"Two million silver coins?"



Suddenly, Sun Chaohong and several elders were almost scared silly, two million silver coins?

You are robbing me.

"If you can't come up with two million silver coins, this deacon will kill people and exterminate the clan today."

Liu Sandao said viciously, with murderous intent.




Hearing Liu Sandao's words, dozens of guards drew their swords out of their sheaths, and bloodthirsty fighting spirit appeared in their eyes, looking at Sun Chaohong and others indifferently.

Just waiting for Liu Sandao's order, they raised their swords to kill.

The famous guards were selected from the warriors with extraordinary qualifications after thousands of selections, and they were all young people under the age of 30. They were just in their prime and full of passion, so they were naturally not afraid of life and death.

On the contrary, what flowed in their bones was endless killing.

Although they were not strong, they were all well-trained and good at combined killing formations. They could kill people across levels. Except for Sun Chaohong, who made them a little afraid, they were confident in killing other people from the Sun family.

Moreover, as long as they took action, the other famous teachers stationed in Qingfeng City would definitely come to support them.

The Sun family could be destroyed in a snap.

"Calm down, calm down."

Seeing this, Sun Chaohong couldn't help but shout hurriedly. Looking at the murderous famous teachers, a trace of fear emerged in his heart, and all three legs couldn't help but tremble at the same time.

I have always heard that the famous teachers are amazingly powerful and have few rivals. Moreover, several people can attack together and kill people across levels.

He used to be half-believing and half-doubting, but now it seems that it is not that the legend is too powerful, but that they are more powerful than the legend.

Just based on the momentum they showed, he felt like a thorn in his back, and he was in a dilemma between life and death.

I am afraid that if they really take action, the entire Sun family will be destroyed.

"I'll count to three."

Liu Sandao stretched out three fingers, looked at Sun Chaohong coldly and said, "After counting three times, if the head of the Sun family still refuses to give, then this deacon will have to kill you all and go to your Sun family's warehouse to get it myself."

"But don't worry, the agreed two million, this deacon will not take one more silver coin."

The whole Master Guard knows what kind of person Liu Sandao is.

He is a man of his word. If he says he won't take it, then he won't take it.

So, he is very strict about the principle.


Sun Chaohong couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard it. He didn't take one more silver coin. This is fucking.

You killed all of me, how can you take it, who knows?

Besides, we are all dead, who cares whether you take it or not?

"Head of the family."

"Head of the family."

Several elders shouted out in a hurry, looking at Sun Chaohong eagerly, meaning, head of the family, just give it, after all, money is something outside of the body.

You are asking for death, don't let us get involved.

We all have parents, children, and a beautiful baby in between, so don't do anything stupid.

"Give it, give it."

Sun Chaohong didn't wait for Liu Sandao to continue counting, and nodded very simply, isn't it just two million silver coins?

I'll give it.

Our Sun family doesn't have much else, but a lot of money.

No cowardice.

But why does my heart hurt so much?

"Wait a minute."

Seeing this, Liu Sandao said with a fake smile, turned around and found a complete chair to sit down.

Damn, he found that the Sun family was a fool, and it was no use talking to them.

You have to force me to get angry.


"Hurry up, hurry up, go to the warehouse and get two million silver coins for the steward."

Seeing this, Sun Chaohong shouted hurriedly, fearing that if he was slow, he would lose his head.

"Yes, yes, yes."

Soon, several elders rushed out, and they hated themselves for not having a pair of wings.

That speed, whoosh, was like flying.

In less than a minute, several elders came carrying a large iron cabinet, and then, panting, they placed the iron cabinet in front of Liu Sandao.

"Sir, the two million silver coins you need are in this cabinet, please count."

An elder said flatteringly.


Liu Sandao stood up, raised the lid with his toes, and saw that the cabinet was full of silver coins with dazzling silver light. He immediately said, "Sorry to bother Master Sun, goodbye."

After that, he turned around and walked out without saying anything.

Seeing this, the famous teacher guards also sent four people to carry the iron cabinet and left.

"Don't bother me, Steward, take care."

Sun Chaohong heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this. He respectfully escorted Liu Sandao and the others out of the Sun family's gate, and bowed again, saying, "Sir, take care. Sorry I can't see you off."

"Welcome back."

An elder smiled and flattered.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a silence around him, and a repressive breath came towards him.

Am I wrong?



Just when he was still confused, Sun Chaohong kicked him in the stomach, and kicked him from the gate to the hall, flying dozens of meters all the way, and then with a bang, he fell to the ground and fainted.

It should be.

Seeing this, several other elders couldn't help but say in their hearts with gloating.

Welcome back?

Welcome him to extort two million silver coins again?

No matter how rich the Sun family is, they can't afford this.


Not kicking you to death is considered the magnanimity of the head of the family, and he showed mercy.

"The head of the family."

Suddenly, an elder screamed, his face covered with cold sweat.

"If you have something to say, just say it. If you have something to say, fart it quickly."

Sun Chaohong was in a bad mood to begin with. Seeing the elder startled, he immediately cursed.

Yes, no one would be in a good mood if two million silver coins were taken away.

"Master, the elder went to Lin Taixu."

The elder said.


Suddenly, Sun Chaohong's face froze, and there were countless grass mud horses whistling and jumping in his heart.

He didn't know why Liu Sandao was so protective of Lin Taixu now, but the reason would inevitably surface in the future and the truth would be revealed.

But now, without finding a countermeasure, their Sun family really couldn't afford to offend any waste.

Otherwise, at the least, they would lose their heads, and at the worst, their family would be confiscated and exterminated.

"Go and chase the elder back, and don't let him cause trouble for Lin Taixu."

Then, Sun Chaohong yelled, his old face turned pale with fear.

"Yes, Patriarch."

Several elders also knew the seriousness of the situation, and immediately they all spread their bodies and rushed towards the direction where Lin Taixu was.


They desperately spread their bodies twice in less than ten minutes, and felt that their speed had increased significantly.

One was to get silver coins for Liu Sandao, and the other was now.

Well, it feels good.

But this kind of practice method is a bit heart-breaking.

"I hope it's still in time."

Looking at several elders disappearing in front of him, Sun Chaohong comforted himself, if it's too late, it would be a lot of fun.

"Isn't it really said by some idiot?"

Suddenly, Sun Chaohong turned around and looked at the elder of the Sun family who was kicked unconscious in the hall by him, and said fearfully.

Welcome again?

Come on, your sister.


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