My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 200 The fourth return to the ancestors! !

A brutal battle!

Participate in the fierce battle like never before!

The entire main line of the Jinling Sect suffered extremely severe damage.

This is true whether inside or outside the palace.

The battle in the hall had already heated up, and the terrifying fluctuations tore the entire hall apart.

A group of figures all came out and moved towards the distance, causing the heaven and earth to crack and light to sweep across.

Jiang Shi on the square was also not relaxed, covered in blood, Guiyuan and King Kong's talents were activated at all times, white light flashed, and he broke out all the way into the distance.

Too many people died at his hands.

No matter what kind of genius or wizard you are, almost after you rushed over, you were taken out by Jiang Shi's palm and torn apart without even launching a few moves.

His strength is unparalleled and extremely strong.

On the surface, it is the third return of the Holy Spirit, but the actual combat power is already equivalent to the seventh time of the Holy Spirit.

With his extremely powerful body, it is difficult for the second generation elders and disciples of the Jinling Sect to be his opponents.

Fighting alone, no one can threaten him.

Even if everyone formed a large formation, it would be difficult to kill Jiang Shi.

White light surged from his body, and no matter how serious the injuries were, they were healing quickly.

"This beast is difficult to kill, quickly complete the nine-turn reincarnation formation!!"

One of the main lineage elders roared suddenly, his beard and hair flying, and all the energy in his body was surging wildly.

Strong men from all directions immediately began to act quickly, with stern expressions on their faces, and their hands forming seals, forming an extremely terrifying formation.

Pieces of forest-white light emitted from them, rushed high into the sky, and quickly gathered together to form an extremely huge white figure.

This white figure stood tall and tall, like a mountain, with a terrifying aura. He raised a big hand and smashed Jiang Shi's body directly.

Jiang Shi waved the Heaven-Destroying Hand, stirring up the heavenly phenomena. His arm was black, and he blasted directly towards the huge figure. With a thud, the sounds from both sides were deafening, and the entire square was shattering.

Jiang Shi didn't dare to stay too long. After one move, he returned to his original state while taking actual lightning steps, and flew towards the distance at high speed.


The main lineage elder shouted angrily.

The remaining masters are all rushing out quickly.



Broken weapons!

The entire main line of the Jinling Sect was miserable, and there was roaring everywhere.

No one could see the battle between the sect leader and Yuan Fuhai, but the battle between Jiang Shi and a group of elders from the main line made everyone look horrified and in disbelief.

Because Jiang Shi's combat prowess had already exceeded their imagination.

In their original thoughts, relying on the power of these main line elders, they should be able to kill Jiang Shi easily.

But the results were far from that.

Boom boom boom!

Sound exploded and bodies flew everywhere.

Jiang Shi relied on his absolute physical strength to smash the huge white figure into pieces, causing the people who formed the formation to spurt out blood, their faces changed drastically, and they all suffered violent backlash.

Jiang Shi also suffered severe injuries. After being knocked away, he stepped forward without stopping and rushed towards the distance at high speed.

"Junior suffers death!!"

The roar came, and two masters of the main vein appeared again, one on the left and one on the right, rushing directly towards Jiang Shi at high speed. The Nine Turns Golden Body Art was operating to the extreme, and the body became dry and thin, like a thin bamboo pole. , the body contains earth-shattering power.


Endless thunder and lightning burst out from Jiang Shi's body in an instant, and the light was so bright that it directly submerged the two main vein masters.

The two roared, and their bodies seemed to be in danger for a moment.

In the endless lightning, Jiang Shi's huge body passed through instantly, his cold eyes, one palm at a time, directly swept over the heads of the two main line masters.

boom! boom!

The sound exploded and lightning swept across.

The two powerful mainline masters flew out on the spot. Their heads were ripped open and twisted by his peerless brute force, and their bodies were smashed in the distance.

"Lao Qi Lao Ba!"

"Hurry up and chase me!"

The remaining people looked furious and continued to chase Jiang Shi at high speed.

After Jiang Shi killed the two people just now, he finally rushed all the way down the mountain.

But as soon as he rushed down the mountain, he saw countless Jinling Sect disciples at the entrance of the mountain. Their expressions changed, they shouted sharply, and rushed towards him desperately.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Jiang Shi's eyes were cold and his actions were ruthless.

Bang bang bang bang!

Corpses were flying around randomly.

Almost all the disciples who rushed over were vulnerable, and no one could stop Jiang Shi in the slightest. He rushed out brazenly. With a flash of his body, he used Lightning Step and Four Jue clones at the same time. He suddenly transformed into four, like four different directions. He rushed away at top speed and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The second elder of the main lineage, who was leading the pursuit behind him, changed his face and stopped suddenly.

