My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 484 Checking Military Supplies


Hua Xingchen looked at Lin Taixu in shock. You can destroy my Yuanhai just because you disrespect the Zhenbei Army?

Who gave you the right?

Nangong Yidao flicked his finger, and a stream of energy shot into Hua Xingchen's lower abdomen Yuanhai like lightning.


Hua Xingchen's Yuanhai burst like a balloon pierced by a needle in an instant. Hua Xingchen screamed and retreated four or five steps before stopping.

When he stopped, the martial arts aura on his body was gone.


"You dare to really destroy my Yuanhai?"

Seeing this, Hua Xingchen looked at Lin Taixu angrily and roared, wishing to cut Lin Taixu into pieces.

He worked hard for decades to be promoted to the ranks of the fourth-level martial arts master, and now he is gone.

No one can stand this kind of blow.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you."

Lin Taixu glanced at Hua Xingchen and said.


When Lin Taixu finished speaking, the originally crazy Hua Xingchen was immediately shocked and closed his mouth tightly, but the look in his eyes when he looked at Lin Taixu was full of endless hatred.


Murong Meng, who was following Lin Taixu, saw Lin Taixu fighting without saying a word, and couldn't help but shudder in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't offend him.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I would also be crippled by this madman.

Seeing this, all the Hua family martial artists in the post station shuddered. They didn't expect that the commander would cripple it just like that.

Is there any law here?

"Lin Taixu, you dare to cripple Hua Xingchen's Yuanhai? Our Hua family will never coexist with you."

Hua Feichen, who was carried by two famous teachers, saw this and couldn't help but shouted sternly.

"By the way, Second Prince, since we have arrived at the post station, why don't we go and see what the military supplies are like."

"After all, I am still a little worried about the character of the Hua family."

Lin Taixu ignored Hua Feichen's shouting, but said to Murong Meng with a smile on his face.

"Lin Taixu, why do you slander our Hua family so much?"

Hua Feichen said hatefully.

"What is your intention? Can't you see it? I just don't trust your Hua family."

Lin Taixu looked at Hua Feichen speechlessly and said, I have said it so obviously, you still can't hear it?

You are happy if you force me to say it?

"Lin Tai. Xu."

Hua Feichen was so angry that he trembled all over. He couldn't find any words to refute Lin Taixu's words. He could only stare at Lin Taixu fiercely to express his anger.

He swore that as long as Lin Taixu left, he would report to the family. If he didn't grind Lin Taixu to ashes, he would not be able to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

"Second Prince, please."

Lin Taixu ignored Hua Feichen's barking and made a gesture of invitation to Murong Meng.

"That's fine."

Murong Meng nodded. Having seen Lin Taixu's cruelty, he didn't want to go against Lin Taixu at this moment.

"Lin Taixu, the military supplies are in the post station, there is absolutely no problem, but your actions are not only against the court law, but also insulting the reputation of our Hua family. This matter is over, you just wait for the wrath of our Hua family."

Hua Feichen sneered.

"Second Prince, listen, Hua Feichen is threatening me, you have to make the decision for me."

Lin Taixu heard this and hurriedly said to Murong Meng.

Murong Meng's face darkened, and he looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly, "Brother, you still need this prince to make the decision for you."

Now the entire Hua family in the Desert City has been killed, disabled, and arrested by you, what else do you want?

Even this prince was defrauded of 100 million silver coins by you.

Who the hell is going to make the decision for me?

Heaven and earth, if he could not beat Lin Taixu, he would want to kill Lin Taixu hundreds of times now.

"Ahem, Lord Lin, let's go check the military supplies, and then, let's go drink until we are drunk."

Then, Murong Meng changed the subject and said, and after that, he ignored Lin Taixu and walked straight into the post station.

He had to go, he was worried that he would be pissed to death by Lin Taixu.

"I, Tian Hongfang, the head of the Desert City Post Station, pay my respects to His Royal Highness the Second Prince."

Just as Murong Meng approached the gate of the post station, a man in an official robe ran over with several guards, knelt in front of Murong Meng, and said in fear and trepidation.

Who else could this official be but Tian Hongfang?

At this moment, Tian Hongfang felt like he was going to die. Who did he offend?

Just because of a trivial matter of military supplies, his shabby post station has a big shot today and another big shot tomorrow.

Now even the prince has come.

Who can he go to for justice?

"Get up, where is the military supply of the Zhenbei Army stored by the Ministry of Revenue? Take this prince to check it out quickly."

Murong Meng waved his hand and said impatiently.

"Yes, thank you, Second Prince."

"Second Prince, please follow me."

Tian Hongfang stood up and thanked him, then half-bowed and led Murong Meng into the post station.

Seeing this, the Hua family Wuzong standing at the door did not dare to stop him, and stepped aside to let Murong Meng, Lin Taixu and others go in.

However, when they saw Lin Taixu, their eyes were full of anger and hatred.

Abolish their leader and ignore the majesty of the Hua family.

This hatred is irreconcilable.

But will Lin Taixu be afraid?

Of course not.

On the contrary, he looked at the dozen or so Hua family martial masters, and a gleam of surprise inadvertently flashed in his eyes.

There are so many fourth-level martial arts masters.

I don’t know how much system experience points the system will give me if I kill them all.

Well, I'm looking forward to it.

After twists and turns, Tian Hongfang finally led Murong Meng, Lin Taixu and others to the other courtyard where Wuzong of the Hua family lived.

"I would like to report to the Second Prince that the military supplies distributed by the Ministry of Revenue to the Zhenbei Army are piled in this small courtyard."

Tian Hongfang pointed to each house in the courtyard and said respectfully to Murong Meng.

When Murong Meng saw this, he stretched out his hand and waved it. Tian Hongfang immediately stepped aside and waited.

"Master Lin, what do you think?"

Murong Meng turned his head and looked at Lin Taixu and asked.

"For the sake of fairness, just let the Hua family move a few boxes and open them in front of us."

"This way my people won't touch those military supplies, lest if there is any problem, I will worry that someone will lie and say that it was us."

Lin Taixu thought for a while and said.

"Well, Master Lin's words are not unreasonable. Master Hua, what do you mean?"

Murong Meng nodded and said, and then asked Hua Feichen.

"The official has no objection."

Hua Feichen said that the military supplies were kept here and were guarded by more than a dozen fourth-level Wuzong guards every day. He did not believe that anything could go wrong.

Therefore, Lin Taixu can look at it however he wants.

"Now that both parties have reached an agreement, it's easy to handle, you, you, you"

"Each choose a room and move out a box of military supplies."

Murong Meng stretched out his hand and said to the Hua Family Wuzong on the side.

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