My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 100 Breath-Suppressing Jade Talisman

Three days later, in front of Lin Taixu's mansion.

Thirty famous teachers and guards stood in front of the gate, spread out in two rows, wearing flying fish uniforms and soul-breaking knives. A majestic and majestic aura was revealed without any need to show it.

Diao Budiao and three famous teachers and deacons, Liu Sandao, Cheng Wuwei, and Li Yuanxing, stood respectfully at the door and waited.

As for Diao BuDiao's gift of ten million silver coins, he had already given it away.

I thought that since I was the master of the Famous Master Hall, and given such a heavy gift, Lin Taixu had to treat me to a cup of tea, and why should I greet him with courtesy?

Sorry, he thought too much.

No, nothing. As soon as the silver coins were put down, he was kicked out and made to wait outside the gate.

You are so damn unworthy of being a son of a man.

If he commits a serious crime below, he must be punished for a serious crime below.

Diao BuDiao thought fiercely in his heart.

In fact, this is not because Lin Taixu is unkind, nor is he trying to put on airs.

Instead, something went wrong.

Because just in the morning, Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang and Ouyang Yanran were promoted from first-level warriors to second-level warriors.

Murong Wushuang was promoted to the third level of the second level warrior, and Wang Luoyi was promoted to the second level of the second level warrior.

His system experience value has also increased to 55,000 points, his famous teacher experience value is 36,000 points, and his silver coins are 37,400.

Therefore, Lin Taixu felt a little dizzy.

In just half a month, all five of his apprentices have been promoted to level two warriors. Even if you think about it with your toes, if word of this spreads, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire New Moon Kingdom.

When the time comes, powerful men from all walks of life will come, arrest you, interrogate you for secrets, and use you as a guinea pig for research.

Then I can't do it even if I want to die.

After all, although he can kill a third-level martial artist now, what about a fourth-level martial artist? How about a fifth-level martial master?

How about a sixth-level Martial King?

Therefore, when Diao BuDiao came in, he drove him away without saying a word.

Just kidding, if Diao Budiao knew about it, then everyone in the world would probably know about it.

"System, is there anything to hide your cultivation?"

Lin Taixu glanced at Murong Wushuang, Wang Luoyi and others standing in front of him, and asked the system in his heart.


"Hidden cultivation is divided into techniques and jade talismans."

"The skills can be upgraded, but the jade talisman cannot."

The system replied.

"Five of each."

Lin Taixu said generously.

"The special mall sells techniques to hide the cultivation level, such as the Breath Condensation Technique. After successful cultivation, the user can hide the current cultivation level at the level set by himself. Unless the warrior is two levels higher than the user, otherwise, the user cannot discover and use it. The person’s true cultivation.”

"The jade talismans include the first-level breath-concentrating jade talisman, the second-level breath-containing jade talisman, the third-level breath-containing jade talisman, and the ninth-level breath-containing jade talisman."

"The first-level breath gathering jade talisman can hide the wearer's cultivation level from being discovered by first-level warriors."

"The second-level breath gathering jade talisman can hide the wearer's cultivation level from being discovered by the second-level warriors."

"The third-level breath gathering jade talisman can hide the wearer's cultivation level from being discovered by the third-level martial artist."


"The ninth-level breath gathering jade talisman can hide the wearer's cultivation level from being discovered by the ninth-level Martial God."

"How many levels of Breath Condensing Jade Talisman do the controllers need to purchase?"

"Level 6 Breath Condensing Jade Talisman."

Lin Taixu replied without thinking, he was now on the sixth level.

"Ten million silver coins each for the sixth-level Breath Condensing Jade Talisman."

"The five breath gathering jade charms total 50 million silver coins."


"It was found that the controller has insufficient silver coins. Would the controller choose to recharge?"

The system said.

"Why don't you go and grab it?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he almost went crazy. The sixth-level breath gathering jade talisman actually costs 10 million silver coins. What the hell are you doing?

“This system operates with integrity, prices are clearly marked, and no one is deceived.”

The system replied.

"Where's the fourth-level breath gathering jade talisman?"

Lin Taixu's teeth were almost broken, so he gritted his teeth and asked.

"One million silver coins for the fifth-level breath gathering jade talisman."

"One hundred thousand silver coins for the fourth-level breath gathering jade talisman."

"Third-level breath gathering jade talisman worth ten thousand silver coins per piece."

"A second-level breath gathering jade talisman worth one thousand silver coins."

"One hundred silver coins for a first-level breath gathering jade talisman."

The system listed the prices of various levels of breath gathering jade talismans in one breath, meaning, look, is the price clearly marked?

Is it true that children and old men are innocent?

"Let's get a third-level breath-condensing jade talisman."

Lin Taixu said helplessly that if you are poor, you have to accept your fate.


"The controller's silver coins are insufficient. Please top up the controller."

"Recharge 10 million."

Lin Taixu looked at the golden nanmu box filled with silver coins in front of him and said fiercely, "Damn it, this is the gift just sent by Diao Budiao. I haven't warmed it up yet."


"Recharge 10 million"

"The current controller owns 137,400 silver coins."


"Purchasing five level three interest gathering jade talismans, deducting 50,000 silver coins from the controller, the purchase was successful."

Suddenly, Lin Taixu felt that there were five more jade talismans exuding a cold aura in his hand.

"The current controller has 87,400 silver coins."

"Does the controller need to purchase the breath-condensing technique?"

The system continued.

"I won't buy it."

Lin Taixu immediately and decisively closed the dialogue with the system. Damn it, this system is a scam.

Identification is completed.

"This is the breath-containing jade talisman. Each of you wears it on your body. It can hide your own martial arts information. Even a third-level martial artist cannot detect it."

Lin Taixu handed the third-level breath-condensing jade talisman to Murong Wushuang and others.

Then he glanced at Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi, and twitched his lips, "You don't need to bring them with you. We will go to the Famous Master Hall for testing later."

Test, I bought two more.

Another twenty thousand silver coins were spent in vain.

Too sloppy.

"Yes, Master."

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi replied.

Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang and Ouyang Yanran tied the Jade Talisman of Breath Condensation one by one, and then hung it on the belt around their waists. Immediately, the jade talisman burst out with a faint light, quickly covering the martial arts realm of the three of them, showing that The cultivation level of a first-level martial artist at the seventh level.

"Ah, it's so magical, Master, where did you get this breath-condensing jade charm?"

Zhao Feixue asked in surprise. The Jade Talisman of Breath Condensation is not unavailable in the New Moon Kingdom, but it is very rare.

Because this kind of breath gathering jade talisman is only needed by those who want to do bad things and are evil people, so the market demand is not large.

The demand is not large, so the price of the breath gathering jade talisman is destined to be relatively expensive.

She had only heard people mention it when she was at Zhao's house before. She didn't expect to get one today, and she immediately felt it was novel and interesting.

"I bought it."

Lin Taixu said, if you don't buy it, will it fall from the sky?

"Oh, then this breath gathering jade charm must be very expensive."

Zhao Feishang asked, her white and tender fingers stroking the breath-containing jade talisman around her waist, feeling equally novel and amused.

If he returned to the family and removed the Jade Talisman of Breath Condensation and was promoted to the first level of a second-level warrior at such a young age, his mother would definitely be shocked and extremely happy.


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