My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 237 The Demon’s True Blood! Slap him away!

In a dark and strange cave.

Jiang Shi's body descended here silently, his eyes flashing, full of vigilance, as he carefully looked at the entire huge bronze coffin.

The aura on his body has converged to the extreme, and has completely merged into the darkness.

After looking carefully for a moment.


Jiang Shi stretched out his palm, grabbed the heavy bronze coffin lid, and began to push it slowly. At the same time, he was fully prepared to escape immediately if anything went wrong.

As the coffin lid slowly opened, waves of heavy, deafening sounds echoed in the dark cave, making rumbling sounds.

Inside the coffin.

A ferocious, huge, shriveled corpse gradually poured into Jiang Shi's eyes.

The whole body was too big.

The whole body was withered, the surface was covered with spots, and the head was covered with pale withered hair, densely packed, covering most of the body.

His eyelids were tightly closed and he was motionless. There was no breath in his body, and he seemed no different from a real corpse.

Jiang Shi looked alert and looked at the corpse quietly. After confirming that there was no change in the corpse, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The same information as Yang Tiandao's mind.

The body remains asleep year round.

It can only be awakened using special methods.

This was simply great for him.

Jiang Shi quickly looked around the entire coffin, and soon his pupils flashed, and he finally made a discovery.

I saw a sapphire-colored jade slip underneath this huge and withered corpse.

He immediately stretched out his palm and pushed the corpse, but found that the corpse was extremely heavy, as if it had taken root. He couldn't push it the first time he retreated.

His expression changed slightly.

The state that the founder of the Jinling Sect must have been in during his lifetime was terrifying.

They have become living dead, but their bodies are still so heavy.

He immediately exerted force with both arms, and the energy and blood in his body surged, as if he had transformed into a humanoid dragon. All the power burst out, and thick blood vessels instantly covered the entire arm.

But even so, the body was still not lifted.

The whole corpse was frighteningly heavy, like a huge mountain.

Jiang Shi's expression changed again.

He shouted in his heart, and his whole body instantly began to become violent and enlarged. His brute force and strength were combined into one, and thousands of pores were exuding raging energy and blood, and he began to exert ferocious force again.


The huge corpse began to be slowly pushed by him. After slowly pushing it to the edge, Jiang Shi's eyes flashed, and he quickly grabbed the jade slip and pulled it out quickly.

I saw that the jade slips were densely engraved with countless handwritings, and the golden light flashed, dazzling the eyes.

Even after countless years apart, there is still a strong will emanating from them.

Nine-turn golden body art!

The Six Paths of Reincarnation!

Nine Dragons Overlord Demonic Body!

The three unrivaled sciences finally came into view one by one.

There are even clear notes below on the origins of these three incredible skills.

Without exception, they all come from the ancient mountains.

It is clearly recorded above that the founder of Jinling Sect traveled to Shiwan Barren Mountains in his early years, before the establishment of Jinling Sect was started.

And from the Shiwan Barren Mountain area, he entered the prehistoric mountains. Fortunately, he discovered an ancient stone carving on the top of a majestic mountain range. The content of the stone carving was these three unrivaled sciences.

He studied it day and night and felt that it was profound, profound and mysterious. With these three unparalleled skills, he once again pushed his strength to a higher level.

Although his cultivation did not truly enter the realm of ancient saints later on, with the foundation of the three great miraculous arts, his physical body later went through other hardships and finally became a saint in one physical body.


Eternal and everlasting!

"So that's it. The founder of Jinling Sect actually became a saint in his physical body when he was alive. No wonder his body is so heavy. It's really scary. What kind of state is the ancient saint?"

Jiang Shi muttered to himself.

He just used all his strength to be able to push the opponent's body.

It is no exaggeration to say that if this corpse were to hit someone, it would probably kill an average [Blood Pill Realm] expert on the spot.

No wonder Jinlingmen can be passed down for so many years.

Jiang Shi quickly put away the jade slips and didn't wait much longer. With a sway of his body, he began to rush outside quickly. He really didn't want to stay for a quarter of an hour.

But not long after he left.

