With such powerful reinforcements, there will definitely be no problems!

After killing more than 60 abyss demons in a row, Gu Yi still rose to level 2, no matter how much experience was required to level up.

Normally, he would be extremely happy when his level was improved and the mission was halfway through.

But now I can't help but laugh.

Gu Yi looked up at the dark area, his brows furrowed and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"It's so weird. What is Abyss planning?"

After he entered the battle line and launched rescue operations, abyssal demons that could threaten the lives of soldiers appeared frequently.

The slowest time will not exceed 5 minutes.

Gu Yi even appeared on the road once, and three new distress signals appeared immediately after.

Fortunately, other members of the Excalibur team were nearby, so the rescue operation was not delayed, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Gu Yi strolled through the battlefield littered with corpses, stepping on the wasteland soaked with monster blood.

He kept looking at his surroundings, trying to find some useful clues.

But nothing seemed out of the ordinary, not even the slightest trace of suspiciousness.

"Something's wrong."

The more this happened, the more Gu Yi could feel the uneasiness in his heart.

The heart beats faster and harder than usual.

There is a panic about facing a fatal threat.

"What's the problem?"

At this time, the siren of the rescue signal disrupted Gu Yi's thoughts.

He took a closer look and saw that five distress signals were sent out at the same time this time!

Without any time to think, Gu Yi immediately rushed towards his nearest signal position and reported his whereabouts to other members of the Excalibur Team.

This can effectively avoid the situation of multiple people rushing to the same location.

After arriving at the designated location, Gu Yi took action directly.

The mythical forbidden curse Great Dark Sky was released instantly, giving the warriors who sent out the distress signal some breathing time.

Immediately after he ends the skill, all enemies within the coverage area will be instantly obliterated.

For a moment, large pieces of corpses fell to the ground with a crash, and black blood mixed with blood flowed from their mouths and noses, soaking the surrounding ground in an instant.

Gu Yi didn't stop and rushed directly to the next location.

After killing an abyss demon again, all five distress signals were finally released.

Gu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and started looking again for clues that could prove Abyss's plan.

Suddenly, he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the monster that had just been killed with some confusion.

He just used extreme cold freezing. With his current mental power, he could instantly freeze the body of any creature within level 50 when released with all his strength.

But these corpses in front of me are actually bleeding?

It soaked the surrounding ground in just a few seconds.

Moreover, Gu Yi also discovered that this blood seemed to be guided by something and was moving along a special path.

"What's the connection between blood and battlefield?"

If you look down from a high altitude, you might be able to see a different scene, right?

After thinking for a moment, Gu Yi directly dialed Fang Jie's phone number.

"Uncle Fang, there are abnormal phenomena on the battle line. Is there any way to see the entire battlefield from a high altitude?"

Gu Yi got straight to the point and stated his needs directly.

Fang Jie didn't ask any more questions. He could tell the seriousness of the matter just from Gu Yi's tone.

"Military satellites should be able to do this. I will immediately order observation."

Fang Jie left for a while, apparently to order military satellites to observe the abyss front outside Kyoto.

"Previously, Lin Haoran from the Excalibur Team said that there was an increase in abyss demons on the other side of the battle line. My nephew, did you discover something?"

Gu Yi clicked on the video function, allowing Fang Jie to see the monster's blood flowing.

"After I kill the monster with my skills, there should be no bleeding, but now even though the monster's body is frozen, there is still blood flowing out."

"And I found that the blood flow seemed to be purposeful, as if it was drawing something."

As soon as they finished speaking, the two of them exclaimed at the same time: "Magic circle!!!"

Gu Yi looked around, and he felt that the surroundings suddenly became extremely gloomy, and there was even a faint, infiltrating laughter.

Fang Jie squinted his eyes and looked at the picture transmitted by Gu Yi, with an unusually solemn expression on his face.

"I will immediately notify Daxia's high-level officials to hold a combat meeting to discuss corresponding countermeasures. Gu Yi, you must be careful."

Gu Yi hummed and nodded.

With his current strength, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to die on this front, he can basically stay safe.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Jie hurried towards the majestic building in the center of Kyoto.


Kyoto - Daxia State Council.

"Everyone, there is important news from the Abyss front."

Fang Jie stood on the stage and repeated what Gu Yi had just said to the scene behind him.

The people sitting under the stage were all officials who held important positions in Daxia.

The commanders of all war zones and the top leaders of important departments are all here.

"Commander Fang, do you mean that the Abyss will make big moves? But it seems that this so-called bleeding phenomenon cannot explain anything."

The person who spoke was Cheng Miao, one of the five elders of the State Council of Daxia, and one of the people with the highest status in Daxia.

As soon as these words came out, many people nodded.

This picture alone really doesn't mean much, and they need more precise evidence.

Otherwise, any action may cause unnecessary trouble.

"I have ordered the military satellite to take pictures of the battle line. I believe the results will be available soon."

After a while, Fang Jie received satellite footage on his communication ring.

He cast it directly onto the screen behind him.

At first, the picture was just a messy area.

Even though there were corpses scattered all over the place, nothing could be seen.

But when the screen slowly zoomed in, the entire abyss front appeared on the screen.

Everyone's heart stopped suddenly and they stopped breathing instantly.

Everything went as Gu Yi expected.

When all the places where the blood was flowing were connected, there was a mysterious magic circle that they had never seen before.


"What kind of magic circle is this?"

"Using the battlefield as a picture and blood as ink, what is the abyss planning?"

"Is their suddenly intensified attack just to complete this magic circle?"

"Is there any way to prevent Abyss from completing this magic circle?"

Facing many questions from everyone, Fang Jie shook his head regretfully.

"We don't know the specific purpose of the abyss, but if we want to stop this magic circle, I'm afraid none of us can do it."

Fang Jie enlarged the satellite image and pointed at the body of the abyss demon lying on the ground.

"So far, the blood that makes up this magic circle is mainly provided by the death of the abyss demon."

"And these abyss demons will actively look for our soldiers on the battle line."

"So, you should be able to understand the seriousness of the problem."

"If we kill the Abyss Demon, it will speed up the completion of the magic circle. But if we don't choose to kill the Abyss Demon, many of our soldiers will die and the battle line will collapse for a time."

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