My science and technology museum

Chapter 395 Secondary Civilization

With Quan Yi's personal assurance, Xu Lei finally let go of one thing on his mind. Next, he only needed to go to the Setan Star House to complete what he promised to Qiao Xiuer and fuse the living gold to condense the eternal body.

As for certifying the secondary civilization for the solar system and building the star gate, just leave it to Quan Yi.

Otherwise, it will take him a lot of time.

What's more, when he left Setan before, he promised Qiao Xiuer that he would come back as soon as possible after dealing with the solar system. Now it has been a long time since he carefully calculated.

If we really lose such an excellent opportunity in vain, it will be too late to regret.

However, while Xu Lei and Quan Yi were chatting happily, they did not notice that Gadra's face behind him was extremely gloomy.

His eyes were full of hatred.

He seemed to be deeply shocked by the scene in front of him.

Severe mental irritation.

Originally, he had placed all his hopes on the Galaxy Civilization Administration branch, thinking that as long as the person in charge arrived, he would be able to bring justice to the Pioneer Empire, punish the opponent's fleet, and compensate the Empire at the same time.

But when the person in charge, Quan Yi, arrived, the development of things completely deviated from his expectations.

The other party only knew the culprit who caused Pioneer Star's current situation, and they actually discussed the matter in front of him.

He didn't take Pioneer's matter to heart at all.

This seemed to him a great humiliation.

As the current king of the Pioneer Empire, even if the current situation is not optimistic, he must do something.

Anyway, I just can’t bear it.

Even if he offends the head of the branch, he will continue to seek justice for Pioneer, even if he reports to the headquarters of the Galaxy Civilization Administration.

The thought stayed here, and Gadra quickly stood up and asked directly in a questioning tone: "Sir, the other party stole the Setan Star Destroyer and made our Pioneer Star like this. Should we take certain measures against it first?”

"Or do you mean that the adults want to protect each other?"

Two consecutive questions immediately attracted Quan Yi's attention.

Then Quan Yi temporarily stopped talking to Xu Lei, turned around and looked at Gadra with cold eyes: "Are you blaming me?" If you look closely, you can find a little disappointment between his eyebrows when he spoke. .

Facing the scrutiny of the person in charge of the branch of the Civilization Administration Bureau, although Gadra was trembling slightly in her heart, her mouth remained firm.

I don't think I was wrong at all.

"My lord, I misunderstood. I was just telling what I saw with my own eyes."

Quan Yi heard these words in his ears, and then seemed to have made some decision. He immediately ordered the civilization supervisor accompanying him: "As a senior second-level civilization in the galaxy, the Pioneer Empire invaded the first-level civilization regardless of the rules of the Administration. Civilized the solar system and caused a sharp decline in the number of its civilized population. According to the regulations of the Authority, the solar system has the right to launch a civilized war to seek justice. As for the pioneer star King Gadra, he was immediately arrested and sent back to the Authority for trial."

"It's my lord."

The accompanying civilized inspectors received this order, responded in unison, and immediately surrounded Gadra.

He said that he was going to arrest him.

On the other hand, Gadra was stunned on the spot.

His eyes were slightly dull, obviously he never expected that things would turn out like this.

Thinking of what would happen if he was taken away for trial by the Bureau, his body immediately started to tremble uncontrollably. When he came to his senses, his first reaction was to defend himself.

So he shouted loudly.

"My lord, you must be mistaken."

"We sent the fleet to the solar system only to rescue the imperial bishop-level pioneers. We had no intention of invading. On the contrary, they imprisoned members of my royal family for many years, so the solar system should be punished by the administration."

Xu Lei, who was forced to listen to this sophistry, couldn't help but laugh.

I have to sigh with emotion at how shameless the other party is.

The black ones are said to be white.

Unfortunately, as Fogli said before, you need to talk about the background when you come out to hang out, so Gadra's words are destined not to be believed.

