My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 122 Thunderous Means! !

Jiang Shi climbed onto the demon horse and galloped directly into the distance.

There was chaos in the tavern, everyone looked horrified and fled in all directions.

Some people rushed to the Yamen immediately, preparing to report to the official.

Zhao Houcai was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat. He reacted instantly and quickly called his apprentice and daughter to run away.

What the hell!

Every time he comes out, he meets Jiang Shi.

Every time you meet him, you will encounter a murder!

How evil!

Sometimes he really wants to find an eminent monk to sort things out for him, otherwise, why would this happen to him every time?

This Jiang Shi is now rushing to Zuixian Tower. He knows without asking that he will probably go on a killing spree.

Now that so many people see Jiang Shi with them, once they are implicated, disaster will inevitably occur.

The disciples and daughters around him all trembled and hurriedly left with Zhao Houcai.


Sunset dusk.

The sunset dyed the horizon golden, like clouds burning on fire.

The entire Zuixian Tower was already lively and resplendent. The outside was lit with lanterns and the inside was filled with dignitaries. There was a lot of noise and discussion.

There are even more people coming from afar.

Without exception, they are all well-known wealthy businessmen and dignitaries in Pingzhou, and there are also a large number of famous people in the world.

"The leader of the Sanhe Gang is here!"

"The master of the Iron Sword Sect has arrived!"

"The old master of Jinyang Wuguan has arrived!"


One voice after another kept ringing out, causing people from all directions to watch the excitement, and all kinds of comments kept coming out.

Today, the lord of Xuanyang City, Taiwei Pingzhou, invited the general soldier. He really invited all the famous people in the world of Pingzhou.

Many are legendary characters.

"The old master of Jinyang Martial Arts Temple has been a Martial Saint for a long time, right?"

"That's natural. There is also the old leader of the Wenxin Sword Sect. It is said that he is already a Martial Saint..."

Many people were speechless.

The entire area outside Zuixian Tower was filled with arresters, all of them with majestic faces and lightning-like eyes, looking in all directions, full of vigilance.

Another moment passed.

Finally, no one kept coming.

A group of catchers immediately began to move quickly and surrounded the entire Zuixian Tower. Not even a bird could fly in.

On the third floor of the restaurant.


Yang Hongtian, who was dressed in green robes and armor, spoke loudly, stood up from his seat, holding a wine glass in his hand, and said: "How virtuous and capable I am, how can I be transferred from the bitter and cold land of the barren state to the land of Pingzhou, and I will govern Pingzhou from now on?" , I have to rely a lot on your contribution. It is really a great honor for me to have you here today..."

"You're welcome, Mr. Yang."

"Yeah, you're welcome."

Many wealthy families and people from all walks of life stood up to congratulate him, and it was a lively scene.



On the spacious street.

A huge black demon horse, with its hooves spread out, carrying a skinny young man, rushed here quickly, clattering, attracting the attention of many people in the world.


"Stop quickly, this building is reserved by my family today, and no one is allowed to approach it!"

The expressions of a group of catchers changed, and with a sharp shout, they quickly jumped over and landed at the front of the road, blocking Jiang Shi's horse.

They were secretly shocked and looked at this giant horse that obviously looked weird.

Is he a monster?

How did this young man come to ride on a monster?

"Is Mr. Yang in there now? I have something to do with him. By the way, is your Dugu arrester here? I also have something to do with him."

Jiang Shi spoke.

"You... young hero, do you have an invitation letter?"

A young detective asked.


Jiang Shi shook his head.

"Without an invitation letter, you can't enter, so please leave quickly!"

said the detective.

"Does it have to be an invitation? Forget it, I'll just barge in."

Not wanting to waste any more time, Jiang Shi drove his horse and rushed forward.

"Boy, stop it!"


The expressions of a group of detectives changed and they hurriedly grabbed the horses. As a result, they were hit by the monster horse, and they were all sent flying around, screaming in agony.

The police officers from other directions rushed here in a hurry.

"King Tou, someone is making trouble!"

"How dare you. Where did you come from? If you dare to cause trouble here, get out of here!"

A head catcher with a beard and a beard who was at the tenth level of Jinjin had a furious expression and jumped over. He was feeling unhappy that Mr. Yang didn't invite him. Now he saw someone who dared to do whatever he wanted. You can imagine how angry they are when they come to cause trouble.

With a roar, the beard-bearded catcher jumped up, grabbed hold of Jiang Shi's shoulder with his big hand, roaring with energy, and came up to grab Jiang Shi's shoulder hard.

As a result, Jiang Shi caught him with his backhand, clasped his arm, laughed loudly, turned around, and threw him towards the Zuixian Tower in front of him as if he were a hidden weapon.

