My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 237 Do I have a grudge against you?

"Don't worry about him and keep flying?"

Dong Daying almost bit his tongue when he heard this. What the hell, isn't it good to be a human being?

You were saying stop just now.

Why did he change his mind again in the blink of an eye?

Why, you are a dog.

"Yes, yes, we will be good friends from now on."

Seeing this, the young man in green couldn't help laughing and looked at the man in black behind him with a proud look.

He finally saw that the one who made the decision here was not Dong Daying, but Lin Taixu. As long as he kept talking, Dong Daying would never dare to stop.

Well, that level of obedience counts as what he said, his father

No, just like when his sister speaks, his father will never refute.

"No, sir, didn't you just tell the Iron-winged Goshawk to stop?"

The bearded man said anxiously. Although he was tall and thick, he also knew that Lin Taixu was the one who made the decision here.

If you don’t believe it, just look at the way Dong Daying treats Lin Taixu, he’s almost going to kneel down and call him daddy.

"Just now, now is now."

"Just now I thought the man in black was here to catch you, so I asked Mr. Dong to stop the iron-winged goshawk."

"Now, since I'm not arresting you, why stop?"

"Besides, as the flight director, you have the obligation to ensure the personal safety of the people on board. You don't know this, right?"

Lin Taixu said, looking at the bearded man as if he were looking at a fool.

Do you have to force me to say it to make you happy?

You are a stick.

"Like, brother, we will be friends of life and death from now on."

The young man in green laughed loudly and reached out to pat Lin Taixu on the shoulder. You must know that he is a person with high eyesight. There is no one who can make him say this, not to mention the New Moon Kingdom, at least in Dahuang City. .

You see, men's friendship is so simple.

No, you will regret it. : Murong Changtian.


The soft-armored girl couldn't help but smile when she heard this. There was an inexplicable light flowing in Lin Taixu's eyes.

She found that Lin Taixu was a really interesting person who could make people angry to death.

It can make people laugh to death in the blink of an eye.

No, I'm still angry with him. I can't let him be angry in vain.

Huh, man.

The soft-armored girl immediately looked away, trying not to look at Lin Taixu. However, the corners of her mouth hidden under the mask were slightly raised, betraying her true inner thoughts very honestly.


The bearded man looked at Lin Taixu with a cold expression. He swore that if Dong Daying hadn't been watching him eagerly, he would have killed Lin Taixu without saying a word.

This bitch is really too bitchy.

What do you mean, if you're not here to arrest me, you don't have to stop?

Do labor and management have any grudge against you?

What is the obligation of the flight operator to ensure the personal safety of passengers?

Am I not a passenger?

Why do you have to exclude me?


"No, we have to stop. Otherwise, if we offend a strong man from the fourth level and the eighth level of the martial arts, none of us will be able to escape."

"Yes, stop, stop."

"I don't want to die. There is no reason to lose our lives in vain because of two strangers."

Suddenly, everyone around started shouting. They were just like grass on the wall, and the wind blew them to both sides.

Just now we said we couldn't stop, otherwise we would die without a burial place.

Now it's time to stop again in the blink of an eye. If you don't stop, you'll be dead.


Seeing this, Dong Daying couldn't help but be stunned. Can he still have some face?

Why are you so unpredictable than the young master?

Why, I was infected by the young master.

"Mr. Dong, if anyone wants to stop, throw them out."

Lin Taixu squinted at the people who were shouting and said calmly, "You can stop if you want?"

Why, I am your father, do I have to spoil you like this?


Everyone present couldn't help being stunned, and then looked at Lin Taixu with angry faces. If anyone stops, throw him out. Listen, is this what a human said?

Do you think you can throw us all down when all of us ask to stop?


"Okay, sir."

When Dong Daying heard the words, he immediately responded simply and looked at the booing people with cold eyes. It happened that he was also unhappy with these people.

"Sir, you can't leave us to death like this trash."

"That's right, this waste is obviously with them. You should hand him over with this woman and her brother."

"Are the lives of so many of us less dangerous than the lives of three of them?"

Immediately, everyone talked to Dong Daying.


Seeing this, Dong Daying couldn't help but flew into a rage. He saw the surge of vitality all over his body like a mountain suppressing everyone present, making them unable to move.

Then, I saw him grabbing the collar of the bearded man with a cold look in his eyes.

Young Master has already said, don’t beep, don’t beep, if you insist on beep, you are a stick.

Face the blast.

Immediately, Dong Daying opened a gap in the protective shield with one hand, and threw the opponent out of the gap with the other hand.

"No, sir."

The bearded man couldn't help but be frightened out of his body, and shouted in horror, I didn't say anything, why are you arresting me?

If you want to throw them away, throw away those who are talking.

Did I provoke you?

Is there such a thing as a royal law?

Is there any heavenly principle?

"Lord Zhou, help me."

The bearded man was thrown out of the iron-winged goshawk, and he screamed in fear and shouted loudly.


The black-clothed man who was chasing him closely behind him saw this and cursed him in his heart with disdain. Not to mention that he couldn't save him now, even if he could save him, it would depend on his mood.

A mere second-level warrior-level waste, he would die if he died.

Was it worth it for Zhou Yuncheng to take action?



"Zhou Yuncheng, you will die badly."

Seeing this, the bearded man screamed in despair, and his figure fell straight down and disappeared in a blink of an eye. At a height of hundreds of meters, it seemed that he was most likely dead.


Seeing this, everyone on the iron-winged goshawk looked at Dong Daying in shock. It was embarrassing to disagree with him.

Oh my god, this is too cruel.

Immediately, everyone was so scared that their faces turned pale and they dared not say a word.

"Who else?"

After throwing the bearded man out, Dong Daying continued to look at everyone with full momentum and shouted in a deep voice.

"No, no, I think what the young master said is right, how can we stop, what if the man in black doesn't keep his word?"

At this time, only a flattering and obscene voice sounded, and a fat man squeezed out of the crowd and came to Dong Daying and said.

This fat man was the one who was hit by Lin Taixu at the beginning.

He was not very old, roughly the same age as Lin Taixu, but his body was full of fat, and it was estimated that he weighed at least 200 pounds.

"Yes, yes, yes, we can't stop, we can't stop."

The others came to their senses and quickly changed their words.

Just kidding, they didn't know if they would die if they didn't stop.

But, they felt that they would die if they stopped.

They were not blind to the seriousness of this.

They could still see it.

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