The motionless withered mummy suddenly moved its fingers, and then a pair of withered white eyelids opened, revealing the dark and mysterious eyes inside, looking coldly in the direction Jiang Shi left.

Outside the Yang family.

Jiang Shi's body swayed, like a breeze, and he was completely away from the Yang family in an instant. He looked back again, smiled slightly, and quickly disappeared.

Not long after.

In a secluded inn.

Jiang Shi's body returned smoothly again.

As soon as he returned to the room, he couldn't wait to take out the green jade slip and unfold it completely in front of him.

"Nine Turns of the Golden Body, Six Paths of Reincarnation"

He sat down cross-legged and began to practice according to the records on the jade slips.

As for the various medicinal materials needed, Chen Long and others will help prepare them.

Time passed.

There was an uproar outside and caused a huge sensation.

Everyone in the streets was shocked.

Yang Tiandao, the leader of the Jinling Sect, was attacked and killed. His mansion was reduced to ruins. Yang Tiandao's soul lamp was also extinguished. At the same time, a [black-faced old man] from the Demon Sect was seriously injured.

As soon as this news came out, countless people were shocked and felt incredible.

Yang Tiandao and the black-faced old man are legendary figures for the entire White Dragon City. They are so tall and majestic that it is impossible to meet them in the past.

Especially now that the [Demon Alliance] is sweeping across the Southern Territory and in great shape, no one dares to provoke them.

Yang Tiandao and the black-faced old man are the faces of the [Demon Alliance] in White Dragon City.

Now that their faces have been beaten, they will naturally not give up easily.

In a small manor.

The leader of the Black Demon Sect, Wang Houde, had a wry smile on his face and felt uneasy. He was giving a detailed report to a tall, thin old man with snow-white eyebrows in front of him of what happened to the Yang family not long ago.

"Lord Baimei, this is what happened. I definitely didn't lie. That guy was the rumored Jiang Shi, the former traitor of Jinlingmen. In the end, he took down Yang Tiandao with just one move. I saw it with my own eyes at that time. What you see!”

"one move?"

The skinny old man with snow-white eyebrows frowned slightly and said, "Is this Jiang Shi really so weird? A year ago, wasn't he still in the realm of the Holy Spirit? He was also chased by Yang Tiandao. How could he achieve the Blood Pill after not seeing him for a year? ?”

"I don't know about this."

Wang Houde said anxiously.

"That's all, Sect Master Wang, I've thanked you for this hard work. Just stay in my small building and rest for the past two days. With the people of my Heavenly Demon Sect protecting you, nothing will happen to you."

The white-browed old man waved his hand and asked Wang Houde to go down.


Wang Houde's expression changed, but he noticed the expression of the old man with white eyebrows and helplessly said, "Yes, Mr. Baimei!"

As the [Devil Alliance] swept through the Southern Territory, the Demon Sect has now become more or less powerful, intending to merge the large and small demon sects and completely twist them into one.

This time Bai Mei appeared in the Southern Territory in person, probably not just to deal with Jiang Shi.

The demon sects merged, and countless comrades were destined to die.

"Send the order, send out the Five Elements Flag, blockade Bailong City, I want to find that Jiang Shi!"

The white-browed old man said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Several figures around him responded, flashed past, and disappeared.

inside the room.

Jiang Shi's cultivation speed is extremely fast.

In less than half a day, he had mastered all the two major techniques, and then under the powerful medicinal bath, he began to advance these two miraculous skills towards the state of perfection.

With the talents of [Hundred Times Dragon Elephant] and [Enlightenment], his cultivation speed of these two techniques is simply rapid.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

When there was a commotion outside.

Jiang Shi, who did not leave home, finally practiced all two miraculous skills to perfection.

After reaching the state of perfection, he immediately used his [Enlightenment Talent] and began to fuse it in his mind.

With this fusion, billowing white smoke suddenly erupted from the entire body again.

The whole person felt as if he was sitting in a furnace. All kinds of information were constantly impacting in his mind, bringing him waves of unprecedented insights.


Just when he reached the critical juncture.


There was a slight movement outside the room, followed by a faint groan, as if someone was killed instantly.

Then, this kind of miserable humming sounded in succession, extremely fast.