Before Xu Lei could refute, Quan Yi reprimanded him: "Shut up, do you have to tell me all the reasons why the pioneer royal family member was captured by the civilization of the solar system?"

As soon as these words came out, Gadra suddenly lost his temper.

He looked a little at a loss and was at a loss for words.

As for Misty, who was the protagonist of this matter, his expression looked a little unnatural even when standing far away.

I don’t know if I am recalling some bad memories.

Of course, the Civilized Supervisor, who was responsible for his duties, had no intention of stopping. In the next second, they worked together to control Gadra and put a special yoke on him.

The whole process was a smooth process.

One has to lament that the Civilization Bureau is indeed very efficient in its work.

And after doing this, he was ready to directly press Gardra to the Star Gate and return to the branch.

Seeing that he had no room for maneuver, Gadera simply stopped trying to defend himself. However, even if he had to accept the trial of the management authority, he had to find a way to bring Xu Lei down.

Because in his mind it was Xu Lei who caused the fall of the pioneer civilization.

It has to be paid for.

After making the decision, he did not hesitate at all, and quickly shouted to Quan Yi and the civilization supervisor beside him: "He stole the Star Destroyer of Setan. This also violated the rules of the Administration. You must also continue to do so." Take him with him."

If Xu Lei had some sympathy for Gadra just now, then after hearing these words, he completely disappeared without a trace.

Apparently Gadra still thinks that these two Star Destroyers were stolen from Setan. This is completely due to his inertial thinking. He always thinks that he is an individual from a weak civilization, even if he has some achievements in some fields. There is absolutely no way to get the Star Destroyer through regular channels.

It can only be said that powerful people from high civilizations like Gadra have a prejudice against weak civilizations.

He only saw his own civilization being violently attacked, but he would never experience the feeling of a civilization being attacked by a pioneer empire.

It is entirely your own fault to get such an end.

But it is worth mentioning that this time Xu Lei did not ask Quan Yi to come forward to answer for him. Instead, he walked up to Gadra and explained to him with a smile on his face: "I'd better tell you something. , these two Star Destroyers were exchanged for the contribution points I earned from hunting the Zerg, are you happy to know the true situation now?"

"Contribution points redeemed?"

"You're talking nonsense!"

"How is this possible? This is impossible!?"

Facing Xu Lei's answer, Gadra still didn't want to believe it.

His mind was gradually approaching a breakdown, and he kept repeating these contents in his mouth, unable to convince himself to accept this result.

In fact, it is not just Gardra. Under normal circumstances, when participating in the mission of exterminating the Zerg, one can only count the contribution points by personally killing the Zerg individuals. It stands to reason that even if Xu Lei develops the No. 1 agent of the Solar System, he successfully solves the problem of the sea dragon lice swarm. Threats should not add so many contribution points.

Not to mention using contribution points to redeem Star Destroyers.

From the actual situation alone, this reason is indeed difficult to convince.

But this is exactly what happened.

It can only be said that Qiao Xiuer took a fancy to Xu Lei's talent, especially his ability to easily fuse living metal. Under such circumstances, in order to re-emerge the eternal body, it is true that he would provide a few more conveniences within his scope of authority. normal.

But just because Gadra was crying, she couldn't imagine how long it would take for the other party to figure this out.

"The Administration stipulates that in civilized wars launched for legitimate reasons, the victor shall enjoy all the resources of its civilization. You can handle the rest of the Pioneer Star affairs on your own."

"I will also take care of the certification of the second-level civilization in the solar system as soon as possible."

"As for the construction of the Star Gate, personnel from the Administration will personally go to the solar system to select the site for construction."

Perhaps it was due to the relationship between Quan Yi and Xishuo Qiao Xiuer, or maybe he also wanted to see the advent of the eternal body, so he gave Xu Lei a few special instructions before leaving, so that everything could be done. All very appropriate.

