Chapter 86: Big Cannon Fight, Are You Teasing Me?.

Lolicon is a love name.

And the object of the affectionate name is North Industry.

This love name is widely circulated in the minds of military enthusiasts, and its source is the English abbreviation of North Industry, transliterated as lolicon.

The Dragon State has four major ordnance industry groups, but only North Industry has obtained this nickname, and the reason is the particularity of North Industry.

In later generations, it was the only company in the Dragon Kingdom responsible for the export of weapons!

From fighters to tanks, and even ordinary rifles, as well as ammunition, all of them are the responsibility of North Industries, that is, Lolicon, a subsidiary of the Northern Ordnance Industry Group.

The names are similar and related to each other, but their nature and function are completely different.

The northern arms industry is engaged in military industry, while the northern industry is engaged in trade, that is, in business.

Of course, because the content of trade is all arms, NORINCO is still an enterprise under the control of the military, and the relevant responsible persons are still military positions.

But at the same time, they were granted permission to open up many military restrictions, such as the ban on doing business, which did not bind them at all.

This is also a major change made by the Dragon Kingdom in order to keep pace with the times, before the emergence of Lolicon, the export of military materials of the Dragon Country was all in the name of aid, all gratuitous.

Now knowing that taking it out and selling it for money is obviously a huge improvement.

And if Director Zhang really planned to arrange a position for Qi Wei in the northern industry, it would also be good news for Qi Wei.

However, all this is still unknown. Director Zhang and the others said whether it was Lolicom or not, and it is impossible to determine now. Now it’s time to focus on what’s in front of you.

He got up, picked up a folder, and walked in the direction of the workshop.

Now, the second product development work of the seventh workshop is on the agenda!…..

Five minutes later, in the corner of the machine tool workshop, Qi Wei took Zhang Jianguo and others in a circle.

Shells or something, for Qi Wei, it is not high-tech. Especially for the seventh workshop, this is also a business, so Qi Wei did not pay so much attention to it at all, and directly put the drawings in front of everyone’s eyes.

Qi Wei didn’t care, but Zhang Jianguo and Li Fu looked at it very seriously. Including Qian Gouyu, Qian Siya, the two of them also looked solemn.

That is, Qi He was still working as a doorman and did not come.

After all, Qi He is a little older, learning these mechanical equipment or something, there is no money dog leftover and money four girls fast.

Therefore, he consciously positioned his position as a security guard, which was the job he was most familiar with before on the battlefield. In this regard, Qi Wei also went with him.

Anyway, Qi He does everything the same, it makes no difference to Qi Wei.

Qian Gou stared at the drawings with a large bag, but looking at the dazedness in his eyes, he obviously couldn’t understand it. This is also normal, he has only been learning for less than a month, and being able to drive the barrel is already a very fast progress.

On the contrary, Zhang Jianguo and Li Fu had frequent changes in their expressions, obviously they could understand this drawing. And Qi Wei didn’t speak, just waiting for the two to look at the drawings.

After watching for five minutes, the two raised their heads and looked at Qi Wei.

“That’s what we’re going to produce next?”

Zhang Jianguo was the first to speak.


Qi Wei nodded.

“But didn’t you say that we’re going to produce shells next?”

It was Li Fu who spoke.

“It’s a cannonball, that’s right.”

A smile appeared on Qi Wei’s face.

“So what is this?”

Zhang Jianguo pointed to a cylindrical object on the drawing.

This object does have a shell-like shape, except that the head is not only not pointed, but appears blunt and rounded. Outwardly, this object looks more like a dry battery than a shell.

The main thing, of course, is its caliber.

The smallest shell in the Dragon Kingdom is a 60 mm caliber, which is now a mortar equipped by field troops.

A mortar of 60 mm caliber, to be honest, fired shells with explosive power similar to that of later grenades. After all, the charge of both sides is one thing, the amount of charge is almost the same, and the power is of course basically equal.

The army has a very big opinion on this thing, and many people even think that they are using this thing to fool the army. Because mortars are a small caliber, they are still heavy firepower.

That’s why the military has a big opinion.

This thing is a large artillery battle, if it were not for the shrapnel outside, just by its explosive power, it would really be inferior to the old people in the countryside, put the three-eyed hammer.

At least the amount of charge is enough to 300 grams, which is much stronger than the 100 grams of this thing. Even in the eyes of the military, this thing is not even comparable to a large artillery battle.

People can blow up a piece of a gift bomb. Your killing range is not as good as the gift bullet. And from the point of view of firing, mortars are much more cumbersome than grenades.

The grenade is thrown directly out and it is over, this thing also needs to play hanging shot, it is necessary to calculate the trajectory and angle beg for half a day. As a result, it took half a day to hang a large artillery battle, which really made no sense.

Of course, such a small gadget cannot be very powerful. Dragon Kingdom is now trying to find a way to eliminate these small-caliber guns, at least 120 mm or more.

The problem is that on this drawing drawn by Qi Wei, the caliber of the shell is smaller than that of the military’s large artillery battle. Only 40 mm!

Such a small shell, there is no need to spend salutes, and the artillery battles released by Pu Pass are bigger than this! You actually call this a cannonball?

Moreover, they are also loud and ashamed, saying what kind of nuclear bomb of the poor?

Are you kidding me?.

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