I have to say that this reaction is similar to Lei Zhan's previous entry into the Star Destroyer.

"I'm sure that our battleships are definitely more powerful than those built by the pioneer civilization."

"At best, they are just a group of bugs who were lucky enough to possess advanced intelligence. They are worthy of being compared with our thousands of years of human civilization. You must know that this battleship was designed by our Dean Xu himself."

"Anyway, I believe in Dean Xu. Everyone will just wait and see."

"I don't think any man can refuse this big treasure."

Including Li Chengzhe, the scientists involved in the project were actually mainly responsible for the construction of the Titan shipyard. Xu Lei was basically responsible for the design of the Titan. However, although they did not know the specific details, they could do so out of their absolute respect for Xu Lei. Trust has no doubts about Titan's performance.

Faced with such compliments from scientists, it would be absolutely false for Xu Lei to say that he didn't like hearing them at all.

After all, they all come from the heart.

It's not a matter of obedience.

So he didn't say much about it, and then went straight to the operating table under the gaze of everyone.

After completing a series of identity confirmation procedures, the Titan was decisively launched.

"Identity confirmation successful..."

"Xu Lei."

"Solar system."

"Advanced permissions."

"Welcome to the Titan medium battleship, and wish you a happy trip!"

Because considering that in the future, as humans move towards the larger stage of the Milky Way, this type of battleship may be sold like Halo Heavy Industry. After all, as the most powerful battleship among medium-sized battleships, it has the largest number even in the Milky Way. Market competitiveness, so the design was designed to be as consistent as possible with the Galaxy.

Compared to humans, some of the battleship's procedures are a bit formulaic.

As for these beeps from the battleship, they come from the Titan's own intelligent program.

You must know that human civilization is an expert in artificial intelligence. The core strength of a civilization like a battleship must be equipped with an intelligent brain.

Even a simple one.

This will greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the Alliance fleet in battle.

It is also worth mentioning that since the first flight of the Titan was a battleship performance test, the entire battleship except Xu Lei and Li Chengzhe and other scientists only had a team of Titan's Space Force Guards.

It all depends on Xu Lei to verbally give instructions to the brain of the Titan.

Seeing that the battleship was officially launched and entering the self-inspection process, Xu Lei quickly issued the first order.

"Start the antimatter power engine."

"Target Neptune."

"The battleship self-inspection has been completed and is taking off..."

When everyone felt the vibrations coming from under their feet, Xu Lei and others also sat on their seats in the command and control cabin and fixed themselves, preparing to experience an adrenaline-stimulating trip.

Mainly except for Xu Lei and the Space Force Guard, everyone else basically stayed on Earth and had never been on such a medium-sized battleship.

Even if he locked himself with the seat at this moment, his hands could not help but grasp the armrests on both sides.

His expression looked very serious.

I can only say that this thing is much more exciting than flying on a plane for the first time.

Compared with the six anti-matter power engines of the Pioneer Empire battleship, the Titan has the same eight anti-matter power engines as the Green Star battleship, which means that the battleship can sail in the galaxy at a faster speed.

So it didn't take long at all from the time the engine started until it left Titan and entered space.

When Xu Lei saw the performance of Li Chengzhe and the others, he couldn't laugh or cry. He thought that it would be difficult for them to come together to participate in the Titan's performance test.

However, the battleship is currently in a state of continuous acceleration and will soon reach the target location of Neptune, so it will definitely not be able to return halfway. In desperation, after the battleship gradually stabilized, Xu Lei unfastened the fixed lock on his body and turned around He smiled and reassured: "Everyone, relax, don't be too nervous. The Titan's performance is still very stable even at full speed."

"Being able to experience the speed of a battleship today is a dream come true. As for the Star Destroyer, I think I'd better forget it."

"The stimulation is really exciting, but I'm just afraid that my heart won't be able to handle it."

"The acceleration time of the Titan is indeed much higher than that of the Pioneer battleship. The next step depends on the state of sailing at full speed." Compared with others trying to adjust their own state, Li Chengzhe stared at the small screen in front of him the whole time. It can be seen that he Very immersive at this time.

Since it is a performance test of the Titan, all data must be recorded throughout the process.


This data will also be fed back to the screen in front of everyone.

When the Titan took off and accelerated just now, Li Chengzhe was paying attention to the changes in the data. It was certain that the Titan was superior to the Pioneer battleship in terms of acceleration.

After all, during the design and manufacturing process of the Titan, he had studied the battleships of the Pioneer Empire.

Very familiar with its various data.

Except for Li Chengzhe, the scientists who participated in the Titan performance test this time are all over sixty years old. Even though their life span has been greatly extended after being injected with genetic optimization fluid, their physical functions are still not comparable to that of young people.

