Chapter 93: The Storm Rises, Qi Wei’s Road to Power!.

Chapter 93 The Storm is Surging, Qi Wei’s Road to Power!

Qi Wei pulled out his pager.

Pagers are very quiet, most of the time everyone contacts each other in the way of writing letters, pagers and other instant messaging devices have not changed everyone’s living habits and thinking patterns.

It was not until a few years later, when the telephone began to become popular, and everyone could talk at this time, even if they were in the south and north of the world. By that time, everyone was accustomed to the life of calling or sending messages to people anytime, anywhere.

Before this, there was no major matter not to contact, to, write letters.

But presumably in a few days the pager will be lively, because the delivery of postal money orders takes time, and now others have not received it, of course, there will be no reply.

And on the pager at this time, there is only one message, and there is only one sentence on it.

“How is your military factory doing?”

This message was sent a few days ago, when Qi Wei was in the city bureau, sitting and watching Liang Feng’s hand be shot through. Later, Qi Wei was busy drawing drawings and went back to the village to pull people, but he never replied.

As for the number, Qi Wei is familiar with it.

With inexplicable meaning, Qi Wei stared at the number.

With a slight sigh, he took the phone on the table and began to dial.

The phone was quickly connected, and a pleasant voice sounded: “Qi Wei? ”

“It’s me.”

Qi Wei spoke calmly.

“You’re finally willing to get my call back!”

A strange voice came from the other end of the phone, but Qi Wei could hear the joy inside.

“Too busy the other day.”

Qi Wei spoke apologetically. The person on the other end of the phone needless to say was Chen Yang.

“How is your military factory doing?”

There was a hint of concern in Chen Yang’s voice.

“Very good.”

Qi Wei spoke easily,

“A gun has been built, and it has passed the acceptance of the military and received the order”

“You really know how to make guns?”

Chen Yang on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned.

This is also normal, Chen Yang is Qi Wei’s college classmate, and the two graduated from one department. Since Chen Yang can’t make guns, then Qi Wei shouldn’t either.

Very rustic logic.

“Wait, that Type 87, it won’t be you who made it, right?”

She spoke in surprise.

“Yes, it was built by our seventh workshop.”

Qi Wei smiled.

Type 87 is not a secret, at least for the level of the Chen family, there are many channels to learn about this news.

If nothing else, officials above a certain level have internal reference reports, which are equivalent to internal newspapers, which contain various large and small affairs of the Dragon Kingdom, as well as various policies of the general nature.

Chen Yang’s father is qualified to read these internal reference reports. It’s just that he is sick in bed, and these documents can obviously only be read to him by his daughter, Chen Yang, who stayed in the capital to take care of him.

The breakthrough in the R&D work of the Type 87 will definitely appear in the internal report, and Chen Yang knows that it is also normal.

“How did I not know that you would still make guns!”

Chen Yang was surprised that the Type 87 had a high evaluation in the internal newspaper, and even said that it had exceeded the international advanced level and opened a new chapter in the development of small arms in the Dragon Kingdom.

The internal newspaper is very measured, and every word is very elegant. Chen Yang, who was familiar with the style of internal reporting, knew that the last time a new chapter appeared about weapons was when the Dragon Kingdom’s nuclear weapons test explosion was successful.

Of course, that time opened a new chapter in the history of the Dragon Kingdom, and the word level was much higher than this. Before Chen Yang was still wondering who developed this new rifle.

I didn’t expect it to be Qi Wei.

The question is, how did Qi Wei learn to make guns? And also catch up with the international level and open a new chapter?

I have been in love with Qi Wei for three years, why don’t I know that he still has this ability?

“There’s a lot you don’t know.”

Qi Wei smiled, and he skipped the topic: “By the way, I sent you 20,000 yuan”

“Actually, you don’t need to sink.”

The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds before Chen Yang’s sigh came.

“I’m going to sink.”

Qi Wei smiled and spoke.

He is a proud person, he can borrow money from Chen Yang as a friend, but he will not take Chen Yang’s money for nothing as his former boyfriend.

This is a matter of principle.

“How is your dad’s body?”

He skipped the topic again.

“It’s recovering well, but I don’t know when I’ll be able to get back to health. Anyway, I can take care of it. ”

Chen Yang sighed. The reason why she left Handong for the capital was to take care of her ailing father.

“By the way, Chen Hai went to Handong, with Hou Liang. However, they may not be able to contact you for the time being. ”

Chen Yang suddenly spoke meaningfully.

“Chen Hai and Hou Liang arrived in Handong?”

Qi Wei’s eyebrows moved slightly.


A vague voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone, and Chen Yang’s speed of speaking began to accelerate.

“The forces behind this person Liang Feng are very strong, you have to be careful. But for the time being, he should not dare to make any moves, you should prepare early. ”

“My dad called me, we’ll talk next time.”

She spoke quickly.

“Okay, let’s talk next time.”

Qi Wei ended the call.

Sitting at the desk, Qi Wei’s brows frowned slightly.

Calling Chen Yang is for the matter of repaying the money, of course, it is also for An Chen Yang’s heart.

After all, although Chen Yang was in the capital, he had been paying attention to Handong’s side, to be precise, Qi Wei’s situation. Beauty is graceful, and Qi Wei is not a person without heart and lungs.

However, I didn’t expect to be able to get news from Chen Hai and Hou Liang.

