My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 646: King of Zhennan

Two days later, Hujiang City, Zhennan Palace.

"There has been no news about the Third Prince for three days, and you are only reporting it now? You are a bunch of dog slaves, do you want to die?"

In the hall, a tall man with a ferocious face looked at the several barbarian guards kneeling at his feet and roared angrily.

This man is Hu Yigui, the South King of Dahu Kingdom, who is a fifth-level martial arts master and eighth level.

This person has a violent personality, but he has been guarding Hujiang City for more than ten years, and Nangong has not found a chance for a sneak attack.

At this time, along with his anger, suffocating murderous intent rose up in his body, which was extremely frightening.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. It's not that I don't know how to report in advance. It's because the Third Prince gave the order before he left. If there is no news for more than three days, my subordinates are allowed to report to the Prince. Otherwise, they will be killed for disobeying orders."

A barbarian guard replied in a trembling voice, cold sweat dripping down his forehead involuntarily.

Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, and it is easy to lose one's head when accompanying a prince.

Especially the famous irascible prince of the Hu Kingdom.


"Your Majesty, Lord Hu Duoduo heard that the third prince has not returned for three days and has led his Jackal Cavalry to leave Hujiang City and head towards Dahuang City."

"He said he wanted to rescue His Highness the Third Prince."

At this time, a barbarian general came running in and shouted loudly.

"How many people went?"

Hu Yigui shouted coldly.

"About ten thousand Jackalriders."

The barbarian general replied.


When Hu Yigui heard this, he couldn't help but became furious. His burly body stood up from the throne, and a powerful momentum rippled out like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, shaking everyone in the hall back three steps in a row, with blood flowing from their mouths.

"This king's order orders Hu Duoduo to lead his troops back to Hujiang City immediately. Anyone who dares to disobey will be dealt with according to military law."

Immediately, Hu Yigui roared angrily, Ten thousand jackal riders, are you planning to kill them?

Although the Hu army has always had the upper hand in battles, they only know it after fighting Nangong Yidao.

That guy, to put it nicely, is as wise as a monster, to put it worst, he is a great Yinbi, and he is also a great Yinbi who is not afraid of death.

As long as he is given the opportunity, he will be like a monster that smells blood and will not give up until he achieves his goal.

He could not imagine what a cruel and terrible disaster it would be if Hu Duoduo's rash advance was discovered by Nangong Yidao, and ten thousand jackals would greet him.

The Crescent Moon Kingdom’s military strength is a little weaker, but it’s not just a tiny bit weaker.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Hundreds of barbarians immediately exited the hall and rushed out.

"You will immediately and secretly go to Dahuang City to find out whether the third prince is safe and sound, and report back as soon as possible."

Hu Yigui ordered the Hu guard who was kneeling on the ground.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After hearing this, several guards couldn't help but roll and crawl out of the hall. It feels like I have come back from a hell trip.

"What the hell, is this the third prince's plan, or has something really happened to him?"

Seeing everyone leaving the hall, Hu Yigui sat on the throne again with a thoughtful expression.

The third prince Hu Decong came to Hujiang City, euphemistically saying that it was for the current emperor to inspect the border and show sympathy for the people.

However, he saw through Hu Decong's intention at a glance.

Isn't it obvious that he wants to get some military glory? Otherwise, when a prince travels, he needs to be escorted by a hundred thousand troops?

And they are the most elite troops guarding the current emperor, the Jackal Riders?

He has a bad temper, but he is not mentally ill.

Therefore, Hu Decong had hinted many times these days to send troops to provoke Dahuang City.

However, they were all distracted by him pretending to be deaf and dumb.

It seems that his secret refusal these days made the third prince realize that it was hopeless for him to send troops, so he came up with such a method?

As soon as the news of his disappearance comes out, even if he does not send troops to Dahuang City, the Jackal Cavalry who escorted the third prince will definitely do so.

In this way, no matter which side successfully sends troops, Dahuang City will regard it as the beginning of a war.

When the time comes for the two sides to fight, according to the strength of the Crescent Kingdom's army, they will definitely not be the opponents of the Hu people in the wild battle.

Isn’t this the case for military success?

Wow, what a good plan.

At the moment, I just don’t know if the third prince is really in Dahuang City or if something really happened.

"Boom boom boom"

The distance between Hujiang City and Dahuang City is an extremely vast plain.

At this time, on the plain, a fully equipped cavalryman with a bow on his back and a scimitar in his hand was galloping rapidly. Tens of thousands of horse hooves struck the ground, and the whole earth was trembling slightly.

"Reporting to the general, a flag message came from the rear. The King of Zhennan issued a royal order, ordering the general to lead his troops back immediately. Violation will be punished according to military law."

Among the cavalry, a Hu messenger wearing light armor shouted loudly.

"What a joke, since when can Wang Ling of King Zhennan be able to order us Jackal Riders?"

Qianhu, a barbarian, sneered, showing a arrogant expression.

The Jackal Cavalry is a regiment that protects the current emperor. They always only follow the emperor's orders. They don't care about the orders of King Zhennan and King Zhennan.

"Tell them that I was ordered by the emperor to escort the third prince to Hujiang City. Now, the whereabouts of the third prince are unknown. It is my duty as a general to find His Highness the third prince as soon as possible."

"So, I have to disobey the order of the King of Zhennan once. When I find His Royal Highness the Third Prince, I will personally apologize to the King of Zhennan."

After the Qianhu finished speaking, a general with an eagle nose and leopard eyes, wearing golden armor, said.

This general was none other than the commander of the Jackal Cavalry, Hu Duoduo, who was a Level 5 Martial Honored First Level Cultivator.

"Yes, General."

The messenger responded immediately, waving the flag in his hand and waving it continuously at the back of the team.

"General, not far ahead is the Khu Fort. Please order me to go and clear it out."

A Qianhu shouted to Hu Duoduo, his eyes showing a bloodthirsty light.


Hu Duoduo looked ahead and then said lightly.

"Yes, General."

Immediately, the Qianhu led his subordinates to leave the team, and gradually accelerated amid the cheers of many Hu soldiers, and everyone showed a ferocious laugh.

In their cognition, the people of Xinyue are just a group of weak lambs. Facing their attacks, they can only hold on for a while at most, and then what awaits them is a feast of killing.

Therefore, this kind of thing is undoubtedly an exciting thing for the barbaric and bloodthirsty Hu people.

What's more, they can also get military rewards.

Just imagine, how can they not cheer?

As for the other thousand households, they looked at them with envy, showing a trace of regret in their hearts, deeply blaming themselves for why they didn't think of it before?

The first merit of this war just passed by me.

My heart hurts.

"You don't have to be envious. Since we are all out, there must be plenty of opportunities for you to vent."

Seeing the envy of many subordinates, Hu Duoduo said with a smile.


As soon as these words came out, several thousand households around Hu Duoduo laughed, and they felt their blood boiling, and their eyes showed a cruel light.

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