Xu Lei was so happy that he saved so many things and quickly replied: "Thank you so much, Mr. Quan Yi. I will also go to Setan as soon as possible."

As the words fell, and then under Xu Lei's gaze, Quan Yi and the civilized supervisors were seen pressing Gardra into the star gate, and in an instant the figure completely disappeared from sight.

When only Xu Leilei, Gustav, Misty and the rest of the space force were left, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Everyone seemed a little at a loss.

I don’t know what to do next, and I don’t have a suitable goal at all.

In the end, Lei Zhan couldn't help but ask: "Sir, what should we do next?"

"Of course it's to clean up this mess." Xu Lei explained in detail: "First let Misty find some cronies, and then gather the surviving Pioneers to restore the normal operation of the Pioneer planet as soon as possible."

After speaking, he turned his attention to Gustav next to him: "The Second Fleet is temporarily stationed on the Pioneer Star to help Misti clear obstacles to ensure absolute control of the planet. After the solar system star gate is established, it can be officially build connection."

"Yes, sir, the Second Fleet promises to complete the mission." Gustave promised immediately after receiving the order.

However, Lei Zhan, who listened to all these orders, was a little dumbfounded. It was obviously him who took the initiative to ask, but in the end, nothing happened to him.

After all, the Pioneer Star is now under control, and there is no need for battleships to continue attacking.

He couldn't be idle when others were working hard, so he had no choice but to talk more and continue to ask: "Sir, I don't know what our First Fleet is going to do. I promise that we will complete the mission smoothly."

Xu Lei naturally has other arrangements for Lei Zhan.

Considering that he would soon be leaving Pioneer Planet for Setan Planet, these things really needed to be explained clearly first, so he did not hesitate when faced with Lei Zhan's questioning and directly arranged a very important matter.

"You have heard what the Civilization Administration said just now. Soon the Administration will send people to the solar system to build the star gate. I want you to take charge of this matter and ensure the smooth construction of the star gate so that humans can truly enter the galaxy. .”

Lei Zhan knew very well what Xu Lei's star gate meant to the solar system.

Although he wanted to contribute to the alliance like Gustav, he really didn't expect to be assigned to be in charge of the Star Gate.

It is inevitable that I feel a little worried at this moment.

I am afraid that special circumstances will occur by then, which will affect Xu Lei's layout.

The main reason is that Xu Lei should be responsible for supervising such an important matter personally. He never expected that it would be directly handed over to him.

"Sir, is there something wrong with letting the First Fleet be in charge of the Star Gate?" After a slight hesitation, he expressed his worries.

Xu Lei naturally understood what Lei Zhan was thinking.

But he had to go to Planet Setan to join Qiao Xiuer, and could not continue to wait for the construction of the star gate, so he could only arrange the matter.

However, in order for Lei Zhan to be confident in this matter and complete it successfully, Xu Lei finally added a few words: "I will be going to Setan Planet soon, and I can only leave the Star Gate matters to you. , but you don’t have to be too nervous, you just need to connect with the management personnel.”

After hearing Xu Lei's words of comfort, Lei Zhan thought about it carefully and it was indeed the case.

The construction of the star gate requires the administration to send professionals to build and debug it, but they do not need to do it themselves. They only need to interface with the administration personnel to ensure the construction progress. Under normal circumstances, there will be no trouble.

Thinking of this, Lei Zhan suddenly had an idea and immediately agreed to the matter: "Well, our first fleet will definitely cooperate fully with the construction of the star gate."

that's all.

After arranging their respective tasks, the fleet quickly began to take action.

With the help of Misti's status as a member of the royal family and the intimidation of the Alliance's second fleet, the surviving pioneers regarded Misti as the savior of the pioneer civilization, and subsequently signed contracts with the Alliance fleet as acting kings.

It is legitimate to station the Second Fleet on the Pioneer Star, claiming to protect the safety of the Pioneer Star.

Besides, the Civilization Management Bureau may have Quan Yi's intervention, and the efficiency is amazing.