The hunter with the beard let out a scream of terror and immediately flew past uncontrollably. With a bang, the entire third floor wall exploded.

The whole restaurant was in chaos.

After Jiang Shi threw the opponent, he slapped the horse's back with both hands, and his whole body instantly jumped up from the horse's back, leaping to the third floor. Following the opening he had just been knocked out, he landed on the third floor on the spot. Standing on the table, he laughed and said: "General Yang, Dugu Captou, I'm here to find you!"

The entire third floor was in an uproar.

All the people present in the arena showed angry expressions and started to protest.


"Whose sect are you? How dare you mess around here!"

"It's just a matter of life and death!"

A series of angry shouts sounded out one after another.

In the eyes of all the people in Pingzhou, Jiang Shi's move was almost like seeking death.

After all, they have never met Jiang Shi, and they don't know his deeds. Even if a young man practices from his mother's womb, how far can he practice?

"Jiang Shi!"

Yang Hongtian's pupils shrank, the hair on his body stood up instantly, and he subconsciously stepped back, he couldn't believe it in his heart.

Did he meet Jiang Shi?

How can this be?

Why is this guy here?

Unlike the people from Pingzhou who lived in peaceful areas all year round, he was transferred from Huangzhou, but he knew Jiang Shi's record very clearly.

Not to mention the various deeds he did in Fengzhou next door, the things he did in Hengzhou alone are enough to shock people.

Because Jiang Shi has a real record of killing old monsters for blood exchanges!

"Jiang Shi, what are you going to do? Do you want to assassinate me? Have you forgotten that I still have a favor for you?"

Yang Hongtian's face turned fierce and he shouted quickly.

"The favor of support? Hahaha..."

Jiang Shi laughed loudly and said: "General Yang, I will never forget how you treated me in your military camp? But don't worry, I don't have to use too much force today, I will remove you from three Throw it down gently, if you can survive, all grudges between us will be settled!"


Yang Hongtian was shocked and angry. He quickly looked at the people on both sides and shouted: "Which hero is willing to defeat the thief for me?"

"Commander, don't panic. There are so many good guys here today. How can we let him mess around? Boy, I don't care what your name is. You have committed a heinous crime today. I will arrest you immediately. I can still spare your life. Otherwise, I will provoke you." If you make everyone furious, you will definitely die without a burial place!"

Suddenly, a middle-aged man in red official uniform slapped the table and shouted, full of anger.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Shi raised his eyebrows.

"I am the lord of Xuanyang City!"

The middle-aged man shouted.

"I see, your son was just killed by me, I will send you to see your son right now!"

Jiang Shi spoke.


Xuanyang City Lord's eyes widened, and he shouted quickly: "Quick, do it, catch him at all costs, do it!"

Everyone in the restaurant roared angrily and immediately rushed towards Jiang Shi with bursts of powerful energy.

Dugu Biao, also known as Hu Biao, among the crowd, his face changed, and he sensed something was wrong. He had already begun to retreat quickly, turned around and fled into the distance.

Jiang Shi's reputation is unknown to others.

He has heard about it more or less...


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the air waves rolled, like a big earthquake, everyone was shaking violently.

Jiang Shi actually hit the entire restaurant floor with a stick.

The terrifying and unpredictable unparalleled force bombarded out, causing the entire huge floor to shake violently, and countless thick cracks appeared. Then the floor on the third floor began to collapse on the spot, slamming into the second floor area.

Many people in the world and wealthy aristocrats on the second floor exclaimed and jumped out of the window desperately.

There was a loud bang, and the entire third floor floor pressed hard against the second floor floor. The powerful and terrifying pressure came, causing the entire second floor floor to begin to shake violently.

Then there was another thud, and the entire second floor floor began to shake violently. Countless huge cracks appeared, and they were pressed from the second floor to the first floor.

Everyone was screaming in panic and running away outside at all costs.

But some people were still unable to escape, and were crushed to death by the falling floorboards, making a loud banging noise.


Jiang Shi landed on the first floor, his voice was loud, and he continued to laugh loudly.

All the people in the world showed deep shock and couldn't believe their eyes.

Martial Saint?

Is this young man a martial saint?

"Ignorant young man, please stop being so arrogant!!"

A white-haired old owner, with a flushed face, shouted angrily, and suddenly jumped out of the crowd, trembling with anger and feeling deeply humiliated.

There were so many heroes and heroes present today, but they were actually made a scene by a mere boy!

If it is spread out, where is the face?

"Old Master Jin, I'm here to help you!"

Another angry shout came out, and a second old man jumped out immediately. He was tall and broad-shouldered. He was holding a black long sword in his hand, and the scabbard was engraved with patterns.

It is none other than the old leader of the Wenxin Sword Sect, Wentian Sword Wu Ming!

"Two old seniors, capture this person quickly and don't let him run rampant!"

As soon as Yang Hongtian saw someone jumping out, he quickly screamed in panic and evacuated quickly towards the rear.

This Jiang Shi is crazy and is really here to assassinate him!

"Brother Wu, let's do it together!"

Old Pavilion Master Jin roared angrily, his whole body surged with energy, and his body suddenly rushed forward.

The old leader of the Wenxin Sword Sect beside him also gave a sharp shout, unsheathed his sword, and rushed towards Jiang Shi.

Jiang Shi frowned, and without any politeness, he swung the mace and hit the old hall master Jin and Wu Ming hard.

With the strength of these two first-level martial saints, it was almost like giving food to Jiang Shi.

boom! boom!

Two muffled sounds were heard, blood splattered, and corpses flew everywhere.

Almost as soon as they met, the two famous seniors were beaten to a pulp by Jiang Shi and shot out at an even more terrifying speed.

The terrifying scene made everyone's eyes widen with fright, and they almost suspected that they were dreaming.

Even the Xuanyang City Lord almost had his jaw dropped.

"Yang Hongtian, Dugu Biao! I came here specially for you, do you still want to leave?"

Jiang Shi laughed, jumped up, and jumped towards Dugu Biao first.

Dugu Biao was horrified. He originally wanted to leave secretly, but was knocked off the floor by Jiang Shi. He was hit hard from the third floor and was almost pinned by the floor. He finally stabilized himself and tried to escape again, but was knocked down by Jiang Shi. Zi stopped in front of him.

He hurriedly backed away, showing fear: "Jiang Shi, I have no grievances with you in the past, and we have no grievances recently. Why do you want to feel sorry for me?"

"Why? Of course it's because someone asked me to get rid of you, so I'm sorry."

Jiang Shi rushed over at once.

Dugu Biao roared angrily, unwilling to wait for death, and quickly threw dozens of hidden weapons. At the same time, his whole body began to explode with anger, and his veins popped out, growing in size.


Jiang Shi hit him with a stick and beat him to mud on the spot, leaving him stuck on the ground until he died.

After dealing with Lonely Biao, he rushed out again, blocking Yang Hongtian's path with a big smile on his face.

"General Yang, it's been a long time since I last saw you. I miss you so much!"

"You...Jiang Shi, you have forgotten how I treated you back then. If I hadn't been kind to you, how could you be here today?"

Yang Hongtian showed fear and spoke quickly.

"Of course I haven't forgotten. You asked Zhang Shan to target me secretly, and you asked Xia Longhai to keep an eye on me, and you forced me to disband [Zhenwu Temple] directly. Mr. Yang, I was very nervous when I was working under you, but Don't be afraid. I said I only need to throw you lightly. Unfortunately, I destroyed the Zuixian Tower. So, let me throw you somewhere else. If you can still survive, let's Let's clear up all the grudges."

Jiang Shi showed a rich smile and grabbed it with his palm.

Yang Hongtian quickly retreated, but Jiang Shi still grabbed his arm and swung it suddenly. Yang Hongtian's body was like a roller coaster. He screamed and was thrown vertically three to four hundred meters high by Jiang Shi.

Even though Yang Hongtian was a Martial Saint, he still couldn't fly in the air after all. He was thrown three to four hundred meters away. He was so frightened that his soul almost fell apart. He screamed in terror and moved around with all his strength.

But it had no effect at all. His body was like a terrifying meteor, hitting the ground harder and faster, faster and harder.

With a bang, the entire ground shook violently, blood splattered, the sound was fierce, and a deep crater was created in the ground.

Jiang Shi couldn't help but glance into the deep pit, he was speechless, and shouted: "General Yang, are you okay?"

There was dead silence in the entire pit, without any response.

If you look carefully, wherever there is trace of Yang Hongtian, it has long been turned into mud.

"what a pity."

Jiang Shi sighed softly and turned to look at the others, which made all the people in the world tremble in fear.

His eyes suddenly fell on the Xuanyang City Lord, and he said with a smile: "By the way, Lord City Lord, your son was just killed by me, do you still want to take revenge?"

"No, I won't take revenge. I have twenty-six sons in total. You can kill them as you please. I'm still young and I can still regenerate. Don't kill me!"

The Lord of Xuanyang City was extremely frightened and spoke quickly.

"You are quite sensible."

Jiang Shi laughed, immediately shouldered the mace, turned and walked away, landed on the horse, and quickly walked away, saying: "If you want revenge, you can come to me at any time!"

The Lord of Xuanyang City was so frightened that he was sweating coldly, his face turned pale, and his whole body went limp, as if he had collapsed.


Asking for a monthly ticket! !

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