My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 163 The terrible Meng Fang! !

The air in front of him was billowing and bloody.

Broken limbs and broken bodies were everywhere on the ground.

Jiang Shi's body was tall and terrifying, his skin was red and exuding hot air waves. He raised his head and looked at the black tiger high in the sky.

The huge black tiger showed a look of surprise, looking down at the humans below, feeling a wave of horror in his heart.

No matter what, I didn't expect this new guy to be so scary!

Killing all its followers so easily.

The key is that there is not a trace of injury left on the body.

The black tiger showed anger, wandered in the air, let out a low roar, and kept provoking Jiang Shi with its two wings, but it knew that with its strength, it was impossible to do anything to Jiang Shi.

But it would be extremely unwilling to evacuate at this point.

Suddenly, it noticed a black demon horse, with a cold and sinister smile in its eyes. It hovered in the air and pounced directly on the demon horse.

However, just as it swooped down, Jiang Shi frowned, and the entire thick shield instantly rose into the sky and shot hard at the black tiger.

The black tiger was extremely flexible. He flipped around and quickly dodged the shield. He smiled evilly and continued to attack the big demon horse fiercely.


The big demon horse neighed and was so frightened that it quickly let go and fled towards Jiang Shi.

Jiang Shi's eyes turned cold and he rushed over in an instant.


He leapt forward, his legs exploded, causing the ground to collapse and explode. He rose directly into the sky and punched the huge black tiger hard.

As soon as the black tiger saw the river stone rising into the sky, the black tiger was overjoyed. Knowing that it was its home court in the air, it immediately pounced on the river stone and bit it fiercely.

But he didn't expect that he would immediately feel the immense power on Jiang Shi's body as soon as he pounced, as if this was not a person at all, but a terrifying giant mountain.

As soon as they met, its other claw was also smashed off, and its body was about to dodge and rush higher, but it didn't expect Jiang Shi to raise his palm and strike.


An extremely terrifying air wave instantly erupted from Jiang Shi's palm, like a terrifying air cannon erupting. The indestructible power was like a spiral steel torrent, passing directly through half of Black Tiger's body.


The huge black tiger let out a harsh and painful roar, and the sound echoed throughout the air. The huge body could no longer hold back and fell hard from the sky.

The left half of the body was a mess of blood and flesh, and the wings behind him exploded, falling from a high altitude with a loud bang and extremely painful.

Jiang Shi fell to the ground immediately and looked at the huge black tiger.

The black tiger trembled and looked at Jiang Shi in horror. He let out a low roar and begged for mercy, but it was in vain. Jiang Shi followed up with another slap.

The black tiger could no longer bear it. It flew across the spot and crashed into the distance, killing it completely.

The big demon horse neighed excitedly, and immediately took four hooves and rushed towards the black tiger. It made a proud sound, opened its mouth, bit the black tiger's body directly, shook it hard, and started to eat.


Jiang Shi walked over.

"It's in chaos. This Daxuan is completely in chaos. The monsters are going south and the Northern Zhou Dynasty is invading. An extremely terrible accident is about to happen. We will all be the sinners of history."

Chen Xuantian sighed, his chest heaved violently, and his physical strength was almost exhausted.

"I don't know if I offend others or not. It doesn't matter to me whether it's Northern Zhou or Daxuan. As long as I don't provoke her, why does it matter what he does? Are the Daxuan family good people? I don't think so. Along the way, I have encountered countless pursuits, and they still want to kill me, so whether it is Northern Zhou or Daxuan, they are all the same in my eyes. As long as they can govern the world, who will be in power? Isn't it the right person?"

Jiang Shi spoke.


Chen Xuantian was surprised and looked at Jiang Shi.

It seemed that he didn't expect these words to come out of his mouth.

After a moment, he sighed softly and said: "Maybe what you said makes sense. I am old and don't have much time left. No matter what happens in the future, I, the Black Lotus Sect, have tried my best. I just hope that I can be left with a path in the future." "

"Leader, don't think too much, just go back first."

Jiang Shi spoke.

The powerful enemies of the Northern Zhou Dynasty will not give up, and there will probably be pursuers in the future.

Although he is not afraid, he does not want to wait for trouble to come.


Chen Xuantian nodded.

Next, Jiang Shi asked Chen Xuantian to get on his big demon horse, while he carried a giant shield and walked on foot to personally protect the law, while other members of the cult followed behind him.

Fortunately, we didn't encounter any crisis on the way back.

At most, they were harassed by some monsters, but they were quickly eliminated by Jiang Shi.

The big demon horse had eaten too much monster blood along the way. By the time they returned to the Black Lotus Sect, under the influence of countless monster beasts' true blood, the whole skin of the big demon horse had become completely red, like a red-hot iron. , thousands of pores are all overflowing with dark red blood, and the mouth is screaming uneasily, seeming to have a sense of confusion.

