
Seeing that Diao Butiao still did not kneel down under the suppression of his own momentum, Wei Haolin snorted coldly, and his momentum poured down on Diao Butiao without reservation again.

Suddenly, Diao BuDiao felt a lot of pressure.

He was a Level 2 warrior at the fifth level, which was one level lower than Wei Haolin's Level 6 warrior. In addition, he did not dare to resist with all his strength, so he was about to be suppressed and knelt down in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Wei Haolin couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth, planning to wait until Diao Budiao knelt down and lose his will to resist, then take action to destroy his Yuan Hai.

This is the price for offending him.

As for losing Yuan Hai, whether Diao Bu Diao lives or dies is none of his business.


Suddenly, Lin Taixu, who was standing far away, coughed twice as if he had been choked by something.


When others heard Lin Taixu coughing, they didn't think anything, but to Diao Budiao's ears, it was like a bolt from the blue, like the sound of Feng Lun.

I saw that as the vitality in his body circulated, his overwhelmed body became lighter, and his trembling legs stopped shaking.


Then, an astonishing momentum erupted from his slightly thin body, "Boom." The two momentums collided violently, like a volcano erupting, and the entire hall trembled several times.

Jia Ningran and the famous teacher guards were swept away by the two momentums, and their bodies were knocked out uncontrollably, and then they fell to the ground of the hall like dumplings, screaming in agony.

"Click rub rub."

Diao Bu Diao was shaken by the momentum and couldn't help but take three big steps back before he stabilized his figure, while Wei Haolin only swayed slightly for a few times and then stood on the spot with a sinister look on his face.

Damn it, how dare you resist?

The anger in Wei Haolin's heart surged to the point of being uncontrollable, "Diao Bu Diao, you have committed the following crime and you will not be punished."

"Deputy Hall Master Wei, you must have evidence when speaking. When did Diao commit the following crime?"

Diao BuDiao took a step forward, looked at Wei Haolin and sneered, as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood. Of course, before speaking, he did not forget to give Lin Taixu a look of thanks.

where am I?

who I am?

What did I do?

Lin Taixu had a confused look on his face, which made Murong Wushuang grit his teeth again, while Wang Luoyi snickered secretly.


Wei Haolin was stunned. He just said this casually. How could there be any real evidence that Diao Budiao was guilty?

Besides, in the past, whenever he said these words, everyone would be so scared that they would pee, kneel on the ground, kowtow to him, and beg for mercy.

What, it’s not working today?

"What? Does Deputy Hall Master Wei mean that if you humiliate your subordinates for no reason, they will have to be willing to die? If you don't want to lead the way to death, then you will be committing the following crime?"

Seeing that Wei Haolin was at a loss for words, Diao Budiao continued. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he suddenly felt refreshed and had a feeling of elation and elation.

Damn it, the grandson who has been a grandson for decades is finally brave for a while, this feeling...

Thanks to Master Lin for his guidance.

You're welcome, I just choked on my saliva: Lin Taixu.


Wei Haolin was speechless by Diao Budiao, and his face was frighteningly cold. Who dared to talk to him like this since he became a famous teacher?

No, anyone who dared to talk to him like this would be dead.

But now that Diao BuDiao actually talked to him like this, his murderous intention towards him suddenly became even stronger.

"You are impudent, Diao Bu Diao, you are just the leader of a first-level famous master hall, how dare you talk to Hall Master Wei like this?"

"You are being disrespectful. You are guilty of the following and deserve death."

Jia Ningran roared angrily.

"You also know that this hall master is the master of the first-level famous master hall. This hall master thought you were blind."

Diao BuDiao looked at Jia Ningran with a sneer and said. As he spoke, he pointed at the four famous master guards who were beaten and said, "As famous master guards, when they saw the master of the hall, they not only refused to bow to me, but also made excuses. You Say, should I fight?”


Jia Ningran couldn't help but was dumbfounded. Of course he should be beaten. If he met such a famous teacher guard, he would take action. If he didn't beat them to death, he would be merciful.

But, he couldn't say it.

"Also, you are just a two-star famous teacher. Although your star rating is the same as that of our hall master, according to etiquette, you need to perform subordinate gifts to our hall master."

"And how did you do it? Not only did you not bow to me as a subordinate, you actually dared to question me so boldly. You are so ignorant of superiority and inferiority. Do you think you should be beaten?"

Diao BuDiao continued to shout, the light of righteousness on his face shining in all directions.

"You and I."

Jia Ningran couldn't help but was left speechless by the question. She saw humiliation and anger on his face alternately, but he couldn't find a reason to refute Diao Bu Diao.

This taste is like eating half a worm and having to force yourself to swallow it.

"Speak, are you mute? As long as you can tell me what is wrong with me, I am willing to commit suicide on the spot to apologize."

Diao BuDiao said unforgivingly, feeling extremely happy.

Sure enough, what Master Lin said is right. You can travel all over the world with reason, but you can't move even without reason.

Thank you Master Lin.

"Deputy Hall Master Wei, do you think this subordinate has done anything wrong?"

"Is it right to beat them?"

Seeing that Jia Ningran was speechless, Diao Budiao turned to look at Wei Haolin and asked, his expression like a big rooster returning from victory, arrogant.

"Yes, that's right."

Wei Haolin gritted his teeth and said, could he say it was wrong?

If Jia Ningran beat Diao Butiao on the spot, he could still help them save face, but the problem is that he failed to beat someone and got beaten instead.

This bitter fruit can only be swallowed with blood.

It is really more of a failure than a success.

Wei Haolin cursed Jia Ningran and others in his heart.

"Then why did Deputy Hall Master Wei treat his subordinates without asking any questions right from the start."

Diao Butiao didn't know what was going on, or he was too inflated, and pointed the gun at Wei Haolin again.


At this time, Lin Taixu coughed twice again, and almost stepped forward and slapped Diao Butiao against the wall so that he couldn't get off.

That's enough.

Are you a fool?

Don't you know when to stop?

After all, Wei Haolin is your boss. If you fight again, can you beat him?

Don't understand?

If you don't understand, refer to how you treat Jia Ningran.

You fool.


When Diao Bu Diao heard Lin Taixu cough, he immediately knew that he had gone too far. He immediately changed the subject and continued to say righteously, "That must have been deceived by the villain, otherwise, how could Deputy Hall Master Wei do such a disproportionate thing?"


"Yes, yes, yes."

Wei Haolin said hurriedly, taking advantage of the situation, and immediately scolded Jia Ningran, "Asshole, you dare to reverse right and wrong and mislead this Deputy Hall Master. I will settle the score with you when I go back."

"Hall Master, calm down, I know I was wrong."

Jia Ningran quickly knelt on the ground and begged, with a surge of sadness in his heart.

Well, this plan was in vain.


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