Chapter 84: You Earned So Much in Less Than a Month?.

Thermobaric bombs and cloud burst bombs are actually one thing.

At least for the beautiful countrymen who invented this weapon.

Since the cloud bomb was first used on the battlefield, the beautiful country has made a total of three improvements to the cloud bomb. The first and second improvements only optimized the fuel ratio.

Only in the third improvement did the beautiful country finally take that decisive step. Solid fuel is used, instead of the original liquid fuel!

Since then, the cloud bomb has evolved to its ultimate form, which is the thermobaric bomb!

And the name “poor man’s nuclear bomb” also appeared at this time and was widely recognized! The biggest advantage of thermobaric bombs over cloud bombs is that they have changed two detonations to one! This advantage may seem small, but in fact, it makes a huge change in the cloud bomb! First, it no longer needs to wait for the gas to disperse to form an aerogel cloud.

Secondly, it is no longer affected by the environment. Thirdly, it began to be able to deal with armored targets! Finally, it can really be miniaturized!

Cloud bombs are difficult to miniaturize, not a structural problem, in fact, the structure of cloud bombs is very simple. The real trouble is that the smaller the cloud bomb, the less fuel it contains, and the less aerogel clouds can be formed.

In addition, cloud blasters are basically impossible to throw, fire, etc., because it takes time for aerogel clouds to form, and it also needs to undergo two explosions.

Therefore, cloud explosion grenades actually do not exist, major websites all kinds of bragged what cloud explosion grenades, in fact, are thermobaric bombs, the reason may be because beautiful country and Maozi actually regard these two as one thing, only the dragon country because of the imported technology, broken development, so two names are used.

Thermobaric bombs use solid fuel, that is, aluminum powder, magnesium powder and other flammable and can emit high heat in combustion when more active metals hit the target, it only needs to produce one explosion, and this explosion has a total of three processes.

The first process, detonated by the explosive inside the thermobaric bomb, blows up the internal thermobaric charge, and makes it carry a very high problemThe second step, because the air is discharged by the explosive, and there is no oxidizer inside the thermobaric bomb, on the contrary, there is a passivator, resulting in the thermobaric charge in the absence of air, anaerobic combustion occurs, and diffuses to the surrounding space.

In the third step, the thermobaric charge leaves the vacuum area caused by the explosive charge, encounters oxygen, and due to the high temperature and the active characteristics of the metal itself, it instantly deflagrates, generating a huge pressure, terrifying high temperature, and violently consuming oxygen in the surrounding space.

All three steps last very short, the first two are one millionth of a second and one thousandth of a second respectively, and even the longest deflagration is no more than one thousandth of a second.

However, in this short period of time, it can produce a high temperature of 2500 degrees, as well as tens or even hundreds of atmospheres! This is why cloud burst shells can’t be used against armored targets, but thermobaric shells can.

Because the melting point of pure iron is 1538 degrees, and when it reaches 2750 degrees, it will reach the boiling point, that is, gasification. 2750 degrees is higher than 2500 degrees, and it seems that it is an armored target.

However, the armor is not made of pure iron, but steel, that is, ferroalloy!

And as we all know, any alloy is basically lower than the melting point of the pure metal that makes up this alloy, and it is much lower! And iron is already the metal with the highest melting point in nature except for a very small number of metals, such as tungsten!

This means that the military armor, which was originally desperately hard, will be easily vaporized when it encounters thermobaric bombs!

Even if it cannot be completely vaporized, the molten armor will form a metal jet under the terrifying high pressure, and drill into the side with less pressure, that is, the internal space of the armor!

On the one hand, thermobaric bombs compensate for the shortcomings of cloud burst bombs.

On the other hand, thermobaric bombs also build on the original advantages of cloud bombs.

Cloud burst bombs are originally designed to deal with targets in bunkers, because there are covers, and conventional killing methods that rely on shock waves and fragmentation will be blocked by covers.

Therefore, it is necessary to kill without being blocked by cover, that is, high temperature, high pressure, and suffocation.

And in these three points, thermobaric bombs do better than cloud burst bombs. The reason is simple, liquid fuel cloud bombs can only produce a high temperature of about 1000 degrees, while thermobaric bombs using solid fuel have a temperature of 2500 degrees, the natural pressure is greater, the combustion effect is better, and the oxygen consumption is more.

And this is the next development direction that Qi Wei really formulated for the seventh workshop!

With the current strength and scale of the seventh workshop, Qi Wei could not think of any weapons and ammunition that the seventh workshop could produce, which could be more powerful than thermobaric bombs.

