Chapter 89: Stop Ah Wei, there are all police outside!

Chapter 89 Stop Awe, there are all police outside!

It was the setting sun, and the villagers were returning home from a day’s work in the fields, when the road was full of villagers returning home in pairs.

They were also wondering why a car suddenly came to Qijia Village, and when they heard Er Ya’s shout, everyone instantly became excited.

“Qi Wei is back?”

“Did you drive back this time?”

“Not only Uncle Wei, but also Uncle Gou Yu and Fourth Aunt!”

Erya’s clear voice resounded throughout the mountain village.

Countless people gathered along the road, and Qi Wei looked at the enthusiastic faces outside the window, and his heart was full of emotion. In the 80s, the villagers were very simple and united, and the people of a village were simply like a family.

This is also normal, everyone has lived in one place for hundreds or even thousands of years, even if the surnames are different, they are related to each other, in addition, the concept of the government has not been as deeply rooted in the hearts of the people as later generations, and the way of life of the villagers has not changed much, basically as in the previous thousands of years, the clan elder system is the mainstay.

This is also the reason why Qi Wei can’t forget his fellow villagers at any time, these villagers are his family!

The jeep drove almost all the people of the village to the public grain drying farm in the village, which is also the administrative center of the village, next to the richest man in the village, where the Qian family is located.

As soon as the car stopped, Qi Wei saw an old man hurriedly walking over, it was Qian Erbo, followed by his parents.

“Dad, mom, second uncle!”

Qi Wei got out of the car and spoke respectfully,

“I’m back!”

Qi Wei’s parents only looked at their son, both of them were honest people, they didn’t talk much, and it was even more rare to speak in places with many people.

It is slightly better than the Qi River.

It was Qian Erbo, who carefully glanced at Qi Wei, ignored Qian Gouyu and Qian Siya, who greeted him, and his gaze fell on the jeep beside Qi Wei.

The jeep was already occupied by the children led by Er Ya at this time, seven or eight children were climbing on the car at this time, and Er Ya even opened the door without a teacher, and was pressing in the driver’s seat at this time.

“All down, hurry down!”

Qian Erbo suddenly spoke sternly,

“Blind to what? You can’t afford to break it! ”

Er Ya pouted and climbed out of the car, she and Qian Siya’s name is very similar, but Qian Siya’s name is her real name, and Er Ya has a name, and Er Ya is just her nickname, which is also a kind of progress of the times.

And it is also a major feature of the countryside, all kinds of man’er, all kinds of ya, all kinds of hair.

For example, Qian Erbo’s name is Qian Man, which means the youngest child, but he has a younger brother, that is, Erya’s grandfather.

After all, it is really the will of God to have children this year, and wanting to give birth to two does not mean that you can really give birth to two, nor does it mean that you can only give birth to two. Without TV and no other entertainment, what can you do without making people in a long night?

“It’s okay.”

Qi Wei smiled and spoke,

“If it is not bad, it will not be compensated if it is broken.”

“The car is yours?”

Second Uncle Qian glanced at Qi Wei.

“No, it should be, it’s a borrowing.”

Qi Wei shook his head.


Second Uncle Qian suddenly snorted, and he glanced at Qi Wei meaningfully,

“Go in and say, I have something to ask you.”

Qi Wei was puzzled, and he could obviously see that Qian Erbo was very unhappy. As for why, he doesn’t know.

I’ll ask later.


In the brigade headquarters, there is still a large group of people around a table, which is similar to the last time. It’s just that the atmosphere is far more formal than the last time, and there are more people than last time.

The two brothers and sisters of Qi Wei and the Qian family sat on one side of the table, and on the other side sat Qian Erbo and Qi Wei’s father, and next to them were several benches arranged horizontally, sitting people with higher ranks in the village and more heads and faces.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Qi Wei and the three brothers and sisters of the Qian family, which made the two brothers and sisters of the Qian family enjoy it a little, especially Qian Gouyu, who had a feeling of being in the spotlight.

“How are you doing?”

The first to speak was Qian Erbo, who spoke without saltiness or lightness, and could not see his expression.

“It went well.”

Qi Wei nodded,

“When I come back this time, I will pull people.”

“Qi Wei made 1 million this time?”

Qian Gou spoke triumphantly.

“How much do you earn?”

Second Uncle Qian’s hand trembled, and the others looked at Qi Wei equally dumbfounded.

Especially Qi Wei’s father, his eyes were about to pop up, and he leaned forward at this time, as if he wanted to get closer and listen to it a little more earnestly.