In just a few days, the Information Treasure House of the Galaxy Civilization Administration officially updated the information on the secondary civilizations in the solar system, causing quite a stir among other civilizations.

Due to the Zerg incident on Blue Scale Star, Xu Lei had already become famous by relying on the No. 1 Potion of the Solar System. Now that the Solar System was promoted to a second-level civilization not long after registration, everyone's interest in it is naturally higher than before.

In addition, the encounter of the pioneer civilization revealed some information, which made many civilizations become more and more interested in Xu Lei and the solar system.

Of course I am interested, but no one dares to take an interest in the solar system.

After all, no one wants to follow in the footsteps of pioneer civilizations.

As for the rapid rise of the solar system, the civilization within the Orion spiral arm must be the happiest. Because the overall strength of its own spiral arm has increased, when the Milky Way Administration redistributes crystal core resources, it will undoubtedly be more hopeful to get a larger share.

Many congratulatory remarks can be seen on the management information exchange platform.

"I remember that this solar system was just registered not long ago. At that time, it was still a first-level civilization. I didn't expect that it would be promoted to a second-level civilization so quickly."

"Congratulations to me for adding a second-level civilization to the Orion spiral arm."

"As expected of the scientist who eliminated the sea dragon lice, his civilization has improved so much in a short period of time."

"I heard that the Solar System's fleet has just captured the Pioneer Galaxy. It is a rather ancient second-level civilization, and it doesn't even have a chance to resist. It seems that we must try our best to make good friends with this Solar System in the future."

"Then Xu Lei climbed to Setan and got a Star Destroyer for his own civilization. Who will be his opponent?"

"Those big bugs on the Pioneer Star are entirely to blame for themselves. They want to attack other people's solar systems. This is a piece of iron. It seems that even the current king was taken away by the supervisor of the Civilization Administration."

"Anyway, this is a good thing for our Orion spiral arm. I hope that the solar system can contribute to the distribution of crystal nuclei in the future."

However, compared to the comments made by the civilizations in the Orion Arm, other arm civilizations are more aggressive. They even gloat about the war between civilizations in the Orion Arm, thinking that it is causing internal friction within themselves.

In this case, the strength of the Orion spiral arm will be weakened, which will naturally make other spiral arms cheaper.

"Setan actually gave its Star Destroyer to such a weak civilization. I think the Orion spiral arm will be at the bottom again this time in terms of resource allocation."

"I remember that the Orion spiral arm has been at the bottom for several epochs."

"How can they compare with our Perseus spiral arm because they only have one level three civilization? For this core distribution, we Perseus are determined to win."

"I can't figure out why Setan is interested in such a weak civilization. Although Xu Lei is a bit talented and has developed a drug targeting the genes of sea dragon louse, there are so many types of Zerg, but he still can't change the situation."

"This Pioneer Galaxy of Orion is really a waste. It was defeated by a first-level civilization."

"There is no way the Orion Arm has two level three civilizations."

Xu Lei did not read too much about the content on the Galaxy Civilization Administration's Information Treasure Exchange Platform, because he was already ready to go to Setan through the secondary star gate on the Pioneer Star.

"I don't know how long it will take for me to come back after I leave this time. I will leave the family affairs to you to take care of."

Pioneer star secondary star gate.

In the wide and flat square, Xu Lei was still wearing the same blue clothes with the Solar System Alliance logo. Apart from the terminal on his wrist that could establish contact across galaxies, he had no other equipment.

At this time, I saw him leaning against the Star Gate and giving his final instructions to Lei Zhan, Gustav and the others.

The main reason is that Xu Lei is going to the Setan Star House this time to use the living gold resources retained in it to condense the eternal body. It would be somewhat inappropriate to be fully armed.

Besides, with Qiao Xiuer here, there wouldn't be any danger.

What's more, his biggest reliance now is his body. Even without weapons in hand, he can still exert strong combat power.