After all, thermobaric bombs are already the ceiling of conventional weapons, and if they are more bullish than it, then they have already entered the field of nuclear physics. Can the seventh workshop engage in nuclear physics?

Think about it or not, even if there are drawings, it is useless.

If you can make Qi Wei, you don’t plan to build it, although nuclear weapons are powerful, but the manufacturing process is also dangerous. Nuclear pollution protection is something that Qi Wei cannot play with at present.

Moreover, thermobaric bombs are enough for Qi Wei. A mushroom cloud is dried out with a shot, and I ask you if you are afraid?

You did not see that Maozi in later generations clashed with Wuguo, who had the affectionate name of the European womb, and Maozi who used thermobaric bombs fired a Wuguo armored vehicle. After the explosion, only a pile of seemingly unrecognizable wreckage remained of the Ukrainian armored vehicle, which was almost directly shot into smoke by a cannon. With such power, what can a husband ask for?

What kind of nuclear bomb do you want?

Qi Wei was full of confidence at this end, while on the other end, Director Zhang sighed secretly.

He was originally very interested in this new weapon that Qi Wei said, after all, it can be said to be a nuclear bomb for the poor, so he is not moved. But now it seems that Qi Wei’s confidence in this thing is a little too great.

That’s okay, though.

Young people, a little new idea, and the courage to try, is a good thing.

If it weren’t for Qi Wei’s wild ideas, how could the Dragon Kingdom have such an advanced new rifle come out?

Therefore, Qi Wei’s idea can only be encouraged, anyway, there are now a total of six people in the seventh workshop, and there are only three people who are engaged in security, quality inspection, and Qi Wei, who is the boss, who can really put into production.

Even if he keeps making it day and night, how many such flashy things can he make in a month? It is estimated that it is amazing to make several pieces a day.

In the past, hundreds of people in the seventh workshop could afford it, but now a few people can’t afford it? Inexistent.

“Don’t be discouraged.”

Director Zhang looked at Qi Wei and comforted that although the 9898 cloud bomb has many restrictions, it also has its advantages

“The military does not have such a weapon at all now, since you are confident that you can build it in the seventh workshop, then make it!” Our military will make purchases! It’s easy to say in terms of price! ”


Commander Chen also spoke immediately,

“Don’t worry, build boldly, as much as you build, our Jinling Military Region will need!”

He and Director Zhang are one idea.

The seventh workshop used to be raised by the Jinling Military Region, and at its peak, the seventh workshop had more than 500 people. Now that there are only six people left, can’t you afford to raise them?

Just raise a research institute!

Moreover, even if Qi Wei’s cloud bomb is not reliable, it will not explode, it can only burn…. Just use it as an incendiary bomb?

Qi Wei, on the other hand, raised his eyebrows. What is good to say in terms of price?

Buy as much as you make? And this kind of good thing! He had a smile on his face.

There is another important reason why he chose to make artillery shells instead of guns.

Gun making is essentially a high-tech job, which requires professional skills and relies more on the advancement of equipment. And making shells is different, the shell itself is not highly technological, and it requires a lot of manpower.

Qi Wei has always wanted to lead his fathers and fellow villagers to ascend to heaven together, and most of the fathers and fellow villagers have not read many books and do not have any professional technology, which is only suitable for labor-intensive rather than technology-intensive.

Making shells is obviously a good way out. The reason why the seventh workshop chose to make shell shells before was also due to such considerations. It seems that he needs to go back to the village again, Qi Wei thought secretly.

A smile appeared on Qi Wei’s face, and Director Zhang was also satisfied.

In his opinion, this commitment is even somewhat indebted to Qi Wei, after all, Director Zhang knows the new gun developed by Qi Wei and the significance of the asymmetric and even unrestricted warfare theory proposed.

To be honest, if someone else makes such a contribution, I am afraid that they will immediately be raised by the name of an adviser to the military and directly raised for a lifetime.

But Qi Wei is different, he is only 23 years old, so young to raise pigs, it can be said that it is a crime against the Dragon Kingdom! Director Zhang also hoped that Qi Wei could come up with more new things.

However, fortunately, I did not come empty-handed this time.

“Okay, back to business.”

He cleared his throat and spoke seriously.

“We came this time, on the one hand, to take a look at the seventh workshop.”

He glanced at the underground office, and with a look of embarrassment on his face, he honestly said that the seventh workshop had nothing to see at all, just a few dilapidated factory buildings, a dormitory that had been almost abandoned, and a canteen.

It was enough for him to sit in the car and glance at them, and there was no need to look closely at them.

“The other side.”

As he continued, he took out a box and placed it on the table,

“I came to send you money on the order of my superiors…”

“Send money?”