Chen Long, Pang Ban and others who were protecting the law from all directions changed their expressions and rushed out quickly.



"Stop it!"

Bang bang bang!


There were muffled sounds and the body flew upside down.

Something beyond Jiang Shi's expectation seemed to be happening in the outside world.

His body remained motionless, and his brain was like a rapidly rotating precision instrument. He was doing whatever he wanted, and countless pieces of information were still rapidly colliding and merging in his mind.


Suddenly, the door exploded.

Fragments of sawdust were flying randomly.

Each piece of sawdust was like a shooting star, shooting towards the room.

A young man of about seventeen or eighteen years old appeared in the doorway instantly. His eyes were dark, his face was strange, and he had a strange smile on his lips. A pair of dark eyes fell on Jiang Shi on the spot.

"Got you!"

His mouth grinned to the back of his ears, revealing a mouth full of dark white teeth, as if he were an unprecedented monster.

Jiang Shi's eyes opened directly, his gaze fell on the young man, and his brows furrowed.

It's him!

Is it the young man who spit it out from the mouth of the Jinling Sect Patriarch?

Did he still come to your door?

"go to hell!!"

After confirming Jiang Shi's identity, the strange young man smiled ferociously, and his whole body rushed over almost instantly. Dark light surged, and his aura was terrifying. It turned into an extremely huge black mouth, filled with dense fangs, and suddenly opened towards Jiang Shi's mouth. The body was bitten directly.

The terrifying aura came out in a mighty manner, instantly shattering the entire room and causing a collapse.

Jiang Shide's body finally moved.

The whole person was like an ancient troll that had just awakened. It flipped up and suddenly grew bigger and bigger. With a roar, it turned into a terrifying seven or eight meters high. It rushed out in one step, without dodging or dodging, and directly struck out with a palm. He stabbed hard at the huge black mouth in front of him.


The sound exploded, deafening.

A layer of extremely terrifying fluctuations swept out from here instantly, and then formed a strange light pillar, rising directly into the sky, alarming the entire White Dragon City.

The huge black mouth was not completely destroyed by Jiang Shi, but instantly turned into a black mist state, and then wrapped around Jiang Shi's body like a python.

Then the black mist surged, and the python's tongue area once again transformed into a hideous and terrifying mouth, with a sinister smile on its face as it continued to bite Jiang Shi's body.


Jiang Shi yelled suddenly.

The whole body was like a volcano erupting, and there was no telling how much power was contained in the body. He struggled violently, tearing the opponent's body apart, and then hit the opponent's chin with a palm.

boom! !

The sound is terrible.

The huge mouth that had just been formed was once again exploded by Jiang Shi's bombardment, turning into countless black mist.

However, the black mist rolled around and once again transformed into a strange young man's form, with a strange face and a strange smile, staring closely at Jiang Shi.

"It's interesting. It's rare to have mastered all the three extraordinary body-training skills left by my ancestor to the level of great achievement. But facing the ancestor, you still have to die!"

The strange young man smiled sinisterly.


Jiang Shi's eyes narrowed, showing solemnity.

He knew that this young man spat it out from the mouth of the Jinlingmen Patriarch.

Unexpectedly, the other party also regards himself as the ancestor?

In other words, the other party also thinks that he is the real founder of Jinling Sect?

Is this his clone? Or an incarnation?

"Seven Mysterious Seals of Life and Death!!"

As the strange young man finished speaking, he formed seals with his hands, and a strange black light had already formed in his palms, and he directly struck Jiang Shi with a palm.

A cold light flashed in Jiang Shi's eyes, and he suddenly rushed forward quickly, killing directly with a palm.

"Nine-life serial killing! Go to hell!!"


The two attacks collided instantly.


Jiang Shi pierced the black seal formed by the opponent with one palm. The terrifying palm was indestructible. Like a sharp knife, it came up and stabbed into the strange young man's chest.

Bang bang bang bang!

In an instant, terrible explosions sounded in succession.

It was like setting off firecrackers on the strange young man's body, crackling and popping, pieces of black mist constantly splashing out, and the essence in his body instantly began to leak out at an unimaginable speed.