"Four Jue clones? People from the Demon Sect!"

He lost his voice, and his expression soon changed. He gritted his teeth in hatred and said, "Okay, Yuan Fuhai actually colluded with the Demon Sect. This Jiang Shi is an undercover agent of the Demon Sect!"

"The Great Elder, the three young masters Yun Jia, Li Jia and Long Jia all died tragically!"

Suddenly, someone from behind turned pale, ran towards him in panic, and spoke.


The second elder of the main line looked furious and shouted, "Chase me and kill this Jiang Shi at all costs. He is poisoned and will not be able to escape far. Chase him!"

Hoo ho ho!

One by one, the strong men rushed over quickly.

But at this moment, there is no trace of Jiang Shi.


There was a commotion in Bailong City.

Like an earthquake.

When the news came out, everyone was in disbelief.

Everyone's expression changed suddenly.

Yuan Fuhai colluded with foreign enemies and betrayed the Jinling Sect. His life and death are now unknown.

Jiang Shi killed a fellow sect member and was evil-minded. He is wanted by the entire Jinling Sect?

Everyone felt stunned and incredulous.

Just a few days ago, Yuan Fuhai and Jiang Shi's reputations had just reached their peak.

As a result, just a few days later, Yuan Fuhai and Jiang Shi actually became traitors to the Jinling Sect?

This news was so big and violent that no one in the city dared to imagine it.

Everyone uses all channels to make inquiries.

The results will be sent back soon.

The crowd was in an uproar.

Everyone knows that Bailong City is going to change again.

A figure like Yuan Fuhai actually fell into trouble.

"Yeah, I knew I would get retribution, I deserve it!"

"Yuan Fuhai is extremely domineering, allowing his subordinates to kill so many people, and now he has finally killed himself."

"The same goes for Jiang Shi. During this period, he did evil things. With the support of Yuan Fuhai, he killed countless families. My cousin's whole family was all killed by Jiang Shi. Now he has finally received retribution. Hahaha, okay, okay Very good!"

"Yuan Fuhai, Jiang Shi, you also have today!"

"Xiaoer, bring me a pot of good Biluochun quickly. I'm in a good mood today!"

"What's Biluochun? I've paid for all the tea today. In addition, buy me twenty firecrackers and let me fire them as hard as I can!"


The whole city was full of joy.

There were sounds of joy in the streets and alleys.

Even if some people feel resentful, they dare not show it at all.

On this day, the city was once again violently reshuffled.

In the past, all of Yuan Fuhai's generals and confidants were cleaned and those who could be retained were retained.

After Yuan Fuhai disappeared, the entire Sea Whale Gang was leaderless and in chaos, but Yang Tiandao soon appointed Bai Tongtian as the new leader of the Sea Whale Gang.

For a moment, Bai Tongtian was high-spirited, laughing, and directly reached the pinnacle of his life.

The status of all the elders and disciples of Zuo Mai has greatly increased.

All the forces congratulated each other and gave gifts to those who deserved it. The Sea Whale Gang was filled with gongs and drums and firecrackers were blasting.

After Bai Tongtian came to power, he directly issued a series of mandatory orders and began to quickly clean up Yuan Fuhai's direct descendants. All his disciples, children, and confidants were killed without exception.

They even sent strong men to look for traces of Yuan Fuhai and Jiang Shi.

The entire Bailong City is in turmoil as a storm is coming.

However, after this battle, Jinling Gate suffered heavy damage.

The main line was brutally killed by Jiang Shi.

The several sons and grandsons of the main line Yang Tiandao all died tragically, and countless other nephews and descendants also died. Except for a few supreme elders, the main line was almost completely cut off.

After Yang Tiandao returned, seeing this result, his eyes turned red and he looked up to the sky and screamed.

This kind of loss is simply not something they can bear.

There are fault lines among young people. Once the old people like them all return to dust, the entire main line will surely decline.

This also made Yang Tiandao hate Jiang Shi.

Regardless of everything, he gave the order to find Jiang Shi.

There was a turmoil inside and outside Bailong City, and the news was shocking.


A few days later.

In the deep woods.

Jiang Shi spurted out a mouthful of blood and powerfully killed one of his pursuers again, finally getting rid of Zhui Bin completely.

He looked back and saw that there were corpses scattered in the forest, it was too horrible to see.

Pieces of blood glowed in the air.

All those who died were strong.

His face was gloomy, and his body returned to its original state quickly. He still couldn't imagine in his mind that all this had changed so quickly.

A few days ago, he had just reached his peak, and a few days later he became a lost dog.

