My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 102 The black-haired giant comes to your door! !

"Come here you three!"

Jiang Shi suddenly looked at the three martial saints not far away and said.

The three martial saints walked over quickly with their mouths full of blood and foam, holding on to their severely injured bodies.

"Martial Arts Leader..."

They spoke from their mouths.

"Wrong, you want to call me the Great Sage!"

Jiang Shi corrected them and asked: "I heard that you gathered here before to find some bandits?"

"Yes, Great Sage."

[One-word sword] Ding Jian said nervously.

"Well, you guys are going to spread the news soon, saying that the leader of the bandits is back, and asking them to return to the village to meet up. Also, it seems that the three of you have never learned super-grade martial arts. Why? What's going on?"

Jiang Shi raised his eyebrows.

Originally, he wanted to get some super-grade martial arts from these three people for fusion, but just after the fight, there seemed to be no sign of the three of them using super-grade martial arts.

The most are some relatively powerful ordinary martial arts.

"We are all casual cultivators with limited resources. Even cultivating as a Martial Saint has been extremely difficult, so how can we possibly obtain super-grade martial arts."

Ding Jian said bitterly.

The other two people also looked gloomy.

The three of them are all over 160 years old. If it weren't for the superb martial arts and life-extending elixirs, who would choose to join the family?

"I see."

Jiang Shi said, "Let's go, follow me back to the village!"

He greeted everyone and walked out of the valley.

All the people in Jianghu secretly complained, got up from the ground, and followed Jiang Shi.

"Master, how about... let's take advantage of the chaos and run away?"

Shangguan Yun's face turned pale and he became very cautious around Zhao Houcai.

"Don't run around now, let's take a look first."

Zhao Houcai's expression changed and he whispered. .

Jiang Shi's strength is so terrifying, even if he runs away, he may not be able to escape.

Then it will offend him.

The facts were as he imagined. Along the way, there were indeed a few people in the world who wanted to leave secretly. As soon as they ducked into the woods, they began to speed up.

However, they had just started to escape when Jiang Shi threw a handful of gravel from a distance.

Although the forest was dense and far away, which greatly blocked his sight, fortunately, he threw enough stones.

Throwing stones three times in a row, he smashed any obstacles along the way to pieces. None of the people in the world who escaped were spared and were beaten to death one after another.

Such a scene made the remaining people in the world even more frightened, and they instantly gave up the idea of ​​​​escaping quietly.

They felt bitter in their hearts and could only keep their heads down and continue to follow Jiang Shi.

"See. I knew it wouldn't be that easy!"

Zhao Houcai smiled bitterly.


Zhao Feiyan was ready to speak.

"Shut up, you bastard!"

Zhao Houcai was furious.

If it weren't for this evil person's nonsense, how could they have met Jiang Shi?

Sooner or later, I will be killed by this evil obstacle!

Zhao Feiyan was immediately frightened and shut up, showing her grievance.

The news spread quickly, and other people in the world who went to the mountains to hunt for treasures were soon alerted by the news here.

I don't know how many people in the world were watching from a distance, showing surprise.

"What happened then? Isn't that the people gathered in Langkou Valley? I heard that they responded to the call of [Hengzhou Wang Family] and prepared to go into the mountains to look for bandits. Why were they brought out by a young man?"

"Hey, the elder of [Hengzhou Wang Family] is missing?"

"It is said that several other elders of [Hengzhou Wang Family] were killed by a strange young man. Could it be him?"


Jiang Shi looked at the crowd, laughed, and shouted: "Everyone, I am the Great Sage Qitian Jiang Shi, who is now the martial arts leader of this group of people. If you want to join me, Jiang Shi, you can come together and eat big from now on." Meat and a big bowl of wine to keep you happy!"


People in the distance were in an uproar and looked shocked.

Martial arts leader?

How dare this kid?

"Did he also kill the second elder, third elder, and fourth elder of the Wang family in Hengzhou?"

Many people gasped.

Many people boldly went to the valley to check it out.

This sight was indeed frightening.

"Something happened. All three elders of the Wang family in Hengzhou died tragically!"

"It was that young man who did it again. That young man calls himself the Monkey King!"

"What Monkey King? He is the Mad Demon King Jiang Shi. He is the Mad Demon King Jiang Shi who committed countless murders in Fengzhou!"

The news broke out all of a sudden, causing countless people in the world to discuss and be shocked.

And soon, Jiang Shi received feedback on his reputation.

He stared at the panel in front of him and saw that the reputation value began to increase slightly again.

He knew that this was just an appetizer. It usually improved slowly at the beginning, got faster as it went on, and then slowed down again.

He's looking forward to how much better he can improve this time.

Now I have finally made up my mind to go all out, but don't tell him that he doesn't have many points at all. If that happens, it will be a big loss.

The news spread throughout the forest and spread quickly.


In a dense forest.

