My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 214 Saint Crystal! A treasure trove!

Ice and snow.

Endless cold wind.

The whole world seemed to be shrouded in silvery white, with a deep and cold air.

There are air currents sweeping across the sky and the earth, making the sound harsh.

What a world covered in silver.

With a flash of light, a huge gap appeared in the sky.

The bodies of Jiang Shi and others all emerged from the gap without warning, fell towards the place, and quickly hit the thick snow.

Jiang Shi looked up and frowned.


"Where are we?"

"Such rich ice and snow? Is this Zhongzhou?"

The eight fortune-tellers beside him said.

"Xuan Daozi, what is this place?"

Jiang Shi flicked the ring on his finger and asked.

Bursts of white light lit up.

Xuandaozi's body slowly emerged from the ring, transformed into a human form, and looked in all directions. He couldn't help but frown, and soon rose into the sky again. A powerful soul power emanated from his eyebrows. , like water waves, spreading around.

Layers of mountains and earth veins began to appear in his mind one by one.

After a while.

He finally reacted, his face changed, and his body slowly descended from the air again.

"Ice and Snow Holy Land, this is the forbidden area of ​​Ice and Snow Holy Land!"

Xuan Daozi said, "Ice and Snow Holy Land is an extremely powerful sect in Zhongzhou, comparable to my Xuanming Sect. I have always been on good terms with my Xuanming Sect before. My treasure trove is in the west area of ​​Ice and Snow Holy Land. , as long as we rush to the east, we can reach my treasure hiding place in a short time."

"Oh? Are you sure?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"Absolutely true."

Xuandaozi nodded quickly.

"That's fine."

Jiang Shi nodded.

If he activates the treasure place earlier, he can break through again.

"By the way, does your treasure trove involve the mystery of blood pills?"

Jiang Shi asked

"Don't worry, it definitely exists, and there are all kinds of resources. As long as you have enough time, you can make breakthroughs all the way."

Xuandaozi nodded.

The place where the treasure was hidden was used by him as a resource for his comeback.

Naturally, there will be no shortage of various resources involved.

The so-called cunning rabbit has three caves. Back then, when he was in that position, how could he not think about his own funeral?

"That's fine, let's go."

Jiang Shi spoke.

He led everyone and left the area immediately.

But just after walking a short distance, suddenly, there were waves of strong fluctuations and chirping sounds from the front, and seven or eight figures in succession were approaching this area quickly from the front.

Xuandaozi's face changed slightly, and he turned into a stream of light for the first time, and quickly got into Jiang Shi's ring, "Little friend Jiang, they are the masters of the Ice and Snow Holy Land. Don't let them see me. The Ice and Snow Holy Land has a relationship with my evil son-in-law. It's ridiculous. Once you find me, you will definitely tell the news to my evil son-in-law. By then, I will be in danger and you will no longer be able to enter the treasure place."

Jiang Shi raised his head and looked forward.

The seven or eight figures were seen moving very fast and soon landed not far in front of them. Half of them were old men and the other half were middle-aged men.

Without exception, they were all wearing pure white robes, their eyes were cold, and their faces were filled with an eternal expression.

"Who are you? Why did you break into the forbidden areas of my Ice and Snow Palace?"

One of the old men said coldly.

"Sorry, we were just passing by and didn't really break in. Don't worry, senior, we'll leave now."

Jiang Shi responded calmly, and continued walking forward with the eight great fortune-tellers.

"Where to go?"

The old man shouted suddenly, and everyone around him quickly moved into action, whirring, and all of a sudden Jiang Shi and the others were tightly surrounded.

A pair of eyes were as cold as electricity as they looked at Jiang Shi and the others.

"Isn't it too easy to break into our forbidden area and still want to leave?"

The leader's old man's tone was cold.

Jiang Shi paused, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Old senior, we just happened to be passing by and did not enter your holy land, so why do you have to be so aggressive."

"Hmph, you said you didn't go in before you went in?"

An old man next to him sneered, "The Forbidden Land of Ice and Snow is the resting place of all the ancestors of my palace. There are countless treasures buried in it. If I let you go so easily, it would be too incompetent for my palace. "


Jiang Shi looked at him deeply and said calmly, "Then what do you want?"

"Come back with us."

The leader of the old man spoke with a cold tone, stared at Jiang Shi, and said, "Go back and meet the sect master. As for whether you have broken into the forbidden area or not, you will know it when you meet the sect master and search you."

"Forget it, I'm not in the habit of being searched."

Jiang Shi shook his head directly.

"So, your Excellency really wants to have your own way."

The expression of the leader of the old man gradually became serious.

The old men around him also all had their eyes darkened, their auras blooming, and they all looked at Jiang Shi.

The expressions of the Eight Prime Ministers changed slightly, and they instantly felt waves of tremendous pressure.

These old men are obviously not weak in strength, and the weakest are in the fifth or even sixth return of the Holy Spirit.

The leader even reached the seventh time!

It was far beyond what their eight great fortune-tellers could contend with.

Jiang Shi frowned, glanced at the eight fortune-tellers behind him, then looked at these old men again, and said, "I have already explained what needs to be explained. If you don't want to believe it, then let it go. In short, I am leaving now. !”

"Do it!"

The leader of the old man suddenly shouted.

Everyone immediately bloomed with their aura and directly formed a powerful formation. The aura exploded and quickly rotated around Jiang Shi. Pieces of terrifying and unpredictable ice aura spurted out from everyone's bodies in an instant, and the shadows of their palms, legs, and ice light all came together. He blasted towards Jiang Shi.

Jiang Shi's face darkened, and his entire right hand suddenly grew larger and thicker without any warning. The heat flowed surgingly, and the color was scarlet, and it became like a bucket.

The vitality of the heaven and earth here was instantly swept away, making a harsh roar, and bursts of lightning appeared in the sky.

The sky changes!

Power surges.

Great destruction and collapse of the sky!

The huge and terrifying palm carried an unparalleled force, which was moved by Jiang Shi and swept directly towards the people in front of him.


A layer of white air swept across the sky and earth in an instant, and endless ice and snow were flying randomly, like a terrifying air dragon darting out from between heaven and earth.

It left a deep mark directly on the long stretch of ice and snow.

The group of old men who had just formed a large formation all spat out blood and flew upside down. Each one of them was like a kite in the wind, flying in the air and smashing towards the back.

Jiang Shi's face was cold, and his huge palm began to quickly return to its original shape, and soon it became like normal, and he said, "I said, I didn't enter your forbidden area, why don't you believe it? I can't blame you for this outcome. Bar."

He didn't stay long, put his hands behind his back, and left here directly.

The eight fortune-tellers around him immediately followed quickly behind him.

A group of old men were all spitting out blood, their faces were pale, their auras were disordered, their blood was agitated, many of them had broken arms, and they were filled with deep shock.

Who is this?

"Quick, inform the sect leader!"

The leader of the old man spoke angrily and spat out a mouthful of blood again.

The enemy's strength is far beyond their imagination.

Most of them have been filled with the Holy Spirit.

The people around him quickly took out a white jade pendant, and using some secret method, they quickly contacted their sect leader.

on the other hand.

Jiang Shi and the others didn't stay at all. After defeating the joint efforts of the group of old men with one palm, they swept away directly into the distance.

Xuan Daozi in the ring was secretly speechless, increasingly shocked by Jiang Shi's strength.

This Jiang Shi is really becoming more and more difficult for me to see through...

Under the guidance of Xuan Daozi, Jiang Shi and others rushed all the way.

Finally, after half a day, they were completely out of the Ice and Snow Holy Land.

As soon as he walked out, the area in front of him changed drastically.

Although it is still the cold winter season, there are no longer so many icebergs and snowfields between the sky and the earth. Except for the occasional fresh wind, everything else is no different from a normal winter.

"The place where the treasure is hidden is in Tailong Mountain. Tailong Mountain is an extremely vast mountain range in Zhongzhou. It covers a vast area and has complex geology. The reason why the treasure is hidden there is because there are few human traces there and few people approach it."

Xuandaozi said.

"Well, lead the way."

Jiang Shi nodded.

"Jiang...Little friend Jiang, if I help you enter that treasure place, can you really help me get revenge?"

Xuandaozi suddenly became a little nervous and spoke again.

"Don't worry, I said that as long as I am within my ability, I will definitely help you get revenge. It's nothing more than a casual thing. Don't you still believe me on this point?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"That's good."

Xuandaozi nodded slightly, feeling relieved.

If you ask yourself honestly, ever since you followed Jiang Shi, this person seems to have taken his word seriously.

This far exceeds 90% of the masters in the world today.

Next, under Xuan Daozi's guidance, Jiang Shi and others rushed forward at high speed again.

However, this time, I immediately saw the unique form of Zhongzhou.

In a word, there is really no peaceful place in the whole world.

There was a battle going on over there in the Thirty-Six Alliance, and it was dark and dark.

Zhongzhou is also full of contradictions.

Along the way, we saw a large number of forces rushing back and forth, creating chaos.

And through simple inquiries, Jiang Shi learned that the old emperor was approaching his end of life, and people in Zhongzhou were panicked. It seemed that all forces were ready to take action.


Another shocking thing happened.

Not long ago,

An old saint who lived for more than 8,000 years passed away. Before his death, the essence in his body burned fiercely, forming a unique energy crystal.

Energy crystals soared into the sky, spanning half of the Great Heng Dynasty, from the eastern region to the land of Zhongzhou, and sank directly into the land of Zhongzhou. This caused all the forces to be excited, running around, trying to find the block crystallization.

Saint crystal!

As the name suggests, it is the condensed power of the saint's essence before he died. It not only contains the power of the other person's life, but also contains extremely terrifying power.

Since ancient times, the realm of saints has been the most profound and unpredictable thing in the world. It is the pinnacle of the pyramid. The appearance of any saint will make the heaven and earth resonate and make the universe tremble.

And the death of any saint will make the world cry, rain blood, and cause all living beings to mourn.

The last saint of the Daheng Dynasty appeared eight thousand years ago.

Now that this saint has fallen and crystallized, there is nothing more shocking than this.

Everyone is busy trying to find the crystal.

As long as they get the crystal, they can get unimaginable benefits, and they may also have the opportunity to glimpse the mysteries of the saint.

Therefore, for several days in a row, Jiang Shi and the others witnessed too many powerful forces surging forward.

"I didn't expect that the old sage Canglong, who was so great in the world, passed away after all. It's really a shame that the world has changed."

Xuandaozi sighed softly.

During the time when he was still alive, Old Saint Canglong was a living legend of the Daheng Dynasty.

Countless years after his death, the legend finally reached the highlight of his life.

"But it is said that the saint will not die, but will continue his life in an alternative way. I don't know whether it is true or not."

Xuandaozi sighed.

"Okay, these things are too far away from us, so let's take me into the treasure place first."

Jiang Shi spoke.

Xuandaozi reacted and immediately began to lead the way again, smiling and saying, "Climb the two hills ahead and you will see a black forest. The place where my treasure is hidden is in that black forest."

Jiang Shi looked up and nodded slightly.

Finally, they swept forward at high speed again.

However, not long after he rushed out, he saw many figures shaking in the depths of the forest, holding unique instruments in their hands, as if they were looking for something.

"They are also looking for saint crystals."

Chenlong glanced at it and whispered in a condensed voice.


Jiang Shi nodded and continued to move forward.

Some time passed.

Finally, a dark forest came into view.

Looking around, there is endless, deep blackness, like an endless black sea water, and the whole forest exudes an indescribable strange atmosphere.

Jiang Shi raised his eyebrows.

"Xuan Daozi, are you sure your treasure hiding place is here?"

"Yes, it's absolutely true. I chose this place when I saw that it was inaccessible and the mountains and forests were deep."

Xuandaozi responded.

Jiang Shi thought, and suddenly used the invisible power of his soul, like a tide, powerful and powerful, emanating from the center of his eyebrows and slowly sweeping forward.

For a moment, the dark depths of the forest began to slowly enter his mind.

It was as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Films and films of environments came in one after another.

After confirming that there was no danger around him, Jiang Shi took back his soul power and took action again.

A group of people performed Qinggong, their feet stepping on the black forest trees, making a whirring sound.

Half an hour later.

Finally, under the guidance of Xuan Daozi, he stopped directly on the mountainside in front of him.

"right here."

Xuandaozi spoke excitedly.

Jiang Shi looked around and saw that the mountainside was overgrown with weeds and jagged rocks. There was no hole in sight at all, and he said, "You have placed a formation here."


Xuandaozi's body quickly emerged, white light flashing, exuding waves of hazy aura, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, no one can open this formation except me. Little friend Jiang, please step back."

Jiang Shi nodded slightly immediately.


A divine light suddenly appeared in Xuan Daozi's eyes, he shouted, and formed seals with his hands. His hazy white body suddenly emitted waves of powerful and vigorous energy fluctuations, which spread rapidly in all directions, with mysterious and powerful seals. He beat him out quickly with a loud bang.

Each seal is white and hazy, filled with deep sounds.

The entire mountain forest was rumbling and shaking violently.

Jiang Shi quickly frowned and clearly heard the whistling sound of strong wind coming from other directions.

"Lord, someone is approaching."

Chenlong's expression changed slightly.

"It doesn't matter, I just need them to protect the law. I'll catch them all in a while and keep them here."

Jiang Shi spoke.

Chenlong and others immediately nodded lightly.

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