Chapter 188: Beating the Bear Child (Four More Subscriptions)

Fuxi withdrew his hand and looked at the ten golden crows in front of him with a smile.

The ten golden crows are still waiting for the next question.

But after a long time, he didn’t see Fuxi speak, just looked at them with such a smile.

“Hey, you guys, why don’t you keep coming out… Yes! Lu Peng just spoke, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

The other nine golden crows also reacted, and they immediately became angry.

“Hey! You actually dare to pit me! ”

“You dare to cheat Prince Ben!”

“How daring! What a dare! ”

Fuxi smiled and shrugged: “I heard that the Jinwu clan is a demon emperor race, and the emperor jun is a first-class calculus power.” ”

“His sons, is that how it counts?”

The little golden crows’ faces were flushed, and their golden feathers seemed to turn blush.

“That, you dare to tease us!”

“Don’t talk about teasing, I’m just a normal question.” Fuxi smiled faintly: “Also, my name is Fuxi, not that Daoist.” ”

“You look for death!”

The ten golden crows, suddenly became angry and suddenly flared their wings.

The white sun true fire burning on the sun star suddenly flashed towards Fuxi under its manipulation.

The bear child started, not light or heavy.

If it is an ordinary demon clan, even a demon clan at the level of Da Luo Golden Immortal, it will be injured or even fall under this move.


“O white flame, but the most impure flame of the true fire of the sun.” Fuxi sighed and stepped out.


Footsteps sounded, and the oncoming flames actually stopped.

This kind of flame, he was not afraid when he went to beat Taiyi and Dijun back then!

Without making any defense, he walked straight over, but after the wave of flames, it didn’t hurt him in the slightest!

“How is it possible!”

Xiao Jinwu’s eyes widened, they had never encountered an existence that was not afraid of the true fire of the sun.

On weekdays, to those little demons who give snacks, don’t say that they really do it, just make a random appearance, it scares them enough!

Subconsciously, all the golden crows flashed their wings at the same time, and a wave of flames twice as large as before flew in.

“What a bear child.” Fuxi sighed.

Then, he raised his hand casually.

“The bear child is disobedient, most of them are used to it, just beat it.”

With a flick of his palm, an invisible force came out.

The tide of the sun’s true fire instantly subsided, as if it did not exist in the first place.

The little golden crows’ eyes widened and their faces showed disbelief.

However, Fuxi’s footsteps did not stop, taking one step and slapped it at the same time.

“But fortunately, I’m very good at physics pedagogy.


A phantom palm flashed, and the little golden crow led by the leader was slapped to the ground, unable to get up for a while.

“Er dare?”

The ‘Wu Aotian’ were immediately furious, and one by one they rushed towards Fuxi.

“It’s okay, watch me educate you little by little.” Fuxi smiled and slapped it out as if he were slapping a fly.



The little golden crows were slapped down like flies.

“Bastard!” The second golden crow was kicked away.

“I’m going to kill you!” The fourth golden crow was stepped on under the foot by Fuxi.

“Do you dare to do this to us, not afraid of the wrath of the Father?” Old Six stood in the distance, shouting timidly.

“Angry?” Fuxi blinked: “Do you mean Dijun?” ”

“I educated his son, but he agreed.”

Then, Fuxi flicked his fingers, and the golden crow Laoliu flew out as if he had been hit by a boulder.

“Besides, he just doesn’t agree, does he dare to hit me?”

The corners of Fuxi’s mouth rose, and he said unconcernedly.

“Damn it!”

“You’re looking for death!”

“Brothers go up together, kill him!”

A bear child is a bear child in the end, one time at a time, desperately.

Fuxi didn’t care either, and slapped it all away.

Physics pedagogy, that is, using ‘physics’ methods, such as using fists, feet, sticks, guns…

Physically educate the object.

If one physics education does not work, it can be repeated several times, and it is not a problem to repeat it dozens of times if necessary.

——Anyway, although this group of little guys has not yet grown up, they are also the bloodline of the demon emperor, and their physical fitness is extremely strong.

A few beatings, no problem at all.

A punch, a palm, a kick…

The little golden crows who were shot off several times were full of pain, but they also activated their ferocity even more.

For a time, the golden crow roared, the flames soared, and the temperature heated up rapidly.

However, this was useless, he skyrocketed tenfold, and was still kicked and flown by Fuxi at will.

At the same time, he can do his job.

“Well, almost all of them have been collected, and the next thing left is the blood of the merchant sheep.” Fuxi looked at the ten drops of hot golden essence blood in the palm of his hand, picked the corner of his mouth, and tucked it into his sleeve.

Then, he looked up.

After being fanned dozens of times, even the bear children finally understood the gap between enemies and us.

They also finally remembered one of the back hands that Di Jun had given them when he sent them here.

So, Qi Qi flew to the Fuso tree.

“Grandpa Tree! Grandpa Tree! He bullies us! ”

“Grandpa Shu, help me beat him up!”

“Woo hoo, Grandpa Tree, teach him a lesson!”

“Kill him!”

One of the strongest magic opportunities of bear children – sue parents!

Dijun gave it to the Fuso Tree when they were born, and after that, he only had very little time to come to visit, look at it a few times, and after saying a few words, he also quickly left and returned to the Heavenly Court to deal with his own affairs.

Shang Yang not to mention, it is difficult for her to come once, without Dijun and Taiyi accompanying her, she can’t enter the Sun Star at all.

Therefore, what they are relatively most familiar with is the innate spiritual root, the Fuso tree!

Several times the enemies of the demon clan came to assassinate them, but it was the Fuso tree that stopped them!

Fuxi walked slowly and said with a smile: “Fusang Shudao is friendly.” ”

The Fuso tree shook its branches and gestured.

“I continued my education, and Taoist friends just watched from the sidelines.”

The Fuso tree dots the branches.

Then, Fuxi revealed a gentle smile.

“Come on, you actually dare to call your parents… Well, I’m also a human being, occasionally lose a hand, accidentally beat you to the bone crack, fracture ah, half body failure ah or something, it’s all normal? ”

Fuxi approached with a gentle smile.

The little golden crows shivered.

Years later, the sixth old man in the Golden Crow also wrote in the memoirs of Na Lu Peng.

“The gentler the smile, the more terrifying the shadow behind it, which we knew when we were still fledglings.”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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