The so-called ups and downs of life are nothing more than this.

"Crazy, this Yang Tiandao is really crazy."

Jiang Shi looked ugly.

For several days in a row, he was hunted and hunted without end.

There are not only Jinling Sect, but also Qingcheng Sect, Zisha Sect, and even some unknown sects. It can be said that a group of strange masters will rush out every moment.

If he hadn't been able to continuously return to his original state, he would have been consumed to death long ago.

The other masters were fine, but the most difficult ones were the masters of Jinlingmen themselves.

The masters of Jinling Sect are all decisive and powerful people who cultivate their physical bodies. They are terrifyingly powerful and extremely difficult to deal with.

"I wonder how the situation is with the gang leader?"

Jiang Shi panted heavily and walked quickly towards the distance while returning to Yuan.

I remember that when he broke through, he clearly saw that the main hall was torn to pieces, more than ten figures were all killed, the light swept across, and there was a huge movement, and then he had no idea what was going on behind him.

Maybe Yuan Fuhai really fell into trouble.

Or maybe he's dead.

But based on what he heard, Jiang Shi still didn't want Yuan Fuhai to die tragically.

In any case, Yuan Fuhai was sincere to him and devoted himself to cultivating him. This is definitely not a lie.

"Xuan Daozi, has my Holy Spirit Pill been refined?"

Jiang Shi quickly moved forward and asked.

"It has been cooled down and can be given to you now."

Xuan Daozi's surprised voice came from the ring, a white light flashed, and a pill like a dragon's eye quickly emerged from the ring.

Jiang Shi caught the elixir, secretly relieved in his heart, and speeded up his body again, rushing forward.

With this pill, his strength will be further improved.

I believe it won’t be long before the Holy Spirit returns to his ancestors for the fourth time!

By then his strength will inevitably undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Someone is chasing you again. Your aura is too strong. You must hide it, otherwise masters will keep coming."

Xuandaozi suddenly said.


Jiang Shi's eyes turned cold, and he glanced behind him. His talent of [Insight] unfolded. He could see for an unknown number of miles in an instant, and clearly saw several blurry figures approaching quickly.

His heart was raging, and he suddenly used the [Disguise] talent. Blackness gushed out from all over his body, his bones creaked, and he transformed directly into an ordinary person in the world. He lowered all his aura to the lowest level, and then continued to fly forward at high speed.

The people who had been chasing after him quickly lost Jiang Shi's aura. They frowned and rushed into the forest at the front, stopping next to the corpses.

"Is this done by Jiang Shi?"

"His breath disappeared?"

"What a superb method. This Jiang Shi's strength is wrong. He has been hiding his cultivation!"

"What a Jiang Shi. He has killed so many people. If he can't be taken down, it will be really difficult to eliminate my hatred!"

Each strong man looked ugly, raised his head, and looked towards the dense forest.

The leader waved his hand and shouted angrily, "Chase!"


The figures continued to speed up and rushed forward.

Not all of them are masters of the Jinling Sect.

More of them come from Qingchengmen and Zisha Sect. Almost most of them are the fifth and sixth return of the Holy Spirit, and the leader has reached the seventh return of his ancestors.

Nai Qingcheng Gate is a famous law enforcement elder.


The forest gradually fell silent.

Jiang Shi kept his aura restrained and quickly got into the deepest cave. The [Guiyuan] on his body was still lighting up.

After a while, his breath began to become evener.

He flipped his palm and took out the Holy Spirit Pill just now.

"Xuan Daozi, protect me."

Jiang Shi's tone was cold.


A wisp of white light emerged from his ring and quickly gathered into the figure of Xuan Daozi. After turning his head to look at Jiang Shi, he nodded slightly and hid directly in the cave.

Jiang Shi glanced at the Holy Spirit Pill and swallowed it in one gulp. The strength in his body surged, and his whole body seemed to have turned into a big furnace and began to burn and refine.

This refining immediately caused the celestial phenomena to change.

Pieces of dark clouds surged in, lightning flashed, and strong winds suddenly rose and screamed, causing extremely huge movements in the entire dense forest.

Far away.

Everyone from Qingchengmen and Zisha Sect, who were searching for traces of Jiang Shi, all changed their expressions and looked up.


"Let's go!"

One by one, the strong men took action quickly and rushed towards the direction where the dark clouds gathered in front of them.

They almost covered a distance of tens of miles in no time.

I saw the howling wind in the front, flying sand and rocks, the dark clouds above my head became more dense, and thick lightning bolts kept intertwining and rushed towards the cave.

"Who is in that cave? Come out immediately!"