Although Chen Yang did not say it explicitly, of course Qi Wei knew that the reason why Chen Hai and Hou Liang went to Handong must be because of the secret investigation team.

The two of them must have joined the secret investigation team to investigate the conflict between Liang Feng and the military. It is precisely because of this that they cannot disclose the news to the outside world.

Do you want to contact them secretly and secretly help them? Qi Wei was a little moved.

After all, he has the insight of later generations, and of course he probably knows who is in Liang Feng’s power network. At least it’s feasible to give a rough direction.

But after thinking about it, he slowly shook his head. Now is not the time.

Chen Hai and Hou Liang are still just two ordinary members of the investigation department, and with the ability of the two of them, they can’t kill an official of Liang Feng’s level.

In addition, the two of them are still too young and are not Liang Feng’s opponents. Qi Wei knew that Liang Feng was not very easy to deal with.

In essence, Liang Feng is a very pure person. He said that Qi Wei was very similar to him, and that he was not without purpose. Because Liang Feng is completely a power monster.

He is not greedy for money, he is not colorful, he is in a high position, and there is countless money in his hands, which involves a lot of money and power transactions. Even people with a conscience and a bottom line can hardly be moved when facing such a huge amount of wealth.

Liang Feng can do this, he is involved in the money power transaction, and it can even be said that he is the core figure of the money power transaction. But he did not gain economic benefits from it, and everything was used by him to pave the way to power.

From this point of view, Liang Feng is actually purer than Qi Wei.

Because Liang Feng’s love is also not smooth, he married Liang’s mother because he fancy the old man’s door, and he can’t talk about his love for Liang’s mother at all. However, after marriage, Liang Feng respected Liang’s mother, never looked for a junior, and even rarely disobeyed Liang’s mother’s decision.

On the one hand, this can show Liang Feng’s focus on power, and on the other hand, it can also show Liang Feng’s caution. In order not to affect his path to power, he can even pretend to love his wife for the rest of his life.

Life is like a play, all relying on acting skills, it is a person like Liang Feng, who has turned a power monster into an official who gives the impression of being a noble.


Even Qi Wei didn’t do this.

It is precisely because of this that Liang Feng has had a smooth ride all his life, until he overturned on Qi Wei’s side because of his baby daughter Liang Xiaolu. In fact, if it weren’t for Qi Wei’s change of fate against the sky and his vow at the last moment never to bow his head, Liang Feng would not have overturned this car, and everything would have gone according to his expectations.

Only power can be dealt with! This is an eternal truth.

From the perspective of future generations, power struggles are not necessarily a bad thing, but essentially checks and balances and compromises between powers, just like competing with each other for a position in a company.

As long as everyone honestly follows the rules of the game, then it will bring healthy competition. However, Qi Wei actually did not want to be involved in the power vortex so early.

He longed for power, but after two lifetimes of experience, his personality brought a touch of calmness and detachment.

Power is like planting a crop, and what is needed is accumulation. If you want to harvest, you must first start from a small seedling, fertilize, pest and weed, and then you can breed a harvest.

And this is also the road of power that Qi Wei wants to take, dignified and upright, relying on his own efforts.


And cooperating with the military is the path Qi Wei has chosen, and it is also the only road that Qi Wei can choose at present. Because Liang Feng is in the political circles, there will be no day when Qi Wei will emerge.

However, although the military was able to keep Qi Wei, it was difficult to radiate its influence to the political and commercial circles because of the iron rule that the military must not interfere in local affairs.

This means that in the short term, Qi Wei can only be on the defensive when facing Liang Feng.

However, Qi Wei knew that the turnaround would come soon.

The military industry of the Dragon Kingdom will soon set off a huge storm, the so-called times create heroes, that storm, is the moment when Qi Wei really took his first steps.

Anyway, Liang Feng is still hospitalized, and a secret investigation team has been sent down, and in the recent period, I am afraid that he has no time to make a big fuss about trouble.

Until then, just wait a little.


Qi Wei guessed correctly, at the same time that he and Chen Yang were on the phone, a secret meeting was being held in a hotel in the western suburbs of the capital.

If the level of the last meeting held in the Handong Military Subdistrict was ridiculously high, the level this time can only be described as frighteningly high.

Even a big man at the level of a military region commander like Commander Chen did not attend, and even he did not know about it. Only five people attended the meeting.

Among them, there is the boss of the equipment department, Director Zhang. And even Director Zhang can only sit at the bottom.

Because sitting on the main throne is the actual first person in the military of the Dragon Kingdom, the boss of the general headquarters of the three services, Chief of General Staff Li! Although the meeting was led by the military, it was not only the military that attended.

Director Xie, director of the Longguo Economic and Trade Bureau, also attended.

The military of the Dragon Kingdom has two iron laws, first, you must not interfere in local affairs. Second, do not do business. Therefore, the military has never had any dealings with the Economic and Trade Bureau, and discipline is not allowed.

This is an insurmountable minefield, especially the prohibition of doing business.

After all, no one knows better than the military of the Dragon Kingdom the corrosive effect of money on the military. But at this moment, this ban has been broken.

This unknown meeting may seem like a wave, but in fact, it will really usher in a new era. In this turbulent era, there will be many people, many new things, on the stage of history!

Moreover, although it is only the secret meeting of the Dragon Kingdom itself, to some extent, it also laid the world pattern in the nineties!

This is the opportunity that Qi Wei has been waiting for!.

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