My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 59 Lin Taixu's Thoughts

The top floor of the Master Teacher Hall.

A figure sat in front of a large desk. The man was about thirty-two or thirty-three years old, with a white face and no beard, and his eyes revealed a cold light.

This man had an average face, dozens of streets worse than Lin Taixu, but the white master teacher robe on him gave him a sense of majesty, which made him so different, as if a piece of dog shit had been beautifully packaged and immediately became more flavorful.

Especially the golden book pattern on the chest, which made people feel awe and worship.

The golden book had only one page, with two small silver stars on it.

This was a symbol of the rank and status of the master teacher.

The golden book represented the identity of the master, one page represented the first-level master teacher hall, and two stars represented his master teacher level.

This person was none other than the master of the first-level master teacher hall in Qingfeng City, a two-star master teacher, and he was very cunning.

This identity might not be a big deal in other big cities or the imperial capital.

However, in the small Qingfeng City, I'm sorry, he is the sky and he is the earth.

"Pah pah pah."

At this time, a rapid knock on the door sounded, Diao Butiao immediately looked up and shouted coldly, "Who?"


The maid standing outside the door was shocked. She didn't expect the hall master to be so angry. She wanted to leave in fear, but when she thought of Lin Taixu's request, she still bit the bullet and shouted inside, "Hall Master, Lin Taixu Lin Master wants to be promoted to a two-star master. I want to ask the hall master to review it."

"Lin Taixu?"

"Want to be promoted to a two-star master?"


Diao Butiao was slightly stunned and almost laughed out loud.

Others don't know Lin Taixu, can he not know it?

A complete waste, the strongest disciple Murong Wushuang, only reached the seventh level of the first-level martial arts apprentice last month, and the other disciples only have the strength of the third and fourth levels of martial arts apprentices.

What can he use to be promoted to a master teacher?

Are you using his poverty, ugliness, and height of 1.49 meters?


"I dare not lie. Master Lin is waiting in the second floor hall."

The maid saw that Diao Bu Diao did not believe it, so she said hurriedly.

In the second floor hall, Lin Taixu was beside the pillar in the hall, turning around and looking around.

After looking for a long time, he couldn't help but reveal an envious look in his eyes.

If this is dismantled and moved back


No, it's a bit coughing to look at this.

Murong Wushuang, who was on the side, looked at Lin Taixu, and felt that many black lines slid down his smooth forehead.

Looking at a pillar, it can be so weird.

This master, she is convinced.

"Senior sister, what is the master doing?"

Wang Luoyi looked at Lin Taixu's mysterious operation and asked puzzledly.

"Who knows."

Murong Wushuang replied, is he testing the material of the pillar?

The question is, what is the purpose of testing the material of the pillar?

Can it be moved back?

If Lin Taixu knew what Murong Wushuang was thinking, he would be shocked. This girl is a genius.

Yes, he was testing the material of the pillar, uh, no, he was testing the mystery of the pillar.

Because he thought, if this pillar is related to the promotion to a famous teacher, then... wouldn't it be nice to go back and copy one and sit at home to advance?

You can advance as many levels as you want.

This is called sitting at home and advancing at will.

Just think about it, it's so exciting.

He even thought about it. If it really works, he thinks he can start a famous teacher scalper business.

As long as you have money, then the promotion of a famous teacher is not a problem.

I am really a genius, and I have a good investment mind.

If this goes on, will I still lack silver coins?

Impossible, it will never happen in this life.

I will definitely exchange that broken system.

At that time, it will be true that with the system in hand, I have the world.

Is it surprising?

Is it exciting?

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