A Qingcheng Sect master shouted loudly.

"Don't waste time, go check it out!"

The law enforcement elder next to him yelled, stamped his feet, and rushed past.

Everyone behind him, without exception, all followed quickly.

Xuandaozi's body rushed out of the cave in an instant, quickly grew in size, and the white light was blazing, directly causing thunder and lightning to hit everyone in the sky.


There was an earth-shattering roar, strong winds swept through, and the ground shattered.

Xuandaozi's body flew upside down on the spot, becoming blurred and his breath disordered.

All the masters from Qingchengmen and Zisha Sect also swayed, staggered, and quickly stabilized their bodies.

"A remnant soul?"

The law enforcement elder's eyes turned cold, he stared at Xuan Daozi and shouted, "Who is in the cave? Who are you? Tell me your origins!"

"Everyone, I, Xuan Daozi, there is no one you want in the cave. Please go back and don't waste time again."

Xuandaozi said in an old voice.

"It's a joke, you said it doesn't exist? I just said it did!"

One of the elders shouted, "Go away and let us check for ourselves!"

"Fellow Taoist, you have to be merciful and merciful. There really is no one you want."

Xuandaozi said vicissitudes of life.

"Get out of my way!"

The elder was too lazy to continue talking, and slapped Xuan Daozi with a fierce palm force. A flash of green light caused a strong poison to appear in the air.

Xuandaozi's eyes turned cold, his soul power surged all over his body, and he used the power of thunder and lightning to directly face the elder.


There was another loud and dull sound, and Xuandaozi was shaken by the shock, and his body became even more blurred.

"It's just a remnant soul. How dare you stop us here?"

The leader of the law enforcement elders spoke in a serious tone, stepped forward, and said coldly, "Get out of here immediately, I will leave your soul alive, otherwise I will completely restore you to annihilation today!"


The terrifying aura of his seventh return to his ancestors emanated directly from him, surging and sweeping towards the surroundings, giving him a terrifying feeling of suppressing everything.

Xuandaozi's eyelids were slightly closed, unmoved, the soul power in his body became more chaotic, and he said, "Unexpectedly, it is really a tiger being bullied by a dog. If I were at my peak, I would say it was you, even if it was ten of you. Even if they are tied together, I won’t care!”

"court death!"

The law enforcement elder's eyes were cold, and all his strength was instantly gathered into a killing move. He rushed out with one step and stabbed Xuan Daozi's body fiercely with one finger.

The light was bright, and the entire arm instantly turned into gold, containing an unknown amount of terrifying power. Almost all the power in the body was concentrated on this finger!

Soul-shattering finger! !

Xuandaozi's eyes narrowed and he shouted. Suddenly, white light blazed all over his body, and he directly chose to burn part of his soul. A blazing and terrifying soul fire appeared on his body, and his hands suddenly formed seals.

"Great Compassion Palm!"

An extremely huge white handprint flew out of his body in an instant, with terrifying power, like the palm of a giant that emerged out of thin air, and directly faced Xuan Daozi's finger.


The sound was so loud that the whole forest was shaking violently.

Countless rays of light swept around.

After the law enforcement elder struck, he shouted loudly, his body was like lightning, and he directly used his finger power to stab Xuan Daozi's body with all his strength.

Puff puff!

In an instant, he didn't know how many times he stabbed.

Xuandaozi's body was on fire, his eyes were deep, and his aura became extremely terrifying. Even though he knew he was outmatched, he still fought to the death, constantly using his special skills to blast at the law enforcement elders.

"You go to the cave immediately, and I will destroy this remnant soul!"

The law enforcement elder stopped shouting.

Whirring whirring!

The other elders around them had cold eyes, and without thinking, their bodies instantly rushed past the law enforcement elders, heading towards the dark cave at high speed.

Their auras exploded one by one, and their bodies were huge, like powerful demon gods. However, when they just rushed to the cave, their expressions changed and their bodies suddenly stopped.

I saw a large area of ​​red light shining brightly inside the cave.

An extremely huge flesh lump was piled up here, and the skin all over his body was smoking and burning, like a terrifying big furnace.

With its ferocious muscles, bulging veins, long black hair, and powerful energy aura, he looked like an ancient beast.

"This is···"

An elder showed surprise, "What a monster!"


Jiang Shi's eyes suddenly opened, soul-stirring, and terrifyingly powerful. He almost dispersed an elder's soul with just one glance, causing his mind to roar and buzz instantly.

Then Jiang Shi's huge body suddenly shot out, and with an unimaginable force, he instantly rushed towards the group of elders.

"not good!"

"Take action quickly!"

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Sounds roared and bodies flew everywhere.

Like dead sparrows, these elders didn't even make a sound. They were slapped one by one by Jiang Shi, and their heads were smashed. Blood mist sprayed, and their corpses flew around and were smashed out of the cave.

The Qingcheng Gate law enforcement elder, who was killing Xuan Daozi bit by bit and trying to completely eliminate him, changed his expression and quickly turned back and looked towards the cave.

I just felt a hot and terrifying force spurting out uncontrollably from inside the cave, like a terrifying volcano erupting inside.

The powerful aura forced him to stop his movements and be on full alert.


Suddenly the cave exploded, and huge pieces of gravel flew randomly.

Jiang Shi, who was more than four meters tall, walked directly out of the cave. His whole body was so scary. His whole body was covered with thick tendons and bulging muscles. The muscles were clearly ridged, like the body of a demon, exuding... Wild strength, long black hair hanging down to the waist.

A pair of eyes like a dragon stared at the law enforcement elder.


The law enforcement elder looked shocked and his heart almost stopped.

I just felt like being glanced at by Jiang Shi made me feel cold from head to toe, and all the hairs on my body stood up.

"This is impossible, you are Jiang Shi, this is impossible!"

The law enforcement elder looked shocked and couldn't help but step back.

Facing Jiang Shi at this moment, he didn't even think about resisting at this moment.

I just want to run backwards at all costs and escape.

It's all just ridiculous.

Xuandaozi panted heavily, his body blurred, and he quickly stopped burning his soul power and became shaky, as if it was about to dissipate when the wind blew.

"How are you?"

Jiang Shi glanced at Xuan Daozi coldly.

"Still, still alive."

Xuan Daozi said with difficulty.

"It's not easy for someone who hurt me to let you go."

Jiang Shi's tone was cold and he looked at the law enforcement elder again.

The Qingcheng Gate law enforcement elder looked horrified. Without thinking, he turned around and walked away. His strength was pushed to the extreme, his body was blurred, and he ran away at high speed into the distance as if he teleported.

As quickly as it came, so quickly will it go.

I wish I could grow eight legs and escape from here.

However, Jiang Shi's body disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, the air behind him roared and an explosion occurred.

There was a bang, like a huge volcano crashing into it, making the space blurry and distorted, the ground exploded, and half of the entire forest disappeared in an instant.

One of Jiang Shi's huge palms penetrated directly and fiercely, instantly piercing through the back of the law enforcement elder and coming out directly from his chest.

The law enforcement elder's body hung directly on Jiang Shi's thick arm, and he screamed in pain, his voice echoing for miles.

"Let me ask you, where is Gang Leader Yuan? Is he alive or dead?"

Jiang Shi's tone was cold, and he asked the law enforcement elder with one hand hanging on his body.

"I don't know, I don't know, ah..."

The law enforcement elder screamed miserably, and the blood in his body was almost evaporated. Even his soul was stinging, and he felt that his body was being shattered every moment.

"After the battle that day, Yuan Fuhai, Yang Tiandao and others rushed out of Jinlingmen. I have never seen or heard from him again. Please let me go, ah..."

"have no idea?"

Jiang Shi's eyes turned cold and he said coldly, "So Gang Leader Yuan is still alive?"

"Should...should be alive, I can't bear it anymore!"

The law enforcement elder continued to scream miserably.

"What does "should" mean? In which direction did Gang Leader Yuan and the others break out?"

Jiang Shibinghan asked.

"Go east, but I haven't chased you for several days in a row. I don't know what the situation is now. Let me go!"

The law enforcement elder screamed in pain.

"Okay, I let you go!"

Jiang Shi showed a cruel look and suddenly tore it apart with force.

There was a stabbing sound, and scarlet blood rained all over the sky.

Pieces of internal organs shot out randomly.

His great body was torn apart alive by him.

The rain of blood made his body even more terrifying and ferocious, like a blood-soaked Shura, covered by an unparalleled figure.

The terrifying aura and power made Xuan Daozi on one side show signs of horror again, filled with disbelief.

To this day, he still doesn't know the origin of Jiang Shi's heaven-defying power.

In his opinion, this is clearly a monster!

Jiang Shi's face was indifferent. After tearing apart the law enforcement elder, he directly crushed his head with one kick. His eyes were cold and he looked at the panel again.

After breaking through for the fourth time to return to his ancestors, both the Nine Dragons Demonic Body and his own strength have once again increased significantly on the original basis.

The Nine Dragons Overlord Demonic Body reached the third level in one fell swoop!

Possessing the power of the nine-headed dragon!

The body weighs 16.62 million pounds! !


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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