My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 252: Zhenbei Army Assembles

"You mean that boy has my king's token?"

Nangong Yidao looked at Dong Daying who was kneeling in front of him indifferently, and said with a frown.


Dong Daying said respectfully, Lin Taixu was captured by the Golden Winged Eagle, and his whereabouts and life are unknown.

Therefore, he felt that the situation was serious, so he came to Zhenbei Palace to report it as soon as possible.

It’s a blessing, not a curse, but it’s a curse that cannot be avoided.

"That's strange. I have never given my royal order to anyone else in recent years."

Nangong Yidao said in confusion. Seeing Dong Daying still kneeling on the ground, he immediately said, "Get up and talk."

"Thank you, King Zhenbei."

Dong Daying quickly got up, thanked him with his hands, and secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead. He didn't know why, although Nangong Yidao had always been kind to him, and he was kneeling on the ground more than ten meters away from Nangong Yidao.

However, he still felt Alexander, and felt that Nangong Yida was like an ancient sacred mountain, and he was so suppressed that he couldn't breathe. Within a moment, he was dripping with cold sweat.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the God of War of the Crescent Moon Kingdom.

The momentum alone can make people feel helpless to resist.

"Have you ever remembered that boy's appearance?"

Nangong Yidao asked.


Dong Daying nodded and said, it would be difficult for an outstanding young man like Lin Taixu to forget.

"Maybe draw it?"

Nangong Yidao asked again.

"This is a humble position with little talent and little knowledge, I'm afraid."

Dong Daying said in embarrassment, if he wants to recognize Lin Taixu, he can recognize it even if he turns to ashes, but if you ask him to use painting, haha, then I'm sorry, even if you burn him to ashes, he can't draw it. .

"The painter Gan Wentao."

Nangong Yidao immediately shouted.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Immediately, the sergeant guarding outside the hall appeared at the door of the hall, said to Nangong with a knife attack, and then left quickly.

After a while, I heard an old voice coming from outside the hall door saying, "The humble Gan Wentao has been ordered to pay homage to the prince."

"Come in."

Nangong Yidao said.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Gan Wentao responded and immediately walked into the hall. He came to a stop more than ten meters away from the steps in front of Nangong Yidao and said respectfully, "I don't know what the prince's instructions are when he summons the humble minister."

"Painter Gan, now I need you to draw a portrait of a person. As for the details, you can directly ask Director Dong of the Flight Department."

Nangong Yidao said, pointing at Dong Daying beside him.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Gan Wentao said, immediately walked up to Dong Daying, cupped his hands and said, "Deacon Dong is polite."

"Painter Gan is polite."

Dong Daying hurriedly returned the favor without daring to show any slightness.

Immediately, Gan Wentao stopped talking and began to ask Dong Daying about all the details and characteristics of Lin Taixu.

Dong Daying told all the questions and answers according to the truth.

After asking for about ten minutes, Gan Wentao walked to a chair nearby and sat down. He closed his eyes and thought for a while. Then he took out the brush and paper he brought with him, spread it on the desk, and began to draw.

He is the painter of the Zhenbei Army. He only needs to know some information about the characters detected by the scouts to accurately draw their portraits.

In order to investigate or apprehend the other party according to the portrait.

He is also a very famous figure among the Zhenbei Army.

Only ten minutes later, an image of a young man appeared on the paper. He looked somewhat similar to Lin Taixu.

"Deacon Dong, what do you think?"

Gan Wentao put down the brush in his hand and asked Dong Daying.

“It’s a bit like it, but not even close.”

Dong Daying stepped forward to take a look and said, although Gan Wentao's painting has some similarities, compared with the real Lin Taixu, it is simply too far away.

It was as far as the distance between Da Feng City and Da Huang City.

"Oh, what's the difference?"

Gan Wentao humbly asked for advice. As a painter, he would naturally not be naive enough to think that he could completely and accurately draw the other person's appearance in one go, unless he had seen it with his own eyes.

Therefore, as Dong Daying said, he was not angry at all.

"The eyebrows are similar, but the nose, mouth and eyes are not similar."

Dong Daying said honestly.


When Gan Wentao heard this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. What the hell, he really wanted to ask Dong Daying, apart from the nose, mouth and eyes, what else was left in the portrait?

Just say it doesn't look like it.

"Besides, that young man is very handsome."

Dong Daying had no idea how Gan Wentao was holding the grass and continued.

"Okay, then I'll draw it again."

Gan Wentao said and immediately started painting again.

A few minutes later, a portrait appeared on his drawing paper.

“This is not even close”

"Okay, I'm painting this once."

ten minutes later

"Not even close, not as handsome as that young master."

Dong Daying continued, looking serious.


Gan Wentao couldn't help but look at Dong Daying speechlessly. If it weren't for his magnanimity, ordinary painters would probably start a fight with Dong Daying.

Brother, I drew eight.

You said it's not even close. What the hell are you saying? Is this not even close?

He very much suspected that Dong Daying was here to amuse himself.

"It's true. This young man is extremely handsome and charming. Hey, I'm afraid there will never be a more handsome and handsome young man in the world."

Dong Daying looked at Gan Wentao and said seriously.

"Bring it to me, the king, to see."

Nangong Yidao said, he was a little curious. How good-looking the boy Dong Daying mentioned was. You must know that Gan Wentao was the first painter of Zhenbei King. If he couldn't draw the characters, then there was no need to count on other painters. .

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Immediately, Gan Wentao respectfully handed the portrait to Nangong, then turned around and retreated, standing under the steps again.


Nangong Yidao placed Lin Taixu's portrait on the table and took a look. He seemed to think it looked familiar, but for a moment he couldn't remember whose child it was.

"Prince Qi, although this portrait is full of charm, it is still difficult to compare with that young master. As for the facial features, they are somewhat similar."

Seeing Nangong Yidao looking at the portrait with a frown, Dong Daying said bravely.

Why did he have to bite the bullet? Because Gan Wentao standing next to him was looking at him unkindly.

"Shen Yun?"

Nangong Yidao frowned, slowly leaned on the back of the Grand Master's chair, closed his eyes and pondered.

Seeing this, Dong Daying and Gan Wentao did not dare to disturb them, and stood aside quietly watching.

A few minutes later, Nangong Yidao's eyes opened, revealing two terrifying rays of light. He stared at the portrait on the table again, and a powerful aura erupted from his body.

Like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, it directly knocked Dong Daying and Gan Wentao dozens of meters away.

"Your Majesty, please calm down."

"Your Majesty, please calm down."

Seeing this, Dong Daying and Gan Wentao quickly got up from the ground and knelt down to apologize.

Immediately, there was a sound of footsteps, and more than a dozen soldiers in armor rushed into the hall, kneeling down on one knee towards Nangong Yidao.

"Send the order, Zhenbei Army assembles."

Nangong Yidao shouted in a deep voice, his body aura rising and falling, as if a volcano was about to erupt. He waved his hand, and the portrait of Lin Taixu on the table floated towards a soldier leader.

"We will search for this person with all our strength. We want to see him alive, and we want to see his body after death."

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