In addition, it was the first time to experience the state of a battleship sailing at full speed, so it was normal to feel a little uncomfortable.

Xu Lei understands this very well.

The main reason is that as a special metal life form, his body strength is stronger than that of the mechanical life space force. Not to mention riding on this medium-sized battleship, even the curvature spacecraft Golden Crow, which can fly at the speed of light, will not have any impact on him.

It can only be said that people’s bodies are different.

You definitely can't use your own standards to ask others.

But I have to say that Li Chengzhe's performance surprised him. It can be seen that he is really interested in Titan.

However, facing the surprise revealed by Li Chengzhe at this time, Xu Lei did not respond. He wanted to give the other party a bigger surprise.

You must know that the advantages of Titan have not been revealed yet.

that's all.

The others had barely noticed the passage of time when the brain's prompt sounded in the Titan's control cabin.

"We have arrived near the target and are slowing down..."

Perhaps the time taken was too short, and everyone did not react for a while after hearing this prompt tone. It can be said to be quite unexpected.

"Arrived at Neptune?"

"So fast?"

"It can't be a mistake, I'm afraid this is not a speed that only large battleships can possess!"

While expressing questions like talking to themselves, many people did not care about the drinks in their hands and the food on the ship. They hurriedly ran to their seats to check the information screen in front of them. After seeing the displayed real-time coordinates, position, sailing speed and time, they couldn't bear it. He took a deep breath.

There were endless sounds of surprise.

"This data is too strong. Its speed is almost three times that of the Pioneer Empire battleship."

"I am now certain that a single Titan can take on two or even three battleships from the Precursor Empire at the same time."

"I'm afraid even the Star Destroyer can only reach this speed."

"It is indeed very amazing. This is already in the sub-light speed category. Although it is not as good as our light speed curvature spacecraft, it is not inferior to large battleships."

"Next we must go all out to produce this kind of battleship and arm our fleet as soon as possible."

Everyone did not exaggerate the facts regarding the Titan's sailing speed.

The battleships produced by the mysterious Source Star civilization are indeed powerful. Both the acceleration time and the maximum sailing speed are three times that of the battleships of the Pioneer Empire. If this value were known to other advanced civilizations, they would be shocked and unbelievable.

Although it still cannot reach the sailing speed of a large Star Destroyer, it is not much different.

Speaking of which, after the Titan was built, Xu Lei became more and more interested in the mysterious Source Star's large-scale battleship manufacturing technology.

He thought that since the performance of medium-sized battleships could reach the strongest level in the universe, then large battleships would not be much weaker, and he also firmly believed that the Science and Technology Museum must have collected this technology.

When you have enough influence, you can search carefully.

If humans really build large battleships from the Source Star by then, I am afraid there is no need to be afraid even if we look at the third-level civilization.

At this moment, facing the excited and surprised expressions of everyone, Xu Lei then dropped another bombshell: "The data displayed by the Titan in terms of sailing speed can at best be regarded as one of its advantages. Our test But it’s not over yet!”

As everyone knows.

In a galaxy battle, the most important thing for a battleship is speed defense and weapon power.

At present, the speed has perfectly met the requirements, and the defense and weapon power must not fall behind.

It should be noted that these two items are related to the life of the battleship.

In some ways, it's more important than speed, especially in galactic battles.

Xu Lei's words also successfully aroused everyone's expectations once again, and their eyes stared at the console with increasing enthusiasm.

In the following time, Xu Lei directly established contact with the Alliance fleet through the quantum communication system in the Titan ship, and asked them to fly over the two battleships captured from the Pioneer Empire.

If you want to test the Titan's defensive capabilities, attacks by small battleships alone are definitely not enough to test the battleship's limits.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to let pioneer battleships of the same level help with testing.

Anyway, as the first human battleship, the Titan is already responsible for various extreme tests, even if the battleship is damaged in the end, it is worth it.

Of course, Xu Lei was not worried about this.

Unlike the trophies obtained from the Pioneer Empire or the battleships purchased from Green Star, the Titan is a self-produced battleship, so no matter how badly damaged the hull is, it can be repaired after being shipped back to the Titan Shipyard.

This is also the advantage of having the ability to produce warships.

Otherwise, if you only rely on external purchases, it will be impossible to repair the damaged battleship and you will have to buy it again.

This leads to a vicious cycle, which is not conducive to the development of civilization.

Lei Zhan and Nat were very positive after receiving Xu Lei's order. When they learned that they wanted to test the performance of their own battleship, they boarded the battleship themselves and arrived near the orbit of Neptune without saying a word.

They know very well that these battleships will serve in the Alliance fleet in the future, and they definitely want to see with their own eyes how the battleships produced by the Titan Shipyard compare to the battleships of the Pioneer Empire.