Gustave and Lei Zhan, who had long known that Xu Lei needed to leave for a while, were not too sad at the moment. They just replied decisively: "Don't worry, sir, we will definitely maintain the security of the galaxy."

"Well, I'm relieved that you are here." Xu Lei reached out and patted the two of them on the shoulders, with a very pleased look on his face.

Although it has only been a few days since the Alliance fleet entered the Pioneer star, the mess of the Pioneer Empire has been basically cleaned up. It may not be as prosperous as before, but the remaining Pioneers have basically accepted the fact that they are managed by the solar system.

In some ways this is a good start.

Coupled with the presence of Gustav's Second Fleet, there will basically be no problems.

After all, with the solar system officially becoming a second-level civilization, no one will come to cause trouble.

As for the solar system, it is safer.

In addition to the Alliance's Third Fleet responsible for the security of the solar system, there are also more than one billion mechanical space forces gathered together. In addition, after Lei Zhan's team docks with the personnel of the Civilization Administration, the fleet will also set off to return to the Earth, so the security is Very secure.

It is precisely because of these guarantees that Xu Lei can leave with peace of mind to complete his own affairs.

Mainly, he doesn't know whether there is any difference between condensing the eternal body and simply fusing living metal, let alone how long the process will take, so he must be prepared in advance.

After explaining everything, Xu Lei stopped wasting time and turned around and walked towards the star gate.

When the figure completely disappeared into the star gate, Lei Zhan and Gustav, who were watching this scene, finally retracted their gazes and intertwined in the air.

"Soon our first fleet will set off back to the Earth Star. From now on, we will all rely on your second fleet here." Lei Zhan couldn't help but sigh when he thought that the two fleets would be separated later.

In this regard, Gustav was more open-minded. He smiled immediately and said: "They are all for the service of mankind. The star gate that your first fleet is responsible for is even more related to the future development of the solar system. However, we need to wait for the star gate to be built." After that, travel between the two galaxies will be very convenient, so don’t forget to visit me from time to time."

"Of course." Lei Zhan stretched out his left hand to pat the opponent's shoulder and responded seriously.


It was not the first time for Xu Lei to use the Star Gate, so he was already familiar with it. When his sight and perception were restored again, he heard the familiar language of Setan enter his ears.

"Dear Mr. Xu Lei, welcome back to Setan Planet. If you have anything to do in Thousand Stars City, please feel free to ask me."

Xu Lei raised his gaze in the direction of the sound and found that the person speaking was the administrator of the Star Gate of Thousand Stars City, and he was from Setan.

If he had come to Thousand Stars City before, he would never have been treated like this.

Xu Lei knew that this was the benefit of his status as a Setan planet.

It's just that his destination this time is the main city of Setan City, and he won't stay too long in Thousand Star City, so he waved his hand directly and said: "No, I want to go to the Setan City House immediately."

After saying that, he walked away directly.

However, after leaving the area where the Star Gate was located, Xu Lei suddenly thought of something.

"Would you like to stop by Brother Xishuo's place to take a look first?"

Compared to Qiao Xiuer, there is no doubt that Xi Shuo is the one who really hopes that the eternal body will appear. Now that he wants to formally gather, it would be inappropriate not to tell the other party, not to mention that he is already in Thousand Star City.

Even if you have to go to the House of Representatives, this is the time.

So after a slight hesitation, Xu Lei chose to go to the Qianxing City Security Bureau instead.

But what Xu Lei didn't know was that at the same time, Long Shan, a councilor dispatched by the Red Rock Galaxy of the Perseus Spiral Arm Level 3 civilization, also successfully arrived at Setan, and his main purpose was to find out the actual situation of Setan. Ensure that the interests of the Perseus spiral arm will not be threatened in the subsequent allocation of crystal core resources.

The other is to try to get in touch with Xu Lei to find out its true potential and learn about the No. 1 Potion of the Solar System.

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