Jiang Shi looked secretly surprised.

"This big demon horse has eaten so much demon beast true blood, won't it explode and die?"

"I don't think it's necessarily an explosion. It seems to be undergoing a transformation."

Chen Xuantian said in a condensed voice.


"Yes, if it goes well, I'm afraid it will have to advance to another level!"

Chen Xuantian said.


Jiang Shi suddenly showed a look of surprise and smiled, "I'll take it down right away so that no one can disturb it."

"Well, I will continue to inquire about the news outside in the past two days. I hope it won't be too bad."

Chen Xuantian responded.


Time passed.

The entire Daxuan land was turbulent and turbulent. A series of major events occurred. All the families suffered heavy losses and almost fell into the most dangerous situation in history.

The masters of the Changsheng Sect of the Northern Zhou Dynasty combined with the strong men of other tribes, like a violent tornado, swept directly through the land of Daxuan, and many aristocratic families were mercilessly destroyed by them.

The heads of each family, as well as the most outstanding heirs, died tragically one by one.

The most powerful of the five major alliances, Taiyuan Zhou Clan, Quzhou Kong Clan, Supreme Holy Sect, Kunshan Long Clan, Pingzhou Cui Clan, and Luyang Wang Clan are all inevitable.

During this terrible turmoil, Zhou Tianxiong, the old head of the Zhou family in Taiyuan, was seriously injured. He vomited blood and fled, and was almost killed. The family's strongest genius, Zhou Yuanlong, the Qilin son of the Zhou family, who has always been praised as comparable to Meng Fang, was killed by the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Wu Qi, one of the top ten masters of the Immortality Cult, had his internal organs shattered within thirty moves and died suddenly on the spot.

The two supreme elders of the Supreme Holy Religion, both of whom were masters of the ninth blood exchange, all died tragically in this disaster.

The strongest genius in the sect, Nalan Fengyun, who was as famous as Zhou Yuanlong, was besieged by the powerful enemies of the Northern Zhou Dynasty almost as soon as he came out of seclusion and before he could really show off his skills. His body was cut into five sections, which was too horrible to watch.

The Kunshan Long family, Pingzhou Cui family, and Luyang Wang family were all even more miserable.

In particular, the old head of the Kunshan Long clan was chased by a group of powerful men from the Northern Zhou Dynasty and forced to jump off a cliff. His life and death are still unknown. The huge Long clan all fled and were completely destroyed overnight.

Among the many strengths, only Kong suffered little loss.

On the day when the powerful enemies of the Northern Zhou Dynasty attacked, the Kong family defected to the longevity religion of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and personally led the masters of the longevity religion all the way south to defeat the enemy crazily.

For a time, it directly became the pioneer camp of the Immortality Sect.

As for the original five major alliance leaders.

The leader of the Yiyuan Alliance, Yun Feiyang, fought against sixteen masters of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and violently killed thirteen people. In the end, he was personally pursued by the high priest of the Northern Zhou Dynasty who came over. He fled all the way to the north of the grassland and has not seen a trace to this day.

Bai Batian, leader of the Liangyi Alliance, surrendered to the enemy on the spot and became a minion of the enemy.

The whereabouts of Guo Xinghuai, the leader of the Sancai Alliance, is unknown. From the first night of the monster night attack, Guo Xinghuai disappeared directly. No one knows where he went.

Hong Tianmen, the leader of the Four Symbols Alliance, has powerful methods and great talents. In just a few days when the powerful enemies of the Northern Zhou Dynasty went south, he forcibly broke through his own realm, making his strength rise to a higher level again.

After half a month in a row, Hong Tianmen secretly hunted the powerful enemies of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. In half a month, he killed more than ten tribal chiefs, which shocked the world and caused the Northern Zhou masters to frantically search for his whereabouts. Even the Supreme Elder of the Immortality Sect was searching for his whereabouts. Show up in person and do the searching.

Ji Huan, the leader of the Five Elements Alliance, accidentally fell into Kong's plot in order to save his daughter. Kong Futian and a group of powerful enemies from the Northern Zhou Dynasty directly besieged and killed him.

But although Ji Huan was besieged and died, before his death, he was like a mad tiger. He killed two holy masters with force and tore one of Kong Futian's arms and thighs. Kong Futian was seriously injured and screamed, almost on the spot. Loss of mobility.

The other masters who besieged Ji Huan also suffered heavy losses.

In one battle, the powerful enemy lost most of them!

And amid the endless turmoil, the news about Meng Fang was finally found out.

In the battle with Jiang Shi that day, his ribs were torn apart by Jiang Shi and he was seriously injured. He had been in seclusion until he suddenly came out not long ago.