The homing pigeon flew by, making a cooing sound, and landed in the hands of a woman wearing a green dress and a green mask. Her white jade hands gently took off a note from the pigeon's leg. She glanced at it and casually Crush the note into pieces.

"The young man named Jiang Shi actually appeared again. He was surrounded by a large number of people from all walks of life, preparing to become the leader of the martial arts alliance. He also killed several elders of [Hengzhou Wang Family]. It's really interesting."

The woman in green gave out a clear laughter like an oriole.

"What should we do? Should we inform the Kunshan Long family and the Longxi Zhang family of the news now?"

A man in green clothes next to him asked.

"Of course we have to inform. Our Qingyi House is in the business of selling information. The Kunshan Long family and the Longxi Zhang family have bought information about Jiangshi from us. Now that the news has come out, how can we not inform our employers?"

The woman in green said calmly.


The man in green clothes beside him nodded immediately, and disappeared in a flash.

"Jiang Shi, an outer disciple from a small Taoist temple, can achieve such achievements so quickly. Even if he is born as a Vajra, it will take time. Therefore, this person probably has secrets that we don't know about."

The woman in green showed a slight smile and said: "Shake out his details, and I will let the quacks in this forest be the first to cause chaos!"


Another man in green clothes next to him moved quickly and disappeared.

In addition to the superficial business of selling information, their Qingyi Tower also has another mission, which is to control the world.

Behind any major event, their traces are almost inevitable.

As the saying goes: The world is in my hands, only I am the Daxuan Qingyi Tower!

The woman in green showed a leisurely smile, looking like she was in control.


As expected, the whole forest quickly became chaotic.

News spread quickly.

The first is the news that Jiang Shi is a born King Kong. It has been suspected before and has never been confirmed. This time it was directly confirmed by Qingyi Tower, which shocked countless people.

Is there really a second King Kong born?

This thing was shaking rapidly like thunder.

Secondly, the origin of Jiang Shi was also revealed directly.

It turns out that this evil star came from Huangzhou. He was originally an outer disciple of a small Taoist temple in Huangzhou [Zhenwu Temple]. He was later captured by Yang Hongtian and entered the Red Flame Army. After that, he made many military exploits in the Red Flame Army, but in the decisive battle At the critical moment, he defected from the Red Flame Army, causing the Red Flame Army to return in defeat...

After that, Jiang Shi fled to Fengzhou and did all kinds of great things in Fengzhou...

Every detail was dug out very clearly.

Countless people were shocked.

Many people even directly scolded Zhenwu Guan.

If Zhenwu Temple had not cultivated such a monster, the world would not be in such chaos, and their relatives and friends would not be captured by Jiang Shi.

For a time, many people pointed the finger at Zhenwu Temple, eager to find out the people of Zhenwu Temple immediately.


The news soon reached the ears of Jiang Shi in the village, causing Jiang Shi to frown and his face instantly darkened.

He has always kept the matter of his being a disciple of Zhenwu Guan a secret for fear of being known by others, in order to prevent Zhenwu Guan from being implicated by him.

But now someone actually took the initiative to reveal his origins and investigated himself thoroughly! It’s spread everywhere!

Simply looking for death!

Once his enemies take action against Zhenwu Temple, none of the Taoist priests in Zhenwu Temple will be alive!

"Do you know where all this news comes from?"

Jiang Shi summoned Ding Jian, Iron-Fisted Monk, and Xiang Hui to inquire gloomily.

The three Martial Saint-level masters looked at each other, and finally Ding braced himself and said: "The one with the most detailed information in the world is the famous Qingyi Tower of the Daxuan Dynasty, and about this treasure, There are indeed experts coming from Tsing Yi Building..."

"Qingyi Tower!"

Jiang Shi frowned and said, "I'm not at odds with them, but they dare to trick me! They're looking for death!"

Ding Jian smiled bitterly and said: "For the sake of profit, there is nothing that cannot be sold in Qingyi House. Moreover, this force is extremely ambitious. It is said that there is more than one aristocratic family behind the scenes. They have always been in control of the world. They will be involved in almost any major event. Figure."


Jiang Shi narrowed his eyes and suddenly said in a cold voice: "Have you spread the news that you were asked to spread?"

"Passed it, passed it."

The three people spoke quickly.

"Report, Great Sage, a large group of bandits are coming outside."

A person from the Jianghu community quickly ran over.

"Let them in!"

Jiang Shi spoke.

"Yes, Great Sage!"

The martial artist immediately retreated.

Jiang Shi quickly stood up and walked directly outside.


In the vast forest.

Blood was everywhere, corpses were lying everywhere, accompanied by waves of flying sand and rocks, and strong winds howling, as if some terrifying beast was raging.

In the middle of the field, there were constant bursts of screams.

The people in the world were being killed quickly, and each corpse was too horrific to look at. There were no intact bodies after being chopped apart, and blood from the internal organs was splattered everywhere.