His expression changed, his body staggered, and he quickly retreated. Looking at the changes in his body, he screamed, "What kind of secret skill is this? How could this happen?"

Jiang Shi's face was cold and unmoved, and his whole body was full of energy and blood, shrouded in light.

"Grandmaster Jin Ling, you are too behind the times. The secret skills you use are still the secret skills that have been used for tens of thousands of years. In today's world, martial arts are changing with each passing day and are constantly changing. Someone has long developed more powerful and weirder skills. Yours This style is no longer popular!”

bang bang bang bang

The body of the strange young man was still exploding continuously. It seemed that the more he suppressed it, the more violent the explosions were. In the end, his face was twisted, frightened and angry, and he screamed unwillingly.

In the blink of an eye, his body completely exploded and turned into large tracts of twisted black mist.

Then the black mist exploded seven or eight times in a row before finally dissipating completely.

Jiang Shi's face turned cold, and his body suddenly rushed out from the inside of the inn. He glanced quickly towards Chen Long, Pang Ban, Lord Kumu and others.

Sure enough, it was discovered that all several people were seriously injured.

And three of his capable subordinates died here.

"Where's Xuan Daozi?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"Still in the room and not coming out."

Chenlong said quickly.

Jiang Shi immediately rushed out, rushed towards Xuan Daozi's room, knocked open the door, and found that Xuan Daozi was seriously injured, panting, and had just suppressed the injury.

"Are you okay?"


Xuan Daozi nodded with difficulty.

"Go, get out of here!"

Jiang Shi responded, grabbed Xuan Daozi and rushed out of the house again, saying, "Don't wait too long, get out of the city immediately!"

His purpose has been completely achieved.

There is no need to stay in this city for too long.

Although it was interrupted at the critical moment of fusion, as long as we find a place to continue fusion, it shouldn't be a big problem.

There is so much commotion here, it will definitely be disadvantageous to continue to stay.

Chen Long, Pang Ban and others immediately supported their seriously injured bodies and began to quickly follow Jiang Shi.

A group of people rushed directly towards the area outside the city without stopping.

But just as they rushed out of the city.

There was a bang, a big flag fluttered in front of me, and figures flickered.

An invisible and strange force suddenly burst out from the city head area in front. It was like a strange barrier, blocking everyone in front.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they quickly stopped and looked up.

"Little friend Jiang, I've been waiting for a long time, Master Baimei of the Demon Sect!"

An old and heroic voice came down from the city head area, and an old man with a skinny body and white eyebrows slowly descended from the air, put his hands on his back, and landed steadily on the ground.

Demon Cult?

Jiang Shi's eyes narrowed.

It's them?

They are of the same origin as him!

However, Jiang Shi was too lazy to talk nonsense. His whole huge body suddenly rushed forward in an instant. The body that had just recovered once again transformed into a height of seven or eight meters. His whole body was full of energy and blood, unparalleled in the world, like countless volcanoes surging inside his body. .

Talent: Lock the Dragon!

"Get away!"

He quickly struck towards the body of the White-browed Venerable with a palm. The huge palm was as if it were cast from sacred copper. It was tough, thick, boundless, and its power was extremely fierce.

Venerable Baimei asked himself that he had repeatedly estimated Jiang Shi's power when he came, but he never expected that he still underestimated Jiang Shi.

This palm struck, and even he instantly stood up cold.

What kind of monster is this?

"The devil's true blood!!"

Venerable White Eyebrow roared, his whole body suddenly grew larger, and his body was shrouded in scorching purple light. He used all the ten drops of Heavenly Demon's true blood he had obtained, and rushed towards Jiang Shi with one palm,

But Jiang Shi's face was cold, and a layer of bright purple light suddenly emerged from his originally huge bronze palm, and the aura of a pure demon burst out instantly.

Even more than Venerable Baimei!

Even thicker!

Even more orthodox!

This is just the real palm of the devil.

Venerable Baimei stared, in disbelief.

How can this be?

The other party also has the demon's true blood on his body?

And the richness is beyond imagination.


With a slap, Lord White Eyebrow's body flew out like a cannonball and disappeared in an instant, causing a layer of air waves to explode in the air.

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