In order to ensure the maximum effect of the test, after Lei Zhan and Nat arrived at the designated location, they directly used the neutral particle cannon with Xu Lei's authorization.

Li Chengzhe and others in the Titan were also shocked when they heard the news, fearing that the battleship would not be able to withstand the attack of the neutral particle cannon. After all, this is the standard main weapon of the battleship.

The power cannot be underestimated.

However, Xu Lei repeatedly expressed his belief in the Titan's defense, so everyone could only agree.

However, after seeing the rapidly shooting neutral particle energy rays from the main screen of the console, my heart was still pounding.

Some even closed their eyes.

Faced with such danger, Titan's brain automatically activated defense.

Although it does not have the energy shield that only large battleships have, it can quickly adjust the angle to position the battleship with the strongest defense to receive the attack, and use close-defense weapons to further weaken the power of the neutral particle cannon.

So in the end, as the neutral particle cannon successfully hit the hull, the Titan regained stability after a violent shaking.

The damage was less than 20%.

"Detect the surrounding space environment and temporarily confirm safety..."

"The hull damage is 16%."

"Send a maintenance robot to fix it?"

To put it simply, more than ten percent of the hull damage will not affect the normal function of the battleship. In other words, the Titan still retains the ability to continue fighting after sustaining a neutral particle cannon attack.

This will undoubtedly have a great advantage in interstellar battles.

Facing such a result, not only Li Chengzhe and other scientists were shocked again, but even Lei Zhan, who launched the attack, had his eyes widened.

I never expected that the battleship designed by Xu Lei would be so terrifyingly powerful.

At the same time, he also secretly planned in his heart that after the test of the Titan was over, he must get it into his first fleet.

I believe that in the next battle to the Pioneer Galaxy, it will be able to display the majesty of the Alliance's first fleet and let the Pioneer civilization know that humans are not so easy to bully.

"No repairs for now."

Considering that the Titan's weapon power had not yet been tested, Xu Lei did not immediately repair the battleship.

Instead, he immediately controlled the battleship and entered the Kuiper Belt.

The Titan's main weapon still continues the traditional neutral particle cannon, but its cooling time is shorter than that of the battleships of the Herald Empire. This ensures that the Titan can frequently use the neutral particle cannon to attack during battle.

Basically two or three rendezvous can destroy a Harbinger Empire battleship.

Therefore, for weapons testing, the battleships in Lei Zhan and Nat's hands must not be used as targets.

After all, they don't have the Titan's defenses.

In this case, choosing the Kuiper Belt, which is full of asteroids and meteorites, is undoubtedly the best way.

As for the final test, it was definitely as good as expected. In addition to the more powerful neutral particle cannon, the cooling time was also shortened by twice that of the Pioneer Empire battleship. Taken together, there is no doubt that this battleship comes from Source Star technology. It deserves to be the most powerful in the universe.

This once again proves that the Science and Technology Museum’s evaluation of every technology exhibit is very pertinent.

After the Titan passed all tests and was transported back to the Titan shipyard for repairs to the damaged hull, the Alliance also officially approved the application report for mass production of this battleship.

The first batch is planned to produce a total of twelve ships and equip three fleets.

It is also worth mentioning that due to Lei Zhan’s continuous efforts during this period, the Titan was successfully arranged to serve in the First Fleet after it was re-installed.

After learning this news, Nat and Gustav were extremely envious.

I regret that I started too slowly.

Fortunately, Xu Lei brought sufficient crystal cores from the Green Star to provide support. With the efficiency of the Titan Shipyard, it only takes a few months to complete the production of a battleship, and it will naturally be arranged to enter the fleet in sequence.

When the relevant performance data of the Titan test was released online through the official account, it also attracted a new wave of carnival among the public.

Be more and more confident about the future of human civilization.

In addition to the emergence of more comments about crusading against pioneer civilizations and avenging their compatriots, there are also many people who are more looking forward to entering the big stage of the Milky Way.

It can be said that the solar system has reached the level of a second-level civilization, but it has not yet been updated in the information treasure house of the Galaxy Civilization Administration, but I believe this will be completed soon.

Another three months passed in the blink of an eye.

Just when the Titan Shipyard was producing the second battleship, Xu Lei finally received good news.

According to the feedback from the Star Destroyer's galaxy radar system, traces of ten aircraft were found in the Kuiper Belt of the solar system, and they were flying towards the interior of the solar system at extremely fast speeds.

no doubt.

These are the ten battleships purchased from Green Star.

When these ten battleships are in place, the overall strength of the Alliance fleet is further strengthened, which means that the day to go to the Pioneer Galaxy is not far away.

Thinking that the pioneers on the Pioneer Star suddenly saw so many powerful battleships approaching, Xu Lei was extremely looking forward to their performance.

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