My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 357: 100 million silver coins received

"Tell me your plan."

Nangong Yidao asked.

"I don't have any plans, just build a mansion and add a nine-story building."

Lin Taixu said lightly.

"Build a mansion?"

"Add another nine floors?"

When Nangong Yidao and Niu Baichuan heard this, they almost bit their own tongues, so let it go.

If not, do you plan to build a palace?

"Where does the money come from?"

After a while, Nangong Yidao asked speechlessly.

If you are asked to build a military supply house with thousands of households, you will build a lot of construction projects. If you are asked to be an emperor, you will be in trouble.

However, as long as he doesn't have to pay, it's not a big problem.

"For now, I'm going to take care of myself."

Lin Taixu said seriously, looking at Nangong Yidao with an expression that said there was no need to thank me.

I thank you.

Nangong Yidao rolled his eyes and said in his heart, and then asked, "What about the future?"

"Later? We'll talk about the future later."

Lin Taixu originally wanted to say that he would definitely get it from military expenses in the future, but he was worried about irritating Nangong Yida, so he did not say it clearly and adopted a delaying strategy.


Nangong Yidao looked at Lin Taixu's face and wanted to slap him. Even if he thought about it with his toes, he knew that the money would definitely belong to him in the future.

Damn it, it looks like I did something stupid.

Letting Lin Taixu, a stick man, serve as a munitions house for thousands of households, he was not solving his own troubles.

Instead, you are causing trouble for yourself.


"Lao Diao, you go find someone to do it, the sooner the better."

Lin Taixu turned his head and ordered Diao Budiao.

"Yes, Master."

Diao BuDiao responded, turned around and left, "I have the money in my hand, I have the world."

At this moment, he is not timid.

Not to mention building a military supply house, even building a royal palace, he could do it for Lin Taixu.

"Now it's even."

Nangong Yidao said resentfully. He felt so sad when he saw Diao Butiao leaving and the 100 million silver coins he had borrowed from Mingyue disappearing before his eyes.

Unexpectedly, he, the majestic King of the North, would be blackmailed one day.

And he was blackmailed to the point where he had no temper at all.

Also drunk.

"Just give it a try."

Lin Taixu groaned while drinking, and looked at Nangong Yidao with disgust, "Brother, this is just interest."

It was the turning point that paved the way for my wrong inference. If my inference was correct, this would not count as interest.

But hors d'oeuvres.

When Niu Baichuan heard this, a coldness suddenly appeared on his body, and he looked at Lin Taixu with an evil expression. If you dare to break your promise and get fat, I will fight you desperately.

Nangong Yidao waved his hand to Niu Baichuan, telling him not to act recklessly. He finally pressed the button. If you try again, I won't have another 100 million silver coins to help you.

Because I really can’t let go of this old face and go to Mingyue to borrow it every year.

"By the way, it seems that the coming-of-age ceremony for your princess is in these days."

Lin Taixu seemed to have remembered something, put down his tea cup and asked, "When Nangong Changhuan comes into adulthood, he will soon know whether his guess is right or wrong."

"It's almost there, there's still more than a month left."

Nangong Yidao said, looking at Lin Taixu's eyes with a look of gloating, as if to say, just do it.

I'd like to see how you end up with the rest.

"What? More than a month?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but almost bit off his tongue and looked at Nangong Yidao in disbelief.

He remembered that his cheap senior brother told him that this month was Nangong Changhuan's birthday, which made him hurry on the road for fear of missing the time.

You're lucky enough to tell me that there's still more than a month left.

If I had known earlier, what would I be doing in such a hurry?

Damn it, Zhang Yida, you tricked me.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Nangong Yidao nodded and said, looking at Lin Taixu's expression which was a bit baffling, this sudden shock, can you be more mature like me?

"Nothing, just asking casually."

Lin Taixu then remembered that Zhang Yida had told him that it was either this month or next month. Hey, what an unreliable senior brother.

"Oh, there is still one month left, you can prepare for the 500 million silver coins."

Nangong Yidao said with a smile, looking at Lin Taixu with a smile, feeling very good.

You do the first grade of junior high school, and I do the fifteenth grade.

We don't owe each other anything.

How nice.

"No money."

Lin Taixu suddenly darkened his face and felt a toothache. What the hell, labor and management were too kind. He only blackmailed Nangong Yidao for 100 million. Sure enough, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to himself.

Look at people, one mouth is worth 500 million.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have money, just wait until the princess marries someone else."

Nangong Yidao said indifferently, looking at Lin Taixu with an expression that said he was convinced.

"Can we still chat? If not, get out."

Hearing this, Lin Taixu's face turned even darker, and he looked at Nangong Yidao with an unkind look.

Not to mention Nangong Changhuan's appearance, she was also his fiancée who was engaged to him. If he gave her up to someone else like this, would he be shameless?


"Ha ha."

Nangong Yidao looked at Lin Taixu's angry look, and suddenly laughed happily.

Niu Baichuan on the side was in a good mood when he saw this, and looked at Lin Taixu with a smile.

Yes, deserve it.

"By the way, do you have a way for me to meet Nangong Changhuan?"

Suddenly, Lin Taixu had an idea and said to Nangong Yidao with a smile.

"She is in the Zhenbei Palace, why don't you go to see her?"

Nangong Yidao said with his eyes wide open, do I need to find a way to deal with this kind of thing?

Are you still okay?

"Can I go to the Zhenbei Palace now?"

Lin Taixu looked at Nangong Yidao with disdain and asked back.

Are you a fool? If I enter the Zhenbei Palace now, can I still come out?

Won't you let the old stick of the Zhenbei King cut it with one knife?


Nangong Yidao looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly. He found that this little bastard was born with paranoia.

And he was already terminally ill and there was no hope.

"You figure it out yourself."

Nangong Yidao stood up and walked away, too lazy to care about Lin Taixu. Seeing this, Niu Baichuan looked at Lin Taixu with a half-smile, turned around and left.

He seemed to see a farce being staged, there was no joy in the play, you are still hiding in your dream

"Tsk, what kind of person is that."

Lin Taixu couldn't help but pout and said with contempt, if you don't want to help, then don't help, who cares.

After Nangong Yidao and Niu Baichuan left with a group of Zhenbei Army soldiers, Li Yiyue, Zheng Yuerong and Li Yigeng dared to come over, all looking at Lin Taixu with admiration.

Nangong Yidao was wearing a mask, so they didn't know him, but they knew Niu Baichuan and a group of Zhenbei Army.

I didn't expect that the world-famous Zhenbei Army would give silver coins to Lin Taixu. Just imagine, how could they not be shocked and admired?

"By the way, little fatty, go around the Zhenbei Palace and see if you can see Nangong Changhuan. Help me make an appointment with her."

Lin Taixu looked at Li Yigeng and immediately had an idea.


Li Yigeng nodded immediately and turned away.

He knew everything about the Zhenbei Palace. Although he had never been inside, he could still ask for information.

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