My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 80 Assassination

"Swish, swish, swish."

At this time, a series of sharp arrows were heard, and more than a dozen sharp arrows burst out from the grass and garbage dump, flying towards Lin Taixu, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi.

"Master, be careful."


Seeing this, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi were shocked and hurriedly protected Lin Taixu one after another. At the same time, they drew their long swords and waved a sword curtain to block the incoming arrows.

Wang Luoyi took out the purple gold hammer, swung his arm, and also swung a hammer shadow that covered himself and Lin Taixu.


"Someone actually wants to assassinate me?"

Lin Taixu was stunned. Damn, I have only been here for a few days, and I don't go out of the door or the second door. Can this arouse the jealousy of others?

Isn't it the wrong person?


Just as the two reacted, sharp arrows rushed over, "Ding Ding Dang Dang."

The sharp arrows flew at the sword shadow and the purple gold hammer, sparks flew, and the deafening sound of metal clashing was heard. The powerful force burst out, and Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi were sore in their arms by the powerful force of the sharp arrows.

"Buzz buzz buzz."

One wave has not settled, another wave rises.

Before the rain of arrows fell here, another wave of sharp arrows broke through the air again and shot towards Lin Taixu and others again.

It was like rain, continuous.

If ordinary people were attacked by such a rain of arrows, they would either panic and run for their lives.

Or, they would be shot and killed on the spot by the sharp arrows.

But, unfortunately, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi were not ordinary people. Although the sharp arrows rebounded and made them feel a lot of pressure, they still could not penetrate their defense.

Lin Taixu accidentally saw the arrowhead that fell not far in front of him. It was pitch black, obviously coated with poison.

Suddenly, he was shocked. This is a sneak attack, and he actually used poison.

Shame on him.

"System, I want to buy a protective shield."

Lin Taixu shouted hurriedly. He felt frightened and needed comfort.

Needed the comfort of a protective shield.


The system responded to Lin Taixu's words in time, and then replied, "No."

"What? No?"

Lin Taixu glared, "This can be."

Without a protective shield, you are ashamed to say that you are a system?

"This is really not available."

The system answered honestly, as if worried that Lin Taixu would not believe it, and continued to make trouble, and said, "If you don't believe it, look in the mall, are there any protective shields for sale?"

I have a mother fucking thing, I don't know if I should say it or not.

Lin Taixu said speechlessly in his heart, there must be no in the mall, if there was, he would buy it immediately.

"It's not in the mall, but somewhere else?"

"It's not in somewhere else, can't you generate one?"

"Aren't you a system that creates something out of nothing?"

Lin Taixu said angrily, "Can you still do it? No, I have to change the system."

Lin Taixu asked three questions in a row, which made the system a little confused. It seems that this is the reason.

If it doesn't exist, just generate it.

Otherwise, how can it be called a system that creates something out of nothing?


The system silently gave Lin Taixu a thumbs up in its heart.

Alas, I am still too narrow-minded.


"The special mall is now online."

"Here, there is nothing you can't think of, nothing you can't buy."


"A level 1 protective shield is found. When the protective shield is turned on, an invisible light shield will appear, which can protect the user's safety in 360 degrees. The level 1 protective shield can ignore all damage from level 1 warriors, and the duration is fifteen minutes."

"Note that this protective shield is a one-time use item and disappears after use."

"The price is 10,000 silver coins."

"Does the controller choose to buy it?"

The system immediately opened the special mall and introduced the function of the protective shield.

Such a user-friendly system, except for this system, there is no other system in the world.


The rain of arrows lasted for a few minutes. As the last sharp arrow fell to the ground, the surroundings fell into silence. No more sharp arrows came. A thick layer of arrows was laid on the ground within a radius of about ten feet from Lin Taixu.

Crude estimates that there must be at least hundreds or thousands of arrows.

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi did not relax their vigilance at all, and still scanned the surroundings with cold eyes to prevent any more sneak attacks.

If they were injured, it would be nothing, but if Lin Taixu was injured because of their negligence, they would never forgive themselves.


"A level 1 protective shield amulet was found. Would the controller choose to buy it?"

The system prompted again.

"Buy a few."

Lin Taixu saw that the rain of arrows had stopped, and he still wanted to buy a protective shield amulet. What's the point of having so much money?

He refused without thinking.

I have a sentence, but I don't know whether to say it or not.

Suddenly, the system was speechless, and wanted to choose to self-destruct the system and perish together with Lin Taixu.

Damn, I opened a special mall for you.

You don't buy it?

Can you still have fun?


"Who are you? Get out."

Murong Wushuang looked at a garbage dump and shouted coldly, with murderous intent on his delicate face.

In the wave of arrows just now, at least three were shot from here.

"Find them out."

Lin Taixu said coldly, if you dare to assassinate this famous master, do you know how to write the word "death"?

Without the threat of arrow rain, Lin Taixu felt that he could do it again.

"Yes, Master."

Murong Wushuang said, and then Wang Luoyi said, "Junior sister, protect Master."

As he spoke, the tip of his toes touched the ground, and the man emerged from the forest like a bird, flying towards a place. This was a patch of grass, and at least one of the waves of arrows just now was shot from here.

This can't be hidden from her.

If you want to ask why she didn't attack the garbage dump where three arrows were shot, don't ask. Just ask, it's just that it's too dirty.

Leave it to last.

"Sister, don't worry."

Wang Luoyi replied, holding the purple gold hammer and standing carefully next to Lin Taixu.


As soon as Murong Wushuang rushed over, she saw a clump of grass coming towards her. Then, a man in black uniforms followed behind the grass and stabbed Murong Wushuang in the heart with a long sword in his hand with a ferocious expression. .


When Murong Wushuang saw this, she couldn't help but sneered. The sword in her hand shook, and a sword light like a water curtain shot out from the tip of her sword and fell forward.

"Puff puff."

The sword curtain shredded the flying grass and gradually grew larger, like a big net that was used as a hood for the man in black.

The water curtain is brilliant.

This is a powerful sword technique that can be used both defensively and offensively in Qiushui Swordsmanship.

All attacks will be crushed as long as they enter the brilliance.

Because the water curtain is not real water, but sword light.

Just ask you if you are afraid.

"Swish, swish, swish."

Seeing this, the man in black couldn't help but change his expression. He originally thought that even if he couldn't hit Murong Wushuang by throwing the grass, he could use the grass to disrupt Murong Wushuang's sight and play an unexpected role in his subsequent assassination.

However, he never dreamed that instead of disturbing Murong Wushuang's sight, the grass would fly towards him.

It's just like shooting yourself in the foot.


Moreover, because he was crushed by Murong Wushuang's sword light, he became more numerous. When his vision returned to normal, he found that he had plunged into the opponent's sword screen.


The man in black roared angrily, and his vitality soared into the sky, revealing all the strength of a first-level martial arts disciple at the eighth level.

Suddenly, his speed suddenly increased to the extreme. Without any regard for his own safety, he stabbed Murong Wushuang in the heart with his sword.

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