My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 8 Is it for human consumption?

"Quick, quick, healing pill."

Zhao Feixue hugged Lin Taixu's arm and shouted quickly, with an anxious look on his face.

If Lin Taixu was injured in the past, she might be worried, but she would never be so impatient, but it was different now. After all, Lin Taixu had just taught them the powerful Taixu Dragon Claw Hand.

In their hearts, Lin Taixu was already considered a legitimate master.

If the master is injured, will the disciple not be anxious?

Of course it will be urgent.

"no, I'm fine."

Lin Taixu said quickly, just kidding, does this minor injury still require healing pills?

I'm not bragging, as long as you stay away from me, I will be cured in minutes without taking any medicine.

"Master, I also have a healing pill here. Please take it quickly. It will be bad if it causes the disease."

Murong Wushuang took out a pill bottle from his arms, poured out a finger-sized brown pill, handed it to Lin Taixu, and said.

First-level healing pills can quickly heal the injuries suffered by warriors. As long as the injuries are not broken arms, legs, or missing heads, just taking one healing pill will basically heal them in half a day or a day.

The reason why Murong Wushuang was able to break out among the many people who coveted the sword-tailed tiger was because of this healing pill.

She entered the Demonic Beast Forest to practice, bringing three bottles of healing pills, a total of thirty pills. In less than half a month, only one was left. This shows what Murong Wushuang experienced in the Demonic Beast Forest. Dangerous.

"You can keep it, I won't need it as a teacher."

Lin Taixu took his hand out of Zhao Feixue's arms and said seriously, although being held by Zhao Feixue and feeling the softness on her chest made him distracted, he still had to take it out for the sake of his own life.

Lest your own blood be exhausted and others perish.

"No, Master, you have to eat."

With quick hands, Zhao Feixue took the healing pill from Murong Wu's hands, and then stuffed it into Lin Taixu's mouth at lightning speed.


Lin Taixu almost choked to death after being hit by Zhao Feixue. He quickly chewed the pill in his mouth a few times and swallowed it. Just kidding, what if such a big pill blocks his throat? ?

The healing pill tastes spicy and bitter. When swallowed, it feels like eating a flower. If it weren't for the fact that several beautiful disciples were looking at him eagerly, Lin Taixu would have vomited it out without saying a word. .

Is this for human consumption?

However, after such an interruption, the nosebleed stopped. Lin Taixu immediately waved his hand and said, "Okay, it's okay. You can go and do your work."

"By the way, Luo Yi, later you will pass on the Dragon Claw Hand that Master just taught you to Senior Sister, and you can go and rest for Master."

"Yes, Master."

Wang Luoyi immediately responded in a sweet voice.

"Dragon claw hand?"

When Murong Wushuang heard this, he couldn't help but be startled, looking at Lin Taixu with a confused expression, and then looked at Wang Luoyi.

"Sister, I don't know. This Dragon Claw Hand is a combat skill that Master just taught us. Its full name is Taixu Dragon Claw Hand."

Zhao Feixue said with a smile, "Moreover, this technique is at least Xuan level or above."

"What? Xuan level or above?"

Murong Wushuang couldn't help being shocked and looked at Lin Taixu in shock, as if to confirm whether Zhao Feixue's words were true or false.

She knew very well how precious Xuan-level skills were.

And it’s still above Xuan level?

This is too shocking.

Let alone Xuan level and above, even Xuan level skills are extremely rare in the New Moon Kingdom.

Where did Master get such a powerful technique?

"Well, the dragon claw hand was acquired by chance as a teacher. It is a rare and powerful offensive technique in the world. As for the level, you better not know."

"low profile."

Lin Taixu looked at Murong Wushuang and said slowly. After saying that, he turned around and walked towards his room again. This time, he walked very slowly and lightly. The reason why he did this was not to show off. .

Rather, he was worried that if the system exploded again later, he would be prepared so that he would not end up in a bad situation.

After all, if you fall in the same place twice, then...

Is he shameless?

However, in the eyes of Zhao Feixue and others, his posture was just Chi Guoguo's pretense.

However, he looks so handsome.

Zhao Feixue and others' eyes were filled with stars.

"Quick, quick, junior sister Luo Yi, hurry up and teach me."

After Lin Taixu left, Murong Wushuang said impatiently.

"Okay, senior sister."

Wang Luoyi nodded and smiled, and immediately led Murong Wushuang to the side, and told Murong Wushuang the cultivation method in his mind word for word.

After Murong Wushuang listened to what Wang Luoyi said about the cultivation method, he pondered for a moment, then a light flashed in his eyes, and he immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice.

"System, come out and let's talk about a dime."

After returning to the room, Lin Taixu lay on the bed with his arms and legs spread out and said to the system in his heart.


"By the way, isn't there a gift package for newcomers?"

Lin Taixu asked. He remembered that no matter what game or system, at the beginning, players had some gift packages for newcomers, as starting capital for the players.

Why didn't I?

Please give me a perfect explanation.

"Newbie gift pack?"

"Yes, a newbie gift bag, a gift for the newlyweds."

“Don’t all systems give it?”

Lin Taixu said quickly, even if you give me a commoner, it doesn't matter whether I am strong or not, I want your attitude.


Soon, the system answered affirmatively, and gave Lin Taixu a contemptuous expression.

What newcomer gift pack, oldcomer gift pack, and the system gives all the points.

This system suspects that you are making something out of nothing.

"This is possible."

Lin Taixu rolled his eyes and said, this dog system is too stingy, it is unwilling to give a gift pack, can it still play happily?

"This, really not."

The system answered speechlessly, what newcomer gift pack? He had never heard of it.

Moreover, he had experienced thirty-seven controllers before and after, and there was no newcomer gift pack.

"I have a motherfuck in my heart, I don't know whether I should say it or not."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu also said speechlessly, with an impulse to beat the system.

"By the way, ask a question."

Then, Lin Taixu said again, if you don't give it, don't give it, I don't want it.


"I seem to remember you saying that I am the 38th controller. I am very curious about where the previous 37 controllers went?"

Lin Taixu asked with a gossipy look. He was really curious about this.


After a while, the system answered.

"What? Dead? How did he die?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he was stunned. Suddenly, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

All 37 controllers are dead?

My God, what kind of system is this?

I cheated my father, but you cheated the master?

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