The culprit who caused all these tragedies was a tall, terrifying giant, more than four meters tall, with thick black hair all over his body. He was holding an ax the size of a door panel, with a ferocious smile on his face, and was killing crazily.

If there are any acquaintances here, they will definitely be shocked to find that those he killed were not ordinary people, but some remnants of the Great Dragon Holy Dynasty.

Each cultivation level is strong, and they are basically among the martial saints.

But at this moment, in this person's hands, there is simply no resistance.

"The Great Holy Dynasty will never die!"

After the last Martial Saint-level master was hacked to death, he made a difficult sound and died completely.

"Immortal? Hehehehe..."

The black-haired giant had a rough voice and bursts of wild laughter as he said, "I want all of you to die. No one from the dragon's remnant can escape!"

"General, there's news!"

An Iron Shura wearing iron armor quickly rushed over and handed a letter into his hands.

The black-haired giant looked impatient, stretched out his huge palm, grabbed the letter, and quickly browsed it.

"The bandits gathered together and wanted to be the leader of the martial arts alliance. They are looking for death! Huh? The second innate Vajra!"

His eyes narrowed severely, as if he was in disbelief.

"Yes, black slave, the news came from Qingyi Tower, it is very likely to be true."

Suddenly, not far away, a middle-aged man wearing a Confucian shirt walked over with his hands behind his back. His voice was calm, he looked at the black-haired giant in front of him and said, "Whether it is true or not, this is a talent. I Be prepared to send someone to arrest this person immediately. Such talents must be included in the army, so as not to be considered a waste!"

"Zhao'an again? What does Zhao'an mean?"

The black-haired giant showed a cruel smile on his face. He clenched his palm and smashed the letter in his palm to pieces. He chuckled and said, "I would like to learn it myself and see if he is really born with Vajra, hahaha..."

Dragging a huge axe, he walked forward, preparing to gather men and horses to level the stronghold.

The middle-aged scribe's expression changed and he shouted: "Black slaves, don't mess around!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the black-haired giant, and he suddenly turned around and struck with a bang. With a bang, the air wave erupted, like a volcano erupting. The whole ground shook violently. Countless gravels flew everywhere. The terrifying ax blade was almost only a few meters away from the middle-aged scribe. centimeters away.

The middle-aged scribe was suddenly startled and broke into a cold sweat. He was frightened, angry, and trembling with rage.


"Hehehe, Mr. Wen, before the Governor leaves, please hand over the command to me!"

The black-haired giant looked at the middle-aged scribe with a ferocious smile on his face, and said: "So, just do your part, and let me do the rest. Only by fighting can you know whether a Vajra is born. If it is not a Vajra, even if it is not An, it’s just a waste, are you right? Hahaha...!"

He pulled out the axe, turned around, and continued walking forward.

"Damn it, this monster is acting arrogantly again!"

The middle-aged scribe's face changed, he cursed in his heart, and quickly chased after him.

"The whole army must pull out the camp and crush Heiyun Village for me!"

The black-haired giant roared.

With a bang, the five hundred Iron Shura and thousands of Hengzhou troops all started to take action.


In the village.

Gongsun Yi saw Jiang Shi again with a complicated look on his face, his heart was in turmoil and he couldn't believe it.

After not seeing each other for a month, this guy's strength has indeed improved a lot.

More importantly, is he crazy now? Want to be the leader of the martial arts alliance?

I saw that apricot-yellow flags had been erected in the village, with words such as "Leader of the Wulin Alliance", "Great Sage Equaling Heaven" and "Practice for Heaven" written on them.

Gongsun Yi felt that it was better not to come back.

This guy is making more and more noise.

Moreover, he actually killed people from the Long family in Kunshan and the Zhang family in Longxi. Once they find him, the entire village will probably die.

"Gongsun Yi, how are you? Is my village okay?"

Jiang Shi said with a smile.

"The boss...isn't this...not good?"

Gongsun Yi said bravely.

"I think it's good, you just come to manage the village for me!"

Jiang Shi spoke calmly, looking towards the panel.

One day passed.

Things turned out exactly as he expected.

The reputation value column increased from 6200 to 7200.

And this is not all, it is still slowly improving.

"But this..."

Gongsun Yi's expression changed, and he wanted to speak again, but he heard a roar and was interrupted by an extremely violent movement.

An extremely huge boulder seemed to have been thrown by someone, and it hit the inside from outside the village.

The rock was so big that it was like a door panel, smashing into the village door and slamming into the inside.

A large number of Jianghu people and bandits showed fear and fled one after another.

But there were still people who were directly hit to death by this terrifying boulder.

"Hahaha... What a natural king, your black grandpa is here to meet you!"

An unusually ear-splitting sound of laughter spread directly from outside, and an extremely terrifying black-haired giant was seen, carrying a huge axe, striding towards this side.


It’s the beginning of the month!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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