Outside the town.

A small hill.

Jiang Shi sat on a big stone and looked at the people in front of him. He saw more than twenty people who were seriously injured by him.

Without exception, these twenty people were all poisoned by Chen Long and others. Their faces turned pale, they were breathing heavily, looking at Jiang Shi with looks of horror.

By now, they can no longer say a harsh word.

"What? Are you all mute?"

Jiang Shi smiled.

"This...senior, we are blind and blind, and we have collided with you, old man. Please be noble, don't be acquainted with us, and give us the antidote as soon as possible."

Guo Tian, ​​the former patriarch of the Hanbing family, said in panic.

"Yes, senior, please give us the antidote."

"Senior, please forgive me, we have already realized our mistake."

"We shouldn't provoke seniors, please ask seniors to bypass us."

A group of people said in horror.

The Eight Prime Ministers, Jiang's Twelve Eagles and others on one side all sneered and crossed their arms, looking like they were watching a good show.

Spare you?

Do you dare to think about it?

If they are not free, how can you be free?

"Okay, stop talking."

Jiang Shi gently waved his hand, interrupted everyone, and said, "Since you have already taken the poison pill, why bother to undo it again? Wouldn't it be good to keep it in the body? Don't worry, I will give you the antidote every once in a while, and I won't let you He died so easily."


A group of people looked at Jiang Shi with even more uneasiness, and their hearts were filled with deep regret.

Listening to what the other party means, do you want to keep them all by your side?

"As for the Saint Crystal, I did get it. Unfortunately, after it was integrated into my body, it didn't seem to bring any changes to me. This is extremely disappointing."

As Jiang Shi spoke, he looked at his palm, thoughtfully, and said, "If I say the only change, it is that my thinking seems to have become more flexible. It seems that any martial arts can be understood at a glance."

He had decided to provide cover for Zhao Houcai and his daughter, so naturally he wanted to focus everyone's attention on himself.

Anyway, he has several talents, so it’s okay to take out one at random and pretend it is brought by Saint’s Crystal.

Everyone looked up one after another, showing surprise.

Was the saint's crystal really fused by him?

"Guo Tian, ​​show me your Hanbing family's most powerful skills."

Jiang Shi suddenly raised his head and looked at Guo Tian.

Guo Tian's mind changed, and he wanted to refuse, but he was worried about angering the mysterious man in front of him, so he could only nod hard and said, "Yes, senior."

"The most powerful secret of my Ice Family is called the Nine Nether Ice Palm. The power of the palm is as cold as cold. It contains the law of coldness and can freeze everything."

After he finished speaking, his body shook, and a layer of cold air erupted directly from his palms. The momentum of his whole body began to rise rapidly, making a whirring sound.

Layers of gloomy cold air continued to sweep around.

Pieces of forest-white ice crystals quickly appeared in the sky and on the ground.

Even the space became faintly blurred.

He roared angrily, and his palms suddenly grew larger and whiter. He pushed them out and blasted towards the dense forest not far away.


A large swath of cold air surged past, rolling and turbulent, like a terrifying angry current rushing past, freezing the entire dense forest at once.

All turned into ice.

Many people around him were shocked and dumbfounded.

The Nine Nether Ice Palm of the Han Bing Family is really powerful.

Guo Tian, ​​the Holy Spirit has returned to its ancestors for the sixth time, and it is indeed powerful!

Jiang Shi also nodded slightly and said, "So this is the Nine Nether Ice Palm. I seem to have captured the secret of this martial arts. Guo Tian, ​​take a look."

He raised a palm, and the entire palm suddenly turned white. Cold air surged from all directions, and pieces of white ice crystals fell rapidly.

The world directly became freezing cold.

Then Jiang Shi made a false move with his palm and stamped hard towards the dense forest on the other side.


The sound was loud and the air was cold.

The entire forest also froze instantly at an extremely terrifying speed, turning into a dense state of ice.

The faces of Guo Tian and others all changed, showing signs of shock.

Especially Guo Tian became stunned.

"Nine...Nine Nether Ice Palms!"

How can this be?

The person in front of me actually used the Nine Nether Ice Palm?

And it seems that in terms of palm skills, he is no weaker than himself.

The two seem to be equally matched!

how so?

His face showed a trace of confusion for an instant.

"This is the Saint's Crystal. After I fuse it with the Saint's Crystal, I can think quickly and know any secret at a glance."