Qi Wei was stunned.


Director Zhang nodded,

“Your new rifle has been sent to the general finger last night, and the general finger has been discussed overnight.”

“The result of the discussion is that your new rifle has reached a level of more than 70 percent in terms of parts versatility with the Type 81. This percentage is even higher than the different firearms within the 81-gun family. ”

“The remaining non-common parts have little impact on the environmental adaptability of firearms and the adaptability of military regulations.” Even if there is a problem, it can be easily solved with the strength of Plant 216, after all, the Type 81 is designed and manufactured by them and has rich experience. ”


A smile appeared on his face,

“The general commander decided that the naming of your seventh workshop was recognized, and the new gun was named Type 87!”

“In addition, the heavy gun barrel and aluminum alloy receiver version of your seventh workshop were named 87-1, and the 87-1 canceled the unit test and went directly to mass production.”

“And the first order quantity is 100, and the unit price is 7,000 yuan!”


Qi Wei’s eyebrows raised.

The unit price of an 81-bar is about 3,000, and he originally expected the heavy barrel version, the new gun named 87-1, to cost about 6,000 per unit.

It’s just that the military of the Dragon Kingdom has always searched, and Qi Wei is also mentally prepared that the unit price will drop to about 5,000. I didn’t expect that the military was generous this time, not only did not bargain, but also raised the price!

The price is simply generous to the extreme!

“However, you should note that the military has requirements for delivery time.”

As soon as he talked about this, Director Zhang was a little depressed, and he stared into Qi Wei’s eyes: “You have to hand over the first batch of 30 in three months, and then in the remaining 9 months, hand over the remaining 70.” ”

Commander Chen on the side also had a toothache, and he glared at Qi Wei fiercely: “Boy, this deadline is already our best to help you fight, if it is not completed, you don’t accept it, the military’s purchase order is not a joke!” ”

“In addition, you also have to take good care of the quality, Handong Ordnance Industry has coordinated a set of equipment, which Director Zhang personally allocated for you!”

There is a reason for the depression of the two bigwigs, the production of 100 guns a year, this is still the level of handmade guns before the War of Resistance!

If it were not for the fact that the formation of special forces would still take time, the military would definitely not have handed over the order to this pit daddy’s factory!

“Can you guys Workshop Seven do it? Sign if you can. ”

Director Zhang took out two contracts without anger.

“Rest assured, our seventh workshop will inevitably deliver on time.”

Qi Wei was confident.

His previous sample gun was directly modified with 81 bars, and if it could be built, it could not be built, he went directly to the 216 factory to purchase goods, and then installed a heavy barrel and receiver.

The process in this area has matured, after all, Zhang Jianguo and Li Fu have changed two guns. He picked up the pen and signed his name directly on the contract with 0.1.

Director Zhang picked up the contract and glanced at it, putting away one of them. Then he took out a piece of paper again and handed it to Qi Wei.

“This is the cost of military procurement, considering that the current equipment of your seventh workshop is too backward, the personnel are not complete, and the dormitory also needs to be repaired, so the military decided to give the full amount directly.”

Director Zhang spoke lightly.

“Thank you, Chief!”

Qi Wei sincerely expressed his gratitude.

The problem of funds is indeed the biggest problem that troubles Qi Wei now, he does not even have the money to pay his salary now, and originally planned to go back to the village to find Qian Er Uncle and others to borrow.

He looked at the piece of paper in his hand, which was a check.

The military was actually the first to use checks in the Dragon Kingdom, much earlier than the banks of the Dragon Kingdom, which was not surprising to Qi Wei. To his surprise, the money figures above were not correct.

“Why is it written on this one million instead of seven hundred thousand?”

He spoke suspiciously.

“There are still 300,000, it is the military that rewarded you for your outstanding contribution to the national security of the Dragon Kingdom!”

Director Zhang spoke lightly, he looked at Qi Wei with complicated eyes, and just about to speak, a muffled sound of “Bang” suddenly came from behind him.

It was Qian Gouyu who heard Qi He say that Director Zhang and Commander Chen had inspected the Seventh Workshop, and ran over with the idea of adding more glory to the ancestors, intending to find an opportunity to shake hands with Director Zhang and Commander Chen.

Yesterday in the conference room of the military region, he really did not find an opportunity, and his heart has always been unwilling. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came over, he heard Qi Wei’s voice.

At this time, he was already faceless, looking at Qi Wei in disbelief, his lips were trembling.

“Qi Wei, did I hear you right?”

His voice trembled as he spoke.

“You made a million in less than a month?”

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