"Murong Wushuang, please get over here quickly."

Standing at the gate, Sun Yiquan saw Murong Wushuang in the pavilion at a glance, and immediately roared.

Damn it, so many beauties?

However, when he glanced at Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang, Ouyang Yanran, Wang Luoyi and others in the pavilion, his eyes almost dropped to the ground.

I originally thought that Murong Wushuang was so beautiful that no one in Qingfeng City could match her.

However, I never expected that there would be beauties who were as good as Murong Wushuang, and there were more than one, four in total.

What the hell.

He instantly felt that his title as Young Master Huahua had been in vain for so many years.

"God has mercy on me."

Sun Yiquan suddenly grinned. He originally thought that he could only get one Murong Wushuang when he came over, but he didn't expect that it was not one, but one, two, three, four, five, five.

This trip was worth it.

If he had known that there were so many beauties here, he would have asked Murong Wushuang to beat him up.

Well, he felt that he had something to do in the remaining few years.

So cool, so cool.

"Master, congratulations. I didn't expect that this little-known place would have so many beauties. Master, you are so blessed."

"That's right. The young master is wise, mighty, and charming. Wherever he goes, there are beauties waiting for him."

Seeing Murong Wushuang, Zhao Feixue and the others, several guards around Sun Yiquan talked in various directions, and their eyes almost fell on Murong Wushuang and the others.

"Of course, it doesn't matter who I am."

Sun Yiquan smiled proudly, with a lustful light in his eyes. Who else in Qingfeng City would dare to enjoy such a beauty except Sun Yiquan?


Looking at the splinters of wood on the ground, Lin Taixu's eyes narrowed, revealing a dangerous light. If anyone walked into the depths of his eyes, they would definitely see flames rising in his eyes.

What the hell.


It had only been two days since Labor and Capital traveled here, and their door had been kicked open twice.

Well, this is my precious apprentice for the first time, so forget it.

But, this time...

If you don't peel yourself inside and out and squeeze out the last drop of value, just wait to be carried out.

You are used to it.

Is it true that a one-star famous teacher is not a famous teacher?

"Is it Sun Yiquan?"

"The evil young man from the Sun family in Qingfeng City?"

"Why is he here? It seems that he is still here for Senior Sister."

Seeing the arrival of Sun Yiquan, Zhao Feixue and others were extremely angry, but they were still a little timid. There was a hint of fear in their beautiful big eyes. The Sun family was one of the best in Qingfeng City. It was said that there were several middle-level second-level warriors in the family. The strong one.

In Qingfeng City, in addition to the four major families and the other three major families, the Sun family can be said to be unscrupulous and no one dares to offend them.

Although a strong person in the middle stage of the second-level warrior is nothing else.

However, in their eyes, it is an insurmountable mountain that can easily crush their existence.

After all, they were the third and fourth level first-class martial arts disciples. If they really wanted to fight against the Sun family, just a few breaths from others would be enough to kill them dozens of times.

But immediately, their fearful eyes suddenly disappeared, replaced by determination.

"If he really dares to bully Senior Sister, we will fight him."

Wang Luoyi gritted her teeth and said, although the Sun family is powerful, it is not enough to bully her senior sister.

"Yes, fight them."


Zhao Feixue nodded, her beautiful face full of determination, Zhao Feishuang also nodded lightly, with a solemn look on his face.

"The worst we can do is perish together."

Ouyang Yanran also said, looking at Sun Yiquan and others, clasping her little hands, she had the courage to kill one to make a profit, kill two to earn one.

"I'll go, the love between sisters is so deep."

When Lin Taixu saw this, he couldn't help blinking and said in his heart. Well, I like it.

If Zhao Feixue and others were just looking out for themselves at this moment, I'm afraid he would have kicked them out without saying a word and left them to fend for themselves.

Well, it doesn't matter how beautiful you are.

He doesn’t want a femme fatale.

Murong Wushuang did not speak, but the slightly raised corners of her mouth revealed that she was moved by Zhao Feixue and others. She had a cold nature, which did not mean that she had no feelings.

If others are kind to her, she will definitely treat others twice as kind.

"Protect Master."

Immediately, Murong Wushuang said to Zhao Feixue and others. After saying that, she walked towards the outside of the pavilion. A refreshing chill spread from her body.

At the same time, he looked at Sun Yiquan and others with cold eyes, filled with murderous intent.

Since you want to die.

Then, I will help you.

"He's disabled, drag him here."

Lin Taixu stood up, glanced at Sun Yiquan, and said lightly that this kind of trash was not worth his while.

Although, he also wanted to take action to test how strong his 5,000-pound strength is. Well, let's pretend to compare.

However, since the precious apprentice wants to take action, let her take action.

What if she also wants to test the power of the dragon claw hand in the limelight?

Well, you have to get used to your apprentice.

"Yes, Master."

Murong Wushuang heard this and responded in a tender voice. Without stopping, she quickly walked in front of Sun Yiquan. Originally, she wanted to kill Sun Yiquan directly. Since the master said so, she would leave his life to the master.

"Murong Wushuang, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

Sun Yiquan sneered, looking at the beautiful face of Murong Wushuang who was close at hand, his mind was a little trance.

Although he had met Murong Wushuang once yesterday, it was only a one-time encounter.

Because before he could see what Murong Wushuang looked like, he was knocked down, and then Murong Wushuang dragged the huge sword-tailed tiger away.

He only vaguely remembered that Murong Wushuang was extremely beautiful.

But that short glimpse made his heart move.

But now seeing Murong Wushuang up close, her eyebrows, nose, lips, and even her skin and figure are all carefully carved by God, and all of them are extremely beautiful.

Especially her cold and aloof temperament, which is more like a cup of poison, corroding his body, mind, and soul, and arousing his strong possessiveness.

If he can't get such a woman, what's the point of living?


At this moment, Sun Yiquan was not only moved.



Sun Yiquan was stunned by Murong Wushuang's temperament and appearance, and the several guards who followed him were also stunned, drooling.

If they could have such a woman as a wife, they even felt that Murong Wushuang stabbed them every day.

That would be a very happy thing.

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