“One million.”

Qian Gouyu repeated.

“Bang”, but Father Qi stood up directly, and Qian Erbo, who was sitting on the other end of the bench, was caught off guard, and the bench directly flipped over, throwing him to the ground.

However, Father Qi could no longer take care of Second Uncle Qian at this time, and everyone present could no longer take care of Second Uncle Qian, and everyone was stunned to look at Qian Gouyu and Qi He.

1 million?

The Qi family is very poor, and although the name of the village is Qi Family Village, in fact, the Qi family has long declined in the village, and now there are two brothers, Qi Shan and Qi He.

Qishan is the name of Qi Wei’s father.

For a small-scale peasant economy, population is the primary productive force, because a large family population means more land and more labor. The Qi family has such a big cat and three or two kittens, and poverty is almost inevitable.

After all, serving their own land is already busy, and when the farm is busy, they have to help with the in-laws in the village, and they only go out to do odd jobs in their spare time.

In this year, the grain was purchased by the grain station, and they were not allowed to sell it themselves. And the purchase price of grain stations can only be said to be slightly better than giving for nothing.

One pound of wheat is seven cents, and one pound of rice is two cents. Although hybrid rice has come out this year, due to the lack of pesticides and fertilizers, the yield of rice per acre is only five or six hundred catties.

Based on the 1.2 mu of grain field per person in Qijia Village, the three members of the Qi Wei family have a total of 3 mu and 6 points of land, and the mu yield is calculated at 600 jin, and a total of more than 4,300 jin of rice can be grown a year.

Subtract about 110 catties of public grain per mu, that is, agricultural taxes, and eventually you can leave about 3,800 catties.

If the Qi Wei family does not eat a single grain of rice, living purely on sweet potatoes and pumpkins, and selling all this grain to the grain station, they can get 760 yuan.

At that time, the average salary in Longguo was about 120 yuan, and as we all know, the average salary refers to the average of the whole people. For urban dwellers, who make up one-third of the country’s population, to raise the average, they must earn at least three times that amount, or about 360.

A person’s salary of two months can buy all the food that a rural family has worked hard for a year.

This was also the general situation in the countryside in the 80s. The superior life of urban dwellers in the last century was built on the blood and sweat of 800 million peasants.

The peasants provided for the city and built the city, but the peasants needed a letter of introduction to enter the city. With the development of society, the times are also progressing, management has become humane, and local governments have also talked about equality.

Since then, the letter of introduction has become a temporary residence card. Without this certificate, you will be beaten to death in the city. Therefore, rural people have wanted to go to the city for generations, because the countryside is too bitter.

If you can’t enter the city without the ability, you can’t be a city person, so you can use the strength of the whole village and push out one.

It is not to think that he will return to the villagers after he is developed, of course, this idea cannot be said to be completely absent. But the main thing is to give everyone a hope, but also to give children a role model.

Qi Wei’s ability to go to college by the whole village is a product of this mentality, because he is indeed the most capable person in the history of the Qi family village.

And he also lived up to everyone’s expectations, just after graduating from university, he became the captain of the anti-drug squad, not only the public family, but also the public family of officials.

But now it seems that Qi Wei’s ability is still underestimated by everyone.

The last time he came back, Qi Wei had just talked about opening a factory. After less than a month, he came back and had already made a million!

A million!

Qi Shan worked hard for a year, but he only made a thousand yuan. One million, that’s his income for 1,000 years!

Although the Qi family is considered poor in the village, everyone is actually half a pound and eight taels, and their income may be higher than that of Qishan, and it is not much.

After all, not everyone has the foresight of the rich second uncle, who knows to take his son to the city to do odd jobs and earn money from the public family.

“How did you earn it?”

Qi Shan’s lips began to tremble at this time, fortunately, he didn’t eat much oil and water on weekdays, otherwise he really had to be careful of his sudden cerebral hemorrhage or something.

“Sell arms.”

Qian Gouyu replied triumphantly, he felt that this was really the most glorious moment in his life.

“Sell… Ammunition? ”

Qi Shan’s face changed abruptly, including the other township party members who were looking confused.

“yes. Qi Wei and I made guns in the city, made two in a month, sold one for 7,000, and just got an order of 1 million yesterday. ”

“This time back, is to pull people to make guns, next we are ready to make shells, but also people…”

Qian Gouyu opened his mouth with a big grin, and he glanced at everyone in surprise, and everyone’s eyes made him a little creepy.

