The first episode of the show was about to begin.

Chapter 11: Recording of Idol Son

In early June, the recording of the talent show “Idol Son” officially began. The recording venue was in Zhonghai City, so Zhou Yu didn’t have to travel to other places to participate in the recording.

This show is the first talent show variety show in China. It is a big investment show from Taochang, with sufficient resources and funds. The recording venue and dormitory conditions are very good. Now the first episode has just started recording. One hundred contestants will be rated and eliminated in this first episode, and only sixty contestants will stay in the end.

Zhou Yu and his team entered here a week in advance, and the program team gave them unified pre-match training and management. During the subsequent program recording period, they will eat, drink, live and travel here, unless there are special circumstances, they have to ask for leave from the program team to go out. In order to prevent the program recording from being spoiled in advance by the contestants, even Zhou Yu and his mobile phones and other communication tools are managed by the program team, and the use time of mobile phones is strictly regulated.

The rules of this program are also very simple. Starting from the first episode, the 60 remaining contestants will compete in the future, and the comprehensive score ranking will be determined by the votes of the 500 audience members on the scene and the votes of the mentors, and the last place will be eliminated. Finally, the winner of the final can obtain the resources of Taochang and make a successful debut.

In the resting place of the backstage contestants, Zhou Yu sat quietly in the corner with his guitar on his back, wearing simple and plain clothes. As an amateur contestant, he is obviously different from these trainees who are mostly sent in by entertainment companies. Those trainees from entertainment companies, one by one, wear exquisite makeup and dress brightly and beautifully. From the appearance alone, they are no different from celebrities. Trainees from companies like them are sent in batches. Entertainment companies package them, and they don’t ask all these trainees to become popular. As long as one of them can become popular, they will make money.

In addition to the trainees sent by these entertainment companies, there are also amateur players like Zhou Yu, but they are rare. Moreover, there are not only trainees from entertainment companies and amateurs like them, but also some players who have debuted and even released song albums but have never become popular. These people, who have experience and strength, are the biggest threat.

Sitting next to Zhou Yu is a young man who is also like him, carrying a guitar, but with a nervous face and drinking water all the time. He looks just in his early twenties. He drinks a sip of water from time to time while sitting next to Zhou Yu. One hand tightly grasps the shoulder strap of the guitar bag, and he seems a little restless.

As if noticing Zhou Yu’s eyes, the man forced a smile and nodded at Zhou Yu.

Seeing his nervousness, Zhou Yu kindly said: “Don’t be nervous. The more nervous you are, the more likely you are to perform poorly. Keep a calm mind.”

The man looked a little embarrassed. He looked at Zhou Yu and saw that he looked calm, just like the several contestants he met online who had debuted. He couldn’t help but be curious: “Brother, have you debuted too?”

Zhou Yu looked at this man who seemed a little younger than himself. He was fair-skinned, but his voice was relatively low.

“Well, I’m just an amateur. What about you? An amateur? Or a trainee?”

Hearing that Zhou Yu was an amateur, the man’s eyes flashed with surprise, and he felt a little familiar in his heart: “I’m also an amateur, a junior student at Zhonghai Conservatory of Music. I thought about participating in the show when I had nothing to do.”

After talking to Zhou Yu, the man was obviously not as nervous as before.

“Brother, my name is Zhao Lei. Please take care of me in the future.”

“Zhou Yu.”

The two amateur contestants, among this group of contestants who are mostly trainees from entertainment companies, made Zhao Lei feel a little familiar with Zhou Yu.

“Come on! Contestants enter the venue and choose your own seats according to the requirements later.”

A staff member came to inform Zhou Yu that they began to enter the venue and entered the recording hall. The first episode of the program was simply a mentor rating, and there were no live audiences. In the hall, the seats had already been divided into four levels according to ABCD, in a stepped shape. The higher the level, the fewer seats.

“Before the official start, the contestants will rate themselves and choose seats of the corresponding level.”

Hearing this, the contestants looked at each other. Everyone thought that the mentors would rate themselves after the start. As a result, now, before the performance, they are asked to rate themselves and sit down according to the level.

If you rate yourself too high, the mentor will rate you later.

If you fail to meet expectations after the level is upgraded, how embarrassing it will be to be demoted from the original level position?

But what if you fail to meet expectations? Will others look down on you?

This is also a deliberately set link by the program team, which is to let the audience see the contrast and difference between the contestants before and after, and to have a sense of gap. The contestants will probably give themselves a more fair level, or if they are confident, they will give themselves a high level. But if the instructor’s evaluation does not meet the expectations later, it will be a slap in the face.

In the backstage, director Jiang Dan looked at these helpless students with interest. Seeing that they did not move for a long time, she also asked the people under her to urge them. This is the effect she wanted.

“Urge the people below to hurry up and don’t delay the recording time.”

The staff at the venue did not dare to delay when they heard the words of director Jiang Dan, and their tone was also a little impatient.

“Hurry up, don’t waste time. I’ll give you three minutes. Choose your seat.”

Hearing this, the contestants didn’t dare to waste time. After hesitating for a while, they began to sit down in groups according to the levels they planned for themselves. From the D level to the B level, they were all full at once. The few seats at the A level above were still empty.

Zhao Lei followed Zhou Yu and was a little panicked: “Brother Yu, why don’t we squeeze in the seats below?”

He glanced at the A-level seats at the top and didn’t dare to think that he could sit there, especially the few people around him who didn’t choose their seats. They were all those who had debuted or released songs, and were even the top trainees in entertainment companies. As soon as he finished speaking, these people had already walked up.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on these trainees who were aiming for the A level. They were all in the circle, and they had all heard of them more or less.

“This guy looks so familiar. I remember that he was a trainee in H country and released his own songs. What was his name?”

“Li Xingyu, I know him. A domestic company was ready to sign him, but he went abroad for his studies. He was a trainee in H country for two years and released his own singles. He has one million fans on Weibo.”

“Wow, he has debuted before. It’s over. The champion must be his.”

Among them, the most popular one is the man in the blue sweater. He is dressed very delicately, looks handsome, and has a strong sense of confidence in his eyes. His image and temperament are very good. Trainees in H country, a star-making country, have a good foundation, and he also reveals the temperament of a H-style handsome guy.

This is a popular candidate for the championship, and the one who has the best chance of winning the championship in everyone’s mind.

Everyone looked at them and sat in the A-level seats. Li Xingyu stood in front of the C position in the middle and looked at this position for a while. Everyone was stunned.

Is he going to sit in the C position directly?

Even Director Jiang Dan, who was watching the monitor in the backstage, had a hint of curiosity on her mature and delicate face.

As a result, Li Xingyu just looked for a while and sat down in the seat next to him.

“Oh my god, he didn’t sit in the C position. If Li Xingyu doesn’t sit with his strength, who dares to sit?”

I don’t know who said this, but everyone’s eyes were on Zhou Yu and Zhao Lei, who hadn’t chosen their seats yet.

There were only the two of them left. Would they choose to sit up or find someone to squeeze in below?

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on Zhou Yu and the other person. In the eyes of everyone, Zhou Yu moved.

He was carrying a guitar, looking at the center seat, and looking at Zhao Lei, a young man who had just graduated: “Since you are here, you must have confidence in yourself. Come on, sit with me.”

Then, in the surprised eyes of everyone, Zhou Yu sat directly on the center seat, and the scene was silent.

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(End of this chapter)

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