My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 328: End of friendship


Li Dasha almost bit his teeth into pieces and glared at Lin Taixu. Sixty-six million six hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-six silver coins were shameless and shameless enough.

He actually wants to raise the price?

Lin Taixu, you are not a human being.

"Don't force me, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Lin Taixu looked at Li Dasha's expression of being angry but afraid to speak, and said coldly.

I just like the way you can't stand me and can't kill me.

Aren't you arrogant? Aren't you pretty good at hitting women?

Then let me show you how awesome you are.


As soon as Lin Taixu finished speaking, Mingyue Buwen, who was standing next to him, let go of his momentum, and an unparalleled force like the weight of Mount Tai suppressed Li Dasha's body.


Li Dasha suddenly dwarfed and fell to his knees involuntarily. He looked at Mingyue with horror in his eyes.


It's just too strong.

He felt that if the other party wanted to kill him, it would be as easy as crushing an ant.

"Have eyesight."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but be very satisfied with Mingyue Buwen's performance. He had just turned pale when he turned red. This is a competent guard.

His eyesight is very good.

Thumbs up!

"Head of the family, it's better to give the compensation to the famous master."

Li Daben said in a trembling voice. Although Mingyue Buwen did not attack him, he could still feel that the momentum released by the other party was unstoppable.

For the sake of his own life, he gave in without any moral integrity.

After all, if the money is gone, you can make more, but if your life is gone, then you really have nothing.

"Okay, I'll give it."

Li Dasha gritted his teeth and said. In this moment, under the suppression of Mingyue Buwen's momentum, he broke out in cold sweat, and the bones in his body began to rattle.

He had no doubt that if he did not agree to compensation, Mingyue Buwen would definitely suppress him to death.


Seeing this, Mingyue immediately regained his momentum and returned to his harmless appearance.

"Thank you, sir."

Without the suppression of his momentum, Li Dasha stood up easily. He took out a yellow crystal card from Suspicion and said respectfully to Lin Taixu, "Master Master, it is a villain who is short-sighted and offended the master. , the villain is willing to compensate.”

"Wouldn't it be better if this was the case? This famous teacher convinces others with his virtue."

Lin Taixu said with a smile when he saw this. He stood up and picked up his green card. Under Li Dasha's pained eyes, he happily crossed out six thousand six hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-six. A silver coin.

Although he didn’t know how much money was in Li Dasha’s yellow crystal card, Lin Taixu really kept his promise and said that as long as 66,666,666 silver coins, then Six thousand six hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-six silver coins.

Don't want any more.

"Deserved it."

Seeing this, Zheng Yuerong, Li Yigeng, and Li Yiyue showed mocking smiles. Are you Li Dasha today too?

"Haha, we will still be good friends from now on."

After the transaction was completed, Lin Taixu reached out and patted Li Dasha on the shoulder, saying with a deep and affectionate tone.

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Li Dasha said quickly, so many silver coins are gone, now he can't wait to eat Lin Taixu's flesh, gnaw Lin Taixu's bones, drink Lin Taixu's blood, damn, you and I are good friends.

"Now that we've settled the matter of compensation, let's talk about how you bullied my friend."

Lin Taixu took back his green card, sat down again, and said.

"What? Bullying your friends? I don't know where the famous teacher started talking about this?"

Li Dasha said with fear, he was really afraid of Lin Taixu now, worried that Lin Taixu would find another excuse to blackmail him for his silver coins.

This is not because he is timid. No one would be afraid of giving up tens of millions of silver coins in compensation, right?

"Li Yigeng is my friend, don't you know?"

Lin Taixu said with a cold smile. As he spoke, he pointed at Li Yigeng, Zheng Yuerong, and Li Yiyue, and said, "Look, you almost beat people to death. Tell me how you should compensate them."

"Master Master, that is my son."

Li Dasha gritted his teeth and said, almost spitting out a mouthful of old blood. He finally knew that Lin Taixu was definitely using the topic to blackmail him.

It is simply unbearable.

However, you still have to endure it.

"Can't your son be my friend?"

Lin Taixu asked in surprise.

"I am not his son. From today on, I sever all ties with him."

Li Yigeng also gritted his teeth and said.

"I am not his daughter either. From today on, I will sever all ties with him."

Li Yiyue also said bitterly, if it weren't for her limited abilities, she would have wanted to kill Li Dasha.

"Mr. Lin, we don't need compensation from him. We just hope that he will stop disturbing our mother and son's life in the future."

Zheng Yuerong sighed and said that although Li Dasha was unkind, she could not be unjust.

I just hope that from now on we will never meet each other, and we won’t talk about each other’s grudges and grudges.


When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help but look at Li Yigeng and others blankly, with countless grass and mud horses whizzing by in his mind.

Brother, the compensation is not for you, it’s for me, okay?

You all treat money like dirt. Is this really good?

"You traitor, you bitch, you big bitch, you little bitch, I'm going to kill you."

Seeing that Li Yigeng and others were trying to draw a line between themselves and him, Li Dasha couldn't help but tremble with anger, and roared in his heart, it was simply a great shame.

In his heart, the life and death of Li Yigeng and others should be decided by him, and they dared to resist, which was a great rebellion, not to mention severing relations, what kind of behavior was this?

It was a clan trial, and the crime should be punished.

However, no matter how angry he was, no matter how much he hated, he still didn't dare to say a word of disagreement, for fear that Lin Taixu would find an excuse to blackmail him again.

As for Li Yigeng and others, he didn't believe that Lin Taixu could protect them for a lifetime, otherwise, one day, he would make this rebellious son pay a cruel price.

"Forget it, get out, remember, if you dare to cause trouble for them in the future, this master will be the first to not forgive you."

Lin Taixu waved to Li Dasha and said, since Li Yigeng and others had said big words, no compensation was required.

If he insisted, it would be a bit too greedy, forget it.

Anyway, there is no end to making money, let's talk about it later.

You call this earning money? : System.


Upon hearing this, Li Dasha immediately bowed to Lin Taixu and said to the guards, "Let them go."

"Yes, master."

The Li family guards immediately let go of Zheng Yuerong and Li Yigeng.

"Let's go."

Li Dasha immediately left the courtyard with Li Daben and the guards with a sullen face.

Before leaving, he did not forget to look at Zheng Yuerong, Li Yiyue and Li Yigeng fiercely. The vicious light in his eyes was chilling.

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