“What’s wrong?”

He spoke suspiciously. In the next second, a black shadow flashed.

With a muffled sound, Qian Gou was hit with a shovel on the remaining brain door, and he didn’t say a word, and directly rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. Qian Siya was startled, and Qi Wei was also stunned, and the two turned their heads in unison.

It was his father Qian Man Qian Second Uncle who gave him a shovel, he didn’t know when he had already taken a large ocean shovel, and when he saw his son collapsed to the ground like mud, Qian Second Uncle was also startled.

Subconsciously reached out and tried Qian Gou’s remaining snort, and found that his breathing was normal, but he just fainted. And Qian Gou’s eyes were still open at this time, his hands and feet were still moving, obviously just his head was dizzy, and Qian Erbo put down his heart.

“I’ll kill you unworthy descendants!”

The anger returned to his face, and Qian Erbo was not willing to shoot with a shovel again this time, but kicked Qian Gou’s remaining thigh fiercely.

In the next second, he held up a foreign shovel to look at Qi Wei, and two old tears rolled down from his eyes.

“Qi Wei, you are a person with great skills.”

“I also know that the public family is unfair to you, and you have a grudge.”

“If you put it aside, in the old society, you robbed and made guns or something, you can do it.”

“Even if you pull the whole village up the mountain to become a bandit, how about you be the king of the mountain?”

“But not now.”

Second Uncle Qian looked at Qi Wei bitterly.

“Now is not the way of the world before, you still dare to resist the government this year, aren’t you looking for death?”

“Qi Wei.”

Second Uncle Qian is already an old tearful,

“Listen to the second uncle, let’s not do anything to kill the head.”

“Stop it, Awe.”

Qi Shan also stood up, his face was also full of pain,

“There are police officers outside.”

“While the matter is not big, let’s accompany you to turn yourself in.”

Second Uncle Qian and Qi Shan were like knives in their hearts at this time.

Qi Wei is the most capable person in Qi Family Village, which is recognized by the whole village.

It can be said that the people of Qi Family Village have put their hopes of getting ahead on Qi Wei. But what this world looks like, Qian Erbo and Qi Shan are also very clear.

How can a poor boy with no money and no power come out? Being an anti-drug captain with three shots in the body, such a big credit has been pressed down from above.

This is a desperate struggle, the problem is the life of a poor family, and it is not in the eyes of big people at all! Therefore, Qi Wei had a grudge in his heart, and Qian Erbo and others understood it very well.

However, if you have grievances, you can’t make guns! That’s going to die!

Last time, there was a gun maker in the next county, who sold five guns and was arrested by the police. Caught in the morning, shot in the afternoon. And Qi Wei has only built two now, and now it is time to turn back.

It is better to sentence than to be shot directly.

And Qi Wei vomited a mouthful of blood at 4.5, and this line is a little familiar. If you replace Ave with Azu, it will be in place.

“Dad, second uncle, you misunderstood.”

He opened his mouth crying and laughing, his gaze sweeping over Qian Gouyu.

Qian Gouyu is still strong, and it is no big deal to be hit by a shovel, at this time, he has already sat up from the ground with the help of Qian Siya, but his eyes are empty, obviously his brain is not completely clear.

Of course, the main thing is that Qian Erbo did not kill his son.

“The dog didn’t explain the matter.”

Qi Wei put down his heart and continued to speak,

“I didn’t break the law.”

“It’s not illegal, where did you get the 1 million?”

Qian Erbo wiped a handful of tears,

“And the dog leftovers have said, you are making guns!”

It has been difficult to make money this year, mainly because the economy has not developed and there are too few channels. Especially the peasants, when the workers do not have a share of the peasants, if they want to go to the city to sell some vegetables, they have to go to the urban management to open a certificate.

The appearance of the cement factory in the next township looks vigorous and prosperous, but in fact, it does not make any money, that is, it just allows the village to have a little stable income.

If you want to make some money, especially a lot of money, the only way to engage in illegal industry is one. This is also the reason why Qian Erbo immediately made a ruthless decision.

“We really make guns.”

Qi Wei spoke depressedly,

“But we are a regular military factory, and the guns produced are directly distributed to the army.”

He smiled bitterly and glanced at the money dog leftover, and before the money dog leftover came back, he was still excited, and he vowed that he would usher in the highlight moment of his life today.

Now it seems that the highlight moment is a fart. It is clearly a bloody disaster!.

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