Jiang Shi said again, "This ability seems very strong, and there seems to be nothing unique about it. I thought that fusing the saint's crystal would allow me to break through the blood elixir and reach nirvana. Now it seems that I am really disappointed."

Guo Tian and others showed signs of surprise again.

It turns out that this is the strange ability brought by the saint's crystal.

In their eyes, this kind of ability is simply unparalleled.

But the person in front of me seems to look down on this ability?

For a moment, everyone's hearts were filled with extremely complicated thoughts.

"Okay, I won't show you too much. From today on, I am your lord. Just like this old man Pangban, all of you should follow me."

Jiang Shi spoke calmly.

When he was in Qilin City and White Dragon City before, he deeply realized the benefits of having someone around to do things.

Now that this group of people is here, how can they leave again?

"Senior, please show your respect..."

One person spoke quickly.

But before he finished speaking, Jiang Shi's cold eyes instantly fell on him. The man's expression changed, he stopped talking, swallowed hard, and did not dare to say more.

"Work hard and I won't treat you badly in the future."

Jiang Shi said.

"Yes Yes."

The man gritted his teeth and responded repeatedly.

Jiang Shi raised his head and glanced at the sky, then looked at the direction of the town before, stood up again, and said, "Let's go, this kind of place is not a place to stay. Which of you has a place nearby, go to his house to stay for one night first. .”

"My family is nearby."

A master of the fifth level of the Holy Spirit said in fear.

"Oh? Let's go to your house then. Lead the way."

Jiang Shi glanced at him and smiled.

The man smiled bitterly, but he had no choice but to lead the way.

But then I thought about it. Recently, I brought more than 40 Holy Spirit-level masters back to my family. The patriarch of my family would probably tremble when he saw me.

After all, these are more than forty Holy Spirit level masters.

How many Holy Spirits can a family have?

And these forty-odd people are at least the fifth level of the Holy Spirit!

Such a force is extremely huge throughout Zhongzhou.

Just when Jiang Shi and others started to walk forward, suddenly, a white and hazy divine light came from the distance. They were extremely panicked and fled towards everyone at an extremely fast speed.

Jiang Shi sensed it and suddenly turned around quickly, his eyes focused.

Xuan Daozi!

Why did he come back so soon?

Soon Jiang Shi discovered something unusual.

Behind Xuandaozi, two figures with cold faces and fast speeds were chasing in this direction. It seemed that they were chasing Xuandaozi.

"Jiang Xiaoyou..."

Xuandaozi quickly spoke in panic.

Everyone around Jiang Shi turned around and looked over, each showing surprise.

Jiang Shi took a step forward and appeared directly in front of Xuan Daozi. His sleeves were rolled up, and the mysterious power spread out, instantly covering Xuan Daozi's body and directly putting Xuan Daozi into the ring.

The expressions of the two people who were chasing after him at high speed changed and they quickly listened.

With just one glance, he saw many densely packed figures in front of him.

Without exception, they are all the Holy Spirit!

Many of them are even familiar to them.

"Guo Tian, ​​Lord Kumu, Zhang Huaiyi, Old Man Pangban..."

"What are you doing here?"

They shouted loudly.

"He is the elder of Xuanming Sect."

Old man Pang Ban quickly whispered beside Jiang Shi, ‘


Jiang Shi's eyes narrowed, and he heard from his soul, "Xuan Daozi, where are Senior Zhao and the others?"

"I was caught by them. As soon as I sent them out of the town, I encountered people from the Xuanming Sect. They had soul-restraining artifacts in their hands and seriously injured me. I couldn't get close to them after several attacks. In desperation, I had to move forward. Come and report."

Xuandaozi's voice sounded again, full of complexity.


Jiang Shi's eyes darkened.

"She shouldn't have gone far yet. It's still too late to catch up now."

Xuandaozi said quickly.

Jiang Shi immediately snorted and said, "That's all, I'll chase him myself."

"Guo Tian, ​​Zhang Huaiyi, what are you doing here?"

One of the elders shouted again.

Both of them are not weak in strength. They are both around the time when the Holy Spirit has returned to its ancestors for the eighth time. They have strong auras and compelling eyes.

But Guo Tian, ​​Zhang Huaiyi and others smiled bitterly and did not dare to respond at all.

Without Jiang Shi's words, they would have to be careful even when speaking.

"Boy, who are you? What is the relationship between Xuandaozi and you?"

Another elder looked at Jiang Shi and shouted.

