The execution turned out to be successful, shocking, epoch-making!

Until the end of the execution, everyone still had endless memories, looking at the bloody Draco whose bones were torn off, he felt that it was really eye-opening, it was too worthwhile, and he had never watched such a shocking scene! The most important thing is that the whole process is free, free to see Draco die in endless torture? To come is to earn!

Of course, during the whole process, there are also many people who leave with a lost expression, because it is too bloody, not suitable for children, some adults can not bear it, among which there are mostly women, and they left when they saw half of them.

“Gee, I didn’t expect that the arrogant world nobles would be as loud as killing pigs.” Some people made a mockery, they have endured it for too long, where did they have this opportunity before? When you see the Draco from afar, you must kneel, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe, this time to see the whole journey, the body and mind are comfortable, is the best vent.

“Or look carefully in the first row, you don’t know, when the first piece of skin was cut off, the fat pig was directly scared to pee.”

Someone shows off, grabs the best spot, sees the scenery that others can’t.

“Wipe, it’s a pity, I didn’t even pay attention!”

Someone beat his chest, through the big screen, looking at the bloody, not human-like Draco, helplessly shaking his head, now he can’t see anything, can’t enjoy the wonderful scene of Draco’s scared pee.

“Hehe, I hope that there will be a few more such idiots in the Draco group, next time, I must find the best position, and then record it with a camera and keep it for myself.” Someone gestured to a photo pose, he is a photographer, deeply annoyed, why? I didn’t bring a camera out today, the loss is too great!

“If you are not afraid of death, you can record it, and the next day I was found by special agents, didn’t you see that among the onlookers today, there was not a single newspaper reporter?” Just think about the reason. ”

As soon as these words came out, the person who spoke earlier suddenly broke out in cold sweat and his scalp exploded.

He smiled and withdrew from the crowd, muttering softly in his mouth, “Just when I didn’t say anything, I got carried away, damn it, even if he is executed, Draco is still an existence that we civilians can’t look at.” ”

The crowd dispersed, and at this time, Mu Yang turned his head and smiled at a dozen female slaves with pale faces: “Do you think that I am like a demon crawling out of hell now?” ”

They quickly shook their heads, which came from the heart.

“To deal with them, you should be ruthless.”

“That’s right, you deserve it, I still think you started lightly, I promise not to lie.” A slave girl said.

They have seen many times in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, the end of the slave who is tired of playing, is thrown into the beast cage, let the wild beast in captivity of the Draco tear open and eat, the head and body are separated, blood beads are splattered, the sprinkled beast cage is everywhere, the smell of blood is very strong, you can smell it from a long distance, in addition, there are all kinds of death methods, and the scene is even bloodier than now.

However, in terms of technical content, those Draco are too far behind.

From the beginning to the end, Charmas Saint is always screaming, the skin and bones are separated inch by inch, and the screams tear the heart, but I don’t know what means Mu Yang used, so that he is always awake, this scene is too mad, frightening, a layer of goosebumps \ bumps, is the killing method that Dragon Pig will never think of!

“You guys leave, I’m leaving.”

Mu Yang slowly rose into the air.

At this time, the expressions of many female slaves changed, they had just been liberated and should celebrate their new birth, but at this time, they had no extra thoughts, and they shouted loudly towards Mu Yang, unwilling to give up this opportunity, even if they followed as maids again, most of them were already homeless.

In particular, thinking of the hoof print of the flying dragon engraved on their backs, the women were secretly sad, lonely and helpless, because the mark would always accompany them and could not be removed.

In the sky, Mu Yang was silent, and suddenly raised his hand\finger, releasing several imperceptible light green rays.

The inheritance of purple qi is too complicated, and it is extremely simple to make the flying dragon’s hoof prints disappear, but with a snap of a finger, tens of seconds of effort.

“Now, you have completely got rid of your former identity, go and pursue your own life, and you don’t have to live as an inferior person forever.”

With a swoosh, Mu Yang disappeared, thousands of flowers passed, a leaf did not stick to his body, saving these female slaves, he had no other thoughts, how could it become a waste dominated by the lower body?

However, in Mu Yang’s life history, there was also a dew marriage, which was decades ago, and the world’s first beautiful \ female spring \ night at that time.

It’s a pity that the two haven’t seen each other much since then, and soon after, Mu Yang fell into a deep sleep, sleeping for decades!

On the ground, the women’s faces were stunned, and they touched the skin on their backs with their backs, and it was smooth and returned to its original.

“I’m not dreaming, am I?”

“Fly, the flying dragon hoof print, actually disappeared.”

“It’s a new life, great, I’m going to be strong, I’m going to join the navy and become a soldier under that adult!” One of them said, and then ran directly to the naval station in the Chambord Islands, the dragon’s hoof prints disappeared, and she also came out of the shadows.

Soon, everyone left, leaving only the last one to waver, hesitating, choosing between loyalty and kindness.

“Female warrior of Nine Snake Island.”

At this time, an old man with gray hair and holding a wine bottle walked over, with a \ face decadent look, just now he was also standing in the crowd, watching the whole process of torturing Draco, seeing the last girl hesitating, the main \ moved forward, and said: “Don’t care too much, that \ person shot, it is estimated that you did not ask you to reciprocate, alas… Forget it, since you see it this time, make a favor in the water, and I will take you back to Nine Snake Island. ”

“What are you?” The girl was very cautious, she was not wearing the clothes she used to wear on Nine Snake Island, but she didn’t expect to be recognized at a glance.

“Don’t worry\ Zhang, I and your current female emperor are old acquaintances, and the person who sent her back to Nine Snake Island in the first place is also me.”

The old man said, smiling.

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