After coming out of seclusion, Meng Fang became even more terrifying, as if he had transformed into a generation of demon god. Not only did his injuries on his body recover, but his cultivation level also climbed to another level.

It reached the point of perfection after nine blood transfusions.

As soon as he came out of seclusion, Meng Fang made a strong move, killing twelve powerful enemies of the Changsheng Sect in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and found out the whereabouts of the top ten masters of the Changsheng Sect.

In just three days, two of the top ten masters were killed in succession.

The achievements shocked the world.

Countless Northern Zhou masters were in an uproar and were shocked and angry. More people went to encircle and suppress Meng Fang, but Meng Fang was so powerful and invincible that even the masters of the first level of the Holy Spirit were killed by him.

For a time, almost all the eyes of the powerful enemies of the Northern Zhou Dynasty fell on Meng Fang, and various tribes almost swarmed out under the leadership of the Changsheng Cult.

It's a pity that Meng Fang was unable to defeat four hands with two fists.

After seven or eight days of fighting, he was besieged in Sunset Ridge by thousands of powerful enemies from the Northern Zhou Dynasty, together with some aristocratic families who had defected to the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

That day, the sky was dark and the sun was setting.

The sky was blood red for most of the day.

The cold wind was blowing, and the huge Sunset Ridge was full of corpses, almost completely stained red with blood. Everyone showed deep fear, because all the corpses on the ground were familiar to them.

More than twenty of the seventy-two tribe chiefs died.

Five of the top ten masters of the Immortality Sect died, plus the two who were killed by Meng Fang before, seven more died.

There are more than ten other masters who have exchanged blood eight or nine times, including four Holy Spirit-level masters.

The terrible record once chilled everyone's heart.

But today they finally blocked this powerful enemy in Sunset Ridge. After seven or eight days of fierce fighting, even the natural King Kong was almost exhausted.

At this moment, Meng Fang was covered in blood and breathing heavily. He was holding a gold-plated phoenix wing that had completely turned into blood in his hand. There was a trace of exhaustion in his eyes. He looked at the dark enemy in front of him and felt deeply helpless.

“Sure enough, if you don’t enter into the Holy Spirit, it’s not enough after all. It’s not enough...”

"Meng Fang, you are about to die and you still haven't put down your weapon!"

"Meng Fang, put down your weapons and join the Immortality Cult. The Immortality Cult will make you immortal!"

"Yes, join the Immortality Sect!"

Many people shouted.

But Meng Fang didn't pay any attention to it. Instead, he slowly touched his arms with his palms. As a result, this action alone scared thousands of strong enemies to retreat, all of them extremely frightened.

However, Meng Fang slowly took out a green jade pendant and used his remaining strength to pour into the jade pendant.

When everyone saw that it was a jade pendant, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't hesitate, everyone. He is unwilling to join the Immortality Cult. Let's chop up his flesh with knives and kill him without giving him a chance to recover!"

Someone screamed in panic.

When everyone reacted, they immediately shouted kill and rushed forward in a black mass.

But at this moment, a harsh crane roar came from high in the sky, and an extremely huge white crane emerged, with two old men with white hair and white beards standing on it. Their breath was powerful and suppressed the entire audience.

"Boy Meng, have you finally figured it out?"

One of the old men smiled.

"Now that you've figured it out, come with us."

Another old man also chuckled and rolled up Meng Fang with a flick of his sleeve.

"Who is it? Leave Meng Fang behind!"

"Stay Meng Fang!"

Countless people shouted.

However, the two old men ignored it and urged Bai He to move away from this place immediately.

The entire Sunset Ridge was filled with cold wind, and the blood was pungent to the nostrils. Countless people were left in anger, shouting to the sky, their voices shrill and agitated.

It's a shame that they paid such a heavy price and didn't leave Meng Fang behind!

Even more than 20 of the 72 tribal chiefs died...

"Natural King Kong is too terrifying. We must not allow any Natural King Kong to grow!"

Someone screamed in horror.

In today's battle, there were countless corpses, and all those who died were blood transfusion experts. The price they paid was simply unimaginable.

And this was all done by just one person, Meng Fang!

Meng Fang wiped out half of their backbone with his own efforts!

The Northern Zhou Dynasty was almost half-wasted!

"I know that Daxuan still has a natural King Kong. He is still growing and has not yet matured. If you want to kill him, you must kill him!"

Someone screamed in fear.

It was completely a psychological shadow left by being fooled.

If another monster like this appears, will Northern Zhou survive?

"Jiang Shi, the second born Vajra is the Black Lotus Sect Jiang Shi. He was born more than ten years later than Meng Fang. Now is definitely the best time to kill him!"

"Yes, kill Jiang Shi!"

Many people screamed in panic.


The pursuit setting is getting lower and lower, and the jumping setting is getting more and more.

It is written that it is getting more and more~~

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