However, Jiang Shi didn't say a word, and walked directly over in one step. His entire palm quickly grew in size, as if it had turned into a metallic color, and with a cold air, he pressed directly towards the two people in front of him.

Quick victory!

No time wasted at all.

The expressions of the two changed, and they quickly stepped back, then clapped their palms together, and immediately began to move quickly. All the strength in their bodies surged out, and they directly faced Jiang Shi's palm fiercely.

"How brave!"

boom! !

Two dull loud noises were made, the sound roared, and the energy swept across.

The two figures flew directly backwards and smashed into the distance. Their arms were broken off with just one blow. The terrifying cold air quickly invaded the body, making them tremble, and a layer of gloom quickly gathered on the surface of the body. ice crystals.

"Take it!"

Jiang Shi's tone was calm and he chased directly forward.

Chen Long, old man Pang Ban and the others laughed ferociously, and they all jumped out instantly and quickly captured the two people.



far away.

Under the dim night.

Zhao Houcai, Zhao Feiyan, and Shangguan Yun rode on tall horses and fled away at a very fast speed.

"Dad, I didn't expect you to hide it so deeply? Are you too powerful?"

Zhao Feiyan looked amazed, and the previous sadness had completely disappeared.

She seemed to have forgotten that she was about to have a baby.

His father's performance was really shocking.

A Holy Spirit-level master said he was poisoned and was poisoned.

Even now he still feels unbelievable.

Even Shangguan Yun on one side had a face full of shock. He looked at his master, as if he really knew his master for the first time in so many years.

"That's enough, no more nonsense, run away."

Zhao Houcai said.

"Dad, are you some kind of hidden super master?"

Zhao Feiyan's eyes lit up and she looked at Zhao Houcai.

The disciple on one side also looked at his master expectantly.

"I'm your big-headed ghost!"

Zhao Houcai cursed, "Quickly leave."

"Then how did you poison an expert in the Holy Spirit realm?"

Zhao Feiyan continued to ask.

"That's a lot of words."

Zhao Houcai was furious.

Zhao Feiyan curled her lips and had no choice but to urge her horse to quickly escape into the distance.

"Dad, if we just leave like this, does that count as betraying Young Master Jiang?"

Zhao Feiyan asked.

"No, that kid is very powerful, has his own ideas, and knows what to do."

Zhao Houcai said, "Besides, if we stay, we will be dead. If the thing in your stomach attracts a blood-dan realm master, it will be over."

He said no more and continued running towards the dark night in the distance.


area behind.

The other direction.

Jiang Shi's brows furrowed tightly as he followed along and landed in front of a messy tree stump.

Outside the tree stump, I saw a corpse lying here, motionless, with an ashen complexion and bleeding from its orifices. It had been dead for a long time.

Xuandaozi's body emerged from the ring again, with a surprised look on his face. He looked at the corpse on the ground with a look of disbelief on his face and said, "This is the person who captured Zhao Houcai and the others before."

Jiang Shi's face instantly darkened, and he looked towards the darkness in all directions and said, "Are the soul marks on their bodies still there?"

Xuan Daozi immediately sensed it carefully, his eyes flashed, and he said, "East."


Jiang Shi stepped on the sole of his foot, and his whole body shot out like lightning in an instant, which was extremely fast.

But when he rushed to the east, he found a deep and dense forest.

He frowned and followed Xuan Daozi's induction at an extremely fast speed.

Ten minutes later.

His body stopped again, his brows furrowed tightly, revealing a slightly gloomy look.

Nothing else.

Three owls were parked on the tree in front of them, scratching their bodies with their beaks. A pair of green eyes flickered with strange light in the dark night.

The soul marks on the bodies of Zhao Houcai and the others were actually transmitted from these three owls.

"How could this happen? Someone transferred my soul mark?"

Xuandaozi lost his voice and spoke.

"Might know who did it?"

Jiang Shi spoke gloomily.

"Incredible, this is incredible."

Xuandaozi's face was full of shock and he said, "If you want to do this, unless the power of the soul is stronger than mine, and the other party is also proficient in the secret method of the soul."

"Stronger than your soul?"

Jiang Shi frowned.


"So Zhao Houcai and the other three were captured by the other party?"

Jiang Shi frowned.

But I felt something was wrong.

It's just that it's hard to tell what exactly is wrong.

Suddenly, he turned around and walked away, then chased